Architecture Sound Image
357 posts
Explorations into the thinking and practical uses of audio recordings and moving image to engage with architecture and urban context.
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architecturesoundimage · 4 years ago
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
An aerial view of some of Milan’s housing estates during the Covid-19 lockdown (with dialogue and comments via WhatsApp).
Directed and produced by Niccolò Natali and Nikola Lorenzin for the New York Times. The housing estates and districts featured are: the Barona district south of Milan; Gratosoglio (featuring the White Towers designed by BBPR in 1963-71); the historical neighbourhood Sarpi and the Gallaratese district with the Monte Amiata complex designed by Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi in 1967-72. Thanks to Transf-er for the info.
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
... how we listen to the city is as important as what we are listening for. Amid the rise of artificially intelligent, algorithmically attuned ears, scoring the city in accordance with their own computational logics, we humans need to better understand our own acoustic agency so that we can make thoughtful choices about how to supplement our ears with machinic ones.
Urban Auscultation
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
e-flux and the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen have organised a joint screening series, inspired by a film by Józef Robakowski titled Z mojego okna (From My Window), made in Łodż, Poland over a twenty-year period from 1978 to 1999Titled 
“From My Window / From Your Window,” will present a short film every week—all of them freely available online—starting May 1, 2020 with Robakowski’s film. Alongside the films, we have asked artists and filmmakers to contribute a brief video-letter or video statement to this project: a small window into their current situation, and into how they are living through this moment.
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
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(via Create your trip on “Life Underground”)
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
This research documentary by architect Austin Williams and architecture student Jiang Hao together with a small team of architecture students, explores the urban fringe of the emerging city of Suzhou SIP in Jiangsu Province, China. The project arose from a design research question looking at the quality of life of urban migrants and displaced people in a modern city.  It tells the story of the social and economic changes taking place on the edge of the city.  It explores how people's perceptions and relationship to urban development affects their community memory, their sense of place, and their thoughts about the past, their concerns about the present and their hopes for the future.
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
An exploration of the Eames House and Studio, made five years after Charles and Ray began living there. It is composed entirely of still images shot as 35mm transparencies by Charles between 1949 and 1955.
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
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Ray Eames collage, Arts & Architecture, September 1943, letterpress on paper. [© Eames Office LLC]
“The Eamesian sense of the midcentury interior as an ‘unrestricted combinatorial system’ — one whose objects are valued less for intimacy than as information or code, one in which “everything intercommunicates” — was described by Jean Baudrillard in The System of Objects, which saw modern man reborn as cybernetician, obsessed with ‘the perfect circulation of messages.’“ – Justus Nieland Places Journal
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architecturesoundimage · 5 years ago
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
“Merging the voice of a machine learning system trained on the works of J.G. Ballard with photogrammetric documentation of the gradual erosion of a modernist high-rise, artist Tivon Rice navigates the uncanny divide between human and machine cognition and explores the ghosts hiding in the cracks of urban spaces.” – Strelka Mag
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
Hong Kong drone footage by Mariana Bisti.
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
The Chemical Brothers - Go (Official Music VIdeo)
Directed by Michel Gondry, choreographed by Sherley Henault and shot on location at the Front-de-Seine, Paris.
Behind the scenes short can be seen here:
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
An interesting promotional film made about London’s Thamesmead Estate, seen at the time as a ‘town for the 21st century’.
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
“I am for richness of meaning rather than clarity of meaning; for the implicit function as well as the explicit function. I prefer “both-and” to “either-or,” black and white, and sometimes gray, to black or white. A valid architecture evokes many levels of meaning and combinations of focus: its space and its elements become readable and workable in several ways at once.“
The Guardian
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
The Ladies’ Bridge
A documentary by Karen Livesey revealing the story of the women who built  Waterloo Bridge during the second world war
more info here 
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architecturesoundimage · 6 years ago
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Documenting the Myths of Modernism 
Since the 1930s, the changing narrative of documentary films portraying urban failure has influenced urban and architectural thinking – Daryl Mulvihill reviews a series of films on
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