The Photographic Image
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Abigail Mirko Photography Blog
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Proof Sheets + Photographs | Week Nine.
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I like the shadows within this photo and how it is composed to kind of repeat in a pattern. I like the colours and texture in this photo.
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I like the texture and contrast between the curb and the plants, I also like how the light is creating shadows.
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I like the position of the buildings in this photo and the contrast between the modern house and the still in construction house as I really adds to my concept.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Photographer Research: Yuki Kihara | Week Nine.
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I like the angle this photo is take and the vibrancy of the colours, theres a depth to the photo which I like and really compliments the brief behind this photo.
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I think that the colours and vibrancy of this photo really help to capture the motion of the ball.
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I like the depth of focus in this photo that encapsulates the motion of her going to kick the soccer ball.
Kihara, Y. (2014). Yuki Kihara. Yuki Kihara.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Photographer Research: Emily Mafile'o | Week Eight.
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-> I like the texture and photo effect and how it kind of matches the vibe of what looks like a tattoo.
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-> I like how the photo captures everyones personality and just simple it is.
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-> I like the emotions she has capture in this photo as well as how you can tell that there is a story behind this photo.
Humans Of The Islands - Emily Mafile’o — - The world’s largest hub of Pacific Island content.uu. (n.d.).
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Proof Sheet + Photographs | Week Eight.
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I like the framing and how the roofs kind of line up together, I think that there is a little bit too much light being let in as the house in the background is very white.
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I like the shadow in this photo and how vibrant the colours are, I also really love how the clouds have depth to them so it really brings the photo together.
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I like the composition of this photo and how the colours complement each other and the contrast between the house + fencing and the sky.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Project Statement Exercise | Week Eight.
My project is about exploring the industrialisation and architecture of Tāmaki Makaurau. I want to illuminate the juxtaposition of how industrialisation has affected the architecture style that we see in Tāmaki Makaurau. I want to do this by comparing and contrasting with old architectural style and new architectural style which is more modern.
Concept - idea and stratrgy. Content - photos and text. Context - research, portraits, redevelopment.
Researching Manurewa's history pre colonial and post colonial. Historic research on the site.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Cultural Positioning Statement | Week Eight.
Notes: Begin analysing your responsibility as a photographer as well as how your own cultural positioning informs the ways in which you are using a camera, as well as the types of cultural, gendered, or class-specific meanings you are attempting to communicate. 
How might signs, symbols or signifiers within your photographs offer clues to your own position, experience, worldview, or social identity?
My responsibility as a photographer in the context of my own cultural positioning that informs me of how I use a camera I guess is that I am part of the queer community so I often has surrounded my online feed to queer creative creators but this doesn't really connect with my project for this semester.
I guess another way is that I am being informed to use a camera to communicate my project is that I've always been interested in architectural photography as a past time and that New Zealand has a range of architectural styles ranging from older to more modern and I would love to capture the differences between.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Hour-glass Edits | Week Seven.
I noticed these shots in the short film, Two Cars, One Night.
Wide shot
Mid shot
Close up
Extreme close
Over the shoulder
Extreme close
Extreme close
Extreme close
Extreme close
Extreme close
Over the shoulder 
Extreme close
Extreme close
Over the shoulder - extreme close to mid
Extreme close
Extreme close
Extreme close
Extreme close
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Photographer Biographies | Week Seven.
Photographer Examples: Richard Robinson. (2024). SAGAPOLUTELE, R. (2014). RAYMOND SAGAPOLUTELE. RAYMOND SAGAPOLUTELE. Biography and CV. (2019). Ann Shelton.
Abigail Mirko is a student learning photography as her minor while studying at the Auckland University of Technology. She has had an interest in photography since the age of eleven and began to explore more photography in terms of education in her college in year twelve. She particularly likes documentary style photography and architectural photography but her past projects have included very different approaches.
In year twelve she focused of the forms of how paper can be used while in her last year photo she did a visual story based on narrative story of a murder who is a cannibal.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Photographer Research: Vanessa Green | Week Seven.
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Andy Coloured House, 2020. -> I like the composition of this photo with how the house is level with the photo but the path is on a slope. -> Theres a simplicity to the photo which easily draws me into the photo.
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-> I like the framing and depth of field in this photograph and how the fences lead your eye to the sky tower. -> I like how the photo is in black and white instead of colour as I feel like black and white works best.
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-> I like the framing of this photo and how it connects with the people within the photo. -> I also like how the people are positioned and how they are wearing similar outfit which adds to the story.
D-Photo. (2022, April 9). A Gentle Rawness. D-Photo.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Proof Sheet + Photographs | Week Seven
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I like the shadows in this photo and how I had framed this photo. I also like the texture of the building which I think really tells a story.
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I love the greenery in this photo and how there is a sense of mystery. I like how I have used juxtaposition of the greenery with the sky and how the roof of the house balances both out in a sense.
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I like how the red coloured door pops from the more neutral grey house and I love the shadows.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Proof Sheet + Photographs | Week Six.
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I like the composition of this image with how the viewer can get an idea of the state of the building but also in the background you can see more houses and the good condition they are in so it emphasises the contrast between the two.
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I love the angle of this photo as well as the light reflecting off the windows, I also like the framing of the photo. I think if the photo was more levelled and straight then the photo would look nicer.
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I like the juxtaposition of this photo with the contrast between the still in construction modern house compared to the old styled house which is more contrasted in colours than what modern houses today have.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Photographer Research: Chris Corson-Scott | Week Six.
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Managers Office, Waipaoa Freezing Works, Outside Gisborne, 2016. -> I love how vibrant the colours are in this image and the simplicity of it. -> I was really drawn to how simple the photo is but the building is in shambles so the story behind the photo is very eye catching.
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George's Tunnel, Waitākere Dam Tramline, Auckland, 2015. -> The phot has very mysterious vibes with the tram lines on the ground leading your eyes to the tunnel. -> The forestry surrounding the tunnel does have vibes on like an abandoned tunnel which is what drew my eye to the photograph.
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Musterers Quarters (After Barker), Lake Coleridge Station, Canterbury, 2018. -> While looking through his website I had noticed a lot of landscape photographs but this photo was one of the few from a different perspective so I was drawn to this photo. -> I love how I can immediately tell that this house has been lived in and it alludes to how whoever lives here lives their life.
Chris Corson-Scott. (2022).
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Formative Submission | Week Six.
I have been asked to explore aspects of the greater Tāmaki Makaurau through photography which will develop my own personal vision. I decided that I wanted to explore the contrast between the industrialization and change to the serene and peaceful beauty that is within nature in our city. I am approaching the idea of ‘Where in the world am I? What stories can I tell?’ with creating compositions of industrialisation and urban landscapes captured in a simplistic form to emphasise the constant changes in our city and to compare to the vibrant colours, organic forms within nature and its tranquillity. My photographs will be a mix of these two subjects with keeping in mind how my compositions will emphasise my ideas.
I want to illuminate the juxtaposition and harmonious balance between these two concepts where they co-exist together as our country and city begins to grow. ‘Where to from here?’, I will continue to explore the different forms and perspectives within these concepts to enlighten my depth and understanding of how balance is created within the constraints of the contrast that is also created. I hope to capture not only the beauty of nature but how industrialisation has affected nature and its serenity.
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Well done Abigail, your place-based photography assignment shows good potential and a good understanding of photographic principles. You've captured some interesting aspects of the locations and demonstrated an awareness of composition, lighting and colour.
It is also evident you have invested in the course, particularly through your blog, well done Abigail.
Your blog annotations could go further in terms of depth of analysis and reflection moving forward.
There are some stronger images your portfolio, but it could also have used an edit to cut it down to these strongest images which speak to a singular story. The abstracted images of architecture are the strongest, and it would be good to see you also research this area much further to support your development.
Also, the captions do not add to the audience reception of the images in their present form, and hence are not needed.
It is also recommended you work on exploring creating a more cohesive narrative across the series, experiment with different perspectives to find more unique viewpoints, and consider how time of day and lighting can dramatically affect the mood of your images.
Your blog is strong in evidencing consistent engagement with the course, and shows real professionalism. This also puts you in a good position moving forward, good work!
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Proof Sheet + Photographs | Week Five.
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I like the contrast between the blue and red as well as how the red illuminates the leaves of the palm tree so it has a cool effect of pattern and negative space within the background.
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I like the composition of this image and how there is like a shape created between the two buildings.
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I also like the composition in this photo as well as how the colours complement the texture of the wood. Though it does look like the photo is a little bit blurry.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Library Visit | Week Five.
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-> I can't remember exactly what we were asked to do in regards to going to the library and taking photos of photography in books.
-> I chose these photos because I like the depth and shadow within these photos as well as the patterns.
-> My favourite out of these photos would be Henry Swift's photo (the house) as I like how the shadow creates depth within the photo as well as the general composition of the photo.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Photographer Research: John Miller | Week Five.
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Morning karakia, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha Sunday 3rd June 1973. -> Love the composition of this photo and the framing.
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Tukaki wharenui, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha. Marilyn Webb and Ralph Hotere. Brown Rewiti (right). June 1973. -> Love the light in this photo and the focus that is on the two people with the air.
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Tukaki wharenui, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha. Hana Jackson/Te Hemara. June 1973. -> I like the texture within this photo and how it is framed.
Tukaki wharenui, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha. Hana Jackson/Te Hemara. June 1973. (2024). Auckland Art Gallery.
Tukaki wharenui, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha. Marilyn Webb and Ralph Hotere. Brown Rewiti (right). June 1973. (2024). Auckland Art Gallery.
Morning karakia, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha Sunday 3rd June 1973. (2024). Auckland Art Gallery.
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ardn516-abigailmirko · 4 months ago
Project Statement Exercise | Week Five.
I have been asked to explore aspects of the greater Tāmaki Makaurau through photography which will develop my own personal vision. I decided that I wanted to explore the contrast between the industrialization and change to the serene and peaceful beauty that is within nature in our city. I am approaching the idea of ‘Where in the world am I? What stories can I tell?’ with creating compositions of industrialization and urban landscapes captured in a simplistic form to emphasise the constant changes in our city and to compare to the vibrant colours, organic forms within nature and its tranquillity. My photographs will be a mix of these two subjects with keeping in mind how my compositions will emphasise my ideas. 
I want to illuminate the juxtaposition and harmonious balance between these two concepts where they co-exist together as our country and city begins to grow. ‘Where to from here?’, I will continue to explore the different forms and perspectives within these concepts to enlighten my depth and understanding of how balance is created within the constraints of the contrast that is also created. I hope to capture not only the beauty of nature but how industrialization has affected nature and its serenity.
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