Arcat’s Weird Corner
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I make the stupidest takes possible and look sexy while doing it. I’m also a pickme, but for women|she/her| 19 years Bi Bi Bi
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arcats900 · 17 days ago
Right, so, after reading some error logs, obtaining a copy of the objects.package that shipped with the Sims 2 rerelease, and talking about this with Lazy Duchess, I have a conspiracy theory about why the rerelease is so damn broken
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So first, I looked at an error log that was happening in the Enthusiasm Tracker. It was coming from the function that signs sims up for a magazine subscription after they choose that option on the phone. It's a very short function, all it does is 1) check to see if the family has a magazine subscription token, 2) create one if it does not already exist, and 3) set a property on the token regardless of whether 2 was necessary or not. All three of these actions make use of the Manage Inventory primitive, which controls not just sim inventories, but also tokens like this, memories, and gossip. I compared all like five lines of this function to the one in my objects.package, that I have from the Ultimate Collection, and they were exactly the same. But for some reason, in the rerelease, this throws an error. There is no explanation at the level of this function. I kind of scratched my head and thought, maybe they changed how the magazine subscription token works in this version, and forgot to update this function? Or something?
Next, there was an Too Many Iterations error log that had a very obvious cause: for some reason, the active family had over 500 tokens in its inventory. The family inventory isn't listed in the error log, so have no idea what those tokens were, or how there came to be 500+ of them. BUT. The aforementioned magazine subscription token is a token that goes in the family inventory. Maybe these two problems are somehow related. Are those 500 tokens all magazine subscription tokens, or something?
And then there is the infamous error that the game now throws when a sim goes to get abducted. I didn't see an error log for this one, but I was making a post on MTS listing all of the known issues with the rerelease, and someone mentioned there that the issue is not so much with the abduction as it is with other sims reacting to the abduction, and if there are no sims on the lot to react to the abduction, the error does not occur. Someone else then mentioned that the Abduction Reaction Fix mod that I made actually fixes this error. I made that mod, I know exactly what it does. What does it do?
Well, you see, objects in the game all have what is called a tree table, which is a table of interactions and the functions that need to be called when those interactions are triggered. One of the interactions on the telescope is the interaction to run to the telescope after someone has been abducted. But, in the Free Time expansion, a lot of new interactions were added to the telescope, and for some reason, EA decided to renumber all of the functions when they did that. They forgot to update the tree table, which references functions by their numbers, and as a result, the function that was called when sims were supposed to do the run-to-telescope interaction was actually the function that gives sims credit for discovering a new planet. In my mod, I fixed this, so that when sims are supposed to run to the telescope, the proper run-to-the-telescope function is called instead.
So, the error happens when my mod is not installed (when the planet discovery function is being called erroneously) and not when it is (when the run-to-the-telescope function is called instead). So the error must be coming from the planet discovery function. What is in the planet discovery function? It is almost identical to the magazine subscription function. It checks for the planet discovery token, adds it if it isn't there, and then modifies a property on it, using Manage Inventory. So this is exact same bug. And other people are reporting that some sims cannot gain memories - another game function that is handled by Manage Inventory. There is also an error that happens after a sim cooks food - one thing that happens at that point is that tokens and memories are added to the sim's inventory marking that they have successfully (or unsuccessfully) learned to cook that food.
So at this point, my theory is that EA somehow broke the Manage Inventory primitive. It's used all over the code, to do all sorts of stuff, if you break something that ubiquitous and fundamental, of course it's going to cause a whole lot of seemingly completely unrelated errors. Manage Inventory is now going hog-wild, throwing errors, adding hundreds of extraneous tokens to inventories, refusing to give sims memories, and who knows what else. I can feel it, this is the answer
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arcats900 · 1 month ago
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princess elia & lady lyanna (my shaylas)
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arcats900 · 1 month ago
can we please give all the solo children (canon and legends) free therapy !! ☺️
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arcats900 · 1 month ago
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Padme Amidala Outfits | by kelldar
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arcats900 · 1 month ago
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Padmé Amidala with Luke and Leia
Art reference: Abandoned - Frants Henningsen 1888
Click for better quality
Commissioned by Finn H. (posted and print with permission)
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
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the sequels are only real so Luke can adopt Rey and thats it
(ko-fi requests are open!)
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
His mistrust of the Jedi and Obi-Wan would make so much sense. I would hate the people who took my sibling and left me and my mom in slavery. From Owen’s pov his brother would either have been killed during order 66 or he’s currently fighting for an empire that enslaves, murders and destroys with no care. It is understandable that he would not want his nephew to leave him and be a Jedi. Look where it got his brother.
Also Owen gives me older sibling vibes. He would totally bully Anakin into not falling for Palpatine’s lies.
AU where Anakin and Owen are actually brothers like we deserved in the films. Nothing about the plot changes it just makes everything like 20% sadder. (Plus space wizard farmer family shenanigans).
I honestly believe half-brother Owen could give Anakin enough of a reality check for this to be a fix-it au LOL
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
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Me and my irrelevant space blorbo
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
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I’ve noticed a lot of discussion of the KotOR 1 remake over whether Revan should be able to actually spare Malak. I can see the argument, as Revan got a second chance, Malak probably deserves one too.
However, I think Revan should be able to spare Malak so she can go back to emotionally tormenting the man. A real pick-up-where-she-left-off situation. It’s what he deserves.
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
I don't think Rey should have been removed, but reworked. In my perfect canon she would be Luke's adopted daughter/padawan, that way you can have a close relationship while also keeping her trauma of being abandoned.
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Oh Go to Hell.
Newsflash from a woman: Rey is a joke bc she has no character outside of what’s been vandalized and pillaged from the remains of pre-Disney SW. We don't want whatever she’s shaping.
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
Unpopular opinion: The Sequel Trilogy should have been given to Rian Johnson. If it is bad it would have been interesting-bad rather than boring-bad.
Unpopular opinion: TLJ would have worked better as a deconstruction of Star Wars without the IP name of Star Wars.
Rian Johnson, writer and director of Star Wars: the Last Jedi (derogatory)
Rian Johnson, writer and director of Knives Out and Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (affectionate)
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
Why can't Rey have her own damn arc? Not Luke's leftovers. She had the beginning's of a good character arc, but for literally no reason they made her Luke 2.0. Disney wasted Rey, Finn, Poe and Kylo
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Oh Go to Hell.
Newsflash from a woman: Rey is a joke bc she has no character outside of what’s been vandalized and pillaged from the remains of pre-Disney SW. We don't want whatever she’s shaping.
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
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I’m happy to present you with a brand new episode of ✨PRACTICAL SPACE FASHION✨ starring Mara Jade. 
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
I wonder how the Thalmor would react to the general treatment of elves. Or how a Nirn Human would be treated in Thedas. The differences in religion and tolerance of elves between a human from Thedas or one from Nirn would be huge. This concept is so interesting and it has been my Roman Empire
So I've been reading a lot of Elder Scrolls fanfic recently, and I noticed that it's fairly popular to write crossovers with Dragon Age, specifically to have the author's version of the Last Dragonborn fall into Thedas at the start of Dragon Age: Inquisition and become either the Inquisitor or a companion of theirs.
I've never played Dragon Age (massive CRPGs just aren't my thing), but the idea is a really interesting one. How would Dragon Age characters react to someone who is clearly capable of magic, but has no connection to the Fade because that's just not how magic works on Nirn? How would a Skyrim character react to being thrown into a world that is so superficially similar to their own, yet so fundamentally different, with dragons, elves, and dwarves that bear only the slightest resemblance to what they're used to those words meaning?
Anyway, I had a neat idea for one of these, but since I'm sure I'll never write it I figured I'd post it here. I just think that there's a lot of potential in making the character who gets trapped on Thedas be an ohmes khajiit.
If you don't know, khajiit can be born into one of 16 different "furstocks" depending on the phase of the moons when they are born, ranging all the way from talking house cats (the alfiq) to 10-foot-tall tiger-men (the pahmar-raht), with the ohmes pretty much just looking like elves to the point that many ohmes tattoo more feline features onto their faces in order to make it more obvious that they're khajiit. This means they'd be able to blend in relatively easily since they could just pass themself off as an elf, but would still be a member of a species completely alien to Thedas. Humans are just humans, and even mer could be thought of as basically just weird elves, but there's nothing even similar to the khajiit.
Furthermore, the moons of Nirn are extremely important to every part of khajiiti society from their government to their religion, and this would mean they'd be thrown into a world where those moons just... aren't there. The very sky of Thedas would be alien to them, and a khajiit would be the most affected by that out of all of Nirn's cultures.
On a more metaphysical level, khajiit are innately tied to the Lunar Lattice, which is basically the khajiiti name for the barrier separating Mundus from Oblivion and Aetherius. Azura is worshipped by them as Azurah, a "keeper of all gates and keys, all rims and thresholds," and it's implied that Azurah created the khajiit to help maintain the Lunar Lattice in some way. Seeing as the main plot of DA:I is heavily focused on the Veil between the mortal world and the Fade, you could probably do some very interesting stuff with a character who has an innate connection to a similar metaphysical barrier.
I understand why nobody's done something like this (at least as far as I'm aware), since a lot of people don't even know that the different furstocks exist and ohmes haven't been playable since Arena, but I feel like you could do some really fun stuff with it.
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
I just learned about Roganda a week ago and I am genuinely horrified. Palpatine deserved to be brutally tortured and executed over and over again.
I find it really interesting and also depressing how much Roganda's wardrobe and appearance changes from when she's a teenager and young adult forced into being Palpatine's concubine, to post Palpatine's death and she gets to have body autonomy for the first time in forever.
This is her as Palpatine's concubine, from around age 15 to 25.
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It looks to me like an interesting twist on Naboo fashion, despite her being from Alderaan, with the uncomfortably big hair pieces and styles, and the excessive makeup (as Roganda is described to have tan skin).
Then there's her after Palpatine dies.
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Hair loose, much simpler and comfortable outfit, no jewelry, hair chopped unevenly, no corset, no makeup. She actually looks YOUNGER than she does in the first picture. Her previous style was really just Not Her at all.
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
Rey being a nobody and abandoned on Jakku by her parents is the best thing that Rian Johnson introduced to her character. It perfectly parallels with Luke, while giving Rey something unique that can give her an interesting story. Luke thought that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was a hero who was betrayed by a monster. That's simple, that's easy all Luke has to do is kill the monster who killed his father. Turns out his father WAS the monster all along and he still has to kill him. Luke has to reconcile that his father is both the hero he idolized and the monster who he is fighting against. All Rey ever wanted was a family, and she still believes that they want her. If Rey finds out that her parents loved her and only abandoned her on Jakku, it would only vindicate her beliefs. The best way to parallel Luke, is to have her realize that her beliefs in her family are wrong, that they did not care for her and sold her for drinking money. The point of the Vader reveal was that it broke Luke's fundamental beliefs in himself and his father, and the nobody reveal was this for Rey.
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arcats900 · 2 months ago
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