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Some girls can write some girls can sing. But my foot has been shoved in my mouth and I've been told to shut up. Looked down upon for what I'm wearing and how I act because I'm not a perfect girl I'm not your little lady. Because I'm not from suburbia I'm from somewhere else I've been through more than you can imagine. I came here to show you my scars thanking you'd show me yours but all you did was make mine multiply. So how do you feel holding the knife that is all bloody because you cut deeper than I ever did?
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My life is just a constant cycle of me fucking up.
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I'm my own nightmare
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I can't handle this pain inside me anymore
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No one is going to miss me
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I wish I was dead.
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I feel so alone
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To all of you who are boycotting Starbucks for wanting to hire 10,000 refugees over the next 5 years. That’s cool. I’d rather get my morning drinks from a place that welcomes everyone and not having to be surrounded by people who are racist sounds like a great time! I’m exited to see a more diverse employment at my local Starbucks. ❤️👳🏽‍♀️👳🏾❤️
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I think I'm happy. But I don't know.
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Don’t self harm, kids. You’ll end up with a really weird pain kink.
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