arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Hey there, handsome❤️ A bit more of a thinking question today.
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? No limits. No rules. Anything that you can think of and in this scenario, it would happen.
Wow... that's... hard...
The first one that comes to mind... I'd want my old unit back... I don't mean that I don't want the War Dogs... but I wish Keeli and the boys were ok... I miss them... even if I wasn't serving with them...
Second wish... is a no brainer... I wish this stupid shit with the Separatists would end tomorrow... I don't care who gets to be the winner. Just so that no more of us get fed to the meat grinder and so that people like you don't have to be anxious to go about your lives. I don't really know what that would mean for me and my vode... but it has to be less dismal...
Third... I wish you'd come over here... and have a sit on my lap... and tell me about your wishes 😏
~ Sig 😘
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Totally random question, but what's your favorite baked good, handsome? Just a totally innocent question and not because I want to bake something for you 😘😇
Baked goods??? Oof... dont get many of those very often 😵🤔
Ooohhh... what about... brownies??? Like all soft and gooey and they stick to your mouth...
Wait... is this a trick question? Are you or are you not baking??? Should I bring ice cream?? Ice cream goes with brownies, right? Well... I've cream goes with anything... can I come watch you bake? Maybe I can help? I don't have a clue how to bake... will you wear a cute little apron like they do in the holo programs?
🤪 and then I could like the spoons clean!... Among other things...
~ Sig
(drunk on the idea of romantic baking and chocolaty brownies)
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Its looking like we might have a storm here tonight. I really hope so. Thunderstorms are my favorite kind of weather. The louder and more powerful it is, the more I love it. If it shakes the building, that is my opinion of the best kind of weather.
I know this is kinda a boring question, but what is your favorite?
I think I like thunderstorms because of the calming atmosphere they bring, but they are also pretty good to cuddle up to <3
That's not boring at all... You'd like it on Kamino... it storms almost every day! The bad thunderstorms are so fierce that everyone is confined indoors. The structures of the cities are built to absorb lightning - there are systems to utilize the electricity to charge the main power sources, so Kamino doesn't have to source costly fuels for its energy.
But the storms are nice - the thunder growls and the sea churns up and crashes against the towers. It's a nice, comforting noise and nice to relax too. Sometimes I find places to be too quiet and it makes me uneasy.
It'll be nice to curl up together and listen to the thunder and lightning... kind of romantic, don't you think? 😏❤
~ Sig
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
So anyhow...
Some folks might be wonderin why a vod tagged as a massif handler is way out here n' not settled in the big city o' Corrie like the others. See, Porkchop ain't no city hound an neither am I. We come from the grass and the dust and the rocks and would both of us die locked up in all that durasteel an glass.
Back when I was a half-pint an came to live and work for Pa Fagan, he didn't fuss none over my sugar fainting and jes told me we'd have to be vigilant about treatin it. I was out driving a herd to the lowlands for water - a nice group of heaffers, all sweet and peaceful, perfect for a young'un to manage- and I got mighty dizzy and dropped like a rock. Went right to sleep.
I was alone c'ept for Porkchop, an he seemed to realize I was sick. He must've stayed right with me for the hours I was out... his big paw tracks went round and round where I was. Good boy that he is, Porky kept the herd right there with us an night was fallin when I woke. He washed my face somethin good and we jes curled up there an slept. I had some new milk for breakfast, and shared with him... also shared the biscuit I had stashed in my satchel, I was so pleased to have a good friend like him.
Well, we finished the drive an got the aurox tucked in safe an trotted along home. Pa Fagan was stern... wantin to know what I'd been up to all night. He acted all mad and scolded me, but I could see the shadows under his eyes and the battry was almost empty on his night lantern... so I know it was all for show.
Porkchop an I been inseparable ever since. He looks after me like a brother - knows when I'm gonna get sick before I even do and grabs my hand in his teeth to make me stop an listen. I s'pose he realized I needed help an took it upon himself to be my ori'vod!
When we were rescued from the ranch after the seppies came a bombing, I told the Marshall Commander I wanted to fight, specially for to honor Pa. But Porkchop had to come along... him an Steed. We're a team, us three. He watched us exercise together, vode comin at us like hostiles, an liked it somethin fine! Named us a hound unit, which I gather is pretty special!
So, here we are, settin up shop with the War Dogs. Don't that jes beat all? Meant to be, eh Porkchop?
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
So if you're like me you've wondered how the Jedi fit into the structure of the G.A.R. and how many people are under the command of the characters during the war. This is from Fry's Essential Guide to Warfare (2012):
Squad (9 troopers): The smallest unit in the Grand Army is the squad, led by a clone sergeant.
Platoon (36 troopers): A platoon consists of four squads, led by a clone lieutenant.
Company (144 troopers plus support personnel): A company consists of four platoons, led by a clone captain.
Battalion (576 troopers plus support personnel): A battalion consists of four companies, led by a clone commander.
Regiment (2,304 troopers plus support personnel): A regiment consists of four battalions, led by a clone regimental commander and a Jedi commander, often a Padawan serving a Jedi general. [Ahsoka]
Brigade (9,216 troopers plus support personnel): A brigade consists of four regiments, led by a clone senior commander and a Jedi general. Some brigades were called "legions." [Anakin]
Corps (36,864 troopers plus support personnel): A corps consists of four brigades, led by a clone marshal commander and a Jedi general.
Sector Army (147,456 troopers plus support personnel): A Sector Army consists of four corps, commanded by a highly experienced Jedi general.
Systems Army (294,912 troopers plus support personnel): A Systems Army consists of two Sector Armies, commanded by a Jedi general, a role filled at this level by members of the Jedi High Council. [Obi-Wan]
Grand Army (3,000,000+ troopers plus support personnel): The Grand Army as originally constituted consisted of all ten Systems Armies, led by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as Commander in Chief.
I was surprised by the disparity between Obi-Wan's 294,912+ troopers vs Anakin's 9,216+ troopers. On one hand it makes sense, Obi-Wan has a lot more standing among the Order in terms of having trained a Padawan to Knighthood and a seat on the Council. But on the other hand, in practice the show collapses the distinction between them.
If that really was the disparity between their actual roles and levels of responsibility, I can't imagine that Anakin wouldn't be bothered by how little actual responsibility/trust he was given, relatively. He is young, but he probably thinks that he's really good at being a general and should be higher in rank.
I guess that it's my headcanon now that the distinction is something he would consider disrespectful, and make his later denial from the rank of Master just another in a series of dismissals.
Edit: just discovered these are the numbers of Sifo-Dyas' initial order, so it might be different later in the war, who knows. Not me!
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Good morning everyone. And Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Here is today's list! And to those who've been on the list longer, don't despair! I think your anon is trying to work up the courage to talk to you!
@drabbles-n-doodles or @drabbles-after-dark (2nd is 18+ blog)
@intergalactic-padawan (under 18)
@colorfulloverbatturkey (waiting for Hunter, Crosshair, or Jesse)
@ortizshinkaroff (waiting for Tech)
@notreallybeccab (nothing 18+, but romance is welcome)
@shadow-hyder (waiting for any of the Bad Batch)
@halzore (to her previous anons: she misses you dearly. If you are still able, please go talk to her!
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Hey there handsome. Thought I could maybe persuade you into telling me about your armor. Your paint and the reasoning behind. I'm very interested to find out. Although, I do already know that part of it has to be custom made😘 any other part that has a story like that?
Well, I served under General Ima-Gun Di, alongside of Captain Keeli as a Lieutennant. We all wore the burgundy paint and most used a "capricorn" theme of sorts, like the Captain's ram horn design. I would've been lost on Ryloth with the rest of them, but General Di had sent me to be ARC trained. I'll always wear the colors for my vode.
Anyhow, I chose my ARC gear in burgundy and grey - grey leather kamas with burgundy trim, grey pauldrons. Burgundy boots & shinguards (the guard has a pair of grey racing stripes on them), with grey spats. My vembrances match the shinguards. I have a pair of burgundy racing stripes that wrap over the top of my helmet and come down below my visor, almost like tear tracks. I wear a stencil of capricorn on my shoulder petals and over my heart. Because that's what I am... stubborn as a goat, good a sowing fear and chaos on the battlefield.
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What do you think, Sugar? Do I need an update?
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
💗 Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome 🌿✨ 💓💝💖💓💝💗💝💓💖💖💓💗
💗 Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome 🌿✨ 💓💝💖💓💝💗💝💓💖💖💓💗
Thanks for this! I'm glad to be a part of your endeavor. Glad you welcomed us in!
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
💗 Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome 🌿✨ 💓💝💖💓💝💗💝💓💖💖💓💗
💗 Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome 🌿✨ 💓💝💖💓💝💗💝💓💖💖💓💗
Back at ya, brothers.
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
That's quite a list!!!
And we have now been running business for a week.
Just so everyone knows, tomorrow I am getting my Corona vaccine, so I might be out for a bit. Depending on what side-effects I experience, if any at all.
Also, apologies to those who weren't often on the lists-- I have now added you to the more permanent one. Let me know if you get your anon, so that I can take you off the list.
Now, here is today's list
@drabbles-n-doodles and @drabbles-after-dark (same person, just their second blog is the 18+ one)
@colorfulloverbatturkey (hoping on Hunter, Crosshair, or Jesse)
@ortizshinkaroff (hoping for Tech)
@notreallybeccab (nothing 18+ but romance is fine)
@senator-nahberries (under 18)
@shadow-hyder (bad batch, go get Shadow! She lives you boys!)
Anyone on the list not interested, please let me know so that you can be taken off. Or if you know of someone who would love an anon, just drop their name by.
Have a beautiful day, and let's hope you get your anon!
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
*Dusty walks in and sets down a platter of cookies. Everybody eyes it jealously. Juggernaut leaps up first, sprinting for the table, as several of his brothers try to beat him to it*
Jackal: HEY! BITCH TITS! WTH! Save some for the rest of us, asshole!
Juggernaut: Awwww... you're just jealous because my pecs got their own CT #
Jackal: 😳
Jackal: 🤬 ☠💥 🌽🎾
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Well... I don't rightly know how to make an introduction proper...
Wasn't raised to speak all clean n' fancy like.my vode.... wasn't raised on Kamino at all!
Anyhow... name's Cowboy! An this big lug here is my buddy Porkchop. He's the goodest boy ever in the galaxy!
See... there's always clones who don't grow right from the get go. If we don't pass muster we get culled... can't have a soldier who might malfunction on the battlefield. Well... I was about year 4 and was selected for culling. My body don't handle sugar well and I pass out real easy like if I don't watch myself. No good for a long hard campaign!
But Mr. Kershaw came to the fish heads - he invests a lot of credits in the cloning business an also commissions a lot of livestock from them... was starting an Aurox ranch on a planet he recently bought in the outer rims. It was a pretty nasty area so he got it cheap! Stars... can you imagine?
Anyhow, he wanted to buy clone soldiers 'cuz the place was lawless and his ranch hands couldn't hack the harsh conditions. So ol' Lama-Su sold him a bunch of us garbage clones cheap... guess it was a better choice than to just throw us away.
My boss at the ranch was Mr. Fagan. He was a right nice ol' fella. Tough, but always fair and not ever sour. Did the best yarnin in the evenins, tellin me n my vode stories about the places he'd farmed it! He was a good Pa, the best I could've asked for!
Well... I s'pose that's good enough for now. Sigma's callin me for training, so I'll sign off for now!
Later y'all!
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
I always wake up to such nice asks from you so I thought that I might give you something to wake up to! It probably won't be anywhere as near as good as yours but I hope it makes you smile nonetheless. So I just wanted to ask.... Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cause you're a snack😍😘
That.... that is gold. Fucking Maker that is ... I can't even handle the intellectual powers that birthed that!
A snack, eh? Wanna bite, Sugar?
~ Sig
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Sigma: Lads! We've got transfers! Meet Gator and Stitch!!
Dusty: 😶🍪
Aries: 😴😪😴😪
Jackal: 🤬☠💣💥🔫🗡⚰
Sigma: really?
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Sir yes sir! I was deployed with the 44th Battalion previously. It's gonna be interesting working with Grimm, seeing as I never stop smiling. - Stitch
Oh... he's gonna *love* you... just a tip... if you at any point start to think about killing him, slip some sertralitum in to his caf... for your own sanity...
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Permission to come aboard, sir? The name is Stitch - new medic, reporting in!
A medic! Perfect... the lads aren't easy on themselves. Gotten much experience yet, Vod? I'll introduce you to Grimm...
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arc-trooper-sigma · 3 years
Hey, fresh transfer from the 41st Elite here! Scout, name’s Gator. Looking for the CO?
Lt. Sigma...
Welcome aboard trooper! Glad to have you! Hope you brought extra TP...
Let's get you settled...
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