areticenthorizon · 10 years
i really do not appreciate being bombarded with ignorant misconceptions of reality, and being expected to not only tolerate them, but ENCOURAGE them. being wrong is only a good thing when there is an opportunity for correction, in which case it is one of the best things.
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areticenthorizon · 10 years
Tumblr is somewhat of a strange bird. It's a safe place except it's not a safe place, that is, it tries to be something and does a really good job of being an illusion of that thing, but it isn't actually that thing, except it kind of is that thing. Having a community of decent human beings does not in any way change the fact that this is the internet, but I imagine the relative safety of Tumblr as opposed to other social media is that the majority of people make one for the same purpose -- self-expression, but in the declarative sense. "I am." You can be whoever you want to be, and nobody's going to say otherwise. It's almost like a modern counterculture, and I think that is really beautiful.
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areticenthorizon · 10 years
Mr. Bear
Well, Mr. Bear, I am now primed to offer you my REBUTTAL. Did it ever occur to you, Mr. Bear, that you might, in fact, be a TRIANGLE? A three-sided, two-dimensional object of CORRUPTION. My client suggests that perhaps you were unaware of your geometry, your overall flatness of character...your TRIANGULARITY, so to speak. He has long pondered the idea of dropping charges. No, the only charges being dropped today are the depth charges of JUSTICE upon the evil that is THREE-SIDED-SHAPES. I am going to ensure, Mr. Bear, that you receive your due punishment, as soon as possible. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, WHAT SAY YOU? Should Mr. Bear be allowed to roam free, his three pointy corners a constant threat to the safety of our families? His bizarre, perplexing properties are an assault on the minds of our young people! And just look at how many eyes and ears he has! His very appearance is threatening! What kind of creature worthy of pity could possibly look like this?!
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areticenthorizon · 10 years
As soon as I became aware that people do not see the things I do, I in some way made it my lifelong mission to illuminate these things for them. I am unsure where exactly this will take me, though I have some ideas...
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areticenthorizon · 10 years
I find it amusing how often I speak, think, or type as if I had an audience. I am unsure as to exactly why I do so -- perhaps it is the "potential" for listening, that is, since things on the internet tend to linger for the foreseeable future.
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areticenthorizon · 10 years
I don't think enough people stop to think about the meanings of things they say and do. Taken at face value, such a statement would seem almost banal, yes, but it's something deeper than that. Existence in my eyes is a sort of pattern, a series of overlaid patterns, all interacting with eachother on countless levels. Many people do not stop to think about the effects of their words or actions, and end up facing consequences they should never have to, or perhaps worse, bring similar avalanches down on the heads of others. It's saddening.
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