aripilla · 7 years
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Spencer Hastings deserves nothing but happiness
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aripilla · 7 years
This !! Aria is A theory is back
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aripilla · 8 years
Yes please
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Beauty and the Beast (2017)
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aripilla · 8 years
This kiss though!
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Remember when Spencer’s sisters’ fiancé (Wren) was caught kissing Spencer…?! 🙊 #PLLMemoryLane
2 of 150 // Season 1, Episode 2.
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aripilla · 9 years
Let Me Break It Down In Layman’s Terms.
If the writers really have been working on this story line for the past 3 years like they claim, then how did they miss an embarrassing amount of plot holes that the fandom seemed to pick up on as soon as the finale aired? 
(ugh I’m getting so sick of saying those words, plot holes).
The worst part about it is that none of the facts add up (and by the way, if you hate math, then you might hate this post lol. There are a lot of numbers and it’s sorta long, sorry not sorry).
There are many things that factor into the complicated & complex math equation that is Rosewood, Pennsylvania.
For instance, in episode 2x13, which is based in 2008, Toby mentions that it has been one year and one week since his mother’s death.
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Wouldn’t that make it 2007 when Marion died?
Well, if we are going by the laws of reality here, then this is a stone cold fact: 
2008 - 1 year = 2007.
So here we have it, Fact #1: Marion Cavanaugh died in 2007.
The web of inaccuracies continues to get more and more tangled as we go on, so prepare yourself.
Ali would have been 13 years old in 2007 when Marion died. I get this age based on the fact that we know she disappeared 2 years later (on Labor Day 2009), at age 15. 
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As we all (hopefully) know:  
15 years old - 2 years = 13 years old       
(I told you this was in layman’s terms).
Fact #2: Alison was 13 years old in 2007 when Marion died & 15 years old when she skipped town in 2009.
Then according to Aria in episode 5x25, all of the songs on the playlist for A’s dollhouse prom are from 7 years ago. 
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Spencer mentions it was the same prom theme from her sister’s Senior year & Emily says that Charles is recreating it. 
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Since the Liars are currently Seniors in high school when they make this statement, it means Melissa, and Jason for that matter since they graduated together, are both 7 years older than Alison & the Liars. 
Liars Senior Year - 7 years = Melissa & Jason’s Senior Year
So if Jason is 7 years older, and we take into account that we also learned this season that Charlotte is 15 months older than Jason, then this makes CeCe 8 years older than Ali.
Ugh I’m getting dizzy. I hate math.
Fact #3: Charlotte is 8 years older than Alison & the Liars.
So we also know from earlier in the season that Jessica faked Charles’ death at age 16. Hanna & Spencer discovered the organ donation papers that Jessica forged at Radley & this is when they found out the age Charles “died”. 
CeCe tells Alison that she went through the transition when Jessica faked Charlie’s death.
Supposedly Charles was 12 years old when Bethany murdered Marion, so the doctors “doped him up” for the next couple years (although “a couple” usually means 2, but in this instance it seems to mean 4).
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Fact #4: Charles transitioned into Charlotte at age 16. 
In episode 6x10, it has been 2 ½ years since that infamous night that Ali went missing (she disappeared beginning of Sophomore year 2009, and it is currently the end of Senior year). This means it is only 2012 in Rosewood. 
Soph Year Sept 2009 + 2 ½ years = Senior Year May 2012
If the Liars are 18 years old (which most Seniors are by the time they graduate high school), then CeCe is 8 years older, making her age 26 when she is finally revealed as A in the current year of 2012. 
This makes her year of birth 1986.
2012 - 26 years old = 1986
Which means she would have been 12 years old (which is the age she claims she was when Marion died) in 1998 not 2007.
1986 + 12 years old = 1998
Fact #5: Charles was not 12 years old in 2007.
So how could Charles be 12 (and still a boy) in 2007 when Bethany pushed Marion from Radley’s roof?
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He couldn’t.
Actually, Charles had already transitioned into Charlotte at that point.
This doesn’t only blow a hole in the timeline, but it blows a hole in Bethany’s entire motive for why she killed Marion. It was because Charles didn’t want anyone to see him in a dress, right? 
But why murder someone in cold blood if you are in fear that she is going to gossip about Charles’ gender identity, if Charles was already Charlotte at that point? There would have been nothing to keep a secret about because Marion would have walked out on that roof and seen exactly what we see when we look at CeCe Drake: a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed young lady. So all of this is completely contradicting. 
Referring back to Fact #2 & Fact #3, Ali was 13 in 2007 & Charlotte is 8 years older than Ali. This means that CeCe should have been 20-21 years old, as well as a fully grown woman that went by the name Charlotte, when Marion was pushed off that roof.
Alison 13 yrs old in 2007 + CeCe 8 yrs older = CeCe 21 yrs old in 2007
Fact #6: Charlotte was 21 in 2007 & fully transitioned when Marion died.
But instead, we saw this:
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Fact #7: Mar fucked up.
I guess she hates math more than I do.
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aripilla · 9 years
Love this and her dress
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“I hate the red carpet. It’s nerve-racking. People are yelling at you and pictures are being taken at all angles. It is not a comfortable thing for a human to experience!”
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aripilla · 9 years
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She has to be A there is no way it's so obvious
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aripilla · 9 years
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aripilla · 9 years
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aripilla · 9 years
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aripilla · 10 years
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aripilla · 10 years
Always defend your right to heal at your own pace. You are taking your time. You are allowed to take your time.
(via echo-for-you)
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aripilla · 10 years
This makes sense
This is an illustrated version of pllcrazyness’ amazing theory. I cannot help but look deeper into this, so I added some details. Enjoy :)
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We know Ali likes to base her lies on the truth.
Note that I haven’t…
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aripilla · 10 years
PLL theory
After the spring finale I can conclude a couple of things: Someone Ali's mom knew was dangerous was out because of her conversation on the phone "police send someone out" " I am worried" and her insisting Ali don't go out that night The person who hit Ali with a rock is a Hastings "never turn your back on a Hastings" so it can be Melissa or Jason Ezra is not the person who hit Ali or A although still part of the A team Ian is alive so can be A together with the Hastings Melissa is a high suspect as Ali did not see her that night_ she saw everyone but her Melissa said to Ian or someone will get hurt Melissa knows who killed that poor girl she confessed to her dad she or Ian did it reason why she got the best attorney in the state (for her) as everyone thinks Ian is dead Ali mom knows who did it and has an understanding with the Hastings to protect Spencer who is really Melissa Jason cannot be as we know he was drunk and unconscious asleep Cece helps Ali so it's not her Noel can be in A team he took the cell phones told Ian or Melissa girls were in Philadelphia Mona is original A but don't think she is involved in the murder Girl in grave is Ali's mom's twin who is crazy and got out of radly (looks just like her) and would share same DNA as Ali
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aripilla · 10 years
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 A is for Answers
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aripilla · 10 years
Ali was afraid A was going to kill her that night, so her plan was to poke the bear and go after every single person it could possibly be in hopes of eliminating them one by one.
Marlene King (explaining why Ali saw every last person in Rosewood the night she disappeared)  (via rosewoodsecret)
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aripilla · 10 years
So secret cabin is A new workplace where Aria is the only other person who knows about it and she takes pics for him maybe?
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