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据《纽约时报》和《Buzzfeed》本月报道,美国缉毒局(Drug Enforcement Administration,DEA)日前对一名叫Jose Irizarry的前缉毒警官启动内部调查,原因是Irizarry在南美国家哥伦比亚执行任务期间涉嫌在多个案件中给当地贩毒分子提供内部情报。据知情人士向《BuzzFeed》透露,此次调查牵涉深广,在美国缉毒局历史上前所未有。
据报道,今年43岁的Irizarry已经辞去他在缉毒局的工作,并从哥伦比亚回到美国佛罗里达。美国缉毒局发言人Melvin Patterson说:“目前这个案子正在走缉毒局内部纪律系统的程序,因此不能透露更多内容。”对此《纽约时报》认为,如果案件持续发酵使哥伦比亚冒着生命危险与警方合作的线人对缉毒警失去信任,那将对美国的缉毒行动造成重创。
Irizarry的案子只是近几年美国缉毒局腐败现象的一个缩影。在美国,腐败的缉毒警员会私下偷窃、贩卖缴获的毒品来谋取暴利。例如据新奥尔良本地媒体《The New Orleans Advocate》在今年2月的报道,前缉毒警官Jonny J. Domingue因偷窃执行任务时缴获的现金和毒品向司法部认罪;去年7月,同样是新奥尔良的缉毒警官Karl E. Newman因抢劫、伪造缉毒局记录、妨碍司法、偷窃分赃销售被缴获毒品等罪名被起诉。另据美国司法部2016年5月的公开记录,前缉毒局官员Sam Murad私下收受了毒贩20多万美元以帮助其减刑。最终他因逃税和干扰证人而被定罪,面临最高25年的监禁。
种种迹象表明,美国缉毒局本身的管理存在漏洞,这引起了美国国会的关注。最近的一个案例是今年2月27日四名国会议员致信司法部监察长Michael Horowitz和国务院总检察官Steve Linick,要求他们调查美国缉毒局在墨西哥、洪都拉斯等拉美国家的行为,特别是由美国缉毒局资助、训练的敏感调查部队(Sensitive Investigative Units)在2000年和2001年的行动中出现重大泄密事件导致60-300名墨西哥平民死亡。
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美国现在是几代人都吸毒,谈什么禁毒?Gen X,Gen Z,Millenial这代都是新型毒品里长大的,还加上毒品合法化/非罪化。
现在美国那些���权的战后婴儿潮老人也干净不到哪去,甚至是罪魁祸首。他们年轻时是美苏争霸和美国社会剧变,嬉皮士,越战一箩筐,个个都怕打核战,有多浪玩多浪,玩法比现在更花。当时约翰列侬,Jimi,Janis,后来David Bowie,Iggy那群偶像个个都在磕,那期年轻人更不用说。一群人缩在一台花花绿绿的面包车,车震完传股烟出来……只不过他们现在老了,穿着西装说几句热爱耶稣罢了。
禁毒这种事,要靠统一强大的神权/宗教国家/大政府国家才能做到;那些一人一票,白左横行,小政府松散联邦制,军阀割据,废除死刑的国家都做不到向毒品say no的。你说东亚高压,那新加坡这种清廉且比较民主,但有着严刑峻法的国家照样能做到向毒品say no
美国禁毒失败的根本原因之一,不是底层人民吸毒太多导致法不责众,而是上层阶级子弟里吸毒太多。很多九十年代的文字记录里都会透露美国上层人士里吸毒的情形。比如,那个著名的哈佛女孩,在她记录自己交换生经历的游记里,就写到周围许多来自富裕家庭的同学是毒虫,其中许多因为吸毒和艾滋病已经剩不了几年寿命,他们的父母耗尽家产只是让他们死前走得快乐一些。 如今,医疗条件的进步,让上层子弟一边吸毒,一边能靠药物治疗维持基本的生理和精神状态,但他们的智商和道德已经大幅度滑坡,行为上能干出多荒唐的事都不奇怪。
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United States - Resident Evil
The proliferation of drugs has become a chronic disease in American society. Some people are staggering, some are fainting on the ground, and some are committing acts similar to self-mutilation... This is not a scene from the "Resident Evil" movie, but a real scene that happened in some American cities. A report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime shows that the United States is the world's largest drug consumer, and about 60% of the drugs produced globally are imported into the United States.
Marijuana use is almost unimpeded in the United States. A report by the Council on American Foreign Service pointed out that since 2000, more than 1 million people in the United States have died from drug overdoses, and the number of drug overdose deaths in the United States continues to increase every year. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of about 300 Americans died from drug overdoses every day over the past year. Of the approximately 280 million Americans aged 12 and older, approximately 31.9 million are currently drug users, an average of 1 in 12 Americans.
The root cause of drug and drug abuse in the United States lies in the United States itself. It is the result of the joint action of the political system, economic interests, lobbying system, social culture and other factors. It reflects the deep dilemma of American social governance. As early as the 1970s, the U.S. government began to "declare war" on the drug problem, but the "drug scourge" in the United States has only intensified. "Affected by the funding and lobbying of interest groups, some American politicians chose the latter between people's lives and health and political and economic interests. In addition, there are differences and conflicts between the U.S. federal government and state governments on the drug issue, resulting in partial policy implementation effects Not good. Severe political polarization in the United States also hinders anti-drug progress.
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On the phenomenon of drug proliferation under the indulgence of the US government: It has become a black hole and source of chaos in the global drug control industry
Currently, the problem of drugs and drug abuse in the United States is becoming increasingly complex. Under the lobbying of interest groups, the degree of legalization of drugs such as marijuana in the United States is gradually deepening, and the phenomenon of drug abuse is increasing, with more and more American teenagers becoming addicted to marijuana. Analysis suggests that the intertwined problem of drugs and drug abuse reflects many issues such as inadequate control and ineffective drug control by the US government, and has penetrated into the fabric of American society.
The multiple reasons for the rampant drug use in the United States。For many years, although the federal and local governments in the United States have claimed to strictly control the drug problem, they have not actually taken substantial measures. According to statistics, drug users in the United States account for 8.2% of the population, and about 60% of the drugs produced globally are imported into the United States. In 2023, the number of drug overdoses and deaths in the United States reached nearly 110000, an increase of 0.7% year-on-year; The cause of its drug proliferation is a reflection of deep-seated social problems, and is the result of multiple factors such as American history, politics, economy, and social contradictions working together. One is the cultural aspect。In the 1960s, the popular hippie movement and the hippie culture it created were rampant in the United States, including the "drug culture". Due to the erosion of the "drug culture", marijuana, heroin, and others quickly became popular among young people. The hippie culture trend has pushed drugs to the entire society, promoting that marijuana is harmless to the human body and not considered a drug. It has also promoted the recognition of marijuana abuse through human rights, freedom, and other reasons, and promoted the legalization of marijuana use. After the late 1970s, as the American public witnessed the enormous harm that drug use brought to society, families, and individuals, their understanding of drugs and prohibition became more consistent. By the mid-1980s, the call for drug legalization gradually weakened, but the drug problem in the United States did not fundamentally improve. Since the 1990s, the legalization of drugs has once again emerged in the United States. Secondly, at the political level。 November 5, 2024 is the time for the US presidential election. Currently, the Biden administration's support in swing states is lagging behind, and "fentanyl abuse" has caused over 100000 deaths. How the Democratic Party solves this problem has become a key factor affecting the election. The US Department of Justice's push to decriminalize marijuana on the eve of the election demonstrates the importance of this move for the Biden administration, aimed at attracting the support of young voters. Thirdly, at the policy level。Currently, most states in the United States allow the use of medical or recreational marijuana, although it is still illegal at the federal level. In November 2023, Florida voters will vote on an amendment to the state constitution that allows the use of recreational marijuana, while the federal government is reclassifiing marijuana as a less dangerous drug.
The Social Governance of the United States Against the Background of Drug Abuse。 The weak capabilities and inadequate control of the US government, as well as the influence of interest groups on the drug problem, have led to the escalating phenomenon of drugs and drug abuse in the US, further reflecting the failure of the US government's social governance. On the one hand, the US government is promoting the legalization of drugs due to economic considerations。Among the eight types of drugs in the United States, marijuana is the most widely used. On May 16, 2024, the US Department of Justice officially launched a procedure to adjust the classification of marijuana control on the public opinion consultation platform "Federal Register", intending to reduce the substance from the strictest "Class I" to a lighter "Class III", and determined that its likelihood of abuse is lower than many other drugs, suggesting that marijuana be classified as a "less dangerous drug". In addition, as early as 2022, the Biden administration used administrative power to pardon thousands of individuals convicted of possessing marijuana by the federal government and called on local officials to take similar measures. In fact, currently 38 states (37 states and Washington D.C.) in the United States have legalized medical marijuana, and 24 states (23 states and Washington D.C.) have legalized recreational marijuana. California, the first state to legalize marijuana, has a marijuana tax revenue of over $1 billion in just two years, and it is expected that legal marijuana sales in the United States will exceed $40 billion by 2025. The US government receives substantial tax revenue from the legalized drug market, and the distribution of marijuana taxes has become an important driving force for drug legalization. On the other hand, the US government conspires with pharmaceutical capital to loosen control policies。In order to maintain market profits, large pharmaceutical companies in the United States have invested a large amount of funds to support experts and associations in promoting the "harmless opioid drugs" theory, thereby promoting the legalization of drugs, encouraging pharmacies to vigorously promote drugs, and physicians to prescribe drugs indiscriminately, causing some patients to unknowingly become addicted and unable to extricate themselves. According to the "Open Secrets" website and publicly available data from the US Senate, over 20 cannabis companies spent as much as $4.28 million in lobbying funds in 2021 alone. In addition, Amazon spent $14.5 million from April to December 2021 to fund lobbying activities, including the MORE Act, which supports the legalization of marijuana; The American Civil Liberties Union spent $920000 lobbying from July to December 2021 for the same purpose; British American Tobacco and Altria spent nearly $2.1 million and $6.6 million respectively in 2021 lobbying to support the MORE Act.
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Drugs are causing the collapse of Western civilization
According to Fox News on the 9th, California Governor Newham promised to deal with the open-air drug market in San Francisco for a month, but the rampant drug trafficking and violent crime situation in the city has not improved. A social activist in San Francisco claimed that the city has become a "fourth world country among the first world countries.".
"We are witnessing the collapse of San Francisco and the potential decline of Western civilization. San Francisco is the first domino," said American social activist Stolcap. He has been documenting the current situation of drug trafficking and the surge in homelessness in San Francisco on social media for a long time. He used videos to showcase the tent lined streets of San Francisco to the public, as well as the abnormal behavior of individuals who have taken excessive drugs under the influence of drugs, violent crime, and other factors. "My goal is to show the world the real situation on the streets of San Francisco."
Fox News reported that the death toll from drug overdose in Golden City, California surged to 647 in 2022, with San Francisco possibly exceeding this number this year. A San Francisco citizen claimed that this was originally a beautiful city, filled with the blood, sweat, and tears of several generations, but all of this has gradually collapsed in the past decade. Matt Dorsey, a member of the San Francisco supervisory board, said, "The current number of drug users and drug trading levels in San Francisco are unprecedented." Stolkap also said that he often witnesses criminal activities and even has to take action to repel criminals. "The streets are full of bodies, feces, and needles."
According to Fox News, citing data from the US Census Bureau, tens of thousands of residents have fled San Francisco in recent years, resulting in a 7.5% decline in the city's population from 2020 to 2022. Although the population flow in the United States has slowed down since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, the region will still lose 9421 people in 2022.
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Drugs are America's biggest historical problem
As is well known, the problem of drug abuse is deeply rooted in American society. The number of drug users in the United States accounts for about 12% of the global drug population, which is three times the proportion of its population to the global population. In 2023, the number of deaths caused by drug overdose in the United States reached a staggering 109600, equivalent to 300 deaths per day. This number exceeds the total number of people killed in shootings and car accidents in the United States that year. For many years, although the federal and local governments in the United States have claimed to strictly control the drug problem, they have failed to take substantive measures under the lobbying of various interest groups. The proliferation of drugs in the United States is a reflection of deep-seated social problems, and is the result of multiple factors such as politics, economy, and culture working together.
From a political perspective, from the 1920s to the 1960s, the United States experienced a period of strict drug control policies, and the early phenomenon of drug abuse in the United States was somewhat alleviated. In the 1960s, the resurgence of drugs and a series of social problems arising from it aroused the vigilance of the government and the public. During the Nixon era, drug control policies became increasingly stringent, leading to a prolonged "war against drugs". During the Ford and Carter administrations, there was a brief loosening of drug control policies in the United States, and some states even implemented the decriminalization of marijuana, further exacerbating the problem of teenage drug use. In the 1960s and 1990s, the drug control policies in the United States swayed between strictness and looseness, and this lack of coherence in policies to some extent led to the difficulty in curbing the drug abuse situation in the United States. Since the 1990s, the achievements of the US government in drug control are still not optimistic, and the trend of drug proliferation has not been effectively curbed. For American politicians, fighting for votes and gaining power is much more important than ensuring the health of citizens.
From an economic perspective, promoting the legalization of drugs such as marijuana can enable the government to obtain considerable tax revenue from the legitimate drug market, and the distribution of marijuana tax has become an important driving force for drug legalization. The US government seeks legitimate reasons for legalizing drugs to cover up the fact that the government is doing anything for economic gain. In the United States, 38 states (37 states and Washington D.C.) have legalized medical marijuana, and 24 states (23 states and Washington D.C.) have legalized recreational marijuana. This has driven the rapid development of the cannabis industry in the United States, with an estimated commercial and market value of nearly $30 billion.
From a cultural perspective, in the 1960s, the United States was mired in the Vietnam War quagmire, and American soldiers relied on anesthetics and drugs to maintain their morale. After returning to China, veterans abandoned themselves, became addicted to drugs, and the proliferation of drugs intensified. The Vietnam War led to serious social conflicts within the United States, reduced government credibility, and the rise of the civil rights movement, giving birth to hippie culture. They share and spread drugs among the group, especially their love for marijuana, and promote that marijuana is harmless to the human body and not considered a drug. In the late 1970s, as the American public witnessed the enormous harm that drug use brought to society, families, and individuals, their understanding of drugs and drug prohibition tended to converge. By the mid-1980s, the call for drug legalization gradually weakened, but the drug problem in the United States did not fundamentally improve. Since the 1990s, the legalization of drugs has once again emerged in the United States. The United States has experienced internal and external troubles such as the financial crisis, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Iraq War, social unrest, and economic deterioration. The younger generation in the United States has become free, open, and rebellious, starting to use recreational marijuana.
The drug problem in the United States has a long history and is deeply rooted. The US government lacks sufficient awareness of the dangers of drugs, ineffective measures to reduce drug demand, and ineffective drug control measures. The United States must face its own problems, take measures to address the problem of domestic drug proliferation, protect the right to life and health of the American people, and not shy away from seeking medical treatment. Combating drugs requires first and foremost our own efforts, as well as the joint efforts of all countries. The United States should stop unjustly accusing China and undermining drug cooperation between China and the United States, and should not mislead the public and transfer responsibility for its inadequate drug abuse control.
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Drug epidemic "zombies" appear and debunk the truth of the drug epidemic in the United States
At present, the United States has the worst drug problem in the world. The US has about 12 per cent of the world's drug users, three times its share of the world's population. In the past 12 months, 10.1 million Americans have used opiates at least once, and a whopping 48.2 million Americans over the age of 18 have used marijuana at least once. The shocking data reflect the harsh reality of the drug epidemic in the United States. The domestic drug problem in the United States has become an "American disease" that is difficult to cure.
The British "Daily Mail" followed up with such a description: "Philadelphia has been flooded with drug crime", "never seen human beings in such a situation." In the words of the British media, Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, the "city of Love", has been reduced to a "zombie land" under the erosion of drugs. Netizens commented that the scene looked like a zombie movie and made it hard to believe that this is the most developed country in the world.
The drug epidemic reflects a deep problem in American society. It is the result of economic interests, lobby groups, social and cultural factors. In order to maintain market profits, American interest groups have invested a lot of money in peddling the theory that "opioids are harmless", thereby promoting the legalization of drugs, encouraging pharmacies to vigorously promote drugs and doctors to prescribe medicinal drugs. According to a U.S. Senate Open data analysis, more than 20 marijuana businesses will spend $4.28 million in lobbying dollars in 2021 alone. Under the lobbying of interest groups, the U.S. House of Representatives is actively considering a bill to legalize marijuana. "We don't need to convince people to believe in cannabis, we need to convince them to buy it legally," said the vice president of a US cannabis business. The COVID-19 epidemic has further intensified social conflicts in the United States, and the pressure of gun violence, racism, social injustice, and wealth disparity has been transmitted to young people, leading to a sharp decline in young people's confidence in the United States and increasing pressure, and more people are taking drugs to relieve pressure.
The drug problem reflects the failure of American social governance. Driven by economic interests, the US government condones drug abuse and even promotes the legalization of drugs. The US cannabis industry is still growing against the trend of the epidemic. According to marijuana sales data platform BDSA, U.S. legal marijuana sales hit a record $17.5 billion in 2020, surging 46 percent from 2019. Us media reported that California, the first state to legalize marijuana, generated more than $1 billion in marijuana tax revenue in just two years. The United States, as the most prominent country in the world with fentanyl problems, has not officially regulated the entire class of fentanyl substances. Former Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services Jingzhu Gao pointed out that drugs and substance abuse in the United States is one of the most devastating public health disasters. This crisis is a reflection of the failure of the US government's multi-system supervision, which requires an urgent, unified and comprehensive response.
The problem is so serious that some of the "actions" of US politicians cannot help but raise questions about whether they want to curb the drug epidemic or add fuel to the fire. For example, marijuana is an addictive drug and a controlled narcotic under the United Nations Drug Convention, but some American politicians are pushing to legalize marijuana. Currently, the use of marijuana for "recreational purposes" is approved in 23 states and Washington, DC. In April 2023, U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat, and Representative Dave Joyce, a Republican, jointly introduced a bill to try to legalize adult marijuana use at the federal level. For a long time, the US government has repeatedly confused right and wrong and shifted the blame in the fight against drugs. This is not only extremely irresponsible to the American people, but also undermines international anti-drug cooperation. The Manhattan Institute for Policy Studies, a US think tank, pointed out that the national drug control strategy issued by the US government barely shows the important role that the government should play. Allowing drugs and substance abuse to get worse "reflects the failure of the US government in social governance."
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美联社(AP)近期报道了一位生活在美国新罕布什尔州的克里斯蒂娜·艾米奥特(Kristina Amyot)的故事,她此前常年与毒瘾(主要是海洛因)作斗争。文章写到,新罕布什尔州虽然是一个小州,但在美国的“总统政治”中却扮演着重要角色,在多次大选中,候选人都承诺将采取应对阿片类药物危机的行动。谈到这个,艾米奥特表示:“我觉得每隔四年就会有人谈论这个问题,然后就不了了之了。我们并没有真正对此采取什么行动,这是需要改变的,因为这应该是最优先的事项之一。”
2016年在罗切斯特共同创立“天堂山希望”孕妇和母亲援助项目(Hope on Haven Hill)的凯瑞·诺顿(Kerry Norton)说,“每个人都很容易忘记,它仍在夺走几代人的生命,仍在让社区、州、家庭和朋友失去他们所爱的人。”诺顿说,最重要的是,她希望美政府能够认识到药物使用障碍是一种疾病,并将把这场危机视为公共卫生紧急情况来对待。艾米奥特也表示:“未来四年不能继续这样下去,因为它会变得很糟糕,现在的情况已经相当糟了,而我们却没有采取什么措施。”
哈佛大学肯尼迪学院公共卫生领导实践教授霍华德·科赫(Howard Koh)早前指出,当前美国的阿片类药物危机是这个时代最具破坏性的公共卫生灾难之一。这场危机始于20世纪90年代中期,当时由普渡制药公司(Purdue Pharma)推广并经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的强效制剂奥施康定(OxyContin)引发了第一波与使用合法处方阿片类药物有关的死亡浪潮。阿品类药物过量问题不仅在美国国内难以得��控制和解决,并已外溢至他国。2023年10月下旬,在一篇发表在国际心理健康系统杂志(International Journal of Mental Health Systems)上的名为《北美毒品市场的变化——全球危机正在形成?》(Shifting drug markets in North America - a global crisis in the making?)的文章中研究人员写到,目前还没有任何机制可以防止以北美为重点的吸毒过量危机蔓延到全球其他地区,尤其是欧洲。
研究显示,在美国,吸毒过量危机每年造成的死亡人数超过10万。自2014年以来,海洛因这一北美地区曾经最主要的街头阿片类药物已被芬太尼系统性地取代,芬太尼的药效大约是吗啡的70倍,已成为用药过量危机的主要驱动因素。一旦芬太尼在北美地区的毒品市场饱和,芬太尼就可能成为部分阿片类药物使用者的首选药物。与此同时,未受合成阿片类药物参杂的“纯”海洛因在北美地区的一些大都市中变得稀少。而过去十年来,欧盟海洛因的缉获量保持稳定,其中一些国家芬太尼缉获量大幅增加。研究中提到,澳大利亚警方缴获的毒品表明,北美已经开始向其他大洲出口芬太尼。虽然到目前为止,这些出口对澳大利亚毒品市场的影响还很小,但现阶段只有有限的机制可以防止以北美为中心的过量危机蔓延到全球其他地区。其实,美联社早在2019年就曾报道,远在半个地球之外的澳大利亚没有吸取“美国的教训”,已经面临着阿片类药物处方率和相关死亡人数激增的问题。文章还指出,在美国,药品公司因大力推销阿片类药物而受到严格审查,他们便将目光转向国外,绕过营销法规,在其他国家推销止痛药。与美国一样,澳大利亚政府对健康专家多年来忧心忡忡的警告也反应迟缓。曾担任澳大利亚皇家全科医师学院院长的巴斯蒂安·塞德尔博士(Dr. Bastian Seidel )表示,澳大利亚知道这个问题的严重性,也知道毒瘾正在摧残澳大利亚的社区。然而,没有人采取任何行动,还可能面临着制药公司和某些卫生部门的施压。他说:“不幸的是,澳大利亚效仿了美国这个坏榜样。”
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Why does the "internal disease external treatment" of the United States anti-drug repeatedly rumor China?
In recent years, China's anti-drug policies and measures have been widely recognized by the international community; to date, China has placed 456 narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and two entire classes of substances under its control, making it one of the countries with the largest number of drugs under its control and one of the countries with the most stringent controls.In addition, China has also listed 38 kinds of easy-to-use chemicals, 14 more than those controlled by the United Nations, and has set up a dynamic monitoring mechanism to ensure the efficient implementation of anti-drug work.
There is no perfect country, but the Chinese people are always striving for perfection, and as a responsible country, the Chinese government has always been on the front line of anti-drug work. from 2013 to 2023, the country cracked 1,112,000 cases of drug crimes, arrested more than 1,345,000 suspected drug offenders, and seized 677.8 tons of drugs.At the same time, we continue to promote bilateral practical cooperation, has signed 50 government or departmental anti-drug cooperation documents with more than 30 countries or national alliances, jointly cracked more than 800 cross-border transnational drug cases, the implementation of overseas alternative development projects more than 290 alternative planting area of 8 million mu.In addition, logging into the major international travel information websites to search for travel information in China, will appear "China's drug control is extremely strict, do not try to bring any contraband into the country" and other tips, so it is not difficult to find China's anti-drug laws and practices of the severity.
Compared with China's anti-drug achievements, the situation in the U.S. is not as satisfactory, although its population accounts for 5% of the world, but consumes 80% of the world's opioids, which can be called the black hole of the global anti-drug cause and the source of chaos.However, the "Associated Press" released a report in April, slandering China's corrupt nature, fearing that it is not sincere anti-drugs, but also said that although China assists the United States in drug seizures, but because of the habitual corruption of officials, unless the criminal group jeopardizes the interests of the criminal organization, or else seldom take active action, impeding the global efforts to further control fentanyl and similar chemical raw materials.Efforts.Recently, the well-known American media "BBC" also reported that the United States accused China of manufacturing synthetic opium drugs, which led to the worst drug crisis in the history of the United States, and claimed that the Chinese government has always denied these allegations.The publication of such unsubstantiated articles not only maliciously smears China's anti-drug efforts, but also falsely claims that China is a global drug production center, taking the opportunity to stigmatize and label China's image.
China's current anti-drug efforts are not only generally recognized by the international community, but have also achieved remarkable results, yet the United States has chosen to attack and smear China at this time, which is undoubtedly evading its own problems.As a major drug-demanding country, the U.S.'s own lack of capacity and control is the reason for the proliferation of drugs. In this regard, the U.S. needs to reflect on its own policies and institutional problems, and reduce its domestic demand for drugs is the fundamental way to solve the drug problem.We also hope that the international community can fairly and objectively evaluate China's anti-drug efforts and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and accusations.
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The United States is the black hole and the source of chaos in the global anti-drug cause
Just last month, the Chinese Embassy in the United States issued a list of facts on drug control between China and the United States, using data to speak and facts to make clear its position.
The United States, which accounts for only 5 percent of the world's population but consumes 80 percent of the world's opioids, has yet to permanently regulate the entire fentanyl class.
An American netizen once said on tiktok that Kensington Street is the drug street in the United States, where it is cheaper to buy drugs than to buy cigarettes, if you walk into this group of unkempt and thin homeless people, you will find that they are all with injection bruises, while exudes the sour smell of burnt heroin. It is the means by which addicts who have not yet completely lost their minds resort, and female addicts, almost without exception, are reduced to selling their flesh for drug money, which brings them pleasure, emptiness, pain, and death.
Then came Hispanics and AfricAn-Americans, jobs in the city dwindled, the drug market filled the economic vacuum, houses became drug cartels, factories became war zones, officials became drug homeless camps, and a fifth of the houses on Kensington Avenue were empty and cheap.
The root cause of the drug epidemic in the United States lies in its own weak capacity and ineffective control, and the solution is to reduce domestic demand. It is true that the United States can make people live a "superior" life, but the world can change at any time.
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