arkchild-blog · 8 years
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      he does not take offense to impolite statement, although surely there are many ways to get the same sentiment across however- que pouvez-vous faire ? even in such a short time he knew that is simply as vanitas was, the young man’s shimmering enthrallment refusing to reach a halt as puerile hues search for their next subject of interest. && ah there were so many, how could he not be captured ! this city of fragrance && color surely would swallow him whole !
‘ you would be fascinated too by something you have never seen ! what else does this city have to offer ? ah-- ’ and mid sentence words drop from his lips, finding wonder in such an obvious landmark he had missed ! without so much as a word, he’s dashing off.
‘ of course ! it isn’t a trip to paris without climbing the eiffel tower, i have heard so many stories about seeing the landscape from above and you become enchanted. such fables surely but the feeling must be phenomenal ! ’
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        they are a translucent presence — ephemeral, elysian — nigh desperate to wane away; watching, always, on the periphery of the chaos, with a graceless smile ‘pon their lips. their laughter ghosts over the ears like rosewater or the rain, an innocent mockery tapping at the window, as they meander to his side.
          ❛ you have not seen such a shop before? vous êtes vraiment un rustre, noé — there is much yet for you to see. ❜
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arkchild-blog · 8 years
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rolls in here with fresh new icons, like for a starter ! 
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arkchild-blog · 8 years
How do you feel about Vanitas?
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       he’s surprised for a moment, magenta eyes widening as a pensive expression floats across his demeanor. ( considering the question deeply ) so far the man vanitas had been intriguing, odd, incomprehensible && above all– a completely shady character. the vampire cannot imagine much more descriptions, although expression brightens, a conclusion pulling at russet edges as his hand raises. it lowers into his open palm, landing with a firm smack before lifting, so only index pointed heavenward. 
‘ ah, i do not like him very much at all ! ’ said so with a satisfied smile. 
( indeed that carried along his feelings nicely. ) 
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arkchild-blog · 8 years
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rolls in here with fresh new icons, like for a starter ! 
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
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je vous remercie tous — i thank you all — for the love that has been shared with me and vanitas during the past 3 months! i first created this blog on december 22, 2015, the day the first chapter was released, because for some reckless reason, i decided that a brand-new character from a brand-new fandom without anywhere near enough canon information to feasibly support a decent interpretation would be my new muse. i seriously fucking astound myself sometimes. but in all my dreams, i would never have expected to have gained so much support and met so many new friends through this blog, and i am so very grateful to every single one of you for such a phenomenal experience. cheers to 100 followers, and to the golden days to come!
@pulchrasol ♥ ⋮ @aestuavis ⋮ @arkchild ⋮ @arraneous ⋮ @avenirre ⋮ @blasphe ⋮ @castitatli ⋮ @chainreject ⋮ @coquettishcrown ⋮ @cursedvalet ⋮ @dawnbitten ⋮ @decipiet ⋮ @feiiku ⋮ @fervaeid ⋮ @lamentid ⋮ @ophelyk ⋮ @requimis ⋮ @sedireal + blogroll.
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
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Noé - rest; comfort; long-lived.
“Child of the Ark”, hm? That’s a good name.
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
( @daenoue )
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       an excitable childlike splendor as he may be found with a cheek pressed against the window of a business. crimson hues visibly sparkle. ( having strayed away he were no better than the ill mannered cat he kept company with ) however, upon the approach of the other he glances, speech slightly hindered by the laughable position.
‘ paris even has these sorts of shops ?! something so small has it’s own business ! absolutely wonderful ! ’
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
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Oh yeah!
From the GANGA joker Twitter.
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
( @c-h-i-t-a-n )
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       having been tossed from some ridiculous contraption- all his companion’s idea as the raucous laughter from afar so dictated. the vampire finds himself flustered, crashing into the woman and sitting up- words not escaping tan lips fast enough. 
‘ o-oh excuse me mademoiselle ! ’
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
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       hands extend forth- already pulling the cat off him regretfully not without a bit of effort and when he settles do nails begin to tear at its’ owner’s sleeve. the tantrum ignored while eyes wander, even hidden he can see there is a bit of discomfort although as for how severe even the vampire cannot tell. he’s silent, then struck with a marvelous idea, feeling rather at fault for the boy’s current state. 
‘ i’m glad, he’s not a bad cat often.  .  . however, jeune garçon would you like me to treat you- i’m sure there’s a place you like nearby ? as an apology of course i wouldn’t mind. ’
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Catching the feline out of the corner of his eye, he makes an attempt to jump out of the way before before it’s already climbed onto him. He freezes at it’s touch, reacting as to hide as much discomfort he feels towards the situation as he can.
“N-no no… It’s fine. Really…”
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
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‘ you misunderstand- monsieur naruto then would be fine ? i have to say i’ve never heard of that word before, however. fascinating, what exactly is déjà vu- yo, is that what this magic is called ? ’
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Looks the other up and down slowly, before speaking–
“… First off, my name is Naruto, not M-Monsoon, ‘ttebayo.”
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
( @chiibiya )
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‘ m-murr !! ’
       and before he could react the feline had already pounced upon the stranger. unwilling to listen to it’s owner once again. 
‘ pardon ! i’m very sorry for his behavior. ’
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
As we now know, Murr is the name of Noé’s cat. And knowing how Jun is and how she names her characters, I decided to see if I could find anything out.
In Middle High German, it’s a nickname for a morose person. In Middle Low German, it is derived from the word murren, or, ‘to grumble’.
Jun-essentially-named him Grumpy.
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
( @wakadattebayo )
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       and he had been immediately captivated. 
‘ w-whoa. magnifique ! how did you do that ?! are there more types of magic than those related to the book, mere fairy tales surely but no ! here you are brought to life, are you a traveling magician or sorcerer monsieur ? ’
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
( @albiireo )
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       he is wary- hand stretching as russet fingers touch upon a shoulder precariously. his words follow soon after:
‘ pardon my rudeness mademoiselle, but are you alright ? ’
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arkchild-blog · 9 years
            “WELL, YOU DID GIVE ME A SURPRISE, when it turned out you were a vampire too. You could’ve warned me, instead of attacking me like that!”
&HE PAUSED MID-STEP, gloved hand still clutching Noé’s arm as he stopped, turning back to his new companion, whose childish demeanor had now faded into something more mellow ( & would he always be this easy to read? ).
            “BUT IT’S OKAY, you’re just in shock over my generous offer! I understand – I, too, would be thrilled to be under the service of this Vanitas!”
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            “SO FIRST THING’S first – we should go visit Baldy!”
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‘ qu'est-ce que c'était.  .  . weren’t you the one that attacked me first ? ’
       non- he is not too thrilled although it would be a lie to say he were not intrigued. perhaps that is what made him stay- this so called true character of the book, Vanitas.  .  . is this what his teacher had meant by that ? had he also met this man before him ? 
‘ b-baldy ? oh ! the man that was with you- ’ however words are halted as with a ruffle does a feline head pop upwards from the bag Noé held- the ornery cat leaping without reason nor warning in a large arch and tearing off into another direction. ‘ m-murr, vilain ! get back here ! ’
arm yanked away and off the vampire went in chase.  
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