Sometimes you get so bad that you are just stuck and trapped inside your own head. Everything gets too much or really bad. And you can’t even cry about it anymore because you are so over it. And you are just sitting there. Wearing a pained expression. Because it hurts. Your depression hurts so much. You learned to live with the pain, but at the moment it’s unbearable. You can’t scream though. In fact, you can’t say anything. You want to though. You want to yell at the world and shout everything out that’s been going through your mind. But the words won’t form. Your mouth won’t move. Your voice won’t make a sound. So, you are just sitting there. Quietly. While your world falls apart. But that’s ok. You are “safe” Stuck inside your head.
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“I love you – I do – but I am afraid of making that love too important. Because you’re always going to leave me…We can’t deny it. You’re always going to leave.”
— David Levithan, Every Day
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“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
— Samuel Beckett, Worstward Ho
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“The greatest revenge against your depressing self is loving yourself back”
— Viola CN (via wardaroth)
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As you get older, you learn that you don’t have to die to be dead. You realize that growing up actually sucks, and all the things that you were once so eager for are the things that broke you down. Everyone wants to experience love, alcohol, getting a job, and starting a family. But everyone expirences heartbreak and failure, and it just numbs them a little more every time until we stop taking risks. That’s growing up- Playing it safe and doing what’s best for you, even if it’s not who you are.
-my numb heart
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