arlastyles ¡ 7 years
Hi, hello. Couple months ago I bookmarked a fic to read later from ao3 but right now I can't find it. It was inspired by Harry's album and I think had 10 chapters each one about a track. Is there any chance anyone knows which fic I'm talking about??
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
One Direction in 2016
The band did hardly anything this year, but I was surprised by a lot of their solo projects and how all the One Direction PR drama went down.
I wasn’t expecting them to come out with solo records so quickly, but I guess that’s how it works when you’re in a boyband and you have a small window of time to stay relevant and popular to the masses.
Band things that surprised me:
- Zayn’s album being released so quickly and him not touring or performing the songs live
This album’s main appeal is the production and R&B/pop/hip hop style, not Zayn’s singing. ‘Fool’, ‘It’s You’, and ‘Pillowtalk’ are my favourites from the album, but I wish Zayn showed off his singing chops more on the songs. I wanted them to be a little more heartfelt too, like his old demo ‘I Wont Mind’.
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- Niall releasing a single and working on an album
  I didn’t even realize this was Niall when I heard it on the radio. It’s a pretty decent acoustic tune. He remains the chillest 1D member.
PR things / the band’s bizarre personal life:
 - Louis being the father of a child of some LA stylist he doesn’t know
This will never not be weird and I’m surprised they haven’t done a whole DNA testing story yet to get him out of this.
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 - Liam getting Cheryl Cole pregnant
   What the actual fuck.
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 - Zayn being paraded around as the model’s boyfriend
This works wonders to raise someone’s profile, huh. Apparently Zayn doesn’t actually want to be out of the spotlight, he just wants to be out of One Direction.
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 - Niall going up to Zayn at the AMAs and them awkwardly shaking hands like they’ve met once or twice
1D songs I listened to the most this year:
Up All Night - Taken, Tell Me a Lie
Take Me Home - I Would, They Don’t Know About Us, Rock Me
Midnight Memories - Strong, Happily
Made in the AM - If I Could Fly, End of the Day, Wolves, What a Feeling
At this rate, I expect 2017 to be full of equally absurd PR moves and annoyingly devoid of new One Direction music. Ah well..
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
The Many Unexplained Shady Instances in 1D History
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1. Zayn leaving the band
He wants to be a normal 22 year old, but he posts topless Instagram photos to millions of followers. Or it’s that he doesnt like the music 1D makes. Or he left because he cheated on Perrie and has to repair his relationship, hes homesick, hes going solo…which is it?! 
Maybe it’s just me, but based on the guys’ interview responses I can’t get a clear read on what the ‘official’ 1D position is, regarding Zayn leaving. Their reactions are all over the place. Harry says they’re stronger without him, the paperwork was the hardest part, Liam rambles on about all kinds of things while clearly lying about his feelings on the situation. It seems absurd to have such a lack of clarity when the band has been together 5 years and is obviously close to one another.
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 2. Cancelling last night’s Belfast show
Liam was ill and in the hospital. But it was not serious. And it just happened last-minute. But he was healthy enough to perform tonight and will at the rest of the shows. Soo that leaves what medical conditions exactly? Anxiety? Depression? Am I reaching here, just because of how absolutely *thrilled* Liam is looking these days? It seems shocking that One Direction would cancel their first show ever and give hardly any explanation.
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3. Louis is going to be a father 
 Just to recap, Louis has only confirmed this major news through a nodding, barely enthused reply to the question posed on an American morning television programme and the occasional interview question. That young woman may be pregnant, but one thing’s for sure, Louis is not the father. 
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 4. Management changes 
They hang out with Azoff for years, but are still not yet managed by him? I find that bizarre and this whole situation perplexing, but perhaps it’s because trying to understand One Direction’s management and contracts is like entering an endless wormhole maze into a parallel quasi-Alice-in-Wonderland universe where every turn leads to more Simon Cowell and then more stupid publicity stunts. That and the fact that my main source of legal knowledge is Tumblr. (But you guys are very thorough!) 
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5. Harry and Louis not talking to each other in interviews nor onstage for the past 3 years 
Because it’s totally normal for people’s relationship or friendship to change so drastically out of nowhere, especially for two best friends who work and travel together, used to be inseparable and yet have had no apparent fallout with each other. This is so clearly staged, it’s insulting. 
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6. Bus train plane accommodations 
I understand their management wants to keep their travel plans under wrap for the band’s safety, but why try to make fans believe the boys travel separately? Not to mention the weird rumour of Louis sleeping on the bus, which he apparently takes everywhere and does everything in. 
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7. What the eff happened to Paul!??!! 
Some major drama must have gone down behind the scenes last year. I suspect Paul and Zayn’s leave are related, but I haven’t a clue how. I find it sad that One Direction’s long-term tour manager just quit with no explanation why, since he seemed to get on so well with the boys and really be a big part of the band since the beginning. 
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BONUS - to the fact that Zayn was engaged to be married to Perrie and everyone let that breakup go within a week, like they had been casual acquaintances - not two people who were going to be husband and wife. 
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BONUS BONUS - to how affectionate and homoerotic One Direction behaves towards each other. But they’re straight. With girlfriends. Who they dont seem all that affectionate with. But they’re each super affectionate individuals in general. But only in interviews with their bandmates. Or on stage with their bandmates. Or - yeah, you get the gist. 
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LAST BONUS ITEM - How is it that no interviewer has ever asked Louis and Harry about the many matching tattoos they have?? Oh right, their management gives the interviewers a list of about 100 questions they are not allowed to ask One Direction. 
This list turned a little Larry Stylinson-y towards the end there, but I think most of it’s relevant. 
In conclusion, there is no transparency with One Direction. Who the hell knows what’s going on behind the scenes. 
Here’s a few OT5 gifs/photos to make this kind of depressing post a little happier! (hashtag ZAYN REJOIN 1D IN 2016!!!)
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Shimmy those shoulders, boys
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The best 1D interviews are dancing interviews
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Pretty much everyone’s stance in this photo is hilarious
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So many weird hugs
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Things can go awry in a hug when there’s that much enthusiasm
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
#sexwith[insert name]belike
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
Hii, do have any dark Harry fics you know about?
Hi! I do know some, hope you enjoy:
Kink Therapy by PuzzlingApproach:
Summary: Prompt: Where Louis and Harry don’t know each other but they both have to go to a sex kink therapy group. Harry has a problem where he’s obsessed with sticking random household products inside of people during sex because he gets off on it and Louis has a problem where he’s overly submissive. At the end of the group meeting, Harry convinces Louis to come home with him. They forget everything they learned and their kinks come out. Sub!Louis & Dark!Harry
LibertĂŠ by larriebane:
Summary: AU. 1647. “Pretending you don’t have a heart is not the best way to not get it broken. It’s just the easiest.”
Animal by SS98:
Summary: The devil is real and he isn’t a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful because he is a fallen angel and he used to be God’s favourite.
Harry has a condition that disallows him to feel physical pain. For a man thriving on fear and resistance from his victims - his prey - Harry is not prepared for the affections of a witty and ignorant Louis.
“Are you afraid?”
“You won’t hurt me.”
“Yes I will.”
Harry loses himself to the darkness that swallows his brutality and rigid anger, but he needs Louis to be his anchor. His sanity.“
There is no one else now. You can only love me, feel for me as I do for you. What I am is too lost, too disturbed to retrieve. Do you understand? You’ve done something to me and I don’t want it to stop, so you can never leave me again. You are just mine now. Mine.”
Darkness by Centa0592:
Summary: Innocent, wealthy, and sheltered Louis Tomlinson arrives to London for a new life and in hope of adventure but instead he meets local badboy Harry Styles. Louis has no idea who Harry really is or what he’s capable of but once he finds out that his angel is no angel at all it’s a bit too late because Louis has already fallen. But will Harry’s Darkness consume him completely? Based on the youtube video Dark.
He’s Different by Angel_Dust:
Summary: “You stay away from him.” Liam replied, trying not to look frightened. Louis narrowed his eyes, and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because Harry Styles, is a freak!” Niall replied in a hushed voice. “Don’t be alone with him.”
Louis just laughed them off. Harry may have been acting strange around him, but maybe he was just shy, or socially awkward. Harry was just different.
The Evil Boss by Monktommo:
Summary: Louis is the new secretary for the famous CEO Harry Styles, who has had a record for breaking hearts. Almost instantly, Louis hates the man yet lusts after him all together. So they make a deal to use each other for their own needs. But what happens when the CEO’s ice cold heart starts cracking ?
Nothing’s Fair In Love and War by jacinth:
Summary: It wasn’t the thought of being a parent so young that scared him, or even the agony he would go through when he gave birth (which, he hadn’t thought about till now - something to look forward to!)
It was Harry finding out.
Captive by SS98:
Summary: Louis Tomlinson is kidnapped from his land during a battle between the Ancient capitals, Darsh and Cheshire. He is taken to the tent of their enemy’s vicious but greatest warrior, Harry Styles.
Even Angels Have Their Demons by AFangirlFantasy:
Summary: Louis is appointed the role of Guardian Angel, and his first mission is a boy named Zayn Malik. Unfortunately, it seems that a certain Demon has gotten to him first.
Or… an Angel/Demon AU where Angel Louis hates Demon Harry, but somewhere along the way that stops being so true.
when the levee breaks by words_on_pages:
Summary: And then there was Styles. They lived in the same cell but ironically, unlike everyone else, he never said shit to Louis, never so much as touched him. In fact, back in their cell he ignored Louis so completely it was like he didn’t even exist. But during meal time, yard-time, showering; green eyes always watched him.
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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Title: Here in the Afterglow // Author: fondleeds (@fondleeds) // Rating: Not Rated // Words: 88,649 // Chapters: 3/3 AU // Completed: 12/8/16
Official Summary: “If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
Green’s Review: This fanfiction begins with the election of Harvey Milk and itt features an honest portrayal of the attitudes of that period. Louis is a closeted high school soccer player, Harry is new to town, and the two of them form a quick bond. Full review under the cut.
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
Monday Fic Rec
Better late than never, eh: 
the wonderlands by stylinsoncity:
Summary: "Somewhere between chaos and control — these are the wonderlands.“
Harry’s daughter, Andy, is signed to Louis’ girl band. Her path to success is marked by competition, chaos, and for Harry, a love affair.
kiss with a fist (is better than none) by Ashtarok:
Summary: Harry and Louis don’t get on at all.
BUT they do, in fact, do an awful lot of getting off.
Harry startled visibly, shaking off his deer in the headlights look and huffing quietly. Louis took a final, lingering glance along his scant frame, except the puppy chub at his hips, and then kept washing his hands with a faint sneer. He expected words, biting and sarcastic, as usual. Instead, he was met with silence. Confused, Louis turned back to him as he dried his hands, ready with a scathing remark. It died on his tongue. Harry’s eyes were locked, very deliberately, on his crotch. His crotch, which was still unzipped, and therefore dick on display. Oh fuck.
“My eyes are up here, Styles,” Louis growled, cheeks flushing despite himself as he reached to do up his fly.
“Leave it.” It rasped from Harry’s throat, thick and shaky. Louis froze, fingers cupping himself.
“Excuse me?”
Even Angels Have Their Demons by AFangirlFantasy:
Summary: Louis is appointed the role of Guardian Angel, and his first mission is a boy named Zayn Malik. Unfortunately, it seems that a certain Demon has gotten to him first.
Or… an Angel/Demon AU where Angel Louis hates Demon Harry, but somewhere along the way that stops being so true.
That Rusty Old Minivan by pointerbrother:
Summary: Taking an evening class was never meant for meeting people, let alone someone with a face like Harry Styles’. But as with most things in Louis’ life, things rarely turned out as he meant for them to.
Louis meets Harry at an evening class and they begin a strange sort of friendship in a strange sort of way. But Louis has much more to worry about than just his uncertainty about Harry’s feelings for him, and Harry - well, Harry has a rusty old minivan.
Barefoot in Blue Jeans by indiaalphawhiskey:
Summary: AU. Louis Tomlinson is trying desperately hard not to fall for his son’s au pair, but he can’t, for the life of him, remember why.
475. The hope that this fear is unfounded.
Get in the Sea by TheMagicWord:
Summary: AU. Louis Tomlinson works on a yacht. Harry Styles is a guest. With sexy results.
(Make You Want To) Scream by lululawrence:
Summary: While Louis’ left hand plays with his nipple, his right reaches down and wraps around his dick and that’s when he really knows something is wrong.
The dick in his hand does not feel like his own.
Fool’s Gold by tvshows_addict:
Summary: Leaflet for Over Again Inc.
“In relationships, there are three types of people: those who are happy, those who are unhappy but accept it and deal, those who are unhappy and in denial.
Handling this last category is our job: we are professional couple breakers.
To reach our goal, we use all means necessary.”
Or the Arnacoeur AU in which Harry is scheduled to be married to Liam in 10 days and Harry’s mother hires Louis and his team to break them up.
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
hi do you have any recs revolving around past abuse? thank u xx
Hi! Indeed I do:
Here In The Afterglow by fondleedsFandoms:
Summary: “If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
Perfect by happilylarry:
Summary: Soulmates had only been in the history books for the past few hundred years, so people were still trying to get the hang of it. From what he’s read, back then, if you met your soulmate, that was that. You either chose to be with them and be happy, or be with the one you truly loved and suffer.
Sort of poetic, you know, if he believed in that shit.
Run Like the Devil by benzos:
Summary: Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
*Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry’s the strangest demon he’s ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
We The Fireworks by happilylarreh (AfterJenny):
Summary: It’s the morning after the night before and Louis doesn’t know how on earth he made it home in one piece but he reckons it maybe has something to do with the curly-haired stranger, standing half-naked in his kitchen. The problem is that this mysterious stranger, who has a huge secret and an even huger heart, doesn’t seem to plan on leaving Louis’ life anytime soon and doesn’t seem to be able to get it into his stupidly adorable, curly head that Louis is absolutely, utterly, completely, one hundred percent beyond help. Out of reach. Lost in the night.
OrThe AU where Louis needs saving and Harry wants to save him but doesn’t want to admit that maybe he needs saving a little bit too.
(quiet like a fight) fingers laced together by decadent:
Summary: It’s a thin hope, frail and as thin as the silver strands of a spider web, desperate in the way Louis keeps clinging onto it even when he’s already expecting and preparing for the worst. Maybe one day, he’ll have a home, a place where he can feel safe and sound, tucked away safely from the world that has the tendency to treat him horribly and then even worse, that maybe there will be someone in his life who cares for him, even if in the smallest of ways, and does not just use him for whatever they tend to need at the moment.
Or, the one where Harry is gifted a hybrid and it’s a whole new world for the both of them.
Hideaway. by arrowtomyheart:
Summary: Harry is in a borderline abusive relationship which ends after the news that Harry’s pregnant. He is homeless for the night and travels 3 hours on the train to turn up at his best friend’s Liam’s house unexpectedly for somewhere to stay. He meets Louis, Liam’s flatmate, and they discover that they have more in common that anyone would expect. They fall in love.
All the Wild Horses by Marora_Daris:
Summary: He wishes he could leave his past behind him but then he’d have nothing. So when the doorbell rings, he gets out of bed to open the door even though it’s the last thing he wants to do. He makes sure to lock his bedroom door behind him.
or Louis’ carefully cultivated private life - which allows him to indulge his sexual addiction - is disrupted when Harry arrives needing a place to stay.
dirty laundry looks good on you by suspendrs:
Summary: “So um, Niall mentioned you haven’t lived here long. What brings you to London?”
“What is this, an interview?” Louis smirks, stealing Harry’s drink and taking a sip. “Wanted a change of scenery. Dunno.”
Harry hums and takes his drink back, narrowing his eyes playfully at Louis as he takes a long sip. “Can I buy you a drink, or would you rather keep sharing mine?”
“You most certainly can buy me a drink,” Louis grins, grabbing the bottle back out of Harry’s hand, “but I’m still going to be stealing yours.”
Or, Harry is jaded and sad and resigned to be forever alone, until Niall sets him up with a friend of his whose broken pieces may just fit pretty well with Harry’s.
Nothing Less Than Poetry and Songs by tigriswolf:
Summary: Louis’ popular book series is being turned into 9-episode show on the BBC, and there’s a man with curls he keeps bumping into. [See notes for trigger warnings.]
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
you should read "i could dream all night" by fondleeds, it's the same autor of "here in the afterglow" and has an open ending, it'a a bit sad but listen... it's so beautifully written that i didn't even care that I cried oceans on the end LAPSLSPSKPS
I don’t really read fics with open/sad endings, I’m too weak for thajsksksjs
but if anyone wants to read it here’s the link, a friend told me it was TRULY beautiful
i could dream all night (73k)
AU. Harry spends his summer away from the city.
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA. October 9, 2014
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
Xfactor Video Diaries MasterPost
So yesterday I made a master post (kind of) and I dunno it was fun to make so I am making another one today, this one being about the XFactor video diaries (Larry Stylinson moments)
Side note: I’m going to try to make one of these every day so if any of you have any suggestions as to what you want to see on one of these master posts (preferably Larry Stylinson) then send me a message telling me a particular theme like video diaries, sign language etc and I will try to do every one of them. 
Okay so this was just the start of their blooming romance and what was soon to become the greatest love story of all time. Even though they didn’t interact much during the first week it was clear that there was a huge amount of fond between the two. 
It was only a few seconds into the diary and Louis was already touching Harry. 
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Look at that, the way Louis just caresses Harry’s face and curls because I am like 100% sure that Louis had some crazy fetish for Harry’s curls. 
I noticed that throughout the whole of the week one video diary, Louis is constantly stealing glances at Harry and its clear as fuck how much Louis is in love with the younger boy. 
Also we can’t forget this beauty
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During week 2, again they weren’t sat together and nothing much happened except Louis saying that ‘Harry’s the flirt’ and Harry saying that ‘Louis’ the leader’.
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Also there were a few not so subtle glances and teasing. They are clearly in love already. 
Okay this was when all the action started and I think if you weren’t in love with their relationship by the end of this video diary then you were clearly oblivious because seriously, did neither of them understand how completely not subtle they were being. 
I mean, 
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This literally is probably my favourite Larry moment because just look at them, Louis is watching Harry with such lust and love that like, just WHAT? How is it not obvious to some people by this point. 
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It was aware that Harry had been ill that week and I guess this was just Louis being a caring boyfriend. Side note: The hair grab is definitely some dirty kink between the pair. 
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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fetus kitten
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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The legendary t-shirt.
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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Louis protecting/reassuring Harry
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arlastyles ¡ 7 years
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