The Skinless Tree
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arbutuswitch · 4 years ago
Hi. Newbi questions: Regarding your Seers tea recipe; is it okay for men to drink seers tea as some recipes include ingredients that are hormone balancers? Also, please could you tell me where I could source these ingredients online? Thank you so much for your sharing & you have a beautiful blog. Blessings, Thomas.
To my knowledge, yes, it is completely safe for men to drink mullein and mugwort. I have never seen or read any warnings or contraindications against men using these herbs. However, I am not a trained medical professional. I am a self-taught herbalist.
As for sourcing: is my favourite online place to procure herbs, although I have never ordered mugwort or mullein from this site, as it grows wild where I live.
Thank you for your questions.
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arbutuswitch · 4 years ago
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One of my regular outdoor working spaces. The dark cedar rainforest opens up into a pleasant open glade rounded with green and with an elegant maple in the centre. I have long found the animus of maple to be gentle and understated, a guiding and familiar face, and enjoy immensely working in her grove.
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arbutuswitch · 4 years ago
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Funeral rights for a dear, dear friend.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
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A ritual in preparation of making Flying Ointment in the morning. All the herbs are gathered on my altar and their spirits appeased with offerings of smoke and wine. The vessels and tools are all consecrated in the sacred names of those who dwell beyond the veil. On this Saturn’s day eve, during the waning moonand during the tide of the Dark Ones, I perform this rite.  May He who is the eternal black flame illuminate my way. 
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
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We have finished our Mugwort Oil, the Queen of Night time Journeying, the best method of remembering dreams and visions while having the blessing of the Lady of Elphame. On Wednesday you’ll find it on the Store. Meanwhile,here’s a picture of its crafting process. #mugwort #witchcraft #poisonpath #traditionalwitchcraft #dreamwork #artemisia #elphame
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
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16. There is one Witchcraft under many names. There is one Grand Sabbat on one mountain. There are many ways to fly. There is no witness present at the Sabbat. -Apocalyptic Witchcraft, by Peter Grey
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
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Ceremonial, The Beginning.
I sometimes don’t wish people happy equinox because it always felt kinda kitshy to me, like we’re just replacing “Happy Holidays” with something else so that witches can feel included in mainstream social customs of seasonal greetings. An inclusion that necessitates us putting away our claws and teeth and making ourselves into flocks of people that rather than stand in pews, now stand in circles instead, and hold hands, and spew the same hypocrisy stemming from our collective bigotry, insecurity, and a refusal to look at the shadows of our own reflections.
A witches holiday is not just to get drunk on food. A witches sabbat is a work day. Harness natural power to create supernatural results like how our mothers made this world when she spoke her word. In a powerful place, at a powerful time. Or more likely when she spit it in rhymes and slam poetry and spoken word artistry into the mountains and rivers and winds and that warm molten core that holds it all together for us. God is a woman. God is a femme. God is a poet who takes her poetry from the gut and puts it into creation. The golden spiral, the patterns of the universe. Green Clovers always have three leaves. Until they don’t. That’s the bridge in between her lines from three to four to something special called inifinity.
But Happy Equinox I guess or whatever 😚😋😊.
#traditionalwitchcraft #magic #occult #witchcraft #conjuration #spiritualism #witchcraft #witchesoftoronto
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
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Trying to coax the sun out on these first days of the new spring.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
I don't work the same craft as you because of new law...But where do you obtain your hearts and bones?
From my butcher, mostly. Most of the bones and organs I use in spells I get from my butcher. Chicken bones, pig hearts, usually from meat that I eat. The butcher is also where I purchase animal blood for spells (and cooking).
My coyote skull, deer antler, and boar’s tooth are the exceptions. They are all locally found animal remains.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
Greetings. Concerning your Seer's Tea, are the proportions for a single drink, or are they for multiple? I do realize the parts are generic measurements, but I'm not quite certain concerning the dosage of the bleeding heart tincture.
Thank you for asking. The amount of bleeding heart tincture was per person or individual serving, given in Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West by Michael Moore. I usually make my bleeding heart tincture with dried roots of the plant.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
Hi. Do you consecrate your bones before you use them in ritual work? If so, what's a method you recommend?
I do! Here’s a breakdown of how I do it.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
I have two questions about a post, "Here is the place. Tonight is the night." What did you use to make the circle? and HOW did you make it so perfect?
I use a mixture of salt, flour, and powdered chalk (when outdoors, I omit the salt, as it’s harmful to the soil and plant life).
As too how I get it so circular, first, I mark my compass points and then using a bag with a corner cut off, I trace the circle much like piping icing on a cake. If there’s a part of the circle that’s not arced properly, I just take a cloth and nudge/swipe the powder into place delicately. This, of course, works only on a hardwood or laminate floor (or something equally smooth, I guess, like tile) so if I’m working outside I have to get it right the first time or just live with mistakes.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
The Red Meal
The Red Meal’s implements are not an offering to the spirit. 
The bread, and the wine, they are just a way of connecting to the spirits, giving them life for what they must do. 
And what they must do is secret. 
What they must do is eat away at you, not the bread and wine. 
They eat you, you become the meal. They whittle you done to the bones, and bring out the Fire. 
Christ did it, and showed his disciples how to do it. The Norse did it with their elf blots. Tantric Yogis do it with their bone pans. The Inuit magic users would do it by dreaming of their bones. The witches do it by drinking poisonous drinks and returning to the Sabbat. 
It’s all there to bring the sorcerer to the awareness of One. The point of All. Where all dualities, tripalities, inifinites, and ends become One and All. 
Within you, dear reader, is the Light, the Way, and the Truth. Like the Hanged Man, you must sacrifice yourself upon the Tree under which you have laid your offerings in order to obtain that which you seek. 
When you partake in the Red Meal, when you hold Houzel, you are made holy, and all those that you are with are also made holy (made whole) within the circle of your fellowship. You are made less of this, and a little more of that. To become Red and White. Living and Dead. Here and There. Other and Not Other. 
There are many different rites that look like the Red Meal, and many ways to perform it from the simplest to the most complex.  Here is one method:  Take yourself to a holy place. This may be a small shrine you have erected in your backyard, or within your home. Perhaps it is under a sacred tree, or within a graveyard. A cross-road is also a place of holy liminal virtue. Have with you a bit of bread and a red wine. 
Light before you a candle, or a flame of some sort, and say these words or words to this effect: 
“I light this flame in the name of All that Is,  That name within which all is conjoined in One The Most Ancient Providence,  Which is in all things.” Over the bread, draw an equal armed cross, and bless it in the name of the witching gods, however they may be known. Do the same with the wine.  Eat of the bread, and as you do so, say these words:  “I eat of this bread by the unknown name, With fearful dread and great terror For they are that which dies,  But is never dead.”
Drink a little of the wine as you say: 
“I drink this wine in the Lady’s name, For she shall gather me home again.” 
Then give the offerings unto the ground:
“For the gods and ungods, ancestors, and familiar spirits, I give this unto you.  For there is naught of me that is not thine,  And naught of thee that is not mine,  My blood is your blood,  And your blood is mine.  Here is shown the Mystery.”  Extinguish your candle, and leave the way you came. It is done. 
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
Money Pots and Prosperity Boxes.
Developing meaningful relationship with money.
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*Put this together on a Thursday, during the Waxing to Full moon. Alterntively, Thursday sun rise to high noon works too, when the clockhand is going upwards on the clock (Thanks Mama Starr for this trick).*
Things you will need:
1. A suitable container (see below), something earth and made of more organic materials preferably like wood or clay.
2. A Lodestone, Master Root, Alraune etc. Properly gathered and prepared.
3. Money Drawing Powder and oil (see below for a simple recipe)
4. Change and bills from your wallet. 
5. Rum/Whiskey.
6. Holy Water/Agua Florida etc. 
7. Paper and pen.
8. Prayer and white tea lights (cleansed and blessed/prayed over).
9. Cigar/sage bundle/cigarello/smoke blend and pipe etc.
To bless a cash box, or a money pot in more rootwork terms, with a lodestone or Master Root or some other spirit filled curio that corresponds to wealth and power. 
Keep reading
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
I've been throwing bones for several years. I feel presumptuous doling out information that hasn't been asked for, but feel free to hit up my inbox if you have any questions or just want to chat.
Next level divination: Bones edition.
Starting to research throwing bones (literal bones) as a divination form. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or any advice, please feel free to message me.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
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A frustrating reading, but accurate.
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arbutuswitch · 8 years ago
In 1597 Andrew Man told the judges at Aberdeen that he had paid homage to the Queen of the Elves and to the devil, who had appeared to him in the guise of a stag, emerging from the snow on a summer’s day during the harvest. His name was Christonday (the Sunday of Christ). Andrew Man had kissed its behind. He thought it was an angel, God’s godchild, and that ‘it had all the power under God’. The Queen of the Elves was inferior to the Devil, but ‘has a grip on all of the craft.’ The Elves had set the tables with food, played music and danced. They were shadows, but with the appearance and clothes of human beings. Their queen was very beautiful; and Andrew Man had coupled with her carnally.The judges at Aberdeen considered these accounts 'plane witchcraft and devilrie.’
Carlo Ginzburg, Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath (via ophidiansabbat)
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