Belgian • Among neon and concrete • Freelance scribe and part-time psychopomp on a psychogeographic story safari between Orient and Occident. This blog is my take on sorcery, cities and the postdiluvian world in general.
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Marjorie Cameron (1922 – 1995) sketch from Songs of the Witch Woman
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Where I'm at
For those still checking this out, or coming across this blog. I'm not inactive, but just not active here.
I'm not saying I'll never be active here again. Who knows about those things. The years go by though, fast. And so life speeding as it does, I might be a decade further and remember this.
So ... to get to the point, I'm now working on this project:
And the instagram of it you can find here:
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Not sure what the next phase will be. But this blog should at least reflect it a bit. Or be part of it. For the sake of continuation.
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Absorbing the negative continues to be the problem. When the emancipated slave internalizes the master, the work of the negative is abolished. Domination becomes hegemony. Power can show itself positively and overtly in good conscience and complete self-evidence. It is unquestionable and global. But the game is not over yet. For while the slave internalizes the master, power also internalizes the slave who denies it, and it denies itself in the process. Negativity reemerges as irony, mocking and auto-liquidation internal to power. This is how the slave devours and cannibalizes the Master from the inside. As power absorbs the negative, it is devoured by what it absorbs. There is justice in reversibility.
The Agony of Power // J. Baudrillard (via grandpasessions)
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There still is.
Should I resurrect this blog? Wish there was still community here.
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To feel abandoned to oneself, without any help or way out, clothed only in one’s own strength or weakness, with no one to ask for help; to climb from rock to rock, from grip to grip, inexorably, for hours ; with the sense of height and of imminent danger, and the sense of solar solitude ; the sense of unspeakable liberation and cosmic breathing at the end of the climb, when the struggle is over and the apprehension is finally overcome ; the sight of boundless horizons, for miles, and everything else beneath one’s feet-in all this there is truly a catharsis, an awakening and a rebirth of something transcendent and divine.
Julius Evola, “Meditation on the Peaks” (via vandrare)
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“The interpretation of fascism as an instrument of big business has been classic since Daniel Guerin. But the seriousness of his analysis conceals a central error. Most of the “marxist” studies maintain the idea that, in spite of everything, fascism was avoidable in 1922 or 1933. Fascism is reduced to a weapon used by capitalism at a certain moment. According to these studies capitalism would not have turned to fascism if the workers’ movement had exercised sufficient pressure rather than displaying its sectarianism. Of course we wouldn’t have had a “revolution”, but at least Europe would have been spared Nazism, the camps, etc. Despite some very accurate observations on social classes, the State, and the connection between fascism and big business, this perspective succeeds in missing the point that fascism was the product of a double failure; the defeat of the revolutionaries who were crushed by the social democrats and their liberal allies; followed by the failure of the liberals and social democrats to manage Capital effectively. The nature of fascism and its rise to power remain incomprehensible without studying the class struggles of the preceding period and their limitations.”
— Gilles Dauve, Fascism/Antifascism (via forestrebel)
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“When not speaking to himself, the great man wears a mask. He would rather lie than tell the truth: it requires more spirit and will.”
—F. Nietzsche, The Will to Power, §962 (edited excerpt).
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出口 Exit Simulacrum
And now I am eking out my days in my corner, taunting myself with the bitter and entirely useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot seriously become anything, that only a fool can become something.
― Fyodor Dostoevsky
A long hiatus.
It’s been over 2 years since my last post. This was a blog ( let’s not be pretentious and call it anything else ) that started with my first journey to and…
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Dream where I was in an Egyptian tomb and I had to climb up a wall to pick up a light green looking precious stone. I was mentored by an Egyptian priestess on how to do that wall climbing. Up on the wall was a green stone, very light in color. Took it out and a door opened in the tomb. The gateway brought me to a big round room inside a temple that was on a moon, of some sort, near Saturn. Everything there had something to do with a calendar, looking a lot like the Dendera zodiac.
Well, upon further analysis... Saturn/Kronos is all about time.
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“The interpretation of fascism as an instrument of big business has been classic since Daniel Guerin. But the seriousness of his analysis conceals a central error. Most of the “marxist” studies maintain the idea that, in spite of everything, fascism was avoidable in 1922 or 1933. Fascism is reduced to a weapon used by capitalism at a certain moment. According to these studies capitalism would not have turned to fascism if the workers’ movement had exercised sufficient pressure rather than displaying its sectarianism. Of course we wouldn’t have had a “revolution”, but at least Europe would have been spared Nazism, the camps, etc. Despite some very accurate observations on social classes, the State, and the connection between fascism and big business, this perspective succeeds in missing the point that fascism was the product of a double failure; the defeat of the revolutionaries who were crushed by the social democrats and their liberal allies; followed by the failure of the liberals and social democrats to manage Capital effectively. The nature of fascism and its rise to power remain incomprehensible without studying the class struggles of the preceding period and their limitations.”
— Gilles Dauve, Fascism/Antifascism (via forestrebel)
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I truly love the followers on this page. The ones that have been checking up on this blog for over 6 years. Even if we never chatted much. You guys know my inner world more deeply than most friends. Maybe our silent appreciation of eachother means something extremely profound. I feel it does.
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Gang stalking and the Dickian surreal
Just checked out this piece on Vice about “gangstalking”. It’s considered a mental illness where victims suffer from a delusional form of paranoia. They insist that their experience is based in reality. They’re people who live in LA, NY or other metropolitan areas, and everytime police helicopters or vans come by they believe its an orchestrated effort to torment them into suicide.
One guy in the video is a makeup artist in Hollywood, claiming he was being stalked on the freeways, buzzed by air traffic, and had people engaging in street theatre around him.
When I hear this I’m not just discarding it as another delusion. It’s like much other mental health issues a lot more profound. I’m like... It’s less you than everyone else. You’re just beginning to comprehend there’s nothing natural about the modern world and you’re searching for a narrative. They just feel the unnaturalness of modern cities and their brain is trying to cope by creating a narrative to explain the constant surge of randomity.
This reminds me all too much of Philip K. Dick’s paranoia about the world at large.
I believe there’s degrees of sensitivity distributed among people. Like personality types. And I‘m convinced some groups of people are harder to fit in any society ( be that through nurture or because of genetics ). What concerns our particular world of ubiquitous technology and dense cosmopolitan populations, well, this mold will evoke this kind of response. The excess of an environment of mass produced content and a context of ceaseless mass consumption and dizzying mass movements is what they are aware of. And they’re the canary in the coal mine looking for a narrative to make sense of the physical and mental bombardment.
The gnostic prison narrative helped make sense of the first cosmopolitan world. It seems it is helping to do so again for some.
This doesn’t mean the narrative is fallacious or has little factual reality behind it. “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you?”
And to remind folks of another quote, this time by Burroughs: “A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on.”
And “paranoia means having all the facts.”
In a somewhat Deleuzian fashion, let’s pay attention to the schizophrenic, or whatever category the ‘victim’ of reality belongs to, and see what their excessive experience can tell us about our world. I still believe in excess are to be found the drops of truth.
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Can all the celebs come out as Marie Antoinette types already
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“[T]he tectonic shift in a subject’s symbolic economy that Lacan aims at demarcating with his formula of anxiety (“the lack comes to lack”) [is as follows]: the subject loses the very support that her desire and broadly, her symbolic universe had in a (constitutive) lack. […] The castration complex functions as the pivotal point of our experience because it provided a symbolic rendering, a symbolic support, and hence a way of dealing with/transposing the ‘lack in the real.’ […] The pivotal point of anxiety is not a ‘fear of castration,’ but instead the fear of losing the support that the subject (and her desire) have in castration as a symbolic structure. This is why anxiety is usually not related to symbolic prohibitions but rather to them being lifted. It is the loss of this support that results in the apparition of those ghastly objects through which the lack in the real is present in the symbolic as an absolute ‘too-muchness’, ghastly objects which dislodge the object of desire and make appear, in its place, the cause of desire.”
— Zupančič, A., 2008. Why Psychoanalysis? Three Interventions. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. pp.52-53 (via acertainknot)
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Babalon & the Beast
By Nicolas Furlan Moraes (Frater DaimonOZ)
“A cor da Mulher Escarlate é azul, Nuit diz no Liber AL vel Legis: “Minha cor é negro para o cego, mas azul & ouro são vistos do observador.” A Mulher Escarlate, sendo o avatar de Nuit, tem seus cabelos vermelhos representando o sangue menstrual, a real fonte do significado da Mulher Escarlate, conforme Kenneth Grant escreve em seu O Renascer da Magia. O sangue é usado pelas Bruxas em seus feitiços, pois é um veículo de muito poder, principalmente quando alinhado aos fluxos lunares. É o veículo do Espírito, da Vida prestes a se solidificar na Carne, o Corpo. Sua cor azulada também arremete a Feiticeira Azul, do Santuário de Babalon, aquela que possui a influência solar de Tiphereth a partir do Caminho da Morte, Atu XIII, que leva a Netzach, a Zona de Poder da Mulher Escarlate. Babalon possui a cor de Kālī, muito representada pelo azul ou em cores negras. Ela segura tanto a Taça, como também a Espada. Essa postura, ou sinal, remete ao Sinal de Baphomet, conforme Eliphas Lévi ilustrou, a posição de Solve et Coagula. Implicando na análise da matéria e o espírito, tratando seus complexos para no final serem unidos e dissolvidos sob vontade na Taça.
Na imagem, o Abismo é localizado na Vulva de Babalon, o Grande Portal, onde entramos e saímos. Somente no Abismo é que podemos ver a grandeza Dela, pois no Abismo Tudo é Ela. O corpo físico do magista é queimado ao adentrar nessa região, simbolizando a Iniciação Final de Ipsissimus, onde cada elemento é dissolvido no Reino do Fogo, consumido até o Final, sobrando somente a Pureza do Espírito – nesse evento ocorre a Suprema Morte, onde Babalon nos envolve completamente, onde nenhum outro evento é necessário.” - Frater DaimonOZ
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