arielifeinpieces · 6 years ago
In you, I found and lost myself.
Annedi Bergsma (via my-bundle-of-thoughts)
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arielifeinpieces · 6 years ago
Honey, if you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one face pretty.
Carla, probably (via totallycorrectfairytailquotes)
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arielifeinpieces · 6 years ago
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arielifeinpieces · 6 years ago
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ZhangJiaJie, China [OC] [2918 x 3648] - yiqizhang
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arielifeinpieces · 6 years ago
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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Brooklyn Nine Nine s03e08
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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Brooklyn Nine Nine s03e08
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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Quand 1er jour de vacances, je me réveille a 6 h alors que je suis crevée
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
She said one thing, I said another and the next thing I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation.
Hank Moody (via jonathancors)
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you.
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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S02E07, In a Lonely Place
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
She’s stubborn and hard headed but god knows I love her. There’s days when she’s grumpy for no apparent reason other than the fact that she’s grumpy. When she’s sick, she’s helpless and all you can really do is hold her in your arms and comfort her till she falls asleep. There’s days when she’ll complain about everything like the weather, people, music, or even you and you’ll just have to deal with it. She’ll complain about the room being too hot, to only result in closing the windows in the middle of the night because she’s too cold. There are days when she shuts the world out, she’ll ignore everyone because she just wants to sit in silence. Sometimes, she���ll claim she can eat an entire cow because that’s just how hungry she is. So we’ll make dinner plans and I’ll pick her up just to have her say, “I ate already, I was too hungry but I’ll still eat a little something.” There are days when she suffocates me with love. She’ll kiss and kiss and kiss, till I beg her to stop. She’ll tickle me until my insides hurt and hold my hand till it’s sweaty. There are days when she’ll claim every part of my body with her lips. And there are days when she’ll need her space and I’ll have to pull a chair up alongside the bed because she just needs her own space. There are days when her hair is messy and all over the place. Days when she’ll cry and you don’t know why but you won’t ask you’ll just let her cry. Days when she’s nervous and jumpy about everything. Days when she yells at me for no reason just to apologize two seconds later. Days when she’s a pain in the ass and pushes my buttons just to settle it with kisses. Days when I’m listening to my favorite song and she’ll talk over it because talking is more important than music. There are days when I need her to make decisions, to do the littlest things like pick a place to eat. She’ll refuse and say “I don’t know” until I give up and decide myself. Sometimes she’ll swear like a sailor and make jokes during times when she should probably be serious. There are days when it’s 3 in the morning and she won’t let me sleep and days when she’s too tired and fast asleep by 10pm. Sometimes she’s clumsy and sometimes she’s a walking contradiction; but she is everything I’ve ever wanted. I’d do everything to have her bad days, her grumpy days, her “I need space days,” her love me days, her laughing days, her clumsy days, and her happy days, because she is everything I’ve ever wanted and I wouldn’t dare trade her for anything in this world.
(via pointless-antics48)
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
My biggest fear isn’t that you’ll lie to me one day or that you’ll cheat on me. My biggest fear is that you’ll wake up before me one Tuesday morning and instead of leaning in and kissing me on the cheek, you’ll look at my sleeping body and start to notice all of my flaws. My crooked nose, my chapped lips and the stretch marks spread along my stomach and thighs like a road map. You’ll think about my random spouts of jealousy and the fact that I talk too much. You’ll remember how annoying it is that no matter what, I’m always right and just how selfish I can be sometimes. You’ll walk into the kitchen, brew a cup of black coffee, stare at the pale morning rays of sunlight entering the window frame, and come to the conclusion, that for no particular reason at all, you don’t love me anymore.
things that keep me up at night (via fam-e)
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arielifeinpieces · 9 years ago
Can I just fast forward to the night I’m sitting on the kitchen floor with my beautiful fiancé eating take out and talking about planning our wedding
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