we're mashed, i'm mashed !
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archyers · 7 years ago
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               ‘ ARCHY !! ugh , you saved my life , i need you to know that ! ‘ she grinned , placing her hand on her computer . ‘ god , i need to get a macbook asap . i mean , i have a desktop at the house , but … these viruses are just too much . ‘ she placed her hands on his hands , rubbing them kindly before embracing him . ‘ thank you , thank you !! ‘ her lips connecting with his cheek . ‘ i don’t know how i can repay you . ‘                
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❛   naw,   really.  it  was  nothing. ❜   he  assures.  ❛  i  have  a  friend  at  apple  i  went  to  college  with.  he  could  probably  hook  you  up  with  a  discount  whenever  you’re  ready  to  buy  that  mac.  ❜   before  he  can  react  to  her  hands  on  his,  she’s  wrapping  arms  around  him.  BROAD  FRAME  TENSES  FOR  A  SPLIT  SECOND,  and  then  he  relaxes  into  the  hug.  ❛  jeez,  jess,  ❜   he  chuckles,  unable  to  fight  off  a  too  wide  smile  when  she  pecks  his  cheek.  ❛  are  you  tryna’  see  this  grown  man  say  AW  SHUCKS  ?  ━━━   and  uh,  forget  it.  what  are  friends  for,  amiright  ?   ❜ 
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archyers · 7 years ago
he  could  have  picked  a  better  time  to  be  outside  on  the  windy  day.  but  like  archy  told  arnie  and  giselle,   you  can’t  binge  a  show  with  ENDLESS  DICK  JOKES  and  not  be  eating  hot  cheetos.  he’d  said  he’d  be  back  in  ten,  and  ran  down  to  the  convenience  store.  when  he  steps  out,  first  ━━━  he  notices  the  heavy  rain  that  billows  down  from  the  skies.  and  then,  a  dark  haired,  familiar  faced  woman  walking  in  it  without  cover.  arch  holds  his  bag  of  snacks  tight  and  runs  after  her,  umbrella  in  the  other  hand.   ❛   JASLENE,   RIGHT   ?   i  live  in  your  building.  ❜  he  extends  arm  over  smaller  frame,  shielding  off  the  rain.  ❛  let  me  walk  you  back.  so  ...  you  don’t  catch  a  cold  or  anything.    ━━━  hey,   y’want  a  hot  cheeto  ?  ❜  arch  offers,  walking  along  side  her.     (  @jaslcne​.  )
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archyers · 7 years ago
MORE  THAN  A  LITTLE  STONED,   archy  boards  the  elevator  just  before  doors  come  to  a  close.  he’s  finished  delivering  for  the  day.  tomorrow  marks  the  beginning  of  the  weekend.  things  are  looking  up.  he  bops  his  head  in  acknowledgement  of  diana.  ❛   hiya,  how’s  your  day  been  ?  ❜  he  chimes,  lazy  smile  seeping  into  features.  this  smile  quickly  forms  into  a  WIDE  GRIN  when  he  recognises  the  song  playing  above  them  from  the  elevator’s  speakers.   ❛  I  LOVE  THIS  SONG,   don’t  you  love  this  song  ?  ❜    arch,   at  risk  of  totally  irking  this  woman  who  barely  knows  him,  collects  her  hand  and  does  a  kind  of  shimmy  with  his  legs.  he  spins  himself  around  wistfully  with  her  hand.  ❛   there  she  was  just  a’  walkin’  down  the  street  !  ❜   he  sings  along  enthusiastically,   using  his  hand  to  spin  her.   (  @dianclowe​.  )
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archyers · 7 years ago
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archy’s  head  is  most  restless  at  night.   when  there’s  less  to  keep  himself  busy  with.   when  he’s  alone.   he  stands  in  the  kitchen,   waiting  with  ANTSY  FINGERS  FOR  THEIR  KETTLE  TO  BOIL.  thumbs  the  home  button  on  his  phone.  3:04 AM.  he  shifts  his  head  at  the  sound  of  feet  shuffling  down  the  hall.   ❛   hey,  ‘elle,  ❜  archy  greets  a  little  regretfully.  he  hates  to  think  he  woke  her,   or  worse,  SHE  CAN’T  SLEEP  EITHER.    ❛   you  good  ?  ❜       (  @giselles.  )
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archyers · 7 years ago
Nonsexual forms of affection. Send a symbol to….
💗 Suddenly hug my muse 
🌟 Go stargazing with my muse
🎼 Dance with my muse
💋 Give my muse a kiss
🌹 Give flowers to my muse
❄️ Huddle up together with my muse for warmth
☔️ Share an umbrella with my muse
🌺 Surprise my muse with a date
💌 Give my muse a love letter
📷 Take pictures in a photo booth together with my muse
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archyers · 7 years ago
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he  gestures  with  one  hand  to  the  laptop  poised  on  the  kitchen  bench  in  his  and  giselle’s  apartment.   archy  nods  incessantly,  and  the  other  hand  rubs  at  the  back  of  his  neck.  ❛   BASICALLY,   IT  WAS  JUST  A  NASTY  VIRUS.  i  removed  it  and  recovered  your  files.  installed  some  malware  protection  that  should  keep  it  running  smoothly.  so,  nice.  nice  nice  nice,  cool  cool  cool.  no  biggie,  girl.   ━━━   uhh  i  mean,  jess  ...   JESSICA.  ❜   (  @jvssicas.  )
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archyers · 7 years ago
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archyers · 7 years ago
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archyers · 7 years ago
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              taking the top off his banana with his teeth , arnold stood in the lobby of wisteria . he was contemplating on whether the banana was going to be enough or if he should take his ass down to burger king for a whooper , large coke , & fry . even though he wasn’t too far away from home ( bel-air approximately twelve miles W E S T of downtown los angeles ) , there was nothing that could compare to his mother’s creole cooking . needless to say , the man didn’t know how to cook & he found himself living off fast food , chef boyardee , & top ramen . ‘ ok … ‘ he flung around the banana peel as he began to think . ‘ burger king or taco bell … both appealing & both very much so personal favorites … what would you choose ?? — ooooooouuuuuu or do i want chicken nuggets ?? man , the choices . ‘ he asked the nearest being , almost flinging his peel at them .  ( you’re a fucking adult , arnie !! )
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HE’D  LOST  TRACK  OF  TIME.  whirr  of  laptop  perched  on  the  table  he  hunches  over  is  interrupted  by  the  arrival  of  another  wisteria  inhabitant.  from  the  moment  dude  produces  banana,  archy’s  focus  dissipates.   his  stomach  growls.  QUIET  BUT  PERSISTENT  RUMBLE  OF  HUNGER  HAS  BEGUN.  he  stares  blankly  at  the  other,  words  almost  entirely  lost  on  him.  it  takes  him  a  full  thirty  seconds  to  register  a  question  had  been  asked.   ❛  ━━━  UHHHHH,  ❜  he  vocalises  the  delay  in  his  head.  ❛  pal.  i’ll  buy  you  a  whopper  if  you  give  me  the  rest  of  that  banana.  I’M  LIKE,  STARVING.  ❜
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archyers · 7 years ago
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archyers · 7 years ago
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well fuck he thought, eyes narrowing at the surrounding area. he had forgotten a lighter, which he never did. but apparently, today was different than any other day of his life. maybe it was the huge pile of papers back at his office or the four calls that he had gotten from his ex-wife this morning, but he needed a light. fortunately enough, he had taken a seat near someone else. “hey, you got a lighter?” he asked, flashing them a quick smile before looking back in front of them. 
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WELL  FUCK.  he’s  been  the  poor  asshole who  forgot  their  light.  he’s  sympathetic  to  man’s  plight.  but  he’s  faced  with  the  unfortunate  reality  of  handing  the  other  his  only,  regretful  lighter.    ━━━  a  thick  square  hyper  masculine  metallic  thing  with  a  BUSTY  SHIRTLESS,  BRA - LESS  BLONDE  eating  a  banana  on  it,  officially  exposing  himself  as THAT  GUY.  or  being  the  guy  that  has  a  lighter  and  doesn’t  share  it.  head  hangs.  hand  reluctantly  produces  the  STUPID  LIGHTER from  his  stupid  jean  pocket.  ❛  ━━━   yeah.  here  mate,  ❜  archy  extends  it,  looking  glum. 
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