In c story w sinu the song in d background is the one in L story a week ago and 'coincidentally' they played the same part of the song🤔🤔
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Um bebê, mas,é responsável pela a minha falta de sanidade mental
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I don’t even need to explain.. Words can’t say what love can do huh
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Media Analysis: Lauren to Zach Sang (Grammys)
I’ll start the video by saying that Zach is one of the best journalists out there in this area. He’s respectful, he makes relevant questions, and he has a natural charm. Having said that, let’s talk about the interview. Zach started by complimenting Lauren and she liked it so much that she used her baby voice (run, Zach, run!). It was really cute.
Then, he asked about her time at an all-female writing camp. More than half of this interview was about it and Lauren did really well. That’s what I mean when I say her management needs to find the right spaces for Lauren to speak her mind. Everything she said in this interview was on point and it made her a more interesting character. This is way better than ranting on Twitter at absolutely nothing. Zach’s posture helped because he didn’t talk over her, he let her speak, and he recognized that, as a cis man, there was no way he would ever know what it’s like to be a woman.
Then, they talked about LJ1. Lauren claimed she’s halfway in the making and revealed that she’s using live instruments and no autotune. I really like the part about live instruments, but I’m wary about the tune part. It’s cool that she’s ditching autotune, but I hope her vocals go through a better treatment than they did on MTT.
Finally, the Valentine’s question. The first thing to note is that Lauren didn’t mention Ty’s name. Using Camila’s tactic, she tried to avoid the question by mentioning a Spotify playlist, but she answers eventually. Lauren says they haven’t thought about it but - ops!, she has a seeding to do. Then, she corrects herself by saying she hopes he’ll have something planned.
Lauren claims she doesn’t have high standards for Valentine’s Day, as long as she gets to spend her time with her loved one. That’s really beautiful, especially when we bring it into Camren. All Lauren wants is to spend her Valentine’s Day with Camila, but they can’t because Baby C is in Dubai and they’re both stunting.
The cool thing is that Zach gets the hint. That’s real love!, a subtle way to say that he knows Tyren is fake. Lauren knows that he knows, but she needs to continue with her seeding - dinner, candles, and roses. Coincidentally (or not), those were all shown in the Tyren stunt this year.
However, Lauren ends mentioning “My Heart Will Go On”. If any of you is familiar with the song, you’ll understand that the song could fit a long distance relationship. It’s not that romantic for your average couple for there are better songs. But that’s a theme for another post ;)
Either way, Lauren was really brave in this interview. I don’t know if it’s because she feels comfortable with Zach and he’s an ally or because, like Camila, she’s really done with management bullshit.
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Interviewer: Whose a flirt?
Camila: I don’t flirt
Lauren: Yes you are!
Dinah: 😌
Normani: 😏
Ally: 🙂
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Lauren: This is my girlfriend, Camila.
Lauren: Like girl - space - friend.
Lauren: Girl friend.
Lauren: We're just best friends.
Lauren: :)
Lauren: Okay fine, we also makeout.
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Ally: I'm cold.
Normani: Here, have my jacket.
Camila: Hey, I'm cold too.
Lauren: What? [taking off jacket] I told you to bring more layers but of course you didn't listen and now [piling scarves on Camila] now look, I've got to make sure you don't FREEZE to death and [taking Dinah's hat] how long have you been cold? You should've said something sooner.
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hard v. soft stans
hard stans: lOOK aT hIS/her ABS OMGGG hIS tHiGhS aaaAAAaa THOSE MUSCULAR ARMS OOF tHaT jAWlinE
soft stans:
soft stans: look at his/her cute smile and that pout hHhHhH tHey’RE SO CUTE
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“It’s hard to pretend you love someone when you don’t, but its harder to pretend you don’t love someone when you really do.”
— (via wisteriaful)
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