Neka Te Nista Ne Brine
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I'm not afraid to walk this world on my own.
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armagedonsworld · 2 years ago
100 questions to talk about on the late night train at 11:04 pm (can also function as an ask list)
(second edition of this post)
1. What do you crave in a psychological sense? Intimacy, passion, purpose, belonging, social interaction, etc.?
2. What kind of emotions do the stars evoke for you, if any? The ocean, the sky, the moon?
3. Are you pretending to be something you're not?
4. Who's the most important person in your life right now? Why?
5. Do you see your parents in your appearance or behaviour? Are they favourable traits?
6. If you have siblings, are you similar to them, and in what ways? If you don't, do you think growing up with siblings would have changed your personality in any way?
7. Would you cannibalise a dead body in a life-or-death scenario? Does your answer change depending on whether they're a loved one or not?
8. In reverse, would you give permission for someone to eat you if they would die otherwise?
9. Do you know a lot about politics? Do you think it's important to be educated on them?
10. What are your feelings on cheating in relationships? Have you ever done it, has anyone ever cheated on you?
11. Do you think you have a particularly unique view on life?
12. What's your most controversial opinion? Would you state it publicly? What's the most controversial opinion that you would publicly support, if it's different?
13. Do you have trust issues?
14. What are you worried about right now, if anything?
15. Is there a song, book, movie, or other piece of media that has drastically altered your life? What was it, are there multiple?
16. What's the worst decision you've ever made? What's the best decision you've ever made?
17. What's the most interesting coincidence you've had happen to you (or someone you know)?
18. You're offered a one-way ticket to any place and time in history you want. You cannot return. You can't exist at the same time as your current self. You won't carry any diseases, nor will you be infected by others, you have enough money to survive (if relevant). You can speak the local language(s). You still look like yourself and have all your memories. Do you take this offer? Why or why not? Where do you go? What do you do? Does your answer change depending on whether you can alter the future or not?
19. In general, is there any historical event you desperately want to witness?
20. Do you think about your past or future more?
21. What's the luckiest you've ever been?
22. Do you want children? Why or why not?
23. What would you never admit to in real life?
24. Does your name suit you? Do you think you "look" like your name?
25. A classic - would you rather know the date of your death or the way you die? Would you rather know when you die or when your closest loved one dies?
26. Is marriage an important institution for you? Do you want to get married? Why or why not?
27. Do you think you have a "moral compass" and where or who do you think you got it from? Or do you think of it as something inherent to yourself?
28. What has influenced your taste in music?
29. How do you want your body to be treated after your death?
30. If you don't have tattoos, and had to get one, what would you get tattooed on you? Is getting tattooed a big deal to you? If you are tattooed, do you regret any?
31. Do you feel like you have a 'purpose'? What is it, if so?
32. What's a common thing that you think shouldn't exist (if any)?
33. What are your predictions for the next few years? Or tomorrow, even?
34. Is there someone you would do absolutely anything for? How loyal are you to your friends and family in general?
35. What's wrong with you? Physically, mentally, whatever comes to mind. What's right about you? What are your best and worst traits?
36. Do you like looking at artwork?
37. What stereotypes do you fulfil, what ones you do break?
38. Who do you miss, if anyone?
39. What taboo do you think should be discussed more, if any? Alternatively, do you think a topic that isn't taboo should be?
40. Would you sacrifice your life for a stranger? An acquaintance? A loved one?
41. Do you find it easy to ask for help?
42. Does affection come easily to you?
43. How do you express affection? How do you like to receive affection?
44. What's your pettiest "dealbreaker" in a relationship or friendship?
45. Do you put any value in the idea of "virginity"? Do you think there's a specific sexual act that makes someone no longer a virgin or is it more general sexual contact? Was/is losing your virginity a big deal to you?
46. Do you have a "right person, wrong time"?
47. Do you feel like you're impacting the world around you?
48. What do you think of the idiom "blood is thicker than water"?
49. If you have a nickname, where did it come from? Did you choose it, did someone else, did it naturally form?
50. What qualities do you find charming?
51. What can make you dislike someone very quickly?
52. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the meaning of your life? Are you looking for meaning?
54. When were you the happiest in your life? The saddest? Why?
55. What reminds you of your childhood?
56. What (or who) do you daydream about?
57. Do you feel like you don't belong in your social circles, or in this world in general? If so, why?
58. Do you regret a lot of your choices?
59. What's something you can never tell your family?
60. What are you afraid of? What are your worst fears? Are you afraid of any of the following - the dark, fire, heights, being alone, people, spiders, snakes, blood, drowning, or death?
61. Are you a romantic person? Why?
62. What topic(s) have you drastically changed your opinion on?
63. Do you have a good relationship with your family? How would you describe your family in a single word? If your family is chosen, why or how did you choose them?
64. Do you feel like you know yourself very well?
65. When you look in the mirror, do you see yourself or your reflection? Do you make the distinction between those things?
66. If you are gay, did you struggle to accept your sexuality? Would you change it if you could?
67. What did you need to hear as a child?
68. What's the best advice you've ever been given?
69. Do you struggle with emotional expression or regulation? Do you suppress your feelings?
70. What do you hope others think of you? How would you like to be perceived?
71. Tell me something you don't like telling others.
72. Who did you last say "I love you" to? Who last said it to you?
73. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Would you change anything, looking back?
74. Do you believe in karma? Do you think someone can "deserve" bad things?
75. What is your favourite fairytale?
76. What do you label yourself as, if anything? What subcultures do you identify with, if any?
77. How long can you go without socialising?
78. Have you ever written a poem or song about someone? Or had someone write one about you? Do you hope to have either of those experiences in the future?
79. What stupid thing are you really insecure about?
80. What scars do you have, if any?
81. What's the worst crime you think you're capable of committing?
82. Do you get bored easily?
83. What's your type? Otherwise, do you think you attract a certain a sort of person?
84. What do you think is waiting for you after death, if anything? Does the idea of dying upset you? Why? Can you imagine nothingness?
85. What memories would describe as your "core" ones?
86. What could you talk about for hours?
87. What do you wish people would stop asking you?
88. What's an unusual but useful trait or talent you have?
89. Do you think of yourself as attractive?
90. What surname would you choose for yourself?
91. If I could only know one thing about you, what would be the most important thing?
92. Do you have any ghost stories? Or general encounters with the supernatural? Do you believe in ghosts?
93. What are two facts about yourself that are true, but seem contradictory? Or two beliefs you have that seem unlikely to exist together?
94. Who is the first person you tell good news to? Is is the same for bad news?
95. Where do you wish you had grown up? Do you think your childhood's natural landscape had a role in the person you are today?
96. What is the worst thing about your favourite person and the best thing about your least favourite person?
97. What is a trivial hill that you are willing to die on?
98. What genre of film or literature do you think your life is? Comedy, romance, action, horror, etc.? Alternatively, if you were written into a fictional universe, what genre would you be best suited for?
99. Do you enjoy "slice of life" media?
100. What do you want an answer to?
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armagedonsworld · 3 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 4 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 4 years ago
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by raphaelmetivet
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armagedonsworld · 4 years ago
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by raphaelmetivet
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
Reblog for a miracle to happen tonight
To anyone who says the post is a LIE, no. It’s an expiriment to see if it works. Or how it does when it does.
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
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“Blossom smiling for the camera.”
Photos/caption by Lauren Boutz
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
ajmo ne očekivati ništa jedno od drugog
ajmo se vidjati jer želimo
jer nam je lijepo zajedno
ajmo se voziti gradom
ajmo uživati u tišini
ajmo se držati za ruke
ajmo se ljubiti
ni zbog kojeg drugog razloga nego zbog toga što uživamo u trenutku
maknimo etiketu šta smo, šta ćemo biti, gdje naš odnos ide
živimo u sada, postojimo sada
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
Ako moram, nazdravicu ti
Аko moram, da ti nazdravim sa druge strane prostorije, pijana i polu gola, ako moram da te gledam u oci dok nazdravljam tebi i njoj njoj koja ni ne sluti kakav si olos I gad a tako bih joj rekla samo da sam malo vise prema tebi ogorcena I da malo vise drzim gard Ako moram, eto, vinom da te polijem u 2 nocu kada ona na kratko izadje da zapali cigaru  I  sa svojim drugaricama procavrlja kako si slepac koji se samo opija I duri ali da te voli, jer eto, u dubini duse ti si dobar covek a ne zna cije bi trepavice ljubio cak i da su toliko male da se prstom dotaci ne mogu no ne brini, ja joj reci ne mogu neka bar ona misli da si dobar covek kad je vec oci lazu Ako moram, na posletku ove lose veceri da vas gledam kako shvatate da ste jedno za drugo a Bog sam zna koliko ste losi u dusi,  ti zbog kog sam svakog dana primala metke u srce, u dusu,u glavu I nijednom nisam zazalila zbog toga jer sam te smrtno volela I ona, koja je godinama bila..neko meni najblizi a izabrala je da bude deo tebe, nekog za koga je znala da bih rado poginula ako moram to da vidim  onda znajte sada ne bih umrla za vas sada vam ne bih ni nista lose pozelela jer karma je kao bumerang I na posletku ako moram I da vam se osmehnem  u prolazu tako pijana i puna zelje da shvatis da si napravio ogromnu gresku zapamti, bice to poslednji trenutak kada cu morati da osecam ljubav prema tebi I eto, ako moram, ako zaista moram da te zamrzim pusti me da te mrzim zbog onoga sto si u dubini duse ti
A ne zbog toga, sto satro volis nekog ko mi je bio..kao rodjena sestra. ultravioletna
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armagedonsworld · 5 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 6 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 6 years ago
Daj mi samo gram ljubavi
Maleni snop osjećaja
Pa da samo još jednom,
Ali samo jednom molim te,
Osjetim ono nešto,
Naše nešto.
Maleno nešto.
Ali opet i uvijek
Sasvim dovoljno,
Za ovaj pakao,
Koji zovemo životom.
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armagedonsworld · 6 years ago
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armagedonsworld · 6 years ago
Hteo sam samo da je volim
Ja nisam hteo da menjam svet, deco,
meni je ovaj bio dobar,
nisam virio u mikroskope,
tragajući za virusima neotkrivenim,
nisam listao enciklopedije, išao na prosek…
Ja sam samo hteo da je volim,
u Novom Sadu, na Dunavu,
gde je postojao jedan stari gvozdeni most,
preko kog je prelazila nekad,
raspustajući one svoje kose,
kao mrežu svilenu u koju su se hvatale vlati mesečine,
kao glupe deverike.
Ja nisam hteo da menjam svet,
meni je ovaj bio dobar…
Hteo sam samo da je volim na Novom Sadu,
na keju, gledajući u tvrđavu, koja je poražena, posle toliko godina…
I ljubeći je, pod onim mostovima..
Kojih nema više…
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armagedonsworld · 6 years ago
A modern day woman with a weak constitution, ‘cause I’ve got monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off
Lana Del Rey, hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it
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