ardn516caseyregtien · 23 hours
Work Plan weeks 9-12
-upload some more photos from break and do contact sheets
-finish the last 2 workshops
-take more close-ups of birds
-photograph technical worksheets?
-fix some photos with bad lighting
-more stuff?
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Study break photoshoot!
During the study break I was lucky enough to be on holiday in Australia, first in for a week in Melbourne and Victoria and then a week in Adelaide. I took so many photos it was so hard to narrow it down to my favourites, but I think these are some of the best. These photos showcase a mixture of wild outdoor spaces and architecture, plus different types of lighting at sunset, after dark and morning.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 30 days
Formative assessment: Birds of Auckland
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My aim for my photography project is to create photos that show the many birds that live in Auckland – both in suburbia and in wild places. These photos focus on both native and non-native species and are not restricted to any one area or landscape. Although most of these photos have been taken in East Auckland, where I’m based, these photos will show birds that live in suburbs, parks and beaches. My photos will show each bird as the central focus of the photo – encouraging the viewers to be curious about each bird and take note of what it looks like, what it’s doing and the environment it’s in. My aim is to encourage people to view the birds with curiosity and to show part of each bird’s story, behaviours and environment with these photos. Often birds are in the background: they're everywhere and we often don't notice them. In these photos I wanted to show some insight into their world. To create these images, I’ve shot these photos in colour, with a mid-range shutter speed, since birds can be either moving or still. Most of these photos have been taken in the morning or early afternoon when the light was naturally bright, so I kept the aperture and ISO settings relatively low. I’ve also included parts of the background in each photo to show where the birds are, which adds another layer to the story of these birds, where they go and what they get up to. I have lightly edited most of these photos in Lightroom by adjusting the contrast and exposure slightly, and cropping the photos when I felt it was needed.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 1 month
Workshop #4: Focus
In groups of 3 for this workshop, we learnt about how aperture and distance control depth of field, as well as the focal length of a lens.
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For the photos of the Tank cup, we began with taking photos with a high aperture and with each photo made the aperture size smaller and smaller. It was interesting to see how it made the photo darker but also how it made the background more in focus, as opposed to when the background was blurred with the high aperture setting.
For the photos of the drink bottle and the camera, we started by photographing the sushi cafe in the distance with the smallest aperture possible. And then keeping the same aperture setting we focused the camera on the drink bottle and other camera. These photos turned out quite similar, but the angles are different and you can see less of the sushi place in the second photo with the focus being more on the objects in the foreground.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 1 month
Week 4: favourite photos
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ardn516caseyregtien · 1 month
Week 4 photoshoot
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This week, I focused more on man-made things like houses, letterboxes and the local playground. I walked around my street and other streets close by, photographing things I thought looked interesting. To be honest, in the end I wasn't that happy with these photos or the things I had decided to photograph - I feel like suburbia is quite a boring thing to photograph. The things I did enjoy photographing here were mainly the birds, trees and some of the gardens. I think it's cool how nature is wherever we go, even in the middle of suburbia or cities. The sky was overcast again, so the light was a little bit dull. I edited these photos slightly in Lightroom to make some of them brighter. I realised that all of my photos have been shot in jpeg format, so next time I'll try raw format.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 1 month
Project direction
My photo project direction:
Birds in and around Auckland - suburbia, parks and beaches. The variety of different birds, where they hang out and how they live their lives.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 1 month
Positives and Negatives So Far...
Week 5:
-I have lots of places and things to photograph
-I'm enjoying taking photos
-I'm learning a lot
-I have a Nikon camera I've borrowed from a camera
-Struggling a bit to keep up with the workload
-Struggling a bit with technical stuff such as software and manual camera settings
-Don't have a set direction for my photo project
What to do?
-Schedule time to work on stuff, more time management
-Watching more videos and tutorials, asking for help with technical stuff
-Brainstorm ideas
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
My favourite photos from week 3 photoshoot
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
Week 3: 36 photos proof sheet
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This week, I took lots of photos at Howick beach. I experimented with manual, auto and a landscape setting on the Nikon I've been using. Some of the photos did turn out a little too light or too dark, so I did some editing in Lightroom and changed the contrast and exposure slightly. I loved taking these photos at the beach, and this was probably my favourite photoshoot so far. The beach has a lot of interesting shadows, reflections, animals and water so it's interesting to photograph. This particular day was relatively fine, with some cloud so the light was fairly decent for taking photos.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
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Visit to A Different Light: First Photographs of Aotearoa exhibition
I found this exhibition fascinating, in particular these things above that I photographed with my phone.
Top picture (1880): this is a fern that was placed directly on light sensitive paper, leaving a silhouette called a photogram. These bright blue camera-less prints were used later for architectural blueprints.
Second left: this is a reprint of an 1861 William Meluish photograph of Princes St, Dunedin. I loved looking into the lens of this photo and could almost picture myself there on this street.
Second right: Julius von Haast's locket containing photographs of his wife and son, 1865. Unknown maker and photographer. I love how these photos have been perfectly sized to fit the locket. You don't often see lockets being worn nowadays, so I think this is really special.
Fourth photo: A No.4 cartridge Kodak camera that could take glass or film negatives, 1897. I love how this camera looks almost steampunk, and it looks so different to cameras these days but the shape is somewhat similar.
Last photo: This is a porcupine crab that I thought was cool in the 'Weird and Wonderful' section of the museum!
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
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DSLR taking charge workshop: week 3
For these photos we experimented shooting with Nikon and Canon DSLRs. Unfortuneatly I wasn't able to upload the RAW files on here, but we did a few different exercises taking photos in a jpeg format as well as a RAW format simultaneously.
We also experimented with shooting modes in the manual setting - shutter speed priority at 100 ISO, aperture priority at 100 ISO and more. This workshop was fun and I feel like I'm starting to understand more about what different functions of the camera can do.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
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Week 2: experimenting with Nikon camera and different types of light and angles
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
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Week 1 task continued: 4 times of day, 4 types of light
These photos were taken in my bedroom at 9 am (top left), 1pm (top right), 4pm (bottom left) and 6 pm (bottom right) with my phone camera.
I would say that the light differences in these photos is subtle, but the most notably different is the 9am photo and the 6pm photo. In the 9am photo you can see that the sun shines more brightly through the windows and casts more light across the wall where the white pillow rests. The next 2 photos that were taken in the afternoon have subtle differences, but I can see that in the late afternoon photo the natural light is growing dimmer. In the 6pm evening photo, I have the curtains closed and the overhead lights on. It's interesting how with artifical light instead of natural sun, it illuminates the whole room in quite a uniform way instead of certain areas being more shadowed than others.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
Response to review by Joyce Campbell of A Different Light: First Photographs of Aotearoa edited by Catherine Hammond and Shaun Higgins
I found this review interesting for many reasons. Reading about some of the technical aspects of historical photography in the 1800s like daguerreotype portraits and the use of the Kodak 'brownie' box camera was fascinating and makes me think about how different the process of taking photos would have been. It's also true that the nineteenth century photographers contributed to settler colonization by 'selling' a curated image, whether intentional or not. I found it interesting reading about the differences in authenticity in nineteenth century photography compared to today. These days our photos are much more posed and curated and often have the intention of making ourselves or the image look 'good'. It's surprising to me that the people in nineteenth century photography sat, stood or moved authentically without trying to create a certain look or style of image. I think it's something worth thinking about and possibly still incorporating in to our photos today.
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
My favourites from week 2 photoshoot
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ardn516caseyregtien · 2 months
Week 2: 36 photos proof sheet
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For this week's photoshoot I focused again on places I go regularly, but I expanded this to include my local library and park. I used a Nikon DSLR that I borrowed from a friend and experimented with some shots in manual, however I don't fully understand the settings yet. I took most of these in auto and also practiced light editing in Lightroom. I loved how a lot of these photos turned out and I particularly enjoyed photographing the birds in the park. It was a cloudy day when I did this photoshoot, so even though the light was not as bright as a sunny day would be, I liked how the grey sky made some of the photos look moody. I experimented with different angles including wide shots and close ups.
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