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the game is about a cheeth who runs accros the planes and hitting any obsicle will stop you in your track i didnt add any lore to it as it is just ment to be an arcade game in fore weeks. the only thing i would change is to work on the maine menue more then i did not realy proud with that
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Infinite Runners
Runner 2- honesty i realy like the art style i just don't like the style of the the charecter it is a bit to basic and un apealing to me
Temple Run- temple run is an old game that i qute enjoied as a kid at the time it was the best for moblie and to me honest to this day i i still dont know what the monster is ment to be
Flappy Bird- flappy bird is a basic but fun game it was loved by the internet in the olden days and for it simplicity it was grate i don't have much to say
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Problem Solving
lately i have came accros a problem after setting up the death screan it is ment to show your score however the score keepes going up even when the game "ends" and unfortuntly i have not found a solution however i will keep this updated when i have
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Cheetah Character Designs
the cheetah chreter is shown to bee funky and cool to attract "cool kids" to by the produt and over all well desgned and if you look at the logo closy it has a similar shape as a cheeto
looking at other cheeth charecters i have came across cheeth men wich i honesly regrts seeying it seemes like a rip off of teenage mutant ninja turtles and done really terribly
compearing my 2D charecters to allot of other charecteres my one is on all fours is it is faster but theat charecters are standing on two legs showing as more of a frendly approch in trying to humanizethe charecters and take out its more animalistic features
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Weekly Targets
this week i plan to add a working maine menu and a death screan so that the game isnt just the game and ends when you die and thithin the death screan i plan to show you your score
i have recently come across a website that allowes me to keep track of what i am doing to help me keep on track the website is trello however i plan to start using it next project as it is just the finshing toches now and rounding the game up
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Game Logos
game logos are important to the game as it is a the face of the game. the game logo shood tell you what the game is about and keep it short and simple for exaple youshi's wooly world it is funky it showes a small and beaf detile of a game your not going to get a dark soules logo on a youshi game as it is not reprersenting the game the way it is it is like false advertising. and the way theas logos are it gives off the best expression for what the game is
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i have added a few more things as a lake bushes and a tree altho i might need to make them slightly bigger as they are nearly the same size as the charecter and i can use random back graound things to trick the player into jumpingt into a log or a lake
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attract screen
an attract screen is somthing important as it will draw your players in to play it such as having big flashy menues or somthing intresting to happen so that players will play that game and spend money on it
Discuss these menus- do you like them? Talk about movement- it's important as it helps catch peoples attention, and is more likley to draw them in to one game over another. Talk about each games logo, and colours, try to compare against your own game.
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movement code
the moment was really simple as the character automatically runs in one direction an changing to the jump sprite is just checking if I have a y velocity
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death code
I created a pawn and added a hit box that correlates with the players death then I added it to the level spawners so it randomly generates with the death box
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main menu
i have made a maine menue and got it all et up note i did fix the spelling mistake afterwords
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creating a child actor of my runner track allows me to a randomise runner in sense by selecting preset maps and randomly adding it to the end until the player dies
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Kachin this video allowed me to create my endless runner however I did have some issues like my direction but all the happens now is that I don't rotate the arrow and had to adjust it in the main build of it as some times there is a gap or overlap I still have to create a Maine menu and an end Sean and adding the high score screen and the number appear and keep the high score
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save game acros levles and exiting
doing these lines lines of code allows us to keep specific information between leaving and switching games by storing that information in the game instance
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keeping information betwen levels
so you create a game instance and they you create a varibale in that inctance that you refrence to
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