dumping ground for headcanons and fanfic from a hodge podge of fandoms - by yours truly (¬‿¬)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
First off, I want to apologize for my very long absence to all my followers, as well as the people who have enjoyed "Take the Long Way Home". Y'all have left me such lovely comments and I'm truly honored by each one. Unfortunately, I felt so guilty for not posting in *three* years that I never expressed my gratitude.
Second, I'm sorry to say that "Take the Long Way Home" is on indefinite hiatus, which I'm sure isn't a surprise given my lack of updates. I started the series when I was rewatching Inuyasha, and I had lots of inspiration. Even though I have the broad strokes of TtLWH mapped out, I simply don't have the motivation to write it. I'm not giving up on it entirely, but I'm waiting to feel the drive again because I don't want to half-ass it just for the sake of finishing it.
Lastly, because of my guilt about not updating TtLWH, I simply posted nothing even tho I've been writing here and there, but I've decided that I'll start posting stories again. However, I'll only post stories I've completed so that way I don't repeat the mistake of leaving people wondering when the next part will drop.
My new content will be from different fandoms, and I hope at least some of you will enjoy it! But I understand that most of my followers are because of my Inuyasha drabbles and TtLWH so I know a good chunk will be disappointed and I'm sorry 🙇♀️
Again, I'm so sorry for how long I've been MIA, but please know that every like, reblog, and comment has meant the world to me ♥️
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Take the Long Way Home, Part Seven
“I spy something…green!”
You chuckled, this was too easy. “Is it Jaken?”
“There are many green things,” Jaken protested, “why do you assume she refers to me and not the grass or trees or-“
“But she was right; it’s you, Master Jaken!” Rin happily announced.
The small demon was about to protest further but Lord Sesshomaru had halted and Jaken collided into the back of his leg.
“P-Pardon, my Lord!”
Sesshomaru ignored him. “Inuyasha is near.”
“Oh! do you wish to confront him, my Lord? He would surely benefit from a humbling altercation with yourself; he is far too arrogant for his own good. It would do him well to be reminded he is but a half-demon!”
You waited anxiously for Sesshomaru’s decision. If he decided to intercept his brother then perhaps you could speak to Kagome about crossing back to your own time. It might be tricky to do with the two brothers quarreling, but it could be your only chance.
“No. I have no business with him at present.”
“Um, excuse me, my lord…”
Sesshomaru turned his head to glance back at you, waiting for you to continue.
“I know you don’t have reason to go, but do you think, perhaps, we might go pay a visit so that I may speak to Kagome?”
Sesshomaru glared at you for a moment as Jaken gaped at your insolence, but before the steward could chastise you, his lordship spoke, “I said I had no business with him.”
You had been in his company long enough to know this was his restrained way of telling you to drop the subject, but, in desperation, you pressed further. “Please, Lord Sesshomaru, Kagome is likely the only one to know how I might-“
At this, Sesshomaru turned to face you fully, and snapped, “If you’re so concerned with meeting that woman then go find them yourself.”
You recoiled. "I’m sorry, I just-“
“You’re not needed here anyway,” he snarled. “Just leave. Go back to your own time.” At this, he turned from you and stormed off.
Jaken and Rin stood in stunned silence, looking from Sesshomaru to yourself, unsure of what to do. Even Ah-Un had instinctively taken a few steps back at the venomous outburst. Sesshomaru had never spoken to you like that before. He had always been a man of few words, but the words he had shared with you before had never felt hateful. Your throat constricted and you could feel your face getting hot; Rin and Jaken’s anxious glances your way did nothing to ease your nerves. They’d been put in an awkward spot, and it was your fault. They couldn’t defy Sesshomaru, but you knew they pitied you and were hesitant to turn and leave. Feeling bad enough at the position you’d put them in, you decided to spare them of having to make the choice to abandon you. You looked to them for a moment, gave them a pained smile, and slinked away.
Night had fallen at last. The remainder of the day had been spent walking in a tense silence. Now and then, Rin had let a whimper escape, but she had done her best to limit her outward emotion. Now they rested by the fire Jaken conjured with the enchanted staff, the two disciples leaned against Ah-Un as they ruminated over the happenings.
Sesshomaru was not with them. After dictating they rest there for the evening, he had slipped away, and none were confident enough to chase after him. This was a small blessing for him. He didn’t want their concerned looks; didn’t need their apprehensive eyes boring into him with that hounding question: “why were you so cruel to her”.
He stood on an outcropping, looking out at the night sky. He remembered her telling Rin that, in her time, there were humans who dedicated their lives to these celestial bodies. An aching pain swelled in his chest, and he winced. Those humans of her time, they had travelled through the stars and arrived at the moon, but they needed only look to the sky to see their destination. (Y/N) hadn’t known where Inuyasha’s group was, nor did she possess Sesshomaru’s keen sense of smell to be able to track them. She would not have found them. She would be lost and alone, with no one there to defend her against the cruelties and dangers of the world.
He wrestled with this reality; it was none of his concern what became of her, and yet he could not put the thought from his mind, could not snuff out the worry that plagued him, could not silence the shame he felt…
You hadn't anticipated the terror you would experience upon being alone at night, though, to be fair, you hadn't had time to consider the repercussions of your decision to go it alone. You no longer had the security of companions. No longer could rest your weary feet by riding atop Ah-Un. No longer had the the protection of Sesshomaru.
You stopped next to a large oak tree. You could feel panic swelling inside yourself, threatening to split you apart. The world swirled around you, it felt like you were dying. In desperation you crouched down and rested your head on your knees as you tried to keep your breathing steady.
After a minute of this you stabilized slightly and raised your head, but then you felt the cold drop off water splash against the bridge of your nose. Rain. As if things couldn't get worse.
You were incapable of gathering the energy to do anything more, it felt useless to even try. In exhaustion, you collapsed back against the trunk of the oak. At least nothing could sneak up on you with the large tree behind you. Its foliage partially shielded you from the storm brewing, but, between the wind and the droplets that did reach you, a shiver coursed through you.
A crack of thunder broke out, sounding as though it had discharged right by your ear. Panic raced once more through you. You could no longer contain it. You collapsed into yourself, weeping; you would die here.
It hadn’t taken Sesshomaru long to trace his way back and follow (Y/N)’s scent. He soon found her huddled and whimpering under a large oak. He observed for a few moments, hidden from sight by the flora of the forest and the shadows of night. He had expected to find her and bring her back. Simple. However, confronted with the raw emotion of her dejected spirit, he found himself rooted to his spot. What should he say? Would she even want to go back with him? Would she demand he escort her to Kagome so that she could leave this world forever? The thought pained him, but he mentally chastised himself for it. What was it to him what this woman chose to do? Sure, he had become accustomed to her and so had wanted to insure she was safe, but he hadn’t really cared that she was gone…
He wondered what story she might have been telling Rin this evening if he hadn’t lashed out at her. She did well with the girl.
He stepped from his covering and approached (Y/N), halting just in front of her. He gazed down and observed as her shoulders trembled, her crying muffled from her face being buried into her knees. She hadn't heard him approach. Between her own lamentations, the rumbling thunder, and howls of the wind, she had heard nothing.
Her crying sputtered to a stop, and for a moment she did not move. Hesitantly, she lifted her head and met his gaze. They stayed like that, eyes locked, neither moving, until Sesshomaru abruptly offered his hand.
"Come. You are missed."
You stared at his hand for a second, in shock, until the realization you were being offered salvation dawned on you. You eagerly took his hand, and he pulled you up. However, he didn't seem to know his own strength and as you were brought to your feet the momentum caused you to stumble forward into him. You were pressed against his chest with his cold plate of armor digging into you uncomfortably, while his kimono radiated with the heat from his body and his fur stole tickled at your cheek. Your mind froze and so did your body; the scent of rain and wet earth clung to him, and the musky aroma quickened your heart. Glancing up at him, you saw him peering down at you.
You had expected him to look cross about you colliding into him, but instead his face looked almost gentle as he asked, “Are you alright?”
At the realization you were still pressed against him, you hastily stepped back and averted your eyes as you replied, “Yes, I’m fine. Sorry, I-”. The fur he kept round his shoulder was being draped around your neck.
“We should get going. That is, if you want to…”
The uncertainty in his voice was so unfamiliar. He was always self-assured, never questioning himself. And yet, here he was before you, a mere human, testing the water to see if you might acquiesce to his request. Never before had he been so vulnerable with you.
“Yes, I’d like that, my lord.”
Tag list: @fierysins @blck-bmbi @berryblossum @neeadinghugs @sailor-earth-1 @thefandomzoneisdangerous @afuckingunicornn @grace-writes-shit @rememberourlastkiss @morphituu @samanthaa-leanne @probablyzombiedinosaurs @blacklotussai @poemfreak306 @moonchild2190 @ohjammers @crispygummy @bottled-poet @seohee-hwa @themarblefox09 @dottie-witch @soshitan @nellaphine @skrilltia @florssils @katherine12123-blog-blog @reignofglitter @katialvi @ameonna97 @velveteencurls @jessicarosequinzelfleck @zoilalove213 @scorpios-unite @maixx @lysawayne @tanyeonn @radicalcannoliqueen @viktorian-horror-story @motheraiya
#sesshomaru x reader#sesshoumaru#sesshomaru fanfic#sesshomaru#sesshoumaru x reader#Sesshomaru x y/n#sesshoumaru x y/n#take the long way home
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I absolutely adore Take the Long Way Home! It's so rare to find Sesshomaru fics, and to find one so well written is a godsend!
AHHHH thank you so much! I’m sorry to you and everyone else that I tend to be slow updating it, but I really do appreciate the kind words and that people enjoy it 🥰
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Updating a fic that’s been unfinished forever: -throws the new chapter like a grenade and runs-
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Take the Long Way Home, Part Six
Author’s note: Sorry for the super long wait and thank you for your support and patience! I hope you enjoy c:
The sun rose from its slumber, and so too did Sesshomaru’s rag-tag team of strays. Sesshomaru and Jaken were fully alert and ready to depart, but the humans were less eager. Jaken wasted no time chastising (Y/N) and Rin, condemning them as lazy and slothful for their comparatively slow rousing. (Y/N) stood up, annoyed by the small creature’s abrasive nagging, but ignored him as she stretched her tired body; Rin eagerly mimicked the movements. The two girls had slept well on Sesshomaru’s luxurious boa, and (Y/N) carefully gathered it up, brushing off any debris, and brought it over to his Lordship.
“Thank you again, it’s so soft! I think that’s the best sleep I’ve had since I came to your world.”
Sesshomaru showed no expression as he took back the fur. “I’m glad it was of use.”
(Y/N) smiled at him and then turned to go back to Rin and Ah-Un. Sesshomaru watched her, noticing her movement seemed more fluid and relaxed. The small comfort of the boa really did appear to have made a difference. As he wrapped it back around his shoulder, he found himself tensing. The movement of placing it had rustled up the scent of (Y/N) that clung to the fur, causing an aromatic cloud of sweet rain and florals to hang heavily in the air around him. The demon’s breath quickened ever so slightly, his mind adrift in a thick fog, and his slender fingers flexed and curled in a steady rhythm.
“My Lord! My Lord! Can you hear me!”
Jaken’s shrill voice pierced through the veil, and Sesshomaru looked to his servant with a severe gaze. Jaken shrunk away, taking on a meek tone as he pressed on, “Apologies, my Lord! You appeared as though you had been vexed; an impossible thing, to be sure! There is nobody who could possibly take such hold of you! I admit it was a foolish thing for me to have even considered but-”
“Let us go,” Sesshomaru interrupted.
It wasn’t difficult to see that something was amiss about Sesshomaru. He had seemed fine at daybreak, but soon after, his demeanor had become tense. As the group had set off, following his lead, you had noticed him turning his face into the fluff of his boa, only to quickly jerk his head back away from it. You worried that perhaps you hadn’t cleaned it off as well as you ought to have. It had looked pristine, by your estimation, but you supposed a powerful demon would be able to perceive things your silly human senses couldn’t. Throughout the day, Sesshomaru periodically nuzzled into the fur adorning his shoulder, and each time, after a second or two, he would abruptly turn back away from it, as though it electrocuted him. Laying on the fluffy mass had been a treat, but you suspected you wouldn’t be allowed to do it again.
Night fell once again. (Y/N) and Rin had taken to riding atop Ah-Un as their feet had become sore, and Jaken loudly mocked their weak human constitutions.
“You won’t find Lord Sesshomaru or myself needing such frivolous accommodations! You humans are all the same, soft and weak! Why, before the two of you, Lord Sesshomaru and I could cover three times the ground we do now! You’re lucky Lord Sesshomaru is so merciful as to allow you to ride atop Ah-Un or your enfeebled bodies would be left behind. On top of that-”
“We will rest here tonight.”
“Oh, of course my Lord! What a fine location you have chosen!” Jaken continued to yammer as Sesshomaru walked past him and over to Ah-Un as (Y/N) helped Rin dismount from the great dragon-like beast. In this small window, Sesshomaru caught himself turning his face into his boa, noticing that the scent from the morning was largely gone from the fur.
As soon as (Y/N) set Rin on the ground, the little girl skipped over to Sesshomaru. “I can’t believe we get to camp two nights in a row!” she beamed.
(Y/N) joined Rin and meekly offered her gratitude. “Yes, thank you. It’s very kind of you.”
Sesshomaru showed no emotion, but removed his boa and proffered it to (Y/N).
You took it hesitantly, unsure why he was giving it to you again considering he had seemed put-off by it all day. Maybe he was telling you to wash it? Before you could get clarification, Jaken exploded with indignation.
“You would just stare at his Lordship when he is so benevolent as to give you his exquisite stole? The ungrateful nature of you humans!”
Sesshomaru stopped the angry gremlin’s tirade by speaking calmly to you, “It seemed that you were more well-rested after sleeping atop it. Use it again, if you like.”
“Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru,” Rin gleefully exclaimed.
“Yes! Yes, thank you, m’lord! This is very kind of you!”
He gave you a small nod and then turned away, walking to a nearby tree to sleep against. Rin helped you arrange the fur beside Ah-Un and the two of you laid down, the young girl cuddling up closely to you. You gave her a hug and she giggled with glee. This life was certainly more difficult than the one you had left behind, but it wasn’t so bad.
The two of you stared up at the night sky; the moon was full and bright. “Did I ever tell you that the people in my time have been to the moon?”
Rin bolted upright and regarded you with mock suspicion. You laughed at her incredulousness and assured her you were telling the truth. The girl had many questions.
Sesshomaru listened to (Y/N)’s fantastical story that humans had climbed inside a large metal vessel and gone to the heavens to walk on the moon. That there had been a race between two nations to see who could get there first, that only very special humans had gone to the sky like this and they were called “astronauts”, and that (Y/N) was very passionate about the unfair demotion of a celestial body called “Pluto”.
He could hear the pride in her voice as she told Rin all of this; how proud (Y/N) was of the humans in her time and what they had accomplished. He wondered if she resented this time she had stumbled upon. Even the highest-ranking humans of this time were pathetic when compared to the heaven-roaming individuals she spoke about, and, as much as it wounded his pride to admit, even he could not visit the stars. If she couldn’t get back to her own time, was there any way she could possibly be happy in this one?
He silently cursed himself. (Y/N)’s happiness was none of his concern. It wasn’t his responsibility to keep her spirits raised. He put the thought from his mind, focusing instead on the sound of the leaves rustling on the tree. It was none of his concern. None of his concern.
Tag list: @fierysins @blck-bmbi @berryblossum @neeadinghugs @sailor-earth-1 @thefandomzoneisdangerous @afuckingunicornn @grace-writes-shit @rememberourlastkiss @morphituu @samanthaa-leanne @probablyzombiedinosaurs @blacklotussai @poemfreak306 @moonchild2190 @ohjammers @crispygummy @bottled-poet @seohee-hwa @themarblefox09 @dottie-witch @soshitan @nellaphine @skrilltia @florssils @katherine12123-blog-blog @reignofglitter @katialvi @ameonna97 @velveteencurls @jessicarosequinzelfleck @zoilalove213 @scorpios-unite @maixx @lysawayne @tanyeonn @radicalcannoliqueen @viktorian-horror-story
#sesshomaru x reader#sesshomaru fanfic#sesshomaru#inuyasha fanfic#sesshoumaru#sesshoumaru x reader#sesshomaru x y/n#Sesshoumaru x y/n#take the long way home#ttlwh
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*nervously makes a post like I haven’t been MIA for months*
hey y’all 😬
This is essentially a post to let people know I’ve added them to the taglist for Take the Long Way Home. I thought I’d have part six up by now, but I realized the segue between the last chapter and what I currently have is just garbage and doesn’t make a lot of sense, so I’m working to make it much more organic. I’m gonna put out that I’ll have the next chapter by Friday (January 15, 2021), if Friday 11:59 PM comes and I haven’t posted y’all have permission to harass me (I’m in the US tho so keep that in mind!) I’m sorry it’s taken so long ㅠㅠ
Tag list (if you want added or if your handle has changed and needs updated just let me know!!):
@fierysins @blck-bmbi @berryblossum @neeadinghugs @sailor-earth-1 @thefandomzoneisdangerous @afuckingunicornn @grace-writes-shit @rememberourlastkiss @morphituu @samanthaa-leanne @probablyzombiedinosaurs @blacklotussai @poemfreak306 @moonchild2190 @ohjammers @crispygummy @bottled-poet @seohee-hwa @themarblefox09 @dottie-witch @soshitan @nellaphine @skrilltia @florssils @katherine12123-blog-blog @reignofglitter @katialvi @ameonna97 @velveteencurls @jessicarosequinzelfleck @zoilalove213 @scorpios-unite @maixx @lysawayne @tanyeonn @radicalcannoliqueen @viktorian-horror-story
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Hello everyone! First off, I’m so very sorry for not posting in, like, literally a year :( I didn’t mean to bounce for so long, but I have very severe depression that was kicking my butt, plus I started going back to college full-time, then dropped out bc I hated it, then covid happened and that was obviously hard for all of us! I sorta just retreated into myself and stopped doing anything besides existing.
BUT I have been doing better lately. I have the next part for “Take the Long Way Home” drafted and I’m hoping I’ll be able to post it soon!
And to everybody who commented on my work, thank you so much!! It means so much to me that there are people who enjoy my work :’) I have to go babysit my nephew but when I get back I’ll go through the comments so I can add people who requested to the tag list and respond to any feedback.
Sorry again for being such an absent author, but THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEING SO KIND AND ENCOURAGING ILU OK
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Sesshomaru Relationship Headcanons
Author’s note: This is just a small sampling to get started, there will be more to come~
grooming is an important bonding activity for him and a display of affection. It started small with brushing back your hair or wiping a smudge off your face, but as the relationship deepened it went on to include washing and brushing your hair (sometimes even braiding) as well as helping to wash your body and rub lotion into your skin
he likes to keep your scents mixed so that neither of you fully smell like “yourself” anymore
He doesn’t eat human food, but he will kill the best game for you, dress it himself, and even cook it (after practicing for some time with Rin agreeing to taste-test his concoctions).
of the “five languages of love”, Sesshomaru is of the “gift-giving” and “acts of service” persuasion, but only for how he himself shows it. Given his upbringing, he’s uncomfortable and unsure of how to express love in ways that aren’t displays of wealth or power (grooming being the exception).
Because of this, he’s an excellent gift-giver. Any little thing you show interest in or express a preference for is cataloged away in his mind
conversely, your endearing words and unbridled displays of physical affection greatly touch his heart and make him feel appreciated in a way he never felt before. He doesn’t feel like he has to prove himself to you, although it’s his second-nature to strive to do so anyway. Your soft touch is the most impactful gesture of love that he has experienced in his life.
Although he won’t initiate PDA, he quite enjoys when you do. It makes him feel that you’re proud to be with him.
He gets incredibly possessive when he notices another man paying you excessive attention. He won’t cause a scene, but he’ll make sure to grab your hand or put an arm around you to pull you closer (and if he really wants to drive the point home, kiss you)
To prove his devotion to you he had a palace constructed to be both of your residence, despite his need to travel to amass his empire
He becomes uneasy and upset anytime you mention growing old; you’ve tried to ask him if he’ll still love you and think you’re beautiful when you’re wrinkled and hunched over, but he ends the discussion quickly by telling you not to ask such stupid questions
In secret, he looks into myths and lore surrounding ways to extend the life of a human because he’s afraid of a life without you
He is happy to indulge in your human holiday festivities and finds them intriguing. He thinks Halloween is ridiculous though (”how does children playing dress-up and soliciting sweets scare away evil spirits?”) , but not as much as Easter (“you mean to tell me this supposed god allowed humans to kill his son, and then resurrected him three days later…and to celebrate this your people have a tradition involving a rabbit hiding eggs? You are not helping to convince me humans, as a whole, are not stupid”)
when you slip into making cultural references from your own time he’ll just stare at you until you explain it, and if he deems it amusing he might adopt it (he loves to tell Jaken to “get your shit together, Carol”)
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you ever catch yourself writing yet another version of That One Scene you’ve put into a half dozen or more stories so far and one part of your brain starts roasting your utterly predictable personal writing tropes while the other half of your brain just shrugs and goes

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Writing does not mean condoning.
Writing does not mean romanticizing.
Writing does not mean normalizing.
Writing means writing.
Writing means exploring.
Writing means creating.
Stop conflating the mere act of writing dark content with condoning/romanticizing/normalizing that content.
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What does "dead dove don't eat" mean? I'd Google it but I'm afraid of getting graphic images of deceased birds in the results.
It’s a meme from an old episode of Arrested Development. You’ve seen it here on tumblr, but not always with the original context.
The character sees a paper bag in the fridge labelled “Dead Dove Do Not Eat.” He takes the bag out of the fridge, opens it up, makes a disgusted face, and then the famous “I don’t know what I expected.”
There really was a dead dove in the bag.
When you see a fic tagged with “dead dove do not eat” it basically means, “this fic is clearly labelled (tagged) indicating content that some people will not want to read. If you read it anyway, it’s your own fault. I warned you.”
It can also be interpreted as “See those tags and warnings? I’m not joking around. Pay attention to them.”
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actually @ every fanfiction writer whether you wrote something that got thousands of reblogs and comments and became a staple in your fandom, or you wrote one fic and deleted it, or you write mutilchaptered fics that never get a final update, or write short fics, or long fics, or used to write and now you don’t, or you deleted/orphaned your works, or you only share with friends:
thank you.
sharing your writing is hard. and sometimes it’s thankless. sometimes it’s such a negative experience that I wonder how anyone does it at all. but you are needed; you are wanted. whether or not we properly acknowledge it, you are a vital part of fandom culture. thanks for sharing.
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reblog if you support unabashedly smutty fanfic
and the beautiful authors who give it to us. you are a treasure.
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Me writing fanfic:
Me writing fanfic:
Me writing fanfic:
Too, many, commas,,,
Is this ooc??
I used that word already
Do people even blush this much??
*squints* Is that canon?
*cries while writing death scene*
Wait what happened last chapter?
I wrote like a thousan- 354 words!?
*googles the lifespan of a tropical fish*
have I spelt his name wrong all this time?
Would they say that tho?
Changes plot 539932 times
Looses inspiration, goes back to tumblr
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