THIS is quality content
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HARRY POTTER + last lines  After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
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Men have used her meanly. She will eat them. Eat them, eat them, eat them in the end.
Sylvia Plath, from Three Women in “The Collected Poems Of Sylvia Plath” (via atreides)
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“All Black But Gold”
By Andre Larcev
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WIZARDING SCHOOLS AROUND THE WORLD: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, France
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the yule ball
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“It’s like a bird! It’s like a…uh…”
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the boy with the bread
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My wife’s the reason anything gets done She nudges me toward promise by degrees She is a perfect symphony of one Our son is her most beautiful reprise We chase the melodies that seem to find us Until they’re finished songs and start to play When senseless acts of tragedy remind us That nothing here is promised, not one day This show is proof that history remembers We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger We rise and fall and light from dying embers Remembrances that hope and love last longer And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is Love cannot be killed or swept aside I sing Vanessa’s symphony, Eliza tells her story; Now fill the world with music, love, and pride.
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s 2016 Best Original Score Tony acceptance sonnet (via bunnybanner)
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fuck. the final fucktier. these are the fucks of the fuckship fuckterprise
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2016: the year i stopped apologizing.
i’m tired of saying sorry. i really am. i’ve been a lot more conscious of this as i’ve grown older, and i’ve found that mostly i say sorry to cover my ass with my friends if i’ve said something that could possibly be taken out of context, but isn’t remotely offensive to the general population. or if i feel like i’m inconveniencing someone, at my job or in life, which really shouldn’t be my concern if i’m doing everything i’m supposed to be doing. i’m not saying i don’t ever apologize when i feel like i’m in the wrong, because i do.
but i no longer apologize when i’m in the right, as a human being who’s just trying to make it to the next day.
i’d say a part of this stems from being a woman. in the past few years i’ve become a self-proclaimed feminist, which is a result of how i’ve been treated by some men i’ve known and also the injustices i’ve seen happen to women in the workplace or out on the street. i think women are quick to say they’re sorry because they feel it’s the right thing to do, even if they aren’t sorry at all. i’m not by any means limiting the over-apologizing endemic to women alone, but our gender is typically typecast as the apologetic, yielding, sympathetic gender, who will say they’re sorry as long as it benefits their children or the people they love. a form of protection that falls under the nurturing stereotypes of being society’s version of a woman.
and that’s bullshit.
i have, in truth, never been a person to always say what i’m thinking. in some ways i admire people who can, and in some ways i’m thankful that i don’t. i have a few friends who have that sort of no-filter personality, and at times i find it to be cumbersome, particularly in large groups of people where asking straight-out questions without really knowing a person seems a bit forward and rude. but i’ve taken it upon myself to extrapolate this trait into something i can understand and practice: i can be honest without being an overly-blunt annoyance.
i diagnose myself for minor improvement every year. not in the resolution sense, because to me resolutions are often shallow and frequently don’t work out past the first few months of making them. instead i choose a word that i can carry with me through the year as a reminder of who i want to become. for 2016, it’s Lionheart. it comes, simply speaking, from an Of Monsters and Men song. but in truth, it means i want to be brave in non-conventional ways. i don’t need to be a soldier. i don’t want to jump off buildings for a living. i just want to speak my mind, and remain true to the person i know i am in my heart.
what i’ve learned in the few months i’ve been practicing this mantra is that mostly i’m just not saying sorry anymore. and this is a big, significant thing. to me, sorry is a word that loses meaning easily. people say it when they don’t mean it, they say it to cover their tracks, they say it in hopes that what they’ve just said won’t sound as bad if they follow it up with an apology. and i’m done with all of that. i’m done with feeling like i might be a burden for voicing my opinion. i’m done with being stomped on in critical conversations because i’m not as quick-witted or well-spoken as someone else. i’m done with feeling like having real thoughts and desires and passions is only reserved for extroverts. i’m an introvert, and i’m not sorry for that.
i’ve caught flack for this, and it doesn’t always work out in my favor. some people, including good friends of mine, have gotten offended that i’m not being super careful about what i say anymore. i think mostly that reaction stems from them not being used to the fact that someone like me, who tends to opt for middle ground over confrontation, is being straightforward with them. but to that i say, too bad. it’s very difficult for an introvert to be extroverted in conversation. it’s even more difficult for an introvert to not feel sorry that they acted that way after the fact.
sorry has become pretty passé with me now. if you’re truly sorry for something, i need more from you than “sorry, are we done with that?” no, we’re not. you are a sincere friend and i expect a sincere apology. in the same vein, i no longer offer half-hearted apologies either. one thing i’ve learned about myself through all of this is that half-hearted apologies don’t go unnoticed. they’re flat-out mean, and my friends don’t deserve that from me. so i don’t do it anymore. i admit when i’m wrong, and i use the word in an elaborate manner in a way that acknowledges what i’ve done while offering ways for us to move past it.
don’t be sorry for thinking what you think, or feeling what you feel. if it isn’t meant to harm a person or group of people, it is worthwhile, and it is valuable. and maybe you are the only one who can make sense of that at the moment. but we need to stop being so quick to apologize for having a voice. particularly with people we love and respect, who will, in all honesty, be the people who will listen to you from the get-go, and appreciate that you aren’t sorry for being honest with them.
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the nuzzle, I literally cannot
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you love me, real or not real? 
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I’m a mutt! Leave me, I’m a mutt!
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