"Heh. You big doof."
Aria grabs the book and sets it aside, then finds a blanket and sets it over Alucard.
"Goodnight, Adrian. Sweet dreams."
She leaves the study.
"Adrian? Hey..."
Aria pokes her head into the study. Yes, that study. We all know the one.
"I know you don't like being bothered while you're in here, but it's been three hours and- oh. I see."
She smiles softly as she creeps in and sets a blanket over a very sleepy Alucard... who has a book on his face.
"Silly. Never enough hours in the day or night, huh? Get some sleep."
((Thought this would be cute. xP))
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"Mmm... Wha? Aria, is that you? What did... Mm. No, no, I'm fine, I don't need to sleep more. This nap was very... Very rejuvenating. Made me feel much better. I can go right back to... Back to... to...." The silence following his words were a dead giveaway. Not even this dhampir could resist the call of sleep, at least for long.
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"Oh, honey... shh, it's okay. You're okay." Aria hugged Hikari tightly, running her fingers through the girl's hair.
"It's alright. You're alright."
Karen at the beach (open rp)
Hikari happily making a sandcastle at the beach when the rude local Karen destroyed it by parking her beach chair directly on it.
“Oops! Sorry, sweetheart. But hey, there’s plenty of sand on this beach. Go make another eyesore where i dont have to look at it or you.” She coldly said as she sat on her beach chair.
Hikari frowned and took her bucket and shovel to her picnic blanket. She decided to play with her beach ball instead. Surely, Karen couldn’t ruin that.
But of course, Karen hated fun. So when the ball rolled over to her, she stabbed it with her beach umbrella. “Oh no, did i just pop your ball? Well, that’ll teach you for not listening.”
Hikari grew even more upset and decided to look for shells in the sand. But she couldn’t even do that as Karen got up and pushed Hikari into the water.
“Oops! Well, you were stealing from the beach, so you got what you deserved.”
When got pushed into the water, a big wave pushed her down. She sputtered and struggled to stay up. “Hewp! Hewp!”
Karen heard her and just coldly smiled.
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@weirdgayenby @askeverybodyblog @gorefieldsworld @ravensroleplays @heavenly--queen
And anyone else who wants to join
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"Good girl. Come on." Aria carefully swam back, holding Hikari above the water. Once they got back to the shore, she set her down and patted her back while glaring daggers at the Karen.
"That's it. Cough it all up, honey. There you go," she said to Hikari, never taking her eyes off Karen for even a moment.
Karen at the beach (open rp)
Hikari happily making a sandcastle at the beach when the rude local Karen destroyed it by parking her beach chair directly on it.
“Oops! Sorry, sweetheart. But hey, there’s plenty of sand on this beach. Go make another eyesore where i dont have to look at it or you.” She coldly said as she sat on her beach chair.
Hikari frowned and took her bucket and shovel to her picnic blanket. She decided to play with her beach ball instead. Surely, Karen couldn’t ruin that.
But of course, Karen hated fun. So when the ball rolled over to her, she stabbed it with her beach umbrella. “Oh no, did i just pop your ball? Well, that’ll teach you for not listening.”
Hikari grew even more upset and decided to look for shells in the sand. But she couldn’t even do that as Karen got up and pushed Hikari into the water.
“Oops! Well, you were stealing from the beach, so you got what you deserved.”
When got pushed into the water, a big wave pushed her down. She sputtered and struggled to stay up. “Hewp! Hewp!”
Karen heard her and just coldly smiled.
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@weirdgayenby @askeverybodyblog @gorefieldsworld @ravensroleplays @heavenly--queen
And anyone else who wants to join
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Smash or Pass + Simon!
((LOL guess I earned this)) "Uhhhhh... smash. Why not, could be fun."
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Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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((Hi! Hope you don't mind me hopping in. I'm not really active but I saw this and thought it'd be fun.)) Aria had been walking along the beach when she heard the little cries for help. A small child and a smug Karen... not an unfamiliar situation.
Without hesitation, Aria shoved the Karen into the water herself and swam toward Hikari.
"Little one, grab on to me! You'll be alright!"
Karen at the beach (open rp)
Hikari happily making a sandcastle at the beach when the rude local Karen destroyed it by parking her beach chair directly on it.
“Oops! Sorry, sweetheart. But hey, there’s plenty of sand on this beach. Go make another eyesore where i dont have to look at it or you.” She coldly said as she sat on her beach chair.
Hikari frowned and took her bucket and shovel to her picnic blanket. She decided to play with her beach ball instead. Surely, Karen couldn’t ruin that.
But of course, Karen hated fun. So when the ball rolled over to her, she stabbed it with her beach umbrella. “Oh no, did i just pop your ball? Well, that’ll teach you for not listening.”
Hikari grew even more upset and decided to look for shells in the sand. But she couldn’t even do that as Karen got up and pushed Hikari into the water.
“Oops! Well, you were stealing from the beach, so you got what you deserved.”
When got pushed into the water, a big wave pushed her down. She sputtered and struggled to stay up. “Hewp! Hewp!”
Karen heard her and just coldly smiled.
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@weirdgayenby @askeverybodyblog @gorefieldsworld @ravensroleplays @heavenly--queen
And anyone else who wants to join
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Who are some people in the multiverse you hope to meet but have not met yet?
"Ooh, this is a toughie. I'd love to bump into Dante from Devil May Cry. Or really, anyone from there... at least, the main timeline. I'm not gonna touch the other timeline. I'd love to talk to Soma Cruz, too. Maybe I should ask Genya to introduce me. I've thought about jumping into Undertale, but... uh... hmm. Place has a reputation. I would like to try Toriel's butterscotch pie, though. Honestly, I've got a list that's a good eight feet long of people I'd like to meet, so we'd be here all day if I kept going."
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I think you would enjoy Interstitial; it is a fanfiction and Kingdom Hearts roleplay in which you meet or play as your favorite fictional characters, and it's about traveling the multiverse. You can be yourself or someone else. You get powers from your connection to others, called links.
"Oh, really? That sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out!"
((OOC: Thanks, anon! I'll look into this one!))
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"Well, the people have spoken! We want answers!"
alucard has heightened senses canonically so like
can he see the shrimp colors
and also could he be taken out by mildly spicy food
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Trying a little too hard to force a smile, Aria took the extended hand and shook it. She'd been expecting it to be cold, not warm. Not so very... human.
"I... well... it's... nice to meet you too."
She cleared her throat, tried to regain some composure, and exhaled. Keep it together. Don't go screwing things up.
"I suppose I wouldn't mind walking with you. As for Danesti, well... it's a tiny little place, in Wallachia. A backwater, really. Anyway... where were you working?"
((Just realized that Aria hasn't met Mathias yet... let's fix this mistake. @ariaacrossthemultiverse)) Waking up in the middle of a Crusades-era town was not the day Aria had in mind. She was getting odd looks, people talking back and forth and whispering. Of course, that was normal; but she had the feeling they were about to start grabbing some very flammable wood, so she decided to book it.
She'd just made it to the edge of town when she bumped face-first into someone, and fell flat on her arse. "Ow! Hey, watch where you're-"
She shut up when her eyes saw a face that was familiar... and yet, somehow very much not.
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"Oh! My apologies, dear. I did not see you there." //The oh so familiar man leans down to extend his hand to her, a small frown adorning his brow. "Are you hurt? That looked like a painful fall. Here, let me help you back up on your feet." //Only when Aria is standing once again does he look her up and down, a curious brow raised. Hmm... Well, she certainly looked out of the ordinary. Not extravagntly so, and yet, still oh so different. It intrigued him just enough to linger, rather than continuing on his way to wherever his destination may have been. "Say... You're not from around here, are you? I can't say I've ever seen someone with your sense of, hm... Fashion, before. You must be from a faraway place, are you not?"
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Aria sighed, looking away and biting her lower lip. This wasn't good. After all, how pathetic would she sound if she said she'd had a nightmare? But... still. Alucard's right. He's usually right.
"It's so dumb," she muttered. "I shouldn't be acting like this over it."
Another breath... then...
"I had a nightmare recently. You were... angry. Said I kept getting in the way. I thought- I mean, I know it's ridiculous, but I thought maybe if I made myself a little more useful, that nightmare wouldn't come to pass."
((Okay, I finally figured this out. Here we go! @ariaacrossthemultiverse)) Aria's been making a point of avoiding Alucard the past few days. She'll still help around the village, play with the Belmont kids, or be caught reading in the castle library... but it's clear she's a little on edge and hasn't been sleeping well, judging from the circles under her eyes...
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//With every day of her avoiding him, Alucard grew more concerned. Something was off, that much was clear. And the longer she refused to even face him, the worse this unspoken issue would get no doubt. So, after he felt enough time had passed he approached Aria, making sure to catch her in a moment she could not flee or occupy herself with others. It was easier said than done, for sure. "Aria. I feel we should talk."
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*eyeing @askadrianalucardtepes suspiciously*
"I'm not judging. I swear."
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997)
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Oh god what I do why is he in front of me HELP-
"Um... yeeeeees," Aria answered, doing her absolute damndest to appear casual and not at all worried about the fact she's standing in front of a man who looks way too much like the king of vampires. "I'm... from..."
Say something, you moron! Anything!
"...D-Danesti," she says, mentally kicking herself the moment it leaves her mouth. "Danesti. Tiny little town. Haven't been back in a while. Um. Hello. I'm Aria. And you are?"
((Just realized that Aria hasn't met Mathias yet... let's fix this mistake. @ariaacrossthemultiverse)) Waking up in the middle of a Crusades-era town was not the day Aria had in mind. She was getting odd looks, people talking back and forth and whispering. Of course, that was normal; but she had the feeling they were about to start grabbing some very flammable wood, so she decided to book it.
She'd just made it to the edge of town when she bumped face-first into someone, and fell flat on her arse. "Ow! Hey, watch where you're-"
She shut up when her eyes saw a face that was familiar... and yet, somehow very much not.
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"Oh! My apologies, dear. I did not see you there." //The oh so familiar man leans down to extend his hand to her, a small frown adorning his brow. "Are you hurt? That looked like a painful fall. Here, let me help you back up on your feet." //Only when Aria is standing once again does he look her up and down, a curious brow raised. Hmm... Well, she certainly looked out of the ordinary. Not extravagntly so, and yet, still oh so different. It intrigued him just enough to linger, rather than continuing on his way to wherever his destination may have been. "Say... You're not from around here, are you? I can't say I've ever seen someone with your sense of, hm... Fashion, before. You must be from a faraway place, are you not?"
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Aria blinked, rubbing her tired eyes. How long had she gone without sleep? Too long, it felt like. But she didn't want to have that nightmare again...
"Wh-what about?" she replied, in her best attempt at sounding casual.
((Okay, I finally figured this out. Here we go! @ariaacrossthemultiverse)) Aria's been making a point of avoiding Alucard the past few days. She'll still help around the village, play with the Belmont kids, or be caught reading in the castle library... but it's clear she's a little on edge and hasn't been sleeping well, judging from the circles under her eyes...
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//With every day of her avoiding him, Alucard grew more concerned. Something was off, that much was clear. And the longer she refused to even face him, the worse this unspoken issue would get no doubt. So, after he felt enough time had passed he approached Aria, making sure to catch her in a moment she could not flee or occupy herself with others. It was easier said than done, for sure. "Aria. I feel we should talk."
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Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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"Go, Aria. Get out of my sight. I never wish to see you again. Your meddling in monster affairs could have gotten you and a lot of others killed. I cannot keep on protecting you from harm like this anymore. So go. Get out of here."
((You requested painful asks, I provide painful ask. :> ))
((I severely regret this decision- anyway! Ow. Owie ow ow ow.))
Aria takes a step back, heart racing, tears in her eyes. She's hurt and confused- why would he say something like this? Did she make him upset? "Adrian, I... I just wanted to help... you don't really feel that way, do you...?"
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Send ☕ for my muse to rant about something in character
(Bonus: Add + *a topic* for my muse to rant about a specific topic)
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