
Presidential Palace of Willowcreek
Hello simmers!
On my recreation of #Willowcreek I did a presidential palace.
The Palace has some official rooms and living areas. I did not separate official quarters and living quarters to create an intimate living.
You'll see in your gallery three lots with two of them having instructions how to place the garden off the lot using @twistedmexi's T.O.O.L Mod.
Early Access on Patreon
Until 31/03/2025
CC List
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @harrie-cc
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @thejim07
Intarsia Set of @lilis-palace
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Architecturally Accurate
Tuscan Order for The Sims 4
Hello Simmer.
I decided to go for CC making as the Sims 4 community lacks a full set of architecturally accurate classical orders. Here, in the screenshot, you can see some parts of my modelling.
I made a series of models for Tuscan order in the correct proportions for the sims 4.
However I need HELP
I do not know what to do later for these models to become CC for the game.
If anyone is out there to help me learn what to do or collaborate, I'd be quite happy to participate.
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The compliments I have recieved by this post warmed my heart completely.
It feels great to known being appreciated like this.
Thank you @pixelplayground ❤️
hi pxl! how are you? i think i've mentioned before but you are my absolute favorite builder. i have your notifications on from how much i love seeing your builds and decor, and your posts always bring me joy and inspiration. no matter the size of the download, i'm always gonna get your builds in my game. i was wondering: who are YOUR favorite builders and biggest inspirations? do you ever play in houses buit or decorated by someone else?
Hello @nightingalesoul,
I am doing well thank you for asking, how are you? Sorry it has taken me a few days to get back to you on this one, I spent a lot of time thinking about it! First thank you very much for the compliment, it's truly appreciated.
Second, this was kind of an exercise in realizing that most of my favorites left the sims community =( I approach inspiration a bit differently in that I consciously limit my consumption of other people's builds because I feel it allows for better creativity on my end. I usually get very inspired simply by shopping new CC. I will see a new item and get many ideas of where and how I would like to use it, what the room would look like, or immediately think it checks the box of something I wanted but wasn't available, so I tabled an idea, etc.
As far as other people's builds, I do sometimes use other builds to fill up my worlds, but my primary gameplay residences are always my own builds because that's the part of playing that I find most rewarding. I use builds by @the-huntington, @indoorsim & @bellavitasims. Their lots are always detailed, realistic and fit with my general style ❤
One of the builders I most admire is @ardazek - the level of detail and patience blows my mind, they're sorely underrated and deserve a lot more recognition in my opinion. It's rare for me to see builds that I don't think I'd be able to do myself if I wanted to, but I am genuinely taken aback by the execution here. It's more than just good CC selection; the actual core building skills are very advanced to achieve those builds within the game's limitations.
I also love @simoodlet, even though she only posts a few times a year, adore everything she does.
As far as gameplay, I have always been in love with @ohhiplumbob ❤
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Saphire Apartment

Hello simmers
I did another apartment building for my #willowcreek conversion.
The apartment has three different façade in different styles. Three flats are furnished. The building is completed with a café and a retail store on the ground level.
until 17/02/2025
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @harrie-cc
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @thejim07
Folklore Set of @lilis-palace
Intarsia set of @lilis-palace
Beam living of @tudtuds
Bergl Room Set of @artyssims
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Liberty Square
Hello simmers.
I did a square for #willowcreek. Although it looks simple, I always had in mind to build an oval colonnade in Sims 4
The oval colonnade has a baroque influence and is carefully calculated to fit together. The arcade from inside has cross-barrel arches.
Thanks to @twistedmexi's TOOL mod it was possible.
I hope you'll like it. CC'list and download link are at the end of the post.

CC List
All CC's of @felixandresims
All CC's of @thejim07
Early Access On Patreon
Until 25/11/2024
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Summer Villa
Hello Simmers
I did a Summer Villa for our sims, in Italian style with an open atrium, like Roman villas.
The villa has grand saloon, tea room, office, guess room, dining room, master suits, and some more...
Early Access On Patreon
until 4/10/2024
CC List
All CC's of @felixandresims
All CC's of @pierisim
All CC's of @thejim07
All CC's of @itskingfalcon
Octave Part 2 by @harrie-cc
Vaulted Ceiling by @the-regal-sim
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Willowcreek Palace
Hello Simmers
As my recreation continues in Willowcreek, I did a Royal Palace in Neoclassical style.
Versailles inspired the Palace in a few details: marble, bricks and the mansard roof.
The palace includes a Vestibule, Grand saloon, Library, Dining room, Music room, Royal Guest Apartments, King's Apartments, Queen's apartments, Ball Room.
Note: You'll have two lots, place Garden lot first and Using @twistedmexi's TOOL Mod, move it by (-10.5,0) Then Enable Deletetion Protection and place the Willowcreekplace to have the off lot areas.
Download on Patreon
CC List
All CC's of @felixandresims
All CC's of @pierisim
All CC's of @thejim07
Herritage Part I and Part II
Brownstone Part III
Octave Part II of @harrie-cc
Intarsia set of @lilis-palace
All CC's of @itskingfalcon
Historical Living Set of @the-regal-sim
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Willowcreek Assembly
Hello Simmers
As my #Willowcreek conversion continues I'm finally at the half way. 10 buildings are completed and we have 11 to go.
I did a new assembly building for Willowcreek. I was inspired by Brussels Stock Exchange building for the main façade.
I created several spaces, an assembly chamber, a municipality senate chamber, conference room, meeting room and offices.
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all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @thejim07
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @itskingfalcon
all CC's of @harrie-cc
Dessus porte of @themarblemortal
Intarsia set of @lilis-palace
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St. Lucia Apartment
Hello Simmers
As my willowcreek conversion continues, I did an apartment building
This building in someways mimicks my previous build St. Stephes Library and adjacent to my St. Sebastian Basilica
The Building consists of 2 furnished apartments, 2 empty apartments, a lounge, a café, an empty store and a patio that connects directly to the basilica.
With these three buildings willowcreek has a huge building complex
Download on PATREON
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @thejim07
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @harrie-cc
all CC's of @itskingfalcon
Intarsia set of @lilis-palace
Important note: You'll see another lot named PATIO. Turn on the deletation protection, the place the lot. Using TOOL MOD move it by (5,0) to place it. Place the apartment and turn off the deletation protection
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St Stephen's Library
(download link and CC List are below)

Hello Simmers
On my recreation of Willowcreek into a Neoclassical - Baroque map I made a Library building.
The building is inspired by the side façade of Stari Dvor in Belgrade.
The library consists of a grand study, an archive, some private/casual study rooms and a cafeteria. There is also an empty room which you can convert if you'd like to into a book store.
Important: You'll need @twistedmexi's TOOL mod to move the towers and the gate (you'll receive it as an additional lot in this download under the name of tower). Move the sole tower by -38,1 and the gate and the other tower by -5,1 to fit them with my previous building St. Sebastian Basilica.
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CC List
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @thejim07
all CC's of @harrie-cc
Intarsia set of @lilis-palace
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Basilica of St. Sebastian
(CC List and download link are below)

Hello simmers
For my conversion of Willowcreek I made a baroque church.
I used TOOL mod intensively to create all the baroque elements.
I created multiple aedecules for shrines and also confessional boxes.
Adjacent buildings will be a library and a rental apartment. Those will have some extensions to create patio and bell towers for this church. so stay tuned :)
Download on Patreon
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @thejim07
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @itskingfalcon
Dessus porte of @themarblemortal
Get to Church Stuff pack of @pandorasimbox
Shrine set and Baroque Alter set of @artyssims
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Dome of Willowcreek
CC list and download link is below
Hello Simmers
As a part of my Willowcreek conversion, I made Central Park/Wedding Venue in Willowcreek
The building is inspired by the Palace of Fine Arts in California.
It comes with a beautiful pool and a lot of architectural details. This build will give your sims a beautiful background for their wedding
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CC List
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @thejim07
all CC's of @pierisim
Dessus porte of @themarblemortal
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Solomon Apartment & Park
Hello simmers
Here is my latest building in the Foundry Cove. This building has two furnished apartments, a gym and a yoga/spa Saloon.
With the Immanuel Apartment, Samuel Apartment, Neve Shalom Synagogue and Willowcreek Museum build I've done Foundry Cove will have a complete and European feeling.
If you had all these builds placed, you'd have 6 apartments, a bar, a restaurant, a café, a fashion shop, a book store, monumental founntain, a cemetery, a park, a gym, a spa and a museum. So it will give your game an open map feeling.
Download on Patreon
You'll see four lots in your gallery after you download.
Use @twistedmexi's TOOL mod to place additional lots off the lot.
Park Right needs to be moved by 26,0; Park Left 20,0 and connector -5,0
Important the order should be in this order and Deletetion protection must be enabled
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @pierisim
all CC's of @harrie-cce
all CC'S of @thejim07
Mutske’s Stair add on PART 1 and PART 2
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Neve Shalom Synagogue
Download link and CC list are below

Hello Simmer!
I made the third building of the dead end street of #Willowcreek
I recreated the area with neoclassical architecture and used neoclassical elements to make this synagogue.
I wanted to use different techniques to create a much coherent neighborhood using TOOL mod and Better Build Buy mod of @twistedmexi
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CC List
all CC's of @felixandresims
all CC's of @thejim07
Brownstone part II of @harrie-cc
Pendentive of @itskingfalcon
Dome & frieze of @itskingfalcon
Judaism Stuff Pack of @pandorasimbox
Important: you'll see three lots on your gallery, first place the one named Cemetery and using TOOL mod move it by (-0.5,-13.5) then enable deletetion protection using BBB mod and place the lot named Right then move it by (-0.5,3.5) then place the Neve Shalom Lot.
Neveshalom lot works fine as well. The other lots are to cover the empty map area off the lot
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Samuel Apartment & Fountain
(CC List and download link is below)

Hello Simmers
Here is my second building on Willowcreeks dead end street.
This building includes a fashion store, a book store, and two decorated small apartments.
In the tray files, you��ll find two additional lots named Bridge, which allows the building to connect to my previous Immanuel apartment, and Fountain, filling the empty area off lot on the right-hand side. (fountain lot must be moved by TOOL mod by @twistedmexi with 15.25,0 coordinates)
I greatly enjoy these connectable buildings as I can fill spaces and create pocket areas. I hope you enjoy it also.
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CC List
all CC’s of @felixandresims
all CC’s of @pierisim
all CC’s of @thejim07
Beam Living set of @tudtuds
Vime Closet Set of @tudtuds
Fuvwara set of @itskingfalcon
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Immanuel Apartment.
(Download link and CC list are at the bottom of the post)

Hello Simmers
After a while, I’m finally back. I decided to recreate the dead-end street in Willowcreek.
I previously made a museum on the same street with a curved corner and I wanted to make a towered apartment to complete the look.
The rest of the buildings will be added to complete the street.
The building has two decorated apartments, one restaurant, one café and a bar. You can use either of the functions of the lot.
I hope you enjoy
Download on Patreon
all CC’s of @pierisim
all CC’s of @felixandresims
all CC’s of @harrie-cc
Beam Living set of @tudtuds
King’s baluster
pot a feu
Ionic Set Part I and Part II
All Sculptures of @thejim07
Note: The apartment with wooden bay windows is not included, as its not completed
In the tray files, you’ll find two lots. One is named Immanuel Apartment other is Connector. the second one is to connect the upcoming apartment in the same street. To be able to move the Connector lot, you’ll need the TOOL mod. Connector is needed to be moved (4,0) [it may need some adjustments after placing the lots]
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The Elm’s House
The download link and CC list are at the end of the post

Hello Simmers!
After having a short break here I represent my latest build.
I did a replica of one of the most famous gilded age mansions, The Elm's house.
I used TOOL mod to create many architectural details. However, I didn't decorate one-half of the building on the second floor. I kept the floor plan as accurate as possible, so if you feel like furnishing the other half rooms are all prepared.
I hope you enjoy it.
Download on PATREON
all CC’s of @felixandresims
all CC’s of @thejim07
all CC’s of @cliffou29
all CC’s of @pierisim
all CC’s of @harrie-cc
all CC’s of @lilis-palace
all CC’s of @themarblemortal
all CC’s of @chateausims
Sectional Library
Christal Chandelier
Formal Tea
NeoClassical Parlor Set
Palace Dining of @strangestorytellersims
Mutske’s Stair add on PART 1 and PART 2
Historical Living Set of @the-regal-sim
Stone Railing Set Part I and Part II of @itskingfalcon
Bergl room of @artyssims
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