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araveticazx · 1 day ago
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. cowboy!Geto x barmaid!Reader, historical AU - wild west era, mention of catcalling, Gojo makes a cameo, making out, kissing, Geto gets shot, somewhat friends to lovers, eventual smut [MDNI], dubcon, the cowboy hat stays ON btw, grĂłping, mean sĂ©x, reverse cowgirl, rĂ­ding, doggy style, tĂ­t sucking, fĂ­ngering, gĂșn play, dĂĄcryphilia, sadism (geto's lowk a bully tbh), overstimĂșlation, crĂ©ampies, sqĂșirting, multiple orgĂĄsms, multiple sĂ©x positions, TL;DR: Reader takes “Save a Horse & Ride a Cowboy” too seriously
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄. my first geto fic, everybody cheer!! ha ha ha . . . i tried, idk, i didn't. there was a part of me taht really strangely wanted this to be pîrn w/o plot, but, i dunno, plot is really hard to resist nowadays // available on ao3 // dividers by @/saradika
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“Can I get you boys anything?”
Two pairs of violet and cerulean eyes snapped up almost instantly to your figure as you walked over to the party of two in the corner, your hands on your hips.
House of the Rising Sun was a popular saloon for bandits, and cowboys, and bounty hunters; and, sure, you had encountered your fair share of delinquents while waiting at your uncle’s bar; but, as you stood before this table, you realized you had never before seen these faces.
“Well, how do you do, ma’am . . .” The blue-eyed, silver-haired one spoke up first, drinking in your appearance like a lousy, perverted fool, as he tipped his hat at you in a poor effort to save his decorum. “I’m sure you could get me anything.”
You blinked at his innuendos, albeit you were unfazed—this would not be the first man to have imagined bedding you, not even close.
“God, don’t be a boy, Satoru,” scolded his friend, as he sat across from him. They were both attractive in their own ways, but, by God . . . , the dark-haired one surely took the cake. “Sorry about him,” (He turned to you) “he’s not very good at talking to women.”
“Oh, puh-lease, Suguru, as if you’re—”
The man leaning back in his chair, hair tied in a bun at his neck, took your left hand in his and kissed it. “Geto Suguru, ma’am. I hope my companion, Gojo, doesn’t scare you off.”
Gojo Satoru seemed to grow livid at that last part. “COMPANION!? I’m just a companion, now? In front of the ladies, too?” Scoffing, Gojo crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, I see how it is.”
You raised a brow, letting your hand slip from Geto’s as you turned to face his supposed companion. “I’m sorry . . . I don’t seem to follow.”
“Oh, it’s nothing! Just, my best friend demoting me to a companion, is all. But, it’s fine! really.” Gojo began to uncross his arms, sitting up in his seat as he, too, took your hand in his, kissing it. “My name is Gojo, as you may have heard from that punk over there.” (He eyed Geto dangerously, before turning back to flash you with a set of pearly whites.) “Gojo Satoru.”
“Well, it’s . . . nice to meet the both of you, boys.” You offered your name in return, and eyed their empty table. “Now, is anyone going to tell me what they would like to drink? My uncle, I can tell you, does not like people who take up seats.”
Gojo sat upright at the mention of drinks, and grinned from ear-to-ear. “Shirley Temple. Extra cherries.”
You kept note of the beverage, and turned to look at the dark-haired man. “And you, mister?”
“Beer. Cold, please.”
When you walked off to fetch their drinks, you could’ve sworn you heard the two friends bickering quietly between themselves. Something along the lines of, “Oh, look at you. Trying to impress gals with your manners and such,” and, “‘Impress?’ Fancy word for knowing how to speak like a gentleman,” to which the silver-haired man replied, saying, “Gentleman? We’re cowboys, Suguru! Nothing gentle about us folk.”
You would’ve laughed, (had you not been eavesdropping), but you didn’t; and so, you went about your way.
When you returned with two jugs filled to the brim, neither of the men were still arguing.
“I knew I liked you for a reason!” laughed Gojo, as he took the Shirley Temple from your hands before you could even set it down, and drained almost half of it within seconds. “Man! nothing’ll ever top this. And, on a hot day? Sorry, ma’am, I might have to marry you now.”
You blinked. “Uhm . . .”
“Forgive him,” interrupted Geto, as he accepted his jug of beer from you in an inarguably more civilized manner. “What he means to say is, he likes the way you make a Shirley Temple—”
“A mouth-watering, divine, absolutely heavenly Shirley Temple, excuse you. God, just shoot me now, Suguru—I’ve already had a taste of Paradise.”
Yeah, you could get used to this. And, you did! because, who would’ve guessed, only a fortnight had needed to pass after that strange encounter for you to find the two cowboys soon becoming regulars, there, at House of the Rising Sun, or, in other words, the saloon that you worked at—daily!
Geto and Gojo frequented the establishment so often that they had even acquired their own designated table. After long days spent riding around on their horses, chasing bandits, capturing bounties, and whatever it was that cowboys did, the boys always returned to the saloon, sitting at the table they always sat at and ordering whatever drinks their appetites fancied.
Whenever new customers would try and dare sitting at the round table in the rear corner of the bar, other regulars would warn them about backing off, lest they wanted a bullet or two to the chest.
Hell, even your uncle began to recognize the “dynamic duo.” He knew their first and surnames, and, by the third week of their stay in your town, he had begun to memorize their usual orders, too.
You weren’t a cowgirl or anything—you didn’t know jack about horses, but it seemed the pair of friends had a special appreciation for you, and would refuse being served by any other barmaid. Gojo claimed it was due to how good you were at making Shirley Temples, but Geto liked the fact that you were probably the first and last gal to have ever turned a deaf ear towards Gojo’s attempts at flirting.
Err, well, it would probably be awkward if you had done otherwise. It was a small world—the world you lived in—but the town was even smaller.
You ran into Geto almost every other day outside of the saloon, never mind meeting inside of the bar. Sometimes he would help carry your groceries, hoist up the bags into his saddle pack, or even give you a ride home on his horse. Its name was Makoto, by the way. But, what really helped bring the two of you closer, was probably all the times you had Geto pretend to be your husband, and vice versa.
It was all for a greater good, trust me.
It was the time of the Wild West, men were either drunkards, entrepreneurs, outlaws, or gunslingers. It came with no surprise, at all, that the chances of walking alone outside bringing bands of catcallers and perverts was almost definite. Almost. Because, the rare occasion that you were left alone, was always due to the fact that a tall, lean, dark-haired man was walking beside you, arm-in-arm, whilst he posed as your lover.
Sure, Gojo was a touchy guy, and sometimes even invited you to sit with him at his usual table, slinging an arm around your shoulder as if it were the most normal thing in the world. But, Geto . . . ? He was a different story. His friend may have been clingy, but Geto was handsy. And that’s exactly why he was the perfect candidate for a Fake Husbandℱ—the sole purpose of which was to scare off men who harassed you.
His appearance was enough: toned muscles, cold eyes, revolver strapped to his thigh at all times; he warded off evil like a talisman. Don’t get me wrong, his physique was terrifying enough, but, the whole “Scary Guy Act” wasn’t the only thing that gave other dudes the hint.
Perhaps it was in the way that Geto was constantly touching you, consciously or not. Hand on the small of your back, arm around your waist, chin resting on the top of your head; you two seemed to just fall into predicaments that had the both of you ending up right by the other, shoulder-to-shoulder.
In any way, the two of you soon fell into a pleasant pattern, one that had neither of you ever objecting.
꒰ 𐚁 ꒱
Sunny days brought humid weather, sweaty customers, and Geto entering the House of the Rising Sun. This time, however, he was alone. There was no silver-haired buffoon trailing behind him.
“What, don’t tell me the clown’s retired, now?” you joked, walking up to greet the cowboy as soon as he walked through the doors of the saloon.
Geto laughed, and you two walked together to the back of the establishment, where his usual table resided. You had already set out a cold beer and a Shirley Temple with extra cherries in anticipation of the fellows, but it seemed your efforts were only partially needed.
“Satoru’s out and about.” Geto sighed as he sat down, stretching his muscles. “The usual, y’know, chasing after bounties and whatnot?”
You pretended to understand, nodding.
Geto eyed you suspiciously as he gulped down his jug, Adam’s Apple bobbing as he swallowed. “You can sit down. You know I don’t bite.”
And so, you did. You usually opted for standing around, taking orders and making smalltalk with your newfound friends, but there was an empty seat now, and it wasn’t like today was very busy; there was no need for extra barmaids like you. At least, not at the moment . . .
You fluttered your eyelashes, having decided to not let the Shirley Temple go to waste as you took a small sip. “And, if I wanted you to bite?”
“. . .You’re awfully cheeky today, aren’t you?”
“Well, someone has to be.” You leaned over the table to poke Geto on the cheek. “You always have this solemn look on your face. It’s unbecoming.”
“‘Unbecoming?’” he repeated, humoring you.
You shrugged. “Sure. Maybe if you smiled more, you wouldn’t be drinking with your friends all the time.”
Geto leaned back in his seat, raising a brow at your hidden assumption. “I get enough ladies on my arm just fine.”
“Yeah? Doesn’t look like it.”
“Pfft—like you would know.”
You swallowed a cherry, removing the stem from between your lips soon afterwards, and dropping it onto a nearby napkin. “Don’t act smart.”
“Is it unbecoming?” Geto laughed, quoting you.
And then, the both of you laughed.
Somehow, you could manage talking about everything and nothing, all at the same time. That’s how it always was with Geto Suguru: you two had a natural chemistry together—synergy, one could even say.
“Say, how about we ditch the drinks and I take you on a ride somewhere?” Geto proposed, setting down his empty jug.
“You gonna pay, mister? Uncle might shoot you if you dine and dash, you know.”
The cowboy shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time a bullet’s entered my system.”
You threw a cherry at Geto, which he caught, with his teeth. “Not funny.”
“Not joking,” he quipped, a pleased expression about his countenance whilst he chewed on the piece of fruit.
“My uncle’s shot you before?” you asked, going back to the subject.
Geto gave a sly smile at your gullibility. “Nah, ‘nother guy. Don’t worry about it, though.”
He cut you off, dropping silver coins onto the table as he stood up, the legs of his chair scraping against the floor. “Wanna go ride, or not? Makoto’s waiting outside.”
His tone lacked patience, and you swallowed whatever it was you were planning on asking, following after Geto as he exited. You didn’t fail to notice, however, the way all eyes seemed to lift up from saloon tables and trail after the dark-haired cowboy as he went, especially now that he was being accompanied by a lady. The pistol on his hip wasn’t the only object of attention, now.
You weren’t an equestrian, by any means, but you weren’t exactly a rookie when it came to riding horses. You had gone a few times with your father—back during your teenage years, and Geto had also shown you the ropes (or reins, in this case) on a couple of occasions.
The cowboy didn’t like the look of stirrups on his saddles, so he usually removed those before bringing out Makoto. Well, at least, that was the excuse he gave you for always having to lift you up by the waist and place you on the back of the Friesian beauty. Funny, Geto Suguru was a tall man, and so was his steed.
“Wanna take the lead today?” he asked, leaning down to speak against your ear as he, too, swung himself over the saddle, taking a seat right behind you.
You knew how much Geto hated people marring his possessions, and so you asked, craning your neck around to face him, “You sure?”
“I put you in the front, didn’t I? Don’t make me out to be some domineering man.” He scoffed, playfully, and patted the sleek, midnight-colored horse on the base of its neck.
“Scared? Don’t worry, Makoto doesn’t buck women.” And then, Geto tossed the reins into your hands, before settling back down onto the seat of the saddle with his chest flush against your back. “C’mon, darling, you know I don’t like to be kept waiting,” was what he whispered in your ear a moment afterwards, hot breath fanning against your skin.
You swallowed, your protests silent as you began a slow pace on the horse, hands gripping the reins as Makoto trotted out from the saloon’s makeshift stable.
“Not bad, yeah?” asked Geto, after you two had ridden across a couple of paces. 
His hands had slithered around your waist, finding purchase on the flesh of your hips, and you found it rather difficult to answer him without stuttering over yourself like a fool.
“No.” You shook your head. “I was just . . . hesitant, I guess.”
“Everyone always is, at first. But, ah,” Geto paused, giving side-glances to passersby who watched the two of you with prejudices and scowls, “you’ll get used to it.”
“Hopefully, there’ll be no instances where I need to get used to it.”
Geto snorted. “You know I would give you a ride if you needed one.”
“Then, why are you forcing me to drive?” you whined.
“I like seeing you struggle.” Geto shrugged, gesturing to the way you shook with each jolt of the horse.
You frowned, cursing to yourself as you dug your heel against Geto’s boot as if in retaliation—it was useless, though; cowhide was pretty ductile.
When you told Geto you had never ridden anywhere outside of the dusty town you called Home, he immediately turned the reins in the opposite direction, and gave you instructions on where to turn in order to try out his favorite path. It was a secluded trail, and led pretty far out West, but it was also quiet, and sunny, and serene.
The ride out of town took thirty minutes—thirty minutes of Geto talking you through it: saying things like, Good girl. See, you’re getting it, or, You’re doing so well. Better than most, and, You’re pretty good for a first-timer. Thirty minutes of Geto’s hands on your hips, waist, his lips brushing against your ear whenever he whispered praises to you. Thirty minutes of being alone, in a desert, with a man and his horse for company.
But, thirty minutes, nonetheless.
“Let’s stop here, pretty,” said Geto, as he put a hand on your wrist. “There’s a spring; Makoto’s getting thirsty.”
You nodded. 
Geto slid off the saddle, landing on his feet, and you let him maneuver you off of the Friesian’s back.
“When should I take you home?”
You were dusting off the skirt of your dress, and turned to face Geto when he spoke. “Pardon?”
“We can’t stay here forever. Besides, it’s getting dark out. I know you hate going to bed late.”
You could hear Makoto drinking water in the background, his neck bent, ears pinned. He could take care of himself like that, so you paid him no mind when you took a step towards Geto, where he sat on a boulder.
 “I don’t have a curfew to follow.” You sat down beside him, your knees touching. “I’m not some kid, Suguru.”
“Sure doesn’t look like it.”
“Hey—! What’s that supposed to mean—?”
“It means you’re shivering,” he cut you off. “You’re, what, an adult, but you don’t even know how to dress for the weather?”
Geto wasn’t wearing a jacket, so he opted for pulling you closer to himself. His body naturally ran hot; and, at this point, there was no purpose for a heat generator. Besides, if that wasn’t enough, the way your cheeks instantly warmed at the contact was probably adequate.
“I’m . . .” You turned your head to the side, avoiding a certain someone’s eyes. “It’s never this cold back home. It’s not my fault.”
“Never said it was.”
You turned back around to bite, but when you met violet eyes, you swallowed your complaints. “But, you—you just . . .”
“What, cat got your tongue?” 
Geto snickered, and you moved to shove at his shoulder, but he caught your wrists before you could lay a hit, and pulled you closer, your faces mere centimeters apart.
“Suguru . . .”
“Pretty girl.”
Your brows furrowed in dismay. “. . .”
“Where’s that snarky mouth from earlier, huh? Don’t tell me you’re all bark, no bite.”
You instantly frowned. “Oh, I’ll show you bite, mister.”
Your expression was twisted in a deep scowl as you lunged at Geto, but your sourness soon turned to surprise when Geto landed with his back on the boulder after your little attack, and you landed on top of him.
Locks of hair fell from behind your ears, creating a curtain around the two of you as you stared down at Geto with a stunned look about your face, your palms planted on his chest, and your legs straddling his. This was not what you thought was going to happen; though, then again, what were you expecting when you practically threw yourself on top of, or, in this case, at Geto?
“Is this what you meant by ‘bite?’” The cowboy stared back up at you, violet eyes turning a darker shade. “Not very intimidating, if you were wondering.”
You scoffed, unable to form a response. “Pfft—not like you can do any better.”
“You don’t think so?”
“. . .”
You didn’t press further, and Geto laughed. “You don’t sound very confident.”
“I’m . . .” You looked away, your voice trailing off.
“At a loss for words? I haven’t even done anything.” Geto paused, you looked back to see the look on his face, and he laughed, again, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “. . .Yet.” 
And then, he kissed you. Geto Suguru tugged you down by the elbows, leaving you to fall right onto his chest, and he kissed you. He kissed you. As in, mouths connecting, lips connecting, the whole shebang—anyway, you get the idea.
You were more shocked than flattered. At least, in the beginning.
Geto’s eyes had fluttered shut as soon as he closed the distance between the two of you, but for the first few seconds, your eyes were opened in complete and utter astonishment. And then, you closed them, of course; but, that’s not the point.
The point was, you never expected to end up kissing someone like Geto Suguru in a place like—like this! In the wild, with a horse drinking water in the background, and grains of sand flying everywhere all around you both. You always imagined something more—wait . . . no, you never imagined kissing Geto. Haha, what?
When you did, finally, shut your eyes, however, you kissed Geto back with as much zeal. Maybe even more . . .
You had never kissed a man before, you had never kissed anyone before, but, somehow . . . it just felt right.
The boulder beneath the two of you was large enough for you and Geto to tackle each other, rolling around so that now you were the one on the bottom, with the raven-haired cowboy on top of you. But, the boulder was also big enough so that neither of you rolled off. Another plus, in your eyes.
“How was that?” he quipped, letting you breathe as he pulled back, just ever so slightly, to watch the rise and fall of your chest.
You sighed against Geto’s lips, your hands tugging his hair in an attempt to pull him impossibly closer as you brought him in for more. It was as if he had infected you with a newfound lust; normally, you were much more refined.
His lips tasted of liquor and tobacco. He was a smoker, you had learned; not that you minded . . .
What started at first as a silly, little retaliation had turned into something more. Chaste kisses turned to tongue and teeth, and the warmth of his body enveloped yours as the night progressed.
Geto did not return you to your home until the clocks had struck midnight, and the evening stars were upon you both.
꒰ 𐚁 ꒱
You didn’t give yourself away so easily, and that was no different when it came to Geto Suguru.
Sure, kissing was kind of tame and—and lame compared to . . . other activities, but one would be surprised at how gratifying it could be if done right. And, you had no trouble in that department when it came to Geto.
He was good with his mouth. More than “good,” actually. He knew how to speak to you in a way that had your cheeks warming, thighs clenching; he knew how to touch you, trail his hands down your back and sides and legs; he knew how to kiss you just right, knocking the wind and more out of you—he knew how to make you feel good.
And, you liked that.
Which is why the two of you began to share kisses more often. Sneaking around the saloon, kissing behind closed curtains, visiting after hours (without Gojo trailing behind), going on late-night rides on Makoto. You two embraced like lovers when alone, but acted as mere acquaintances outside. There was no label: only feelings; and, that was okay!
It was what worked for you two.
Today, however, you had yet to have heard from the man of the hour. Even Gojo hadn’t stopped by for his usual Shirley Temple—which was odd, because neither of them almost ever missed their usuals.
Anyway, you were too busy to make much notice of the fact. It was a busy day, with customers flocking in and out through the saloon’s doors like wild animals. It was hot out, so you understood, but, still . . . You could use a break every once in a while.
In fact, you had even heard gunshots outside at one point. You didn’t do anything about it, though; the number of outlaws and bandits in the town was countless; bloodshed was almost to be expected, at this rate. And, not like you cared—you would have rather taken up an additional shift at the House of the Rising Sun if it meant not having to scrub blood off the floors of the saloon.
Ignorance was bliss, as your uncle liked to say.
That phrase would probably end up being your epitaph, after hypothetically dying from a stampede or something whilst not watching where you walked. It was, like, a daily mantra for you; well, it was, up until you began to hear strange noises—like groans and whimpers—coming from beyond the backdoor of the saloon.
Your uncle was already occupied with arguing with customers, and no one else seemed to notice the sounds. You would’ve left it alone had it not been distracting you like crazy. So, as you wiped your hands on your apron, and walked to exit through the backdoor and out into the alleyway beside the House, you took it upon yourself to investigate.
Despite having no magnifying glass, no gloves, and definitely no slacks, you were still a pretty damn good detective, because, lo and behold, when you opened that door, you came face-to-face with none other than Geto Suguru.
You merely blinked when you drank in his appearance—he was sitting up against the brick wall, blood staining through the material of his shirt as he clutched at the wound on his chest. Even while he was bleeding out, potentially on the verge of death, even, you couldn’t exactly help yourself from thinking him as handsome as ever . . .
“You don’t look exactly surprised to see a man bleeding out,” he managed to murmur, spitting out blood as he heard the creak of the door whilst it opened further.
“I think you should know by now, that I’m not some sheltered nobody.” You took steps towards your lover as you spoke, eyes meeting violet ones. “I fall asleep to the sound of gunshots, babe.”
Geto laughed. “Gonna just stand there, or help a dying man up?”
Shaking your head, you pretended to ponder. “Hmm, decisions, decisions . . .”
You did end up helping him up, though. Carried him straight up the stairs in the back of the saloon, with one of his arms around your shoulder. He was heavy as fuck, maybe from being so tall, but, still. You struggled. Struggled. And, you know what, that motherfucker didn’t even feel sorry that you had to carry a grown man up some rather creaky stairs. 
In fact, Geto even forced some dead weight onto you—you swore to God, you were this close to letting him just drop dead.
When the two of you reached the floor upstairs (the room your uncle sometimes lent to you), you took him to the guest bedroom, and nursed him back to life. You weren’t a nurse, by any means, but you had had your fair share of injuries to witness, and so, you knew a thing or two when it came to taking care of bullet wounds.
Although you were a pretty damn good medic, Geto was probably the worst patient you had ever patched up.
He was as handsy as they came, and while you worked on removing the clothes on his upper half, his hands found their way to your waist as if magnets, trailing up your sides and slithering down every curve and dip of your body as they went.
“You are very impatient for a man who has just been shot,” you chided, when you felt him groping the flesh of your hips.
Geto didn’t stop, obviously; in fact, he even took it as a challenge, it seemed. “I’m always impatient when it comes to you.”
The man was sitting on the edge of the bed, with you on his lap as you bandaged his chest. Your tongue poked at the inside of your cheek whilst you worked, and locks of hair occasionally fell before your eyes, to which, in response, Geto always tucked behind your ears.
“So, you gonna tell me why you were bleeding out in an alleyway?” You looked up from your tools, and raised a brow at the cowboy.
Geto tried to change the subject, but relented when you wouldn’t budge. “It was nothing, honestly. Just some guy . . .”
“Just some guy? Well, this guy put a bullet through you. Doesn’t seem like some guy, does it?”
“You’re awfully curious.” Geto scoffed, but hissed when you pressed particularly hard on his wound. “But, okay, I fold. This—This guy, he’s . . . He doesn’t get along with me and Satoru; we’ve had a few run-ins with him, and he’s not a great guy. Older, sharpshooter, probably goes around with his pistol for sport, let’s just leave it at that, alright. You happy, now?”
“Oh, come on, Sugu. That’s barely anything,” you whined, lips pouting. “Can you blame a girl for worrying about her biggest tipper?”
“‘Sugu,’ huh? That’s a new one.” Geto pretended to contemplate, but you already knew his answer before he said it. “Sorry, pretty girl, but it’ll have to be a story for another time.”
Geto pressed a kiss to your temple, and you grumbled as you leaned over to reach for a medical tool you had left somewhere on the bed. There was a blanket covering Geto from the waist-down, and as you blindly palmed your way around, your fingers abruptly brushed over an unfamiliar hardness.
Though you laughed, you didn’t pull your hand back. “Is that a gun I’m touching, or,” you paused, eyes flitting upwards to meet Geto’s, “are you just happy to see me?”
Geto leaned downwards, his nose centimeters from yours. “Why don’t you take a guess, sweetheart . . .”
You did not give into temptation. Shoving his face away with your free hand, you continued on with your handiwork.
“Do you . . . always end up getting shot?” You spoke as your fingers moved, cutting through the pleasant silence.
“No. I’m usually more careful, but . . .” Geto ran a hand through his hair. “This guy is pretty good.”
“Is—Is . . . Where is Gojo?”
“Outside. Defending my honor, I assume.” Geto neared your face, watching the flutter of your lashes and the quirk of your lips and the furrow of your brow. “But, mm, don’t get your hopes up. You might have to attend to another man soon.”
You shook your head. “Don’t even joke about that.”
“Who said anything about joking?”
You threatened to stab Geto with your scissors, and he became silent, making a zipping motion around his lips. However, he broke his vow only seconds later, once you had finished bandaging the top half of his bared chest.
Hands on your hips, Geto leaned down to whisper in your ear. His voice smooth and sultry as he spoke, saying, “You’re so sweet when you’re all worried for me. Patching me up and shit? A dream, you are.”
You bit your lip, humoring him as your hands perched atop his shoulders. “You like hospitable women, Suguru? Want a little housewife to come home to?”
“Mm, nah. Just you.”
Geto’s hand landed on the flesh of your hip, pushing the length of your skirt to bunch up at your waist, but you moved his hand to your thigh, fingers grazing at the material of your fishnets, and you spoke in a coquettish manner. “Don’t be shy,” you murmured, “you can rip them.”
And rip them, he did.
First to go were your fishnets, then your bodice, which he skillfully untied, (leading you to wonder if this was his first rodeo . . .), and then your dress, which he tore in half. Men, am I right?
You were stripped to the lingerie you wore beneath your clothes, a little black, lacy set. Eye-candy if anything, in Geto’s opinion.
“This for me, pretty?” He looked you up and down, ravaging you with his eyes alone.
You crossed your arms over your chest, scoffing, tits pressing together as they spilled out your top. “Who else?”
“Attitude,” he tsked, and you rolled your eyes.
“You know you love it.”
“Damn right, I do.”
And, when Geto kissed you, you let your hands fall to your sides, before returning to their rightful places on his shoulder and chest. It started off chaste, as it always did, and then his kisses turned needy, full of want and desire. You sighed against him, the sound almost angelic.
“You a virgin?” he asked, murmuring against your lips as he pulled you to him by the waist.
“Suguru, trust me, I’ve been working at a brothel since I was legal.”
“. . . !”
You pulled back to watch the look on his face, only to return with kisses to his jaw, chin, and along his lips. “Only kidding. Why’d you ask, Mr. Cowboy?”
“Oh, you know, wanted to see whether or not I should go easy on a sweet thing like you.”
You giggled against his lips. “Aww, so, does this mean the big, bad Suguru won’t go easy on me, anymore?”
“Dunno yet. Have you been a good girl lately?”
“Only the best.”
“Yeah? You know I don’t like liars.”
“And you know,” (You pulled away, booping him on the nose) “that I can be very persuasive.”
“That, you are, sweetheart. That, you are.”
And then, his lips were on yours, again. All teeth and tongue, this time around.
Hands wrapped around your figure, enveloping you in warmth as your tits pressed up against his bare chest, you didn’t even notice the feeling of his fingers slowly trailing down the small of your back, dipping between the waistband of your panties, until a digit had slipped between your folds, gathering up the slick that had accumulated there.
“A-Ah—! Suguru . . .”
Geto’s palm was large enough to rest on your ass whilst simultaneously reaching down to stimulate your clit with pinches and rubs.
He bit your bottom lip, holding it between his teeth. “Were you saying something?”
“Oh, mmm . . .”
His fingers were long, cold and icy, completely unlike the rest of him; and, soon after, one finger turned into two, and two turned into three, further spreading apart the puffy lips of your pussy as you dripped onto the material of his pants.
Your face contorted into an expression of evident pleasure, your fingers gripping onto Geto’s shoulders as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. “Hahh, Sugu . . . You’re so . . . Nngh, so deep—!”
Geto curled his fingers, moving them fast, then slow, then fast, and then, slow, again. You liked to think you hadn’t had sex in a while, and Geto could tell, from how tight you were inside, but still, he was able to work his magic, working you looser and looser as the minutes rolled by and the sound of your moans became music to his ears.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you. S’ppose there’s not many men around to keep you company—not that they’d be any good, anyway.” Geto scoffed.
You didn’t like how good Geto was at this, but you failed at any attempt to suppress the proof.
His fingers reached all your good spots, working you open as they scissored and curled, your slick dripping all the way down to his wrist. Geto was groaning from the sight of it all, alone.
“O-Oh . . . Oh, God, I’m—Nngh, you’re . . .”
“I’m, what?”
You mewled and writhed, your walls clenching around Geto’s fingers when they hit particularly deep. 
“You’re making me feel so . . . hnngh, g-good . . . So good, Sugu, I’m . . . nngh—!”
You could feel a coil forming in your lower belly, your stomach tightening as it grew warm.
Your nipples hardened, pressing against the lace of your bra as you looked for any sort of additional friction to match Geto’s. Your thighs clamped down around his hand, and his fingers forced their way deeper into your cunt, the action sending your head spinning.
“That good, huh?” Geto looked down at you, the dazed look on your face, flushed cheeks, disheveled hair. All—because—of him.
“Oh, God . . . I’m gonna—I need—I need to cum . . .”
Geto pinched your clit. “Who’s stopping you?”
You came almost instantly, dripping excessively down the lengths of Geto’s fingers whilst you threw your head back, eyes screwed shut in bliss as your orgasm took the best of you.
“Suguru, I’m  . . . Nngh, o-oh, my God—!”
“Tha-a-t’s it.” Geto kept his fingers plugged up your pussy as you came on his hand, instead of halting his movements even after your orgasm. “That’s a good girl, cumming from just my fingers, huh?”
You slumped against Geto’s chest, arms wrapped limp around his neck. “Shut up and fuck me, Cowboy,” you sighed, catching your breath.
“‘Fuck you,’ you say? No. No, I don’t think I will.”
Geto slotted his lips against yours when you moved to yell at him, and mumbled, through kisses, “We need to make sure you’re ready, first, before you can take my cock. Wouldn’t want to hurt you, would I?”
You groaned when you realized you had to wait for Geto’s cock, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“You complain a lot, don’t you?”
“It’s not my fault you’re always testing my patience—o-oh! Ah, ah . . . !”
You weren’t complaining any longer when Geto shoved the tip of his pistol up your cunt. Cold, hard metal parting the lips of your dripping pussy—it stole a whimper or two from your lips as you struggled to fit it inside.
Your panties had long since been soaked through, but Geto didn’t even bother removing them, merely choosing to push them to the side as he pulled a revolver out of God knows where, and forced it further up your cunt as you writhed and dripped with abandon.
“Stop whining,” he grunted. “I know you can take it.”
Then, he licked a stripe up your cheek, swallowing the bitterness of your tears on his tongue.
The thrill of Geto using his gun on you, (albeit you knew the safety was on), was almost as gratifying as being fucked with the gun. You were getting wetter by the second, and you could practically feel your cunt dripping onto Geto’s pants.
It was thick, and longer than his fingers; there was definitely a difference in how much more it filled you up, reaching all your sweet spots with finesse.
You weren’t given the luxury of getting used to the size of the revolver, however, before Geto was removing it, your walls clenching around nothing, just for him to push it back inside your cunt within seconds, whilst a cry was ripped from your throat.
“A-Ahh—! Hahh, nngh . . . Mmph, hnngh, ah-ah—!”
Pistoning inside and out, then back again, you struggled to take Geto’s revolver as he fucked you with it, stretching your cunt out as the sound of it squelching and squirming reached your ears—a shamelessly pornographic sound, one that Geto seemed to even enjoy. 
“Nngh, ah-ah! Sugu, I . . . You’re being mean . . . It hurts . . . Hahh, it hurts, hnngh—!” 
Your nails dug into Geto’s shoulders, leaving crescent-shaped marks as you twisted and grinded your hips—your movements, and even the clenching of your walls, contradicting your pleas and cries.
“It hurts?” He cooed in your ear, eyes dark. “Does it hurt, baby? Am I being too rough?”
Your stomach tightened. Even with being thoroughly stretched out from his fingers, the girth of Geto’s pistol was still enough to have you clawing at his back, eyes rolling into the back of your head with each thrust of the gun.
“F-Fuck, nngh, you . . .”
“That’s what I’m doing, isn’t it?” Geto leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Have you forgotten about your little attitude problem? You know I hate dealing with brats.”
“Turn around.”
Geto removed his revolver from your cunt and stuck it back into the holster, your slick dripping from it and all. He didn’t even let you reach your climax. But, what really took you by surprise, was his new tone of voice: cold, and icy.
Assuming your brain was still foggy from being fucked with his revolver, Geto spun you around himself, maneuvering your ass to sit near the bottom of his stomach as he laid down on the mattress beneath. It all happened so quickly it almost took your breath away as you steadied yourself, straddling Geto’s abdomen with your thighs spread far apart, slick dripping from your cunt down to his bared chest.
“Come on, baby.” Geto tapped your ass, and you snapped your head around to glare at him. “I’ve just been shot. Can’t a pretty girl like you make me feel better?” He cooed, a wicked grin on his devilishly handsome face.
Your brows were furrowed when you turned your head back around, taking a look at the dick in front of your very eyes. You didn’t even remember when he had taken off his pants, but you did know one thing: Geto was long, and girthy—the head of his cock a wild shade of red, and leaking precum.
You struggled to imagine how you could take such a thing, but it seemed Geto had already formed an idea in his head, and held absolutely no sympathy towards you when he picked you up by the hips and slammed you back down onto his cock, bottoming out as the head of his cock kissed your cervix with little to no difficulty.
“Nngh, ah-ah—! Suguru, too—too deep—!” 
Moans and mewls left your lips left and right as you fell forward from the amount of force Geto used. Back arching, nails clawing at the sheets, you struggled to hold yourself upright.
Even with you on top, it seemed Geto would be doing all the work.
Geto was impossibly thick; you swore he was ripping you apart, molding your walls to envelop him, and him, alone. As he repeated his movements, picking you up just to slam you back down, and then up, again, before he continued so on and so forth, you had no doubt he was reaching your insides, rearranging your guts.
You shook and writhed, throat dry from crying out, eyes wet with tears.
“Hahh, you like this, don’t you?” Geto grunted and groaned. “Come on, you’re a big girl now. Be good for me and ride my cock like I know you can.”
Geto slapped your ass, a stinging sensation, and set a pace for you as you sat back up and spread your legs further apart, trying to attempt copying whatever it was Geto was doing prior.
It seemed that, now that you were the one in pseudo control, the stretch burned even more deliciously as your cunt repeatedly swallowed Geto’s cock, tits bouncing up and down as you rode him with visible ineptitude.
“Oh, God . . .” Your eyes crossed, stomach growing warmer and warmer with each time Geto’s cock hit your sweet spot. “I, ah-ah—! S-So, nngh, deep . . .” 
“Not so bad, now, is it?” Geto pinched your side. “I knew you would get it eventually.”
Up and down. Up and down. Then, back up and down, again.
Your walls clenched around Geto’s cock, the sound of fwop! fwop! fwop! and the slaps of your ass as you bounced up and down sending you into a spiral as Geto’s cock stuffed you to the brim, stretching you further than his fingers and gun ever could.
You bit your lip till it bled, the sound of moans leaving your lips as if in a porno. “A-Ahh . . . Hah, mmph, nngh—! Ahh—!” 
The size of Geto’s cock, alone, was enough to force your thighs further apart just to accommodate his girth. Otherwise, only the tip would’ve been able to fit, but, even then, that would’ve been able to have you seeing white, too.
“Doing so good f’me, sweetheart.” Geto rested his palms on your waist, using additional force to drag you up and down his length when he noticed the walls of your cunt growing tighter, the sound of your moans growing in volume. “You’re getting close, aren’t you? Really worked yourself up, huh.”
You would’ve bit back with some retort about how he was forcing you to do all the work, but your words were swallowed on your tongue when Geto slammed you down particularly hard, knocking all the wind out of your throat as you cried out pathetically.
“Suguru, nngh, a-ah—!” 
Your eyes widened to saucers, before rolling back into your head as you came, seeing stars whilst you clamped down around Geto’s cock. 
You shivered and writhed, bodily liquids dripping down your thighs onto Geto’s as your poor, used cunt weeped almost pitiably, plugged and filled to the hilt by the cock still buried deep inside of you.
This was your, what was it? second orgasm? Geto hadn’t even stuffed you with his cum yet, and here you were, already losing feeling in your knees as you fell forward—back arching, ass up, whilst Geto eased his cock out from between your folds, cum dripping onto the base of his dick.
“Nngh . . .” 
“Tired, already?” Geto sat up, manhandling your body back against his before twisting you around, your tits pressed up against his chest as you were forced into another straddling position. “I almost feel sorry for you.”
Geto guided your hands to rest on his shoulders, and you leaned forward to press kisses up the column of his throat, breathing in his scent as you collected yourself once more.
“Don’t lie.”
Laughing, Geto picked you up by the hips and placed you back onto his cock. You didn’t even feel the stretch, this time around—he had already succeeded in molding your cunt to fit his length like a glove.
“Wanted to see what it was like to be nice.”
“Was it worth it?”
Geto pretended to think. “Yeah, no.”
You shifted a bit, but when you noticed your hips grinding against something suspiciously similar to Geto’s cock, you frowned, looking down at him with a glare.
“Oh, come on! I haven’t even finished yet. ‘sides, you were doing it just now, weren’t you? Come on, I know you got it—just like how I taught you, remember?” You felt an object being placed on top of your head, and grimaced when you realized it was Geto’s cowboy hat. “Except, this time, you’re, maybe, not riding a real horse,” added Geto, winking.
Your frown deepened.
“Fine,” he huffed, the Mr. Nice Guy act suddenly nowhere to be found. “I’ll do it myself.”
And, that’s exactly what he did.
Geto picked you up by the hips, his grip on your flesh almost bruising, before he slammed you back down on his cock, just as you had done, yourself, just moments prior.
“Nngh—! Hahh . . . Hahh, ah-ah—! Unngh, mmph—!” 
Somewhere during his rough fucking, your bra had just given up on you, the clasp completely snapping as black lace fell from your chest onto the bed, somewhere.
Your tits bounced from being released, their bareness making itself known to Geto, who took one tit between his teeth as he continued bucking his hips upwards to meet yours, his cock hitting deeper than it had when you were in control.
Your nipples had hardened long ago, but, fuck, did it feel good to have Geto’s tongue smoothing over your bud, teeth grazing at your areola whilst you stifled a moan.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, mouth attached to your nipple. “Too bad the same can’t be said about your attitude.”
“Hahh, unngh, ah . . . ! Ah-ah-ahn—!”
Geto’s cock now stretched your walls out more than it had in the previous position you two had possessed. Now that he was sitting up, the head of Geto’s cock was basically rearranging your guts—kissing all your sweet spots with no remorse during its time of carnage.
“Ah-ahh—! Oh, fuck, ‘tis too m-much—! O-ohh, too deep, hahh—nngh . . .”
You kept one hand on Geto’s shoulder, clawing at his bare skin, whilst the other hand was slapped over your mouth, in a (failed) attempt to stifle the lewdness that left your lips every so often.
“You’ve cum, how many times? I can’t even keep track, and,” Geto grunted, fingers spreading your ass apart, “yet, this cunt is still tight as fuck.”
“You’re, hahh, acting like that’s my, m-mmph, fault.”
“You’re putting the blame on me?”
You mewled, feeling the sheer force of Geto’s hips pistoning up against yours as his cock filled you to the brim. Previous cum fell from between the puffy, abused lips of your pussy, and dripped down Geto’s base as he fucked up into you.
“Nnngh, w-well, you’re the one with the dick, here.” Your stomach tightened, and you whimpered. “Have you ever considered you were just too big?” 
Geto slammed your ass down onto his lap, the sound of fwop! fwop! fwop! playing out as you rode him.
“Does it matter?” Geto leaned down to whisper in your ear, his hips stuttering as he neared his high, your walls clenching around his length. “I know you can take it.” 
Geto was right. Or, err, maybe he was wrong, actually, because the both of you came almost simultaneously only a few seconds later.
“Ah-ah—! Nngh, unngh, ah—! Ah-ahn . . . !”
Your climax practically slapped you across the face. You saw stars, eyes rolling back into your head as your thighs shook, your cunt weeping handfuls of sticky, white liquid.
Geto was panting heavily against your ear, pretty groans slipping past his lips as he, too, finished, inside of you, however. 
Your walls clamped down around his cock, which came buckets: warm, thick seed painting your insides white with his cum as he emptied a first load into your cunt.
The knot in your stomach unraveled, and you slumped against Geto’s chest with the sound of a weak whine, your orgasm nearly blinding you.
“Fuck . . .” 
Funny, Geto had a similar idea.
Geto flipped you two over on the bed so that you were laying face down, ass up, and back in a mean arch, whilst he, on the other hand, had his cock tapping against the wetness of your entrance, the tip toying almost childishly with the cum that was leaking out of you.
“Sugu, what the—what are you doing?” You whined, your voice muffled by the pillow beneath your face. “I—we just came. I’m not—a-ah! Wait, I’m, ah-ah—!” 
Your brain was still foggy from your last orgasm, yet Geto paid absolutely no mind, at all, as he slammed his hips against your ass, entering you from behind in just one, singular thrust which had your ass rippling and your eyes welling up with tears.
“Ahh, you’re—nngh!—t-too rough, nngh. Too rough, Sugu, I’m—I’m . . .” 
You were sensitive, absolutely fucked out of your mind. The name of your lover fell from your lips like a prayer, and your eyes crossed as you clutched at the bedsheets below with a white-knuckled grip, face buried in a pillow.
Geto rutted against your ass, cock bottoming out just to pull away and repeat the movement, kissing your cervix with ease as his length slid in and out your walls, pounding into you with seemingly no end.
“Do you—hahh—know how long I’ve been waiting for this?” Geto grunted in your ear, hips stuttering. “God, you’ve been testing my limits every day with that short ass skirt of yours. Can’t even touch you with Gojo always hanging around . . .”
You whined into the pillow, lipstick smudging just about everywhere.
“Nngh—! I, hahh . . Ah-ah—!” 
Geto pulled your hair, forcing your head back so the sound of his groans reached your ear. “Fuck that stupid cock-block,” he growled. “Always fuckin’ asking for a Shirley Temple with extra cherries.”
“Sugu, what—you’re . . . Nngh, ahn, ah . . . !”
Geto let your hair go, allowing you to fall back forward onto the lipstick-stained pillow as tears fell from your eyes and his cock rammed into your cunt, your poor, abused lips swallowing his base with each thrust.
The seed that had been previously plugged and stuffed up your cunt was beginning to leak out now, dripping onto the bed sheets below as a wet stain formed beneath the area where Geto’s cock met the swell of your ass.
“Shit, you’re . . .” Geto’s voice trailed off, brows furrowed as his hips stuttered. “You’re taking me so well, sweetheart. Can’t believe you’ve been keeping this ass away from me all this time.”
“O-Oh, my . . . Mmph—!” 
Your lower belly tightened, and you clawed at the bed sheets when the outline of Geto’s cock made itself visible on your stomach, nearly breaking you into two.
Geto’s hands gripped the flesh of your hips, keeping you as close to his dick as possible whilst he rutted in and out, hitting all your sweet spots with inimitable finesse.
Fwop! Fwop! Fwop! 
There was a level of vulgar that you had long since passed: the noise of your fucking could no longer be ascertained as anything other than salacious and erotic.
“Nngh, mmph, ah-ahh—! . . . Hahh, ahn—ah!”
Your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head when you came for the fourth time that night, thighs shaking, lips quivering. Handfuls of cum dripped down your legs and the swell of your ass as a new, different sensation took over.
You came, obviously, but it was . . . not exactly the same. With an embarrassingly loud moan, (albeit the sound of it was muffled by a pillow—a useless one, in that case), you had squirted . . . ! All over the bed sheets, dripping down your thighs—you had made a mess. 
By this time, however, you were not far from a breathing corpse. You fell forward one last time, ass collapsing onto the mattress as Geto leaned his whole figure over your body, reaching his own climax when he bottomed out particularly hard, the head of his cock kissing your cervix.
“Shit—shit, I’m . . . Nngh, fuuuck . . .” 
You were filled to the hilt with warm seed, stuffed to the brim as Geto’s cock kept you pierced and full: immobile—whilst on his dick, at least.
Your stomach bulged from the cum Geto had spilled, and you felt warm and fuzzy inside as your cunt took to adjusting in order to contain all the fluid from Geto’s cock. Now, you had a different ache between your legs—an ache from being stuffed close to overflowing.
Panting, Geto eased out from between your folds, nearly laughing at the sight of his cum leaking out from your pretty cunt, and joined you in lying on the bed, nearly knocked out from the evening’s activities.
He reached over, giving a light pat to your ass.
“Another round, madam?”
You gave a weak shove to Geto’s shoulder when he turned around on the sheets to face you, a tired grin on your face as you looked up from your pillow. “You’re such a bully, Mr. Cowboy.”
Geto met your smile with one of his own. “You know you love it.”
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araveticazx · 5 days ago
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Snippet | “Who you foolin’, doll? Look atcha—fuckin’ ruined for me.”
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FT║ Fem!Reader ✘ Toji, F.
Desc║ A harmless Smash or Pass game in the break room turns into a real experience when Toji overhears your bold declaration—and later that night, he ensures you live up to your words.
Cw║ Smut proceed w caution, minimal plot, Co-workers trope, Dom/Sub dynamics, mānhandling, s!ze k!nk, tummy bulge, overstim, degrĂĄdĂ t!on/praise, creamp!e, chok!ng/breath play, light impact play, scratching/b!ting, a bit of sĂ€d!sm (?), humiliation, mirror sɛx, dumbǐfÄ«cation, cocÄ· drunk reader, unrealistic d size, forced eye contact, implied consent + rough sėx.
WC ➜ 2.3K ➜ ML
15 minute read.
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The break room was a breeding ground for gossip or useless conversations. An extremely comfortable olive-green sofa—dubbed the equivalent of a bear’s hibernation spot—stood out in contrast to concerningly constant flickering of fluorescent lights, an indented scent of roasted black coffee tip-toeing throughout the room, soon followed by cheap air freshener, while a few faded vending machines—marked with worn-out “Out of Order!” signs for what felt like decades completed the dreary atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the only real pop of color in the otherwise dull break room was the sofa everyone was obsessed with. And when you give employees a sofa with little else to entertain them you get insanely bored, unanimous groans echoing until someone suggests starting a corny game of smash or pass starring some other co-workers.
The thing is you weren’t particularly interested at first, completely tuning them out as you scrolled through cute orange cat videos on TikTok, your phone nestled in tired hands. That was—until someone blurted out, “Smash or pass Toji Fushiguro?”
A few people had the absolute nerve to say pass without even giving any reasoning. You broke your neck turning toward them, clicking your phone off to save a little battery—suddenly caring about the game you thought was so ‘stupid.’
You couldn’t deny it—you took that personally, as if Toji had already put a ring on your finger and asked for your hand in marriage on one bent knee. Lips parted without a second thought, you jumped in to defend him, readily interrupting, “Y’all are wild for passing thee Toji Fushiguro, but more for me, I guess. Smash. In fact, I’d let him manhandle me if I had the chance!”
You practically gushed, recalling every time his pecs looked one flex away from obliterating his poor, helpless uniform. The stretch of fabric over hard muscle, the teasing glimpse of skin whenever he rolled up his sleeves—it was certainly dangerous. And those brief glances you two shared? Just a flicker of eye contact was enough to make your heart stutter and your daydream-state brain short-circuit.
Laughter erupted, loud enough to deafen poor ears, splattered across the room, along with an appalled gasp from an observant co-worker.
“Oooh, speak of the devil
” she teased, wiggling her brows and covering her mouth.
Because, unluckily for you, Toji stood tall, folded arms, leaning against the doorway that nearly was unsuitable to fit his build. Clearly amused by your bold statement, a smirk rested easily on his face, piercing green eyes locking onto yours.
“Oh really, sweetheart?” he teased, running a hand through his short, jet-black hair. His chuckle was deep enough to shake the room, sending heat pooling between your needy thighs—yet startling enough to make your heart lurch at his unexpected presence.
“Oh my god, Toji, I didn’t mean-” you struggled to breathe out, your throat going dry as you shoved your slightly sweaty palms into your pockets.
Why’d he have to come in literally on cue? you thought, stomach twisting into knots, your skin burning like a furnace.
The room watched in silence, entranced, as if they had just been left on a cliffhanger in a movie, whispers shooting amongst them left and right.
Toji pushed off the doorframe, taking a slow step inside. “Didn’t mean it, huh?” He kissed his teeth, eyes dragging over you in a way that made your skin prickle with goosebumps. “Shame, y’seemed pretty confident about that little claim a second ago.”
“Fine, fine, I said what I said.” You huffed, rolling your eyes, forcing yourself to stand your ground—even though you weren’t prepared for him to literally make you eat your words.
Because later that night, Toji had you pinned against his bedroom wall, facing him, one sore leg flung over his shoulder—completely vulnerable to his merciless speed.
Each brutal thrust knocked the breath from your lungs, the humid air filled with loud, staggering gasps. His grip was cruel, fingers digging into your hips as he kept your wobbly leg steady, smug at the way your body trembled under his touch.
The freezing surface of the wall contrasted with the intensity between the two of you, while looking in his direction at a time like this felt impossible.
Not that he let you look away—when you did focus anywhere else feeling embarrassed by how easily you let him fuck, his big rough hand grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him.
“Shit, that’s it baby, want you to look at me while you takin’ it.” He whispered, hot breath fanning all over your ear.
Your walls fluttered violently at his sinful words, your body bouncing feebly against the wall with every ram into your velvet walls. You could hardly take his strength, nothing more than a ragdoll for him to use, each filthy, deep stroke claiming you as his property.
His thrusts alone were enough to tell you—you were his little fucktoy.
Breaking eye contact for a brief second he peeked down seeing your one unsteady leg in action, borderline hissing at him for the amount of time he had you pressed against this wall.
“Mmmh, poor thing, huh?” he sneered, proud you struggled to keep up with him. “Leg already shakin’ we’ve barely even started.”
A taunting lie.
You had been at it for hours. There was no way in hell this was just the beginning. You could barely believe your ears when he had the audacity to say otherwise.
Before you could even attempt to reply, his hand shot up to your throat, thick fingers wrapping around your neck with precise control.
He squeezed just enough to leave your head spinning, your drooling cunt twitching at the way the pressure made the pleasure more intense—hypnotic, all-consuming.
And the moment you let out those choked, gasping moans, Toji grinned like a cheshire cat.
He knew he had you.
“Ohhh, fuck yeah—there it is, mhm,” Toji murmured smoothly, placing a soft kiss on your jawline—as if he wasn’t currently scrambling your guts.
Your walls clenched around his fat length, so fucking snug, your body basically begging for more.
Mouth falling open letting out whimpers that sprang off of the thin apartment walls, eyes hazy, with furrowed brows having a mind that could hardly function as your head lolled against the wall.
The only thing you could focus on? How impossibly full you felt, every thick inch of him smothering your sweet spots.
“Shit, baby, you really are dumb for my cock, huh?”
Toji’s lips curled devilishly, ego soaring at how easily he reduced you to just this—mindless, whiney, hungry slut for him.
“Aah, y-yes, yes, yes!”
“Good answer, pretty girl.” He spat, chest looming over your smaller figure.
Body grinding up into your sweaty pelvis real slow to catch you off guard a little feeling him nudging on your throbbing clit causing you to squirm.
But that little break didn’t last for long, he was right back to slamming into your sopping hole.
“Ooh, fuck—s-slow down, s’toomuch!” you pleaded, legs trembling as another sharp stroke sent a shockwave of ecstasy straight to your core.
Your stiletto nails dug into his shoulders, scratching deep, drawing thin rivulets of blood—desperate for something, anything to hold onto.
The sting only made Toji groan, a low, thirsty sound rumbling from his chest.
“Too much? Thought you wanted some manhandlin’ sweetheart.” He mocked.
His hand left your throat solely to slap your soft tits triggering a jolt reaction in your body, eyes glued at the way they jiggled every time his cock speared into you hitting so unfathomably it made your stomach bulge.
“Can’t handle me hm?”
“I can it’s just-” You tried to argue, but your voice came out weak, wrecked, breathless—like it had run out of ink from being used too much.
Toji snickered.
“Who you foolin’ doll? Look atcha, fuckin’ destroyed for me.” His voice ridiculed, one arm wrapped under your ass, lifting you effortlessly, stepping closer to the broad black-framed mirror across his room, as he used two fingers to turn your head.
Your reflection looked absolutely torn apart.
Toji’s markings were painted all over your skin, bruises and love bites that made it painfully clear you’d need to stop by a convenience store for some heavy-duty makeup before work tomorrow.
Your pretty pussy splitting open around his thick ten-inch cock, sparkling with slick.
Your mouth fell open in pure shock, infused with just a hint of awe.
Toji smirked slyly. “Didn’t even realize how fuckin’ filthy you looked, huh?” he rasped, licking a slow stripe up the side of your neck, his sharp teeth nipping at your ear—provoking a full-body shudder.
Tiny frame looking so good blended with him, quaking, mewling, accommodating his size. Struggling, you could barely handle him, and yet, he was sure he was a perfect fit for your little cunt.
Your stomach clenched at the sight, your walls grasping around him, signaling you were close again.
Toji growled at the way you crushed him.
“Ohh fuck yeah, Y/n you like watchin’ yourself get ruined?” He cooed, vibrating his voice with lust.
His thrusts got sharper, meaner, as one of your hands slid to your lower stomach, pressing against the bulge of his ten-inches.
Melting at the feeling was honestly an understatement.
“God, you’re so deep,” you hummed, your voice thick and sultry, nearly a duplicate of aged wine.
“Yeah? You feel me right there, huh?” Toji’s almond eyes parachuted down, watching how even his curved shaft outlined inside your belly. “Bet you love bein’ stuffed like a lil’ whore.”
You eagerly nodded, your breath hitching as Toji drove into you, each ruthless snap sending blasted waves through your body.
The way he fucked you—deep, unrelenting, possessive—had your mind hazy, You could already feel it building again, that overwhelming heat coiling tight in your core, ready to burst at any moment.
The instant his thick, mushroom-shaped tip slammed against your A-spot, pleasure unfurled inside you—deep, raw, and all-consuming.
Each precise, relentless thrust sent sharp thrills of euphoria rippling through your body, the pressure working up at an unbearable pace.
Your walls fluttered around his length, as the pleasure crested violently, surging through you in frenzied, pulsing waves that left you breathless.
Your entire body tensed, every muscle seizing at once as a wave of electric desire scampered over you.
Your vision blurred, unable to focus on Toji’s face anymore, the sheer intensity washing over your senses—momentarily drowning you in the mind-numbing pleasure.
A string of blaring curses rushed out of your lips, as the climax punctured through, feeling demolishing. Fingers clenching, toes curling, your body jittering with aftershocks.
The world around you faded, leaving mainly the astounding gratification, the lingering tremors that left you stunned.
“Hahhh, oh fuck—there she goes,” Toji grunted, watching your reflection convulse, loving the way your pussy clenched down on him, gripping him so tight he pulsed inside you.
You sobbed, false lashes coming loose, tears slipping down your scorching-hot cheeks.
He didn’t slow down whatsoever.
If anything, he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own—dragging you along for the ride.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, hypersensitive as he kept pushing deeper, hitting that same devastating spot.
Skin slapping together rained through the entire bedroom, incapable of holding any noise back due to the immense mix of exhilaration this gave you, leaving Toji room to comment on it.
“You’re so loud, princess—y’want the whole damn building to hear us?” he scoffed, not in the mood for noise complaints later.
To solve this issue?
His pink-lips crashed against yours, swallowing your cries. The kiss was messy, drool droplets forming at the side of your mouth, a futile effort to muffle the high-pitched moans spilling into his smooth lips.
He fucked you through the overwhelming overstimulation, each deep thrust making your entire body tremble.
You were already too sensitive from previous rounds, pleasure teetering on the edge of pain, but he didn’t care—if anything, the way your walls kept suffocating him only spurred him on.
His groan was low and rough when you let out a broken, high-pitched sing-song moan, the sound shooting straight to his cock.
And with the way he was still so ridiculously hard, his length bulging against your stomach, pressing against that sensitive spot over and over?
You could barely think. A strangled whine slipped from your lips, your lashes fluttering as your vision blurred, overstimulation pulling you into a hazy, delirious state.
But Toji was right there with you.
His pace turned sloppy, thrusts losing rhythm as his control started to dissolve.
He buried his face against your skin, breath hot and heavy, panting against the shell of your ear. His grip on your waist tightened, fingers pressing into your flesh like he was trying to brand himself into you.
“Shit—gonna fuckin’ fill you up, baby. That okay?” he groaned, voice strained, desperate asking for permission.
All you could do was mumble out a frail “Yes!”
“Gonna make sure you feel me in this tummy for weeks,” he murmured, exaggerating the words, but fuck—at this point, you believed him.
Your eyes rolled back, your body going rigid as another orgasm crashed into you without warning, pleasure slamming through your veins like a lightning strike. Your walls clamped down around him so tight he nearly choked on a groan, his whole body tensing at the feeling.
That was it for him.
His hands locked onto your thighs, grip bruising as he slammed into you one final time.
His teeth sank into your shoulder, muffling his deep, wrecked moan as he came—thick, hot spurts spilling deep inside you, emptying himself like he hadn’t had sex in months.
Another pulse sent another sharp jolt of pleasure through you, making your legs shake as he fucked his release deeper, hips jerking uncontrollably with every last drop.
“Fuuuuck, fuck, fuck, Y/nnnnnnn,” he sighe, voice heavy with exhaustion and bliss.
His head fell back, eyes screwed shut, his cock still twitching inside your spent, quivering walls.
His arms tightened around you, locking you in place against his chest, making sure none of it went to waste—making sure you took all of him. You shuddered in his hold, completely wrecked, all his.
That bastard just smirked, pressing lazy kisses to your cheek.
“If I knew you were fangirling like that,” he muttered, cockiness entwined his tone, “I would’ve given you an autograph sooner, sweet thing.”
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➜ ML
➜ I don't usually write rough sėx so, I hope you enjoyed 😋
➜ A rb, like, or comment is highly appreciated!!
Divider creds | enchanthings-a + hyuneskkami.
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araveticazx · 16 days ago
Dirty Little Secret Masterlist
☆ Chapter 1 ☆ Chapter 2 ☆ Chapter 3 ☆ Chapter 4 ☆ Chapter 5 ☆ Chapter 6 ☆ Chapter 7 ☆ Chapter 8 ☆ Chapter 9 ☆ Chapter 10 ☆ Chapter 11 ☆ Chapter 12 ☆ Chapter 13 ☆ Chapter 14(Final) ☆
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ê•„ Pairings: Toji Fushiguro x Fem Reader
ê•„ Warnings-MDNI-explicit sexual content, dirty talk, Toji calls reader 'doll, ma, slut (Toji and Doll just work lol) Age gap- reader is 21, Toji is 39. -Cunnilingus, blow jobs, rough oral, fingering, overstimulation, semi public play, spitting, choking, face and ass smacking, basically all the smacking, loss of virginity, angry sex, just everything (it's Toji so that's its own warning lol)
ê•„ Word Count- 86k Finished Fic
ê•„ Summary- Toji Fushiguro is your dad Shiu's best friend for years. You've known him most your life. You come home for spring break to relax, and who pops up at the fucking doorstep? Toji. He's nasty, annoying, perverted and... Sexy. Hot. Built. And makes you think, maybe your first time shouldn't be with some college boy? But with this buff dude who can tie a cherry stem with his tongue and a scar on his damn lip. You just gotta hope your dad doesn't find out.
Just complete nasty Toji smut, bc I die when Toji says doll, and then some actual character and feelingsss
Playlist :
Buy me a Coffee ☕ - Masterlist - AO3
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araveticazx · 17 days ago
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make sure to log into twitter / x beforehand !
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𐙚 TOJI FUSHIGURO (warnings ; clĂ­t rubbing. squĂ­rting. size kĂ­nk. fĂŹngering. pĂšnetration. brĂ©Ă©ding. orĂ l (f).)
looves making you squirmノsquirting ノsize kink ノsideways ノstretching you out ノtasteノholding you by your thighsノpics he'll send ノsuper soakerノ breeding
𐙚 SATORU GOJO (warnings ; màsturbàtìon. pùnetration.)
vids he sends while he’s away ノ awh, how embarrassing (not) ノcar sex ノgood morning ノin the mirror (satoru ver)ノbikini got him all worked up ノhe misses u :( ノdoggystyle
𐙚 SUGURU GETO (warnings ; pùnetration. clít rubbing. squírtíng. riding. fíngeríng. hàndjob. màtìng press.)
loves his girl ノin the mirror (suguru ver)ノhe’s so cruel, teasing you like this ノmy ride is hereノfingering ノgetting him offノcountertopノso mean :( ノmating press
𐙚 CHOSO KAMO (warnings ; oràl (f). pùnetration. brùùding. squìrtìng.)
taste so good ノloves missionary ノhow could he possibly keep his hands off? ノhe really couldnt wait ノall over youノin the carノagainst the wall ノagain and againノface down, ass up
𐙚 KENTO NANAMI (warnings ; pùnetration. public sùx. oràl (f). spànking. brùùding. size kink.)
“lets hope we don’t get caught..” ノloves the taste of you ノputting you in your placeノbreeding kinkノi need this w him IMMEDIATELYノafter work
𐙚 INO TAKUMA (warnings ; pùnetration. fìngerìng. spànking.)
positions ノcant get enough of your tits ノhes so loving ノ getting eachother off ノloves watching your expressions ノhe could listen to you all day ノIS THIS NOT HIM???
𐙚 RYOMEN SUKUNA (warnings ; pùnetration. rough sùx. fìngerìng. mating press. ànàl fìngerìng.)
so rough w/ his hands . . . ノpinned down ノholding your leg up ノhe's so rough ノgirthy fingers ノon the couch ノanal + fingering ノprepping you for both cocks
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araveticazx · 17 days ago
when toji was hired to assassinate you, he didn't expect it to end with him in your bed, underneath you and begging you for mercy.
you've been riding him since the sun set, and the early dawn chorus of birdsong outside is starting to break what was otherwise a room full of his groans and whimpers. he's fucked so stupid that he can't remember exactly why a hit was put out on you. maybe it was your lethal pussy, milking him dry like he owes you something. lol.
regardless, he knew he was fucked when he slipped into your apartment in the quiet evening, knife in hand and a plan in mind, just for you to notice him and, rather than scream, smile. what kind of deranged person thinks an assassination attempt on them is foreplay?
you, obviously. because you're riding him through his umpteenth orgasm of the night and toji fushiguro thinks he might be in love with you and the way you take him to the hilt like you've been prepping yourself for him for weeks. when you get tired, he flips the both of you over and renders you boneless in a mating press, an intimacy probably undeserved for a man that entered your home with full intentions of murdering you.
he doesn't need to know you put the hit out on yourself. where else were you meant to find a man with low moral standing and dick as good as this? he can just pay you back for a failed assassination by murdering your pussy some more.
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araveticazx · 18 days ago
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Finished it yallđŸ„ș❄
I just love them sm😭đŸ„ș
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araveticazx · 18 days ago
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ever since the last goodbye
life has been less enjoyable.
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araveticazx · 18 days ago
alison saft i can spot the mr. darcy hand flex from a MILE away
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226 notes · View notes
araveticazx · 18 days ago
“A love like theirs was ruinous.”
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Nobody talk to me, I am UNWELL. Wings of Starlight has officially ruined me, particularly the ending (of which I will of course give no spoilers). You guys. Please. If you can get your hands on it, PLEASE give it a read, it’s clearly a labor of love in a world of books written for profit.
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araveticazx · 18 days ago
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Really fast doodle to aid the brain rot that is, Wings of Starlight by Allison Saft đŸ„ș✹ (I haven't finished it yet--)
My friend, Loganne, literally sent me a spoiler-free voice message about this scene (which I have not yet reached!!) and now I'm just head empty, MiloClari only 😭
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araveticazx · 18 days ago
fuckin problems. .° àŒ˜đŸŽ§â‹†đŸ–‡â‚Š toji fushiguro.
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sum. toji’s prepping for a fight night match and his trainer was adamant that women would be a distraction. when he sees you in the gym late one night, obviously all of that changes.
wc. 4.8k
tags. boxer!tojixcollege student!reader, (it isn’t mentioned in the fic.) toji and reader are mid-twenties, reader is fem and black. modern au, unprotected, pĂșssy eating, shower sĂšx, toji’s a bit of a hoe, dacryphilia, praise kink (lots of pet names!!) set in a gym, some workout terms used.
an. i’m back . . . did you guys miss me? đŸ„č i worked really hard on this. i hope you enjoy it.
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i love bad bitches, that’s my fuckin problem . . . and yeah, i like to fuck, i got a fuckin’ problem.
loud music blaring through his black airpod maxes drowns out the harsh clang of the weighted barbell making contact with sleek, black hardwood beneath him. chest heaving, toji wipes his sweaty forehead with the hem of his compression shirt. he’d just finished his last set of heavy romanian deadlifts, the last exercise of five—and he doesn’t know if it was through discipline or pure willpower. he’s internally cursing his trainer. he’s a boxer, not training to be a part of the fucking avengers.
and with being a professional boxer, being physically fit comes with the territory. toji knows that. it was recommended he switch from his last gym to this one. virtually unknown and far from paparazzi and groupies. lowkey. he can deal with that. this new regimen his mentor had implemented, though? it would be his undoing.
aside from working out six days a week with a new grueling routine, there were now rules toji had to abide by—upon breaking them, he’d be ineligible for the upcoming heavyweight championship match in a few weeks. there were only four temptations he was to avoid: liquor, greasy food, staying up late . . . and this last one toji dreads, no women. no sexual intercourse of any kind.
that was a fucking problem.
no conceited shit, toji knows he is attractive. he’s built. tall, tatted from the neck down with sculpted abs that could’ve been crafted by god himself. he can’t even go to the grocery store without being approached by women. and whether these women were drawn to his fame or brawn, toji didn’t care either way—what sane man would turn down pussy without any attachments?
halle berry, hallelujah. holla back, ima do ya, beast!
taking a seat on the rubber bench behind him, toji stares at his reflection in the mirror. dim hex lights that hang from above cast dark shadows over his bulky figure, highlighting the definition in his biceps and glinting micro cuban link dangling from his neck. veined, inked hands reach for the nike water bottle on the floor, tipping his head back as he shoots a stream of cold water into his open mouth. as much as he hates this new routine, he’d be lying if he said the results weren’t rewarding.
toji has no intentions of abstaining from sex completely. sure he could do a few days, he wasn’t an addict . . . but two weeks? fuck no. there’s too many beautiful women out here that deserve his dick and undivided attention . . . and when his tired eyes land on you, setting up on a smith machine across the room in this navy matching set that molds on your body like a second skin? toji’s never been more sure that he’d break a rule in his life. not like he’s ever been much of a rule follower anyway.
he watches you, shamelessly. upon doing so, he realizes this wasn’t the first time he’s seen you. you always stick to the smith machines and free weights right next to them, minding your business in your own little world. he doesn’t think you’ve spared him a glance since he’s joined. with interest now piqued, steel eyes observe you mid-workout with newfound curiosity.
you’re pretty. glossed lips pouted in exertion, sweat glistening on exposed skin like diamonds. chocolate brown eyes glued to your reflection. the navy blue crop top and legging set compliments your brown skin, accentuating the curves toji can tell you’ve worked hard for. he almost catches himself drooling . . . but the longer toji watches through your set of squats, there’s something glaring at him that he can’t quite ignore.
your form is fucking terrible.
maybe it’s fatigue or the weight being too heavy for you to handle—but years of training makes it easy for him to spot the mistakes being made. rounded shoulders, anterior tilt, and poor foot placement. your back will be sore as fuck once you’re finished, he’s sure of it . . .
. . . it’d be wrong to not help fix your problem, right?
locking the bar into the safety hook, you plop yourself down onto the nearest bench, completely out of breath. this workout had you fighting for your life. it’s been a while since you’ve been to the gym, but damn, you didn’t realize you fell off this badly.
this is why you always come to this gym late at night: free to make a fool of yourself without having to worry about stares from nosy strangers. motivation’s been low but with discipline, you’ve made so much progress towards your body goals—you can’t tap out now.
you look down at your apple watch. 1:35 am. if you lock in for this last set, you can pack up and be out of here by 2. leaning forward, you tighten the laces of your grey new balances. cockiness by rihanna blaring in your ears, you nod your head along to the beat, mentally psyching yourself up to push through this shit. you almost don’t notice the person standing in front of you, their black nikes in your peripheral vision.
what the fuck? you straighten up, blood rushing to your ears from the quick movement. angling your beats off your ear, the words come out before you get a good look at this person who decided to rudely disturb you, “can i help you?”
the person, a man, chuckles in response. “nah . . . i was thinking maybe i could help you, though.”
oh? you have to crane your neck to really see him, he towers over you. shit, you don’t think it’d make a difference if you were standing. grey sweatpants hang low on his hips, sharp v-line peeking over black calvin klein. he’s got a white towel slung over broad shoulders, contrasting the vibrant hues of ink on his neck. he looks . . . familiar. his cool steel eyes and scarred lip are ringing bells in your head but he looks so fucking good, you aren’t really thinking about a damn thing.
he doesn’t wait for your answer, noting the way you’re ogling him. “i’m toji and you are . . . ?”
yes, toji. you remember who he is now. your best friend had shown you a reel of him boxing just the other day. you didn’t know much about boxing but toji is finer in person. finer than the pictures you’d seen when scrolling on his instagram. (how was that even possible?)
shit, you’re staring hard as fuck. “( đŸ«¶đŸŸ ).” you say with a sheepish smile. he returns it with one of his own. you extend your hand for him to shake, “i know you, i’ve seen you before.”
“beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he muses, lifting your hand into his much bigger one, kissing the back of it. you roll your eyes. the compliment was corny, predictable even . . . so why does it have your heart beating in your chest and between your thighs?
“you said you’ve seen me before. you don’t look like much of a boxing fan . . .” he probes with a brow raised. he isn’t surprised when you shake your head no, nothing about you gives avid sports watcher. he doesn’t press on it, opting to get straight to the point. “mhm. i don’t want this to sound weird but i was watching when you were doing squats and i noticed that your form could use some . . . work.”
damn, was it that obvious?
heat prickles up your neck, flushing your face in embarrassment. you can’t believe he saw you 
 had he been watching the whole time? you’re mortified at the possibility. you attempt to hide your face in your hands but it does little to ease the self-consciousness twisting your insides. with your words muffled, the only thing toji can make out is you muttering i feel so stupid.
“hey, hey. don’t say that. you’re not stupid.”
he crouches down, his touch gentle as he coaxes your hands away from your face and into his again. you’re avoiding his gaze, thick brows furrowed and glossy lips pouted. so cute. “it happens to the best of us, don’t overthink it.” he stands to his full height, tugging you up with him. “i can help you correct it and you’ll never have to worry about fucking up again . . . sound good, doll?”
his reassurance makes your heart flutter. he seems genuine so why would you decline his offer? just like that, any lingering feelings of embarrassment are gone. you give a quick nod, biting back a smile. “mhm, sounds good.”
he leads you over to the smith machine, bright pink neck pad on the bar a clear indicator it was the one you’d been using. you bend below it, eyes following his form in the mirror as he swaps out current weight plates with lighter ones, you presume. it’s hard not to watch him. veins bulge through the colored ink on his forearms, beefy muscles flexing with each plate he lifts. he has this aura about him . . . masculine. mysterious. it turns you on. everything about this man makes you horny and you just met him.
his eyes catch yours in the mirror, smirking at the way you quickly avert them. “is it okay if i . . . ?” he stands directly behind you, thick fingers hovering over your hips. you nod consent, breath hitching at the way they shape on your curves. you swear you feel them through your leggings. (or maybe that’s just what you want to happen instead.)
he’s keeping a respectable distance between your bodies but he’s close enough that the scent of his expensive cologne lingers in the air. it’s making you dizzy. he leans down, lips brushing your earlobe as he directs you. “tilt your hips forward, baby.” his thumbs lightly press on your lower back for emphasis. he hums in approval when it feels right. “that should help your back . . . and feet should be parallel, doll. you’ve got em too far.”
after a few more adjustments, he does a onceover, taking in your form. you don’t miss the way his eyes linger on your ass longer than they should. not that you minded. you fight the urge to bite the tip of your acrylic. you know you’ve gotten thick, he can barely handle it!
“mhm, you’re ready.” he says, lifting the bar off the safety hook and lowering it onto your shoulders. you wrap your fingers around the cool steel, preparing yourself for what’s to come. “you’re gonna push this set to failure for me, baby.”
“what?” you weren’t prepared for that. does this man want you to die? you’ve been through enough tonight. you shake your head with your face scrunched up in disapproval, “i can’t do that shit—“
“you can.” he reiterates, cutting your train of thought short. his hands gently rub up your hips, settling at your waist. “you can and you will.” the dominant edge in his voice makes the hairs on your nape stand on end, next words caught in your throat as your eyes meet again in the mirror.
his glare is smoldering, dark with such raw intensity that you can feel the lust exuding off him. god, it’s intimidating. he’s intimidating but you can’t look away, your own arousal pooling in your panties. he commands your attention without saying a single word. it’d be embarrassing if you weren’t utterly and completely enamored with this man. you’re ready to fold and let him have his way with you.
he maintains that eye contact as he leans down, tilting his head to ensure his words meet your ears. his voice drops to a husky whisper, raspy with a hunger that threatens to consume him. “i got somethin’ for you when you’re done. so be a good girl and finish up for me, hm?”
goosebumps raise on your soft skin like wildfire, audibly swallowing once his words completely settle in. “oh . . . o-okay.”
you’re not sure if that was a threat or a promise. either way, the implications of what he said sent a shock of nervous excitement coursing through your body. it serves as the motivation you need to push you through the rest of your workout, and there’s one thought plaguing your mind while you’re doing it:
what exactly is he going to do to you?
ă…€â™ĄàŸ€àœČ ₊
toji knows eating it from the back in the gym shower when he just met you less than two hours ago is crazy. does he give a fuck? absolutely not.
you’re pressed up against the shower wall and toji’s kneeling behind you, his big hands trailing up the back of your thighs. you thought the warm stream of water on your skin would ease the anxiety bubbling in your belly. but it only serves to heighten your sensitivity even more—each graze of toji’s fingertips sends spikes of heat up your spine, breath hitching the closer he gets to your most sensitive parts. the steam envelopes the two of you in the small space, and it’s like it clouds your vision and common sense.
“toji, c’mon—need you, hurry up.” you whine, looking back at him over your shoulder with needy eyes, impatience growing by the minute. it’s obvious he’s dragging this out to tease you and you’re over it. you need his mouth—his tongue— on you now.
toji chuckles; the desperation in your voice makes his dick pulse against his thigh. unbeknownst to you, the feeling is mutual and he’s about to show you how real it is. “i told you i got you, didn’t i? just relax baby, lemme take care of you.”
he spreads your asscheeks with his palms, using his thumbs to part your lower lips at the same time. your pussy is so pretty, gleaming with slick, swollen clit peeking out your folds. he groans low in his throat as your hole clenches around nothing, the urge to devour you whole overwhelming him. usually, he wouldn’t eat a stranger out, but something tells him it’d be a disservice to himself to fuck without tasting you first.
fuck it. he leans in, plump lips latching onto your lower ones before dipping his tongue into your hole, lapping up all your juices that have accumulated there. he’s so into it, he doesn’t even fight the moan that slips out when your pussy is sweeter than he thought it’d be. and you’re gasping at the vibrations that ripple through your body like shockwaves, your hand reaching behind to grab onto his damp locks. the tugs on his scalp urge him on, and he lays his tongue flat, dragging up your slit until he reaches your clit, sealing his mouth around the bud.
your jaw goes slack, unable to contain the whimpers and moans that fall out your mouth as your hips jerk back onto his tongue, your hand buried in his hair, pulling him deeper into your cunt. “ahhn toji, oh f-fuck, feel s’goodd.”
“mhm, pussy tastes so good, baby. ride my fuckin face, c’mon—” his words are muffled within your heat, but you get the idea when his strong arms wrap around your thighs, ensuring you won’t slide on the slippery tile beneath you. water cascades off the curve of your back as you arch up into his mouth, using the grip you have on his locks and your other hand bracing the wall to fuck his face with precision.
instead of keeping his head still, toji moves in tandem with your hips—up and down, side to side, licking and slurping anywhere his tongue can reach. he’s eating you like a man starved, sucking your pussy into his mouth greedily, nose bumping your perineum as he fucks you with his tongue, meeting each grind of your hips halfway like he’s fucking you for real. moving both hands to cup and smack on the globes of your ass, he pulls and tugs on your throbbing clit with his lips, producing sounds so sloppy and nasty, louder than the water rushing between your bodies—and your cries reach beautiful crescendos that have his ears ringing delightfully and dick throbbing, painfully hard and oozing precum on his toned stomach.
(the thought of dropping a hand between his legs doesn’t even cross his mind, not when he’s so focused on making you cum.)
all that’s coming out your mouth are praises, curses and his name. “t-toji, toji! baby, oooh shit. don’t stop, don’t stop!” you can barely think, let alone breathe—he’s taking your soul, and you can’t keep up, legs trembling and stomach caving in as you succumb to the pleasure overloading your body, “m’closee, gonna cum!”
toji keeps his movements consistent, staying right where you need him, tongue heavy and long on your aching cunt. his voice is hoarse as he encourages what’s to come, rough and demanding, “yeeeah, gimme that shit, mama. cum for me.”
his words are the final thread that makes you snap. that invisible knot in your stomach unravels and you’re cumming hard, his lower face drenched as you bless him with your essence. toji works you through your orgasm, not stopping until you weakly attempt to push his head away, body shuddering in the blissful aftershocks. begrudgingly, toji parts from your pussy, dick jumping as he watches the mix of his saliva and your own cum drooling out of you before standing up, turning all his attention to your slumped form.
you’re a mess, the prettiest mess toji thinks he’s ever seen—his arm slung around your waist is the only thing keeping you upright. disheveled curls stick to your hot skin, chest heaving as you struggle to catch your breath, head lolling back onto his broad shoulder. he has to laugh. you’re so fucked out and he hasn’t even fucked you yet.
“already tired, mama? m’just gettin’ started.” he murmurs teasingly, licking a stripe of the column of your neck. he leaves wet, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, stopping the moment his lips hover over yours, contemplating what he should do—he really wants to kiss you. and he can tell by that doe-eyed look you’re giving him that you want to kiss him, too. so you make the decision for him, curling a hand into his hair and tugging him down so your lips can meet his halfway in a passionate kiss.
you moan into his mouth as he slips his fat tongue in yours, water beating on his back as he bends down to deepen the kiss. tasting yourself on his tongue feels so sinful, but you can’t get enough of it—clinging onto him to ensure your lips stay connected. his hands grip at your ass roughly, and you gasp when you feel his dick prodding between your thighs, hips rolling as he slides his length against your cunt, polishing it with all the juices there.
“so fuckin’ wet for me,” he mumbles against your lips, separating them with a lewd schlick. he wraps his fist around the base of his cock, tapping his swollen tip on your clit, bottom lip caged under his teeth as he watches you twitch and whine from his teasing, a hot rush of blood shooting straight to his dick. he knows your pussy will feel as heavenly as you taste—he’s itching to be proven right. “gonna be a good girl and take all this dick?”
his question is rhetorical—because he knows you will—but you answer it anyway, nodding as you look up to him with lidded, lust-filled eyes, hips arching back with desire, “mhm, i will. give it to me, toji.”
he feels his balls tighten at your erotic profession. damn, he thinks as he tilts his head to the ceiling. when you talk like that, how could he not fold? who would he be to deny you of what you need?
. . . he’s so cooked. he’s certain that out of all the woman he’s fucked in his life, he doesn’t think he’s wanted of them half as bad as he wants you right now.
with his free hand on your hip, he eases himself into your cunt, the both of you letting out sighs of pleasure as your folds latch onto his length immediately, sucking him in—greedy for every inch he’s gifting you. he has to take deep, slow breathes once he finally bottoms out—you feel so fucking good and he hasn’t even started moving yet.
his hand around your waist slides upward, cupping around the fullness of your breast, rolling a pert nipple between index and thumb fingers. he seals his mouth over yours again, nibbling and biting at your kiss-bitten lips. you’re melting into his touch, you’re so gone—you don’t even realize that he’s distracting you until he draws his hips back, pulling out until only his fat tip is left inside to drill his dick right back in, balls slapping against your throbbing clit from the sudden movement.
it catches you completely off guard, nearly choking on your spit as his pace picks up. your lips separate from his abruptly, saliva stretching between your mouths as your head tilts back, crying out, “t-tojiii, ohmygod!“
the pace he sets isn’t too fast nor too slow—but the force of his thrusts are enough to have your whole body jolting each time his hips connect with the swell of your ass. you’re clawing at his forearm, searching for something to ground you as he handles you like a doll. your mind is going hazy, and the sound of your asscheeks clapping on his pelvis intensifies your lust-induced trance tenfold.
“shit girl,” toji grunts through gritted teeth. he’s looking down, damp bangs clinging to his forehead as he watches where your bodies connect—his dick is glossy with your essence. your lips drag and clamp down on his shaft tightly with every grind of his hips, forming a ring of cream around his base. it’s hard to focus with the squelching of your pussy ringing in his ears, and combined with your moans echoing on the walls like a broken symphony, toji feels his restraint slipping too. his jaw slackens, allowing all his expletives and praise to flow freely, “fuck back on me, baby—mmm, just like that—feels so fuckin’ good.”
“you’re so b-big,” you whine pathetically, stuttering when his cock nudges that sweet spot along your gummy walls. your thighs tremble and burn with exertion as you obey, meeting his powerful thrusts in earnest. he’s too big, too thick—too much. the weight of his dick stretches your puffy lips to their capacity, bullying in deeper and deeper every time your pussy clenches in protest. so deep, you think you feel him in your stomach. too much, too much!
you grip his arm tighter, acrylic scraping veins as a broken cry rips from your mouth. god, your own voice doesn’t even sound like it belongs to you anymore, “nghh, too much! i c-can’t, i can’t!”
toji laughs. a deep, sexy sound that only amplifies the white heat searing through your bloodstream. you can’t see him, but you know he’s got that disgustingly handsome smirk on his scarred lips. you yelp when he lands a heavy hand on your ass, soothing the blow with his palm. “you can’t? but you’re takin’ it. i’m watchin you take it, just like you said you would. good girl, good fuckin’ girl.”
his nasty words are punctuated with every thrust, sending waves of euphoria right to the pit of your belly. you feel a familiar pressure building there, a tight knot forming that has every nerve in your body going haywire. you feel delirious, completely weak in this man’s hold as he’s fucking you dumb. it’s as if toji can sense what’s coming because his arm is on your waist again, tugging you back onto his chest—but this time, his other hand snakes over your throat and squeezes, momentarily cutting your access to oxygen and reality, drawing your head back to meet his piercing steel eyes.
oh god. he has to stop himself from pumping you full of nut as he studies the dazed, fucked-out expression contorting your pretty features. it fucks with his train of thought, sends all the nerves in his brain into overdrive. he’s losing the last semblance of control he’d been desperately trying to hold onto, all thanks to you. or maybe, he was never really in control in the first place. maybe it doesn’t even matter as long as—
“gonna cum for me again? gonna cum all on this dick, baby?” he’s slurring over his words, keeping that firm pressure on your throat to elicit what he wants to hear. your chest caves in, little hiccups caught in the back of your throat, fighting for the air needed to speak.
“yesss,” you hiss, struggling to maintain eye contact with him as he pounds into your g-spot, over and over and over with no intentions of relenting. you’re seeing white. “s’close, s’closee. please please please—nghh yes, right there!“
“where? right here?“
he snaps his hips forward mercilessly, groaning carnally at the way your velvety walls lock down on his dick with pure desperation—for your release or his? toji’s not sure, nor does he care; all he knows is he’s falling in love with your pussy and how good it feels on his cock, his own orgasm approaching fast. “fuuuck, squeezing me so tight. ugh—tryna milk me, pretty girl? want me to fill you up? talk to me.”
“yes, yes, ooohh shiittt.” your high-pitched cries and gasps of ecstasy echo off the tile walls, fat tears brimming at your lashline. toji’s assault on your poor pussy is brutal and unrelenting, he won’t let up—and the moment his swollen tip grazes a sweet spot, deeper than he’s ever reached before? that tight knot in your belly forcibly unravels and explodes, your release gushing out of you before you can properly announce the flood incoming, “nghhh ah, m’cumming!”
“m-mhm, let it go baby, lemme feel it.”
with a shrill cry of his name, you do as told and cum hard. entire body quivering, shaking like a leaf, eyes scrolling back into the depths of your skull with tears streaking down your cheeks. you can feel your soul transcending onto another spiritual plane as the flow between your legs just won’t stop, and toji’s drowning in it—the tight contraction of your sopping walls and creamy squirt flowing out your cunt like a waterfall, pushing him out and sucking him in at the same time—it’s a battle that he’s bound to lose.
he doesn’t bother fighting it.
his thrusts come to an abrupt halt and with heavy, panting breaths, he’s cumming right with you—body shuddering as he paints every inch of your pussy with his nut, plugging his dick in deep to keep his seed from spilling out, though it seeps from the corners of your sore lips, a combination of both of your cum trailing down your trembling thighs in a nasty, sticky trail. it’s vulgar, obscene and he’s a whore, a true slut. of course it makes his softening dick twitch inside you at the sight. you whine in overstimulation, pushing at his chest for reprieve and he pulls out slow, compensating for the soreness he knows is imminent.
the small space is silent besides the sounds of rushing water and heavy breathing. coming down from that glorious high, post-nut clarity begins settling in and toji finds that it doesn’t push him to clean up and disappear, forget you, find another body to replace yours like it usually would.
no, it makes him want to . . . stay?
he’s been around the world, had women in positions you couldn’t even imagine and it’s never been a problem for him to move onto the next, no feelings or strings attached that’s just how he operates. so what makes you different? what is this weird feeling festering in his fucking chest? and why are you looking at him like you could be thinking the same exact thing?
he doesn’t even remember when you turned around or why your hands are caressing his face so gently, but he’s watching your plump lips move and he’s not hearing a word you’re saying.
“toji? you okay?”
he never thought he’d ever want to be tied down but how could he let you slip out his grasp? he’s ready to do the unthinkable, fuck what his coaches and pr team says. when toji has his eyes on something he wants, he gets it. it’s his world and he’s willing to give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be a part of that.
“if i told you i wanted to fly you out to vegas for fight night in a week, would you come?”
your eyes grow to the size of saucers, brows raising so high they almost disappear into your hairline. is he being serious?
“don’t play with me, toji. that’s not funny.”
he cocks his head to the side, thick brows furrowed. “why would i be playing? you think i do shit like this often?”
you suck your teeth. “of course you do, i know you got hoes, boy. i hope you don’t think i’m not tryna be a part of your little harem—“
you squeal as he swats your ass, holding your cheeks in his palms to pull you close. he lets your hoe accusations slide for now, but he’s waiting for your answer. “stop stalling. answer the question, girl.”
a free trip to vegas doesn’t sound too bad. you’re not too sure of what toji’s intentions are, but with the way he’s looking at you right now, biting his lips like he’s nervous about what you’ll say next? you don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about.
you wrap your arms around his shoulders, a wide smile etched on your lips. “of course i’ll come.”
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@screampied @sunasbon @sugultt @preciousamethyst
steal my work and you die.
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araveticazx · 22 days ago
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toji fushiguro
pervy dilf neighbor - @/tonycries
pervy electrician - @/sugoroo
ex toji - @/screampied
pervy neighbor toji - @/l0v3tast3
dirty little secret - @/madamechrissy (softy and a perv <33)
older bf - @/l0v3tast3
personal trainer - @/nanamincreampie
perv older toji - @/l0v3tast3
nasty habits! - @/kingkonoha (multi)
perv toji - @/nochepsicodelica
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kento nanami
pervy professor - @/unintentionalseductress
sundress - @/lxnarphase (multi)
panty stealing - @/nanaslutt
valentine’s day - @/goaskangel
dbf - @/nanamisonholiday
virgin - @/xanaxspritz
you turn me on! - @/classyrbf
panty thief! - @/grimmweepers (multi)
under the desk - @/simplygojo
empty gaze; ruined with lust - @/healedlover
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araveticazx · 22 days ago
'𝐠𝐹𝐹𝐝 đŠđšđ«đ§đąđ§đ '
𝐚𝐛𝐹𝐼𝐭 ‱ Ever the light sleeper Toji quickly wakes up to you slipping the covers off him. His ire turns to interest when you divulge your lewd intentions of sucking his cock.
đ„đžđ§đ đ­đĄ ‱ 2.6k
đ°đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ ‱ pwp, cock drunk!reader, pussydrunk!toji, oral (giving), praise, sucking toji's balls, daddy, mama/good girl/princess, thigh riding, some begging, dacryphilia, no prep, light pain kink, heavy size kink - toji is a beefy man with a big daddy cock, some choking, creampie, hints of mind break, squirting, some mirror sex, toji is so soft for you and is fucking you like he hates you
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Quietly setting down Toji's bitter, black coffee on your side table. You climb into bed, carefully slipping your comforter, revealing Toji’s chiseled, fat pecs, and his deeply contoured abs.
Toji grabs your blanket, grumbling, shifting from his side onto his back. You freezing, waiting for Toji to settle and his grasp to loosen. Seconds trickle by of you freely admiring him.
His thin, dark eyebrows furrowed above narrow, almond-shaped eyes. Which are lightly lined by his ever-present dark circles. Dark, bold hickeys trail between Toji's sharply defined clenching jaw and prominent collarbones. There are more scattered on his pecs.
Loosening his grip, slipping his hand beneath his pillow. Sleep roughens Toji’s deep and otherwise smooth voice. “Whatcha ya want?” Opening his eyes, a beautiful shade of emerald green. Toji's lips scar deepens with his sleepy, cocky half-smirk.
Desperately mewling, “Need you Daddy.” Gliding your fingertips down his hard abdomen. “I’m soaking through my panties, been thinking of your cock since I woke up. Couldn’t keep my hands to myself much longer.” Gathering your comforter to the side by the wall and window.
Toji pushes himself up, stuffing more pillows behind himself. You settle between Toji's muscular thighs, whilst he reaches for his coffee. "How badly does my future baby mama need me? " You push aside the curtains of your bedside window. Showing the forest composing your backyard.
Casting golden light across the bed. Gliding your fingers along the deep middle line of Toji's abdomen. Tracing down towards his v-line, whilst he sips on his coffee. Grasping Toji's heavy cock, too thick for your fingers to wrap around.
You croon, "You've been pressing your naked body against me all night. Been driving me crazy Daddy. Need you so badly I can't think of doing anything else but being your cum-filled cock-sleeve." Holding him upright, kissing the ridged line of Toji's cockhead whilst fondling his balls.
Gliding his fat head into your mouth, swirling your tongue. Toji falters, groaning, "That's it princess. You're hot, wet mouth 's so good. Fuckin' take Daddy deeper, know ya can." Bobbing your head, taking most of Toji’s heavy, fat cock. One of his thick veins glides along your flattened tongue.
Relaxing your mouth, deep-throating most of Toji. Swirling your hand around the rest you can't fit. Groaning his hips buck from the vibrations. You gently massage your fingers into his warm, squishy balls.
There's a clink of the mug hitting the side table. Looking up at Toji's handsome face. A crease forms between his thin furrowing brows. His lips form the perfect o. Your pussy throbs from Toji's raw groans, and breathy, deep moans.
"Ngh fuck princess! Deep throat Daddy's cock. Good girl, you're so fucking sexy." Hungrily watching you with emerald eyes.
Jerking his hip, trying to follow your lips as you slide him out with a pop. Gliding, twisting your fist along Toji's veiny, thick cock. Swiping your thumb over his head, smearing his pre-cum.
You croon, "You're leaking so much Daddy, your balls must be full of so much cum." Letting go of Toji's balls, wrapping your lips around him. Swirling your tongue around his fat, warm sack. Pumping your fist faster, as Toji digs his heels into your bed.
Groaning with a mouthful of Toji's balls. "Gonna give you every drop princess. After I finish my coffee I'm going to stuff your beautiful soaking wet, little cunt." You let go of Toji's balls, kissing them.
Protesting, "You haven't even taken more than a few sips." Holding Toji's heavy cock upright, spitting on his cock. Slipping your head between your thighs. Gliding your fingertips through your wet lips. Gathering your slick which you smear on your clit with each stroke.
Toji rests his large, heavy hand on top of your head, rhetorically wondering, "How can I? I'm too busy enjoying your hot, wet, pretty mouth on my cock and balls." You're suckling his cockhead, the salty taste of Toji's pre-cum coating your tongue.
Gliding him deeper into your mouth. Gagging, your throat squeezes his cock. Thrusting his hips up, pushing your head down. Forcing the last two, fat inches of his cock into your mouth.
Rubbing your clit faster, choking on Toji's cock getting you off. Tears blur the sight of Toji's pleasure-drunk expression. Earning a deep, raspy moan from Toji,
"Wanna see those pretty tears, cry for me, princess. Cry 'cause Daddy's cock is too big for your little mouth." Holding your head still with both large hands. Toji splays his fingers out, reaching your temple and your jaw.
Planting his feet on the bed, fervently thrusting his hard cock into the wet, warmth of your mouth. Spit drips down your chin. Trembling from the pleasure of rubbing your clit.
Toji groans, "That's it mama." Whilst fat tears trickle down your face, dripping onto him. Pulling you off his cock, grasping his length, pumping it with his large fist. Your breathing is heavy, as quick as you try to steady before divulging,
"Need you to fuck me till I squirt! I wanna cum so hard on your cock. Daddy you always make my pussy feel so good, it's so much better when you make me cum with your cock." Toji lightly taps his cock on your lips.
"S' that right princess? Do you need to cum on Daddy's cock?" You lightly press one finger after another into his squishy balls. Repeating the process at a steady, smooth pace.
You eagerly plead with Toji, "Wanna be full of Daddy's cock and cum. Please let me cum on your fat, veiny cock." Toji grabs his coffee as you glide his cock deep into your throat. Groaning before he could take a sip.
Pulling you off his cock, insisting, "If you want more of my cock then you're gonna have't be a good girl for me and ride my thigh. Put on a beautiful show n' let me see how stunning you are cumming while I drink my coffee." You slip his cock out, which falls onto his balls with a soft plop.
Leaning forward, kissing his cheek. Splaying your fingers on his chest, groping his fat pecs. You straddle his thigh, whilst reassuring him with,
"I'll be good and clean up my mess afterward." Toji grabs your hip, encouraging you to grind your clit on his brawny thigh, smearing your slick on his thigh. You're mewling and moaning with every shift of your hips.
Toji groping your cheek, letting you set your own zealous pace whilst keeping you steady. "You going to lick my cock clean after I make you squirt mama?" Holding onto Toji's muscular bicep digging in your nails.
Sliding your other hand down his abdomen, towards his cock slipping your hand underneath, cupping his balls. "Cock and balls, won't miss a single spot Daddy." Lightly fondling them in your palm.
Toji kisses your forehead. "That's my good girl." Rocking your hips faster, desperate for that tingling high of cum. Leaning forward putting more pressure on your sensitive clit.
He glides his large hand up from your ass, over your hip. "You're hot grinding your super soaker pussy on my thigh. Can't wait to have your soft little cunt gripping my cock, making such a mess." Caressing up your side to your breasts. Swiping his thumb over your nipple.
There is a pleasurable from the roughness of his finger. Calloused from years of fighting, and labor on your soft nipple pushing you closer towards cumming. "I want your cock right after this, I don't care if it's too much. I need to feel you fucking my cervix. Nnng Daddy fill my soaking cunt with more cock than I can handle." Toji's cock is drooling pre-cum onto your hand.
Grasping his head, swirling your thumb over his wet head, smearing his pre-cum around. Whilst Toji takes a huge gulp of his coffee. Lightly wrapping his thick fingers around your neck.
You mewl one last plea, "I'll be a good girl and take it all! I'm so close please fuck me Daddy!" Pushing the last bit of air out of your lust. Whilst he gradually applies pressure to your neck.
Toji flexes his thigh, the muscles hardening underneath your clit. Any cries you wouldn't he stifles, leaving you soundless with your mouth hanging open. Your eyes roll back as intense ecstasy overwhelms you as you cum.
Roughly setting his mug down, Toji snaps, "Fuck the rest of my coffee. Have't fuck your beautiful ass now." He pushes you off his thighs. Pinning you to the bed as you thoughtlessly, instantly spread your legs for him.
Rutting his hips, rubbing your clit with his fat, warm cockhead. "Good girl, spreading your legs so quickly for me." Lining himself up, "Gonna make you my baby mama." Loosening his grasp as he thrusts his cock past your puffy lips.
Clenching down on him, your pussy barely spreading to let him in. "I fucking love it when she's too tight to let me in, all sensitive and sloppy from cumming." Grabbing your thighs, pressing your folded legs to the mattress in a firm mating press. Toji leans his weight onto you, gliding himself deeper with a harsh push.
Mewling, "Too big, don't stop." Holding onto Toji, scratching his back, pulling his hair.
He grunts, "Your squishy, beautiful little pussy just barely fits me. Want me to fuck her loose with my fat cock till you're dripping my cum?" You can acutely feel every puffy vein, along with the ridged bump of his cockhead. Gliding along your g-spot, the heaviness of his cock gives just the right amount of pressure.
It's too erotic, his raspy, deep groans, your squelching cunt, and the slapping of skin. The weight of his heavy balls hitting your cheeks. Whilst his navel swipes your clit with every thrust.
Squeezing his fat cock with your soaking wet cunt. Toji trembles, his cocky smirk dropping into an o. "Oooohhh fuck! Fuck! Princess your beautiful little cunt is too much." Leaning back, swiping your clit with his thumb. Coaxing you towards cumming towards quickly cumming again. Tingling pleasure spreads from your clit, seeping throughout your body overwhelming you.
Babbling, mewling, "Wanna cum! Wanna cum! Needa cum! Daddy! Don't stop!" Toji keeps his rough, quick pace, steady. "Right there!" You're pussy throbs around him. Bursts of intense ecstasy from his cock head rutting against your squishy cervix building a heavy wet pressure.
"You're getting so close she's quivering around me. Cum on your Daddy's cock like a good girl." Those words have you gushing. "Nng love how I can make your pussy cum so quickly." Stroking your clit, fucking you through your high. As you mewl,
“I love you too Daddy!” Quickly Toji pulls out, his muscular frame trembling. Half smirking at you, his green eyes lush with adoration. Whilst he breaths,
“Shit princess! You can't make me cum just yet. Don’t want to stop fucking your hot, squelching little cunt. I fucking love ya so much princess, gonna make me cum saying that shit to me.” Flipping you over, pulling your hips up, and spreading your legs.
Lining himself up, tightly grasping your throat, pulling you back to meet his harsh thrust. “What did you do to me mama? Got me going all soft for you and your little pretty super soaker.” Slapping both your cheeks, jerking away from every heavy, stinging slap.
His hand around your throat keeps you from running away. "You're gonna be a good girl for me and take it." Wrapping his arm around your waist. "Can't run away from me if I hold your ass in the air and fuck my cock into your sweet little cunt." With ease Toji slips off the bed, holding your body to his, his cock buried deep in your cunt.
Holding you in front of your vanity mirror. "You're going to watch how good your little pretty cock sleeve takes my cock." Your pussy flutters at the blurry sight of your smaller body pinned to Toji's brawny sculpted muscular one.
Air trickles into your lungs as Toji lets go of your neck. He grabs you're the back of your thighs, spreading your legs apart. Your pussy flutters from seeing Toji suspending you in a mating press.
There is a thick ring of your juices gathering at the base of Toji's cock. Your face is wet with tears, whilst the inside of your thighs is slick. Matching Toji's glimmering wet cock and balls.
Admiring Toji fervently fucking his cock into your soaking wet cunt. You're beautiful, trembling in his grasp. Wearing a love-drunk, adoring expression akin to his.
"We look so good together don't we princess? Look at what a beautiful mess you are, drunk on my cock." Quickly you wind your arms around him, slipping a hand into his hair. Holding onto him, as Toji's pace gradually picks up momentum.
Fucking his cockhead into your plushy cervix. As if trying to push past into your guts. Toji is so achingly handsome. Pulling himself out till his head is making your lips puffy with his head. Too fat to slip out easily.
Rocking himself deep into your cunt with a loud squelch. It's mouthwatering watching Toji's veiny, pale cock gliding past your lips. The sight of him is nothing compared to how he feels inside of you.
Heavy, thick, soft, hard you could tell the placement of every thick vein whilst he balls deep inside. The part you can't help but obsess over the most is the soft texture of Toji's cock rubbing your sensitive pussy contrasts with how rock-hard he is when you clamp down.
You mewl, "Harder daddy! Fuck me harder!" Prompting him to pin you to the bed. Grasping your ass, which hangs off the bed. Keeping you in a mating press, trapping your legs with his weight as he leans over you.
Toji plants his feet harshly rutting himself into you. Grabbing your hair, pulling your head back, kissing you roughly. Parting your lips, he slips his tongue past, tasting of bitter coffee.
Groaning into Toji's mouth. Getting off on how primal it is to be pinned, spread, and fucked into, unable to wiggle away. He breaks the kiss, drunken confessing,
"Mmnn princess, I fucking love you so damn much. So beautiful, sweet, soft, and wet, I love you so fucking damn much. That's it princess I got ya, gonna spoil you, give you everything you want." Your bed protests, creaking, threatening to break.
You're drunk on Toji, he's everywhere saturating your senses. "Too much!" Breathing in Toji's musky scent of lingering the Sauvage cologne you bought him with his money.
All you could feel is Toji's warm, muscular body pressing against yours. His large hands are on your hips, sinking into the soft crease of your hip.
His cock is too hard, fucking your plush cervix, pain underlines the pleasure. Clawing at the sheets trying to help you psychically comprehend the intensity of Toji. He lets go of your hips, his weight keeping you from running away from his harsh, quick thrusts.
Grabbing your wrists, pinning them above your head. Propping his foot up on the edge of the bed gives Toji a better angle to thrust deeper inside you. His cockhead bruises your cervix with every harsh, quick, bed-rocking thrust.
Toji is fucking you like he hates you and simultaneously groaning sweet nothings. "Princess you're doing so good taking my cock. Relax mama, Daddy 's gonna take care of you. You can take my cock like a good girl." You're squirting on him, thick slick trickling down your thighs. Coating Toji's throbbing cock and drenching his heavy balls.
One of his veins pulses seconds before warm creamy cum trickles inside you. Fucking you through his peak, smearing his cum. "Goddamn mama that was a lot for me good girl." Kissing the top of your head, wrapping your arms around him.
Toji insists "Lemme hold ya whilst I go soft, then eat some breakfast.” Toji grabs your hips lifting you off your bed. Climbing onto the bed settling by the window with his cock buried in you.
formerly oreo-creampie
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araveticazx · 1 month ago
Chapter Twenty Three: Dinner with a Side of Danger
Pairing: Assassin!Toji Fushiguro x Assassin!Reader
Warnings: Explicit content, smut, rough play, public setting, dangerous flirting, blood, violence, Absolute filth. Face sitting, oral (m & f receiving), overstimulation, hair pulling, spit, throat-fucking, slight dumbification, dirty talk, degradation, praise, mild choking-- its sad...
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It was supposed to be a simple date night. A fancy dinner, some wine, a little bit of fun. But when you and Toji Fushiguro made plans, nothing was ever as simple as it seemed.
You stood in front of the mirror, slipping on your dress. The dark red silk clung to your curves, the slit in the side revealing just enough leg to make your heart race. You looked fucking dangerous. But you weren't done yet.
You heard a soft knock on the door, and before you could even respond, it creaked open.
Toji stood there in his black suit, a dark shirt underneath, his tie half-done, sleeves rolled up just enough to show the muscles of his forearms. He stepped inside, his eyes immediately locking onto you.
You turned to face him fully, a teasing smile curling your lips. "Like what you see, Mr. Fushiguro?"
He didn’t respond with words. His gaze slowly raked over your body, lingering on your exposed skin. His lips twitched into a small smirk. "Damn right I do, Mrs. Fushiguro."
You chuckled, tossing your hair back over your shoulder as you grabbed your heels. He stepped closer, moving with a casual confidence that made your pulse pick up. "I think I look better than you today," you teased.
Toji’s grin widened, and before you could blink, he had you backed against the wall, one hand on your waist, the other tugging your chin up to his lips. "If you think you look better than me, babe, you’re seriously delusional," he murmured against your mouth, his lips brushing yours in a soft, slow kiss.
You could taste the remnants of his cologne as his tongue slid against yours, deepening the kiss just enough to make you dizzy. Your hands slid down his chest, tugging at his suit jacket, impatient, needy.
A low growl escaped his throat when you cupped his chest, fingers curling in the fabric of his shirt.
Without warning, you pulled him closer, grinding your body against his. His eyes darkened, and a devilish smirk crept onto his lips. "Someone's eager," he muttered.
You didn’t answer. Instead, your hands slid lower, reaching for his belt, tugging it free with a sharp motion. You needed him, right there, right now.
But, just as quickly, he stopped you, grabbing your wrists gently but firmly. "Not tonight," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "We have a dinner to get to. Don’t want to ruin your appetite."
You cursed under your breath, but couldn’t help but laugh. "Fine. But only because you look so damn good."
Toji's grin grew, and for a moment, you both just took each other in. You hadn't even realized how much you needed a moment like this—just the two of you, letting the tension between you simmer without the distractions of work, violence, or the world outside your door.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You stepped into the restaurant, an upscale place in the heart of the city, the kind where everyone knew who you were the second you walked through the door. You didn’t care. Toji didn’t either.
You were seated in a secluded corner, a dimly lit area with a perfect view of the city skyline. The air was filled with the soft clink of silverware, the distant chatter of wealthy diners. But for you and Toji? It was just the two of you, lost in the world of each other.
You flirted like teenagers—teasing him with your words, giving him that sly little smile that made his breath hitch. You couldn't stop touching each other, even if it was just a quick brush of your hand under the table or a subtle graze of his thumb against your wrist.
"You're looking even better than before," Toji murmured, his voice low, just for you. His eyes held a dark amusement, scanning you as though you were his personal piece of art. "Are you trying to tempt me?"
You leaned in closer, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered, "Maybe I am. What's it to you?"
His hand found your thigh under the table, fingers sliding up your dress, just a little higher with every word you spoke.
You let out a soft breath, your eyes flickering with lust as you shifted in your seat, feeling the heat between you both.
But, before things could escalate, a waiter arrived with your drinks. You pulled back, reluctantly, trying to maintain some semblance of decorum. But your eyes never left each other.
He handed you your glass of wine, and you clinked it against his. "To us," you said softly.
Toji nodded, his gaze never faltering as he sipped his drink. "To us."
And just as you thought you could finally breathe easy, something shifted.
A red dot appeared on the center of Toji's forehead.
You froze.
The subtle tremor of the dot—it was unmistakable.
A sniper.
Come the fuck on.
You barely had time to react. Your instincts kicked in before your mind could process. Without thinking, you grabbed Toji’s arm and yanked him under the table, the wine glass toppling over in the process.
"What the fuck—" Toji started, but you cut him off.
"Sniper," you whispered urgently, your fingers tight around his wrist. "We need to move."
He blinked at you, but the seriousness in your voice had him nodding instantly.
You didn’t waste time. The both of you sprang into action, moving fast, ducking under tables, barely dodging a few shots that definitely weren’t meant to miss.
Toji cursed as you grabbed a nearby waiter and shoved him out of the way, using his body as a shield to get to the back door.
Just as you reached it, Toji turned back to make sure no one was left behind. His sharp eyes flickered across the room before locking onto the figure on the far end of the restaurant—just another one of the snipers, barely visible behind a table.
You yanked him toward the door, and the moment you stepped into the alley, you both ran.
But just as quickly, the world you’d known before shattered. The peace of your date night evaporated into adrenaline-fueled panic. Because in this life, there was no room for slow reactions.
Only survival.
By the time you made it to the car, your pulse was racing, the thrill of escape still clinging to you both. The streets outside were dark, deserted—a perfect setting for a fight.
Toji checked his gun, ready for whatever came next. "You good?" he asked, his eyes narrowed, his voice rough from the tension.
You gave him a quick nod. "For now."
But something about tonight—about this life—felt more real than it ever had before. The chaos was never far behind, and the danger would always follow.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
By the time you both got home, you were fucking done.
You yanked off your heels the second you walked through the door, tossing them somewhere into the abyss of your shared home. Your body ached from the tension, your skin hot from the adrenaline still coursing through your veins.
“That was fucking brutal,” you muttered, reaching back to try and unzip your dress.
Toji leaned against the doorframe, watching you struggle with that shit-eating smirk of his. “Need help, sweetheart?”
You shot him a glare over your shoulder. “No, I got it.”
You didn’t got it.
The zipper refused to budge, stuck halfway down your spine. You groaned in frustration, twisting your arms in a way that was probably comical, but you were too fucking irritated to care.
Toji chuckled, his voice low and amused. “C’mere.”
You huffed but stepped closer, letting him turn you around. His fingers brushed against your back as he grabbed the zipper, his movements slow—too slow. The fabric loosened, slipping off your shoulders, and Toji took his time peeling it down, his fingers tracing along your spine, sending shivers down your body.
“That’s better,” he murmured, voice thick with something dangerous.
Your breath hitched. He was too close, his body radiating heat, his cologne still clinging to his skin. His fingers grazed your waist, his thumbs pressing lightly into the dips of your hips.
“What?” His lips brushed against your ear, his breath hot, teasing.
You turned around, meeting his gaze, only to realize he was looking at you like you were something to devour.
That tension? Yeah, it snapped.
His mouth was on yours before you could process it, hands gripping your hips, pulling you flush against him. The kiss was rough, desperate, hungry. You moaned into his mouth, fingers tangling in his hair, nails scraping against his scalp.
Toji growled, deep in his throat, before lifting you—easily—and carrying you straight to the bedroom.
The dress? Gone.
His clothes? Also gone.
The second your back hit the mattress, he was between your legs, lips trailing down your stomach, hands gripping your thighs.
“Been wanting to take you all night,” he muttered against your skin, his voice dark, teasing.
“Even though we literally almost died,” you said, breathless.
Toji just laughed. “Exactly.”
And then? His mouth was on you.
You gasped, arching off the bed as his tongue worked you open, slow and fucking deliberate. He sucked, licked, devoured—his grip on your thighs tightening every time you tried to squirm away.
“Toji—fuck,” you choked out, fingers twisting in his hair.
He groaned against you, the vibrations sending a sharp wave of pleasure through your body. You could barely breathe, your mind foggy, your thighs trembling.
And just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore—just when you tried to push him away, whimpering from the overstimulation—he grabbed your hips, hard, dragging you back down the bed.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” he rasped, his voice dark, possessive.
“I—I can’t,” you panted, trying to crawl away, legs weak.
Toji’s grip tightened. “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured, flipping you onto your stomach in one smooth motion. “We’re just getting started.”
And yeah—you were fucked.
You had tried to escape.
That was your first mistake.
Toji had you flipped onto your stomach, your cheek pressed into the sheets, your body already trembling from the aftermath of his mouth. But he wasn’t done—not even fucking close.
One of his large hands was splayed on your back, pressing you down while the other hooked under your hips, lifting them just enough for him to position himself right behind you. You barely had a second to catch your breath before—
Toji sank into you in one deep, brutal stroke, stretching you open, the burn sharp and addicting. Your fingers clawed at the sheets, toes curling as a breathless moan tore from your throat.
"Fuck—" His voice was dark, guttural, hands gripping your waist hard enough to bruise. "You’re squeezin’ me so tight, baby. That pussy missed me?"
You whimpered, the feeling too much, too raw, too deep. You had already been on edge from the way his mouth ruined you earlier, and now this? Now this?
Toji let out a low chuckle, rolling his hips in a slow, teasing thrust, his cock dragging against every sensitive spot inside you. "C’mon, sweetheart, I asked you a question."
Your brain was melting, turned into something stupid and needy as he started thrusting into you in a brutal, unrelenting pace, hips snapping against yours. Every stroke punched a noise out of you—sharp, breathy cries that only made him go harder.
"Yes," you gasped, back arching, body jolting with every movement. "Fuck—yes, I missed it—!"
"That’s my girl," he growled, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking you back, forcing your spine to curve. Your head lolled back onto his shoulder, his lips grazing your jaw, your throat, as his free hand traveled down to grip your neck.
"You always talk so much shit," he muttered, squeezing lightly, just enough to make your breath hitch. "But you break so fuckin’ easy."
You could barely think, could barely breathe, drowning in the heat of his body, in the relentless way he owned you.
And then he moved again—one sharp thrust that sent a white-hot pulse of pleasure ripping through you, making you cry out.
"Right there—?" Toji smirked against your ear. "Yeah? That’s it, huh?"
You were gone—reduced to nothing but moans, gasps, whimpers as he kept hitting that perfect fucking spot over and over again.
"Toji—fuck, fuck, fuck—"
His fingers tightened around your throat, just enough to make your head feel light, your body sinking deeper into the pleasure, into the haze of his touch.
"You close, baby?" he murmured, rolling his hips in a deep, slow grind that made your toes curl.
"Yeah?" He slammed into you, making you jolt with a sharp cry. "Too fuckin’ bad."
You barely had time to process his words before he pulled out completely, leaving you empty and aching.
"No—!" You whined, trying to push back against him, desperate to feel him again. "Toji, please—"
He laughed, smug and mean, gripping your waist to stop you from grinding back on him. "Look at you. So fuckin’ desperate. Thought you were tough?"
Your face burned, but you didn’t care. You were too far gone, your body trembling, slick dripping down your thighs. "Toji," you whimpered, pushing back against him again.
His hand cracked down on your ass in a sharp slap. "Use your words."
You bit your lip, swallowing your pride. "Please, Toji—please fuck me—"
"That’s more like it."
And then he was on you again, forcing you onto your back before he pinned you down, spreading your thighs wide. He was over you, eyes dark, lips curled in a dangerous smirk as he lined himself up again—
Then he slammed back inside, making you arch off the bed with a strangled scream.
You lost track of everything after that.
Toji fucked you stupid—fast, rough, deep. He had you on your back, then flipped you over, then dragged you to the edge of the bed just so he could pull you back onto him with every thrust. His hand never left your body, gripping your waist, your throat, your jaw—wherever he wanted.
He pressed your knees to your chest, folding you in half as he pounded into you, his lips hot against your ear. "Gonna cum for me, sweetheart? Look at you—so fuckin’ perfect for me."
You nodded, tears pricking the corners of your eyes, your entire body trembling. "I—I can’t—"
"Yes, you can," he growled, slamming into you harder. "Gimme one more, baby."
Your body gave in. You shattered around him with a loud moan, back arching, vision going white as waves of pleasure crashed over you.
Toji groaned, his grip on you tightening as he fucked you through it, letting you ride out every second of your high.
And then—one last deep thrust—his body tensed—
You felt him cum deep inside you, his cock pulsing as he spilled into you, his grip tightening, his breath ragged against your skin.
You both stayed like that for a moment—your body twitching, his chest rising and falling, heat pooling between your legs.
Then, with a low chuckle, he finally pulled out, flopping down beside you. You could barely move, your limbs jelly, your skin covered in a thin layer of sweat.
Toji rolled onto his side, dragging a lazy hand over your stomach before smirking at you. "So," he murmured, way too smug, "still mad about dinner?"
You glared at him. "Fuck you."
He laughed, leaning in to press a slow, teasing kiss to your lips. "You just did, sweetheart."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Your body was still trembling, the room thick with sweat and the scent of sex. Your limbs were useless, body heavy with exhaustion, yet somehow, someway, your mouth was still running.
"Wanna go again?"
Toji turned his head to look at you, disbelief flickering in those dark, sharp eyes. His body was still draped in the aftermath of your last round—chest rising and falling, muscles still twitching, damp with sweat.
Then, his lips curled into a smirk.
"You're insane."
You shrugged, already sliding down the sheets, your body moving on instinct. "Maybe."
Before he could say anything else, you were on him—pressing him down onto the mattress, your lips trailing over his chest, down his stomach, dragging your tongue along the dips of his muscles.
"Shit—" Toji sucked in a sharp breath, his cock twitching against his thigh. "You're fuckin’ serious?"
You didn't answer. Instead, you wrapped your fingers around his base, already half-hard despite the way you had wrecked each other just minutes ago.
"Jesus fuckin’—" His head tilted back, jaw clenching, as you dragged your tongue along the length of him, slow, teasing.
He was already throbbing in your grip, already growing harder, thick and heavy on your tongue as you kissed down his shaft, spit trailing from your lips.
"You’re fuckin’ insatiable," he muttered, voice rough, hand already finding your hair, curling his fingers into the strands.
You hummed, looking up at him through your lashes, mouth parting as you dragged your tongue over the tip, tasting him, teasing him, before—
You took him in.
Toji’s groan was filthy, deep and wrecked, his hips twitching up as your mouth stretched around him, swallowing him down inch by inch.
"Fuckin’ hell," he groaned, his fingers tightening, yanking at your hair as you took him deeper, your throat clenching as he hit the back of your mouth.
"Shit—shit," he gritted, his free hand gripping the sheets, his muscles tightening as you sucked him down, lips wrapped tight around his cock. "Fuckin’ look at you."
You let out a soft moan around him, sending vibrations up his length, making his hips jerk.
Your fingers dug into his thighs as you bobbed your head, hollowing your cheeks, your tongue tracing the thick vein along the underside of him.
"Takin’ it so fuckin’ well—"
You felt his grip tighten in your hair, felt his abs clench, his breathing turn ragged.
You barely had time to react before he snapped.
Toji’s grip in your hair tightened, his other hand moving to the back of your head as he thrust up, shoving his cock deep into your throat.
Your eyes rolled back, spit dripping down your chin as he held you there, his cock heavy on your tongue, your throat tight around him.
"Yeah—just like that," he groaned, jaw clenched as he rocked his hips, fucking into your mouth, slow, deep strokes.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, your throat burning, but you took it.
"So fuckin’ good for me," he rasped, voice wrecked, his fingers stroking your cheek, brushing against the wetness there. "Such a good fuckin’ girl."
Your nails dug into his thighs, your body burning, heat pooling between your legs again.
"Shit—‘m close—"
You hummed, sucking harder, your throat tightening as he groaned, his hips stuttering.
And then—
He came.
His body jerked, his grip tightening as he spilled down your throat, thick, hot spurts that you swallowed without hesitation.
"Jesus fuckin’ Christ—"
Toji finally released you, his grip going slack, his chest rising and falling in deep, ragged breaths.
You pulled off him with a soft gasp, wiping the spit from your chin with the back of your hand.
He let out a breathless laugh, shaking his head. "You’re gonna kill me, sweetheart."
You smirked, crawling up to straddle his waist, pressing a slow, lazy kiss against his lips.
"Then you better not die first."
Toji groaned into your mouth, his hands still gripping your waist, holding you close, his lips still swollen from how desperately he had kissed you.
Then, in that rough, husky voice, he murmured—
"I’m hard again."
Your brow furrowed, lips parting slightly. "You’re kidding."
He just smirked, pressing his hips up against you, and—holy shit—he wasn’t kidding.
"What?" His tone was lazy, teasing, his lips dragging along the corner of your mouth, down your jaw. "You’re the one who asked if I wanted to go again."
"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd—"
He rolled his hips again, the thick, heavy press of him making you gasp, making your thighs twitch around him.
"Didn’t think I’d what, sweetheart?" He murmured against your neck, voice like gravel. "Wanna wreck you all over again?"
Your breath hitched. His fingers tightened their hold on your hips.
"Come on, baby," Toji murmured, voice all silk and sin as he flipped you over in one smooth motion, pinning you beneath him. "You can take it."
Your body was already buzzing, still sensitive from the last round, but—fuck—you wanted it.
You tilted your chin up, staring him down. "Prove it."
Something dark flickered in his gaze.
"Oh, you’re in for it now, sweetheart."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
The next thing you knew, your back was against the mattress, your legs thrown over his broad shoulders.
"Shh," he hummed, kissing the inside of your thigh. "Be a good girl and keep those pretty legs open for me, yeah?"
Before you could respond, his mouth was on you.
You threw your head back, a breathless gasp ripping from your lips as his tongue licked a slow, obscene stripe up your slit.
"Taste so fuckin’ good," Toji murmured against you, voice thick with hunger. "Could eat you all night."
He sucked your clit into his mouth, and you arched, a broken whimper spilling from your lips.
"That’s it, baby—grind against my fuckin’ face."
His hands gripped your thighs, keeping you open, keeping you still as he devoured you, his tongue flicking against your clit in quick, sharp motions that had your eyes rolling back.
"Oh—fuck—fuck, Toji—"
Your fingers dug into his hair, tugging hard, but he just groaned, his grip tightening, keeping you right where he wanted you.
"You can take it," he murmured against you, his voice wrecked, lips wet, spit glistening on his chin. "Be a good girl and take it, yeah?"
You shuddered, hips rolling against his mouth, chasing the pleasure he was forcing out of you.
"Shit—shit—Toji—I'm gonna—"
"Go on, baby."
One, two, three flicks of his tongue—
And you broke.
Your thighs shook, your back arching off the bed as your orgasm hit you, your vision going white, your body trembling.
Toji didn’t stop.
"Mm-mm." His grip tightened on your hips, holding you down, keeping you in place as he licked you through it, dragging his tongue through your slick folds, relentless. "Not done yet, sweetheart."
You whimpered, legs trembling, your body already overstimulated, but he didn’t care.
"Too much—fuck—shit—"
"Nah," he chuckled against your heat, pressing a kiss to your soaked folds before pulling back, his lips shining with your slick, his eyes dark, hungry. "We’re just getting started."
You barely had time to breathe before he was flipping you over again, pressing you into the mattress, his body covering yours.
His cock pressed against your entrance, thick and hard and aching, and he leaned down, lips brushing against your ear—
"I’m gonna ruin you, sweetheart."
And then—
He slammed into you.
You screamed, your body arching, eyes squeezing shut as he filled you to the hilt in one smooth, punishing thrust.
"Yeah, that’s it," he groaned, pulling out only to slam back in, your walls fluttering around him, still soaked from your last orgasm. "Fuckin’ take it."
Your nails clawed at his back, your breath ragged, every nerve in your body on fire.
"Oh—oh fuck—"
"That’s it, baby," Toji grunted, his pace brutal, ruthless, his hands gripping your hips so tight you knew there’d be bruises. "Take it like my good fuckin’ girl."
You moaned, head tilting back, giving him full access to your throat—
And Toji took full advantage.
His hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing just enough to send a fresh wave of heat straight to your core.
"Fuck—love this fuckin’ pussy—"
His lips crushed against yours, teeth dragging against your bottom lip, biting, tasting you, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth.
"Do it." His grip on your throat tightened slightly, his other hand gripping your waist, forcing you down onto his cock. "Cum on my fuckin’ cock, sweetheart."
One more thrust—one deep, punishing snap of his hips—
And you shattered.
Your body convulsed, your vision turning white as pleasure crashed over you, a sharp, wrecked sob tearing from your throat.
Toji followed right after, his hips snapping once, twice—and then he was spilling into you, groaning your name against your skin, his body trembling from the force of it.
"Jesus fuckin’"
The only sound in the room was your ragged breathing, your body still buzzing, your limbs completely spent.
You felt Toji shift, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you close against him.
"You alive, sweetheart?" His voice was rough, lazy, amusement curling at the edges.
"Barely," you muttered, nuzzling into his chest. "Asshole."
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple, his fingers tracing lazy circles on your back. "You love it."
"Hate you."
"Mm-hmm." He kissed the top of your head. "Hate you too."
My lil taglist ₍₍ ◝(ă€€ïŸŸâˆ€  )◟    : @t4naiis - @crimsonxm00n -
29 notes · View notes
araveticazx · 2 months ago
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☆ sum. ain’t nothin’ like ditching the condom for the very first time! get in loser, he’s going shopping raw. sukuna, toji, ijichi, nanami, gojo, geto, choso.
warnings. fem! reader, protected -> unprotected, raw, cult leader! geto, switch choso, condom breaks, ęxhibitionism (geto), overstim, bulges, big dicks yum, slight mommy kink, spanks, whiny feral men, dirty talk, dumbification, sqĂșirting, brief cunnÄ«lingus, bręeding, slutting them out, praise.
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“o- oh, ohhh,” ijichi stammers, pushing back the fogged lens of his glasses. as a hand awkwardly grips onto your waist tightly, ijichi takes a second to swallow down a long, anxious gulp. the minute he snatched his condom off - he was just so needy. the lower part of his lip quivers as his eyes zero down at your body.
and fuuck, your pussy’s just leaking, continuously dripping as it hovers over his sanguine-colored tip. he’s letting off subtle sharp grunts as you give your impatient hips a tiny taunting wriggle. “mngh- you want me to go in-” and he pauses, dramatically gulping again. “
“mhm, ‘jichi baby,” you’d bite back a moan, feeling his curious hands grab toward your jouncing breasts. this always happened, ijichi was supposed to be doing paperwork. he’s had so many supplementary tasks and duties that had a strict deadline, and yet here he was - doing you instead of doing his paperwork. not that he complained at all though. widened, almond-shaped eyes watched as you brought two fingers towards your sopping pussy, spreading it apart just above his tip. “inside,” and teasingly, you took off his glasses, putting them over your own eyes. “can you do that for me?”
“hah- yes mommy- ahem- my love, i mean.”
“did you jus’ call me mommy?” you chaff, bringing a kiss toward the hooked bridge of his nose. with his glasses now off - you saw a good glimpse of ijichi’s face and he’s never felt more flustered. he didn’t mind whenever you took control, although - whenever you did, he had a bit of a habit of quickly submitting.
“did i?” he coyly cheeses, a tear of sweat racing down the side of his thin brow. ijichi moans, bringing his tip towards the outer part of your cunt. sloppily, he smudges his drooling wet cockhead against your heat before gulping for the third time. “can.. can you blame me though? you’re so wet that it’s makin’ me.. heh- slip over my wor- oh my-” ijichi shakily breathes, feeling your hand wrap around his thick cock.
a thumb of yours softly scrapes down the loose skin before colliding against a single, prodding vein. excitedly, it pulses at your touch - and you hummed, aligning the swollen head against your pussy. “mgh- so.. so big, ijichi,” you’d gasp out, still wearing his glasses. he stares at you, his dick twitching at the sight - how cute you looked while wearing them and how his glasses were so close to slipping off the bridge of your nose.
“fuck- ‘s okay, jus’ keep goin’ inside me,” and he mutely gasps, ogling as your hands cup underneath both of your bare tits. “can you.. hah- do that for me?”
“mhm,” he moans, his head already lowering to bury between your chest. if there was anything ijichi loved, it was your pretty perked breasts bouncing in front of his face. he loved to run the tip of his sticky tongue ‘round your sensitive nipples, slurp after slurp popping away from his thin-lined lips.
unhurriedly, his cock’s still making its way inside you, and he grumbles, feeling your hands ruffling through his slickly parted hair. “so mngh- perfect, my dove-”
with a single hand - you’re bringing him closer toward your chest, biting your lip as you’re trying to adjust to the incoming thiiiick stretch. without the condom like usual—it feels a lot more wet, a lot more
your pristine slickness was taking ijichi by surprise—and he inhales hoarsely, feeling your cunt splash its wetness all over his base. after just a few inches inside of you, ijichi already knew he wasn’t gonna last. he’s a big guy - and his dick stretched you out in all the right ways despite how he wasn’t even fully bottomed out yet. it felt like he was though, and you’re already impatient, craving clamping around all girthy nth-inches.
“f- fuck-” you’d mewl out weakly, still feeling the flicks of his hot tongue swirl around the center of your tender nipples. his lashes were closed—and he was letting off muffled moans once he felt the clamoring loud slam of your ass plop onto his lap. a single bounce and he’s spasming underneath you. you whimpered, hurling your arms around him before feeling his tip gingerly slap its way against your beating g-spot.
a hidden coil trapped deeply within your stomach tightens—and you’re letting off sweet, needy ‘ooh’ ‘s and ‘ah’ ‘s continuously. as ijichi’s rosy lips were puckered, he’s still merrily taking turns at sucking each of your pretty breasts while looking up at you. “ ‘jichi, baby- fuckk, i- i feel something comin'- don’t stoppp-”
“haah- ‘course, m’love,” he resumes to wetly swirl his tongue over both sensitive nipples. so sweet. he’s roughly sucking against each, releasing wet popping sounds from his lips before a free hand squeezes your ass. ijichi’s bottomed out now, and his heart’s damn near beating out of his chest.
he got off to your pleasure, and every few seconds—darkened, dilated irises would glance back up toward you.
ijichi’s been inside you tons of times, but never raw. and he’s had his inexperienced moments for sure—but to say he was a quick learner was surely an understatement. as his lips were securely cupped around each one of your tits, he brings a hand toward the crack of your thighs. you’re practically cockwarming him, and you start to feel a familiar elated feeling brewing ‘n brewing up inside of you.
it didn’t take long before your thighs fiercely shook, and you’re whimpering at the stimulation of him tending to your breasts and now smearing a thumb around your twitching, sensitive clit. “ijichi- oh!” you’d squeal out suddenly, shuddering over his lap once you finally burst.
all it took was for his thumb to toy with your cunt and his fatly-shaped tip to prod against your beloved g-spot one more time for you to break. what comes abruptly was how you ended up gushing literally - squirting a dewy geyser all down between your legs, soaking his cock from the inside. your face blissfully falls in pleasure, and you’re letting off the prettiest orgasm as you hear ijichi mumble a faint, cheeky ‘oh wow’ against your ear.
“ngh!” your body slumps into his chest, feeling every muscle that made up your thighs grow numb. your pussy’s just soaking him - and you’re whining the entire time, feeling his lips pop away from your lustrous tits. ijichi’s matching the rushed pants of your breathing as he wraps an arm around you, feeling your body shiver. “f- fuck, fuck- fuuuck-”
as his hefty dick’s still inside of you—ijichi’s chest deflates in ‘n out, and he’s clenching his jaw at the imagery of actually cumming inside of you. he wasn’t too worried about his finish though because he’s bringing a kiss toward the crown of your head as beads of sweat tore down all sides of his forehead.
“hah- did i 
 do that, m’love?” he breathlessly asks, guiding a hand between your legs that had a literal waterfall pouring down your sticky inner thighs. you’re entirely out of breath, and as you cutely tried to put his fogged glasses back on his face, ijichi hummed.
“y- yeah-” you whined, still feeling the pangs of pleasure surge through every part of your body. ijichi’s throbbing tip pulses against your clit causes you to let off another candied whimper.
panting heavily, ijichi brings a hand toward your chin before gripping it. “o
 ohh,” and he sneaks a single wet kiss against your lips. you moaned at his minty taste before feeling him gingerly lift you from his cock, bending you over his unkempt, messy desk. your chest lands over his scattered piles of papers—and ijichi stands up, swatting a hand against the bare cheek of your ass.
the harsh slap! brings you straight back to reality, and you gasped. “mmgh-” ijichi re-positions his crooked glasses one more time, feeling his dick twitch at the pretty sight of you happily arching for him over his desk.
with a low, needy gruff — ijichi’s cockhead sliiides a zigzag line down the front of your pussy before feeling you trying to squeeze against nothing but air. “hah-” he inhales sharply, and you gasped before feeling his hand gently snake around your neck. bringing two lengthy fingers towards your sopping cunt, ijichi’s voice slightly pitched before he gives your folds a teasing spank.
“let’s.. do that again, my love. wanna.. haah- see how much wetter you can get,” and he clears his throat, placing a trail of wet kisses down your spine.
“heh- for you know- research purposes.”
“don’t say such foolish things when you’re already this soaked,” sukuna prowled, swatting the flat part of his palm against your cunt.
you whimpered at the instant impact, seeing your tummy heave in and out through your peripherals as you lay on your back. on sukuna’s king-sized bed, he had you in the middle with your legs widely spread like an eagle’s wings. “tch. nasty little girl, never thinkin’ with your brain-”
he continued gruffly, his balmy-red tip maneuvering a few translucently wet shapes around the entrance of your heat. you’re so slick, and he hisses at the unkempt warmth that occurs on his crownhead before spanking your throbbing nub thrice. “always thinkin’ with your pussy, ‘n now you want me to go in raw, hm?”
“kuna.. pleaaaase-”
each ricocheting slap he creates against your slick-running folds has you biting your lip. “fine,” he grumbles, the head of his rounded plump shaft turning an angry beat red. the plastic material of the condom that’s snugly fit ‘round his cock gets pulled off by his hand. you’re moaning - mewling, feeling the parched rawness of his dick smearing down your puffed entrance. instantly, your thighs become shakier than ever, and you’re biting back an incoming moan once he’s easing his way inside.
“god- so fuckin’ warm inside, hah-” sukuna rumbles through whetted bared fangs, a few of his sharp nails piercing into the torrid, warm flesh of your skin. you’re just lying flat on your back the entire time, whimpering as his cursed cock’s just soppingly sinking itself through your tightening walls. his tip alone was big, and you’re letting off drafty gasps of air because of the sultry-hot feeling. “mngh- that’s it, girl. clench around me, use that wet pussy to suck me i- in, fuuuck-”
sukuna gets rudely cut off from the slimy loud plaps of your folds slickly suffocating every thick inch. he’s for once speechless - and you could hear his rasped breaths quicken the longer he spends inside rummaging through your walls. sukuna’s capped tip was thoroughly stuffed inside of your cunt before he’s feeling that familiar pulse arise. “ugh- so fuckin’ wet- pussy’s more.. hah- evil than i thought,” he groans, the lower half of his slim torso stiffening.
“mgnh- fuck, ‘kuna,” you’d wheeze out, feeling his weighty cock reach deep deep deep. he’s not even moving his hips and yet it feels like he’s just plowing straight into you. sukuna’s huge, and the crown of his shaft alone was enough to cause your poor legs to tremble. within seconds—your breaths became more and more shallow as your mind’s just being turned into pure gooey mush. “that’s it, baby, press down on my tummy hngh-”
“don’t tell me what ‘ta do,” he grumps, but his palm lands on top of your stomach anyway. there, he feels the faint protruding bulge rub against the center of his hand and he grunts. riotously, sukuna’s hips were just shaking, and he felt like if he’d give you just one more thrust - oh, he’d cum.
it’s a looot different than having the rubber on. he feels how hot you were, how ridiculously sopping wet you were - how fuckin’ raw you felt from the very inside. it makes him nip at the bottom of his lip with his fang, cherry eyes leisurely rolling back in feral awe. “ ‘m gonna cum, not gonna laaaast- ugh.”
sukuna’s head tosses itself back and he lets off a loud growling prowl, the slick warmth of your pussy making him nearly slip out of you. with a slippery, wet grip that you had—sukuna wasn’t sure if he was gonna last long.
“mmh- running away already, sukuna?” your moan, a bratty giggle flying past your glossed-puckered lips once his cerise gaze falls upon you. sukuna’s intently glaring, but his expression quickly shifts once his fat tip strikes a single, sloppy hit against your g-spot not once, not twice but thrice.
third time’s the charm, and he’s just ceaselessly slamming the huge, bulky crown of his cockhead against that same tender spot. doing so causes you both to let off the sweetest, lewdest moans in utter unison.“f- fuuuck,” you’d hum, bringing your hands to fondle your bouncing tits.
you continued to lie underneath him, staring at the demon on top of you that was sweating bullets. his pace was simply relentless, and he’s grunting at each slapping pound he creates effortlessly with his keen hips.
“ugh- ‘m cumming, ‘m fuckin’ cummin” sukuna growled, his heavy body clumsily flopping onto yours. coincidentally enough, you ended up finishing too, and your sweetened, high-pitch moans were just music to his ears. “fuck, fuck, f- fuck-”
sukuna grumbles muffled swears into your neck as he slowly but surely pops a hot, velvety knot inside of your cunt. your legs wrapped around his waist, and you’re whimpering as his hips sync against your own. “hngh- sukunaaa,” and the way you squealed his name off your tongue had his cock twitching for more. your thighs quavered with pure anticipation, and you felt your chest steadily heave in and out against sukuna’s sweaty pecs that lay against you. “s- so fuuullll-” you’d let off a prolonged whine, tilting your head once his fangs cutely nip against your skin.
your high felt just as brutal - and as a crashing wave of endorphins released all down your body, he could feel you spasming underneath him. your cunt was even more clingy than you were, its tight gripping hug making him snarl a faint whimper into your neck.
“ugh- you ‘n this
 f- fuckin’ cursed pussy,” sukuna shakily murmured, still buried balls deep. he’s been finished filling you up, and you could feel him sniffing down your neck. sukuna’s body violently shakes with yours, and he’s hissing off swears before feeling a few pasty-white droplets of cum dribble down your thighs. “mngh- can’t feel my legs, ugh-”
“you know, for the king of curses, you sure do whine a lot-”
“s.. shut the fuck up and 
 hold me.”
with satoru — he’s a freak.
his favorite thing to do was to finish inside of you raw before lapping it right up. satoru’s bright, sparkly lashes flutter at every pausing jiffy as you’re hovering over his face with those pretty wet legs of yours spread open . . fuckin’ . . wide.
“mgh- c’mere you..” he pouts, snaking a hand around your waist before lolling out the flat of his tongue.
it’s a hot pink - colored and almost a vibrant shade of strawberry before it flicks a slippery stripe down your puffed slit. you’re so full - he’s filled you with clods ‘n clods of bubbly ropes so much that a bit of frothy residue started to stream down the middle part of your pussy. it’s such a filthy view, and he moans at the bittersweet taste of himself dripping onto his buds alone.
“f- fuck, ‘toru-” you’d whimper, your quavering knees positioned against each side of his head. with your legs sprawled into the letter ‘v’ — you’re slowly starting to rock against his chin. “mhm- lick me clean, baby. good boy.”
“don’t .. fwah- call me that.” satoru slurps, white brows cutely tugging into a stubborn furrow. stubborn even with his mouth full.
gnawing the inside of your gummed cheek like it was bubble gum, you let off a faint, quivering whine once you feel his teeth playfully nibble towards your cute ‘lil twitching clit. “hah- i’ll call you whatever i want since you’re underneath me pretty boy.” you tease, reaching a hand in his hair. tousled, snowy tresses tangled between your fingers as you kept riding his face, seeing that permanent pouty glower on satoru’s sheeny lips.
“pft,” he scoffs, iced pupils rolling straight to the back of his cranium before he spits on your cunt. he’s making you even messier—letting you, dampen his chin with a mixture of your treacly essence and his coarse, creamy mess.
the way satoru’s dewy cum dribbled between your thighs had him grunt against your folds, and he’s even creeping a hand toward his throbbing cock to calm himself. you hovered over his face alone had him turned on.
“fuuuck, keep ridin’ my face like that then, yeah,” satoru huffs breathlessly, a sweaty open palm starting to give his shaft a few solid pumps. from the tannish-pink sides, his dick’s just tearing away with pathetic tears of cum. he’s smokily groaning repeatedly once he’s touching himself at the taste of you - the mere thought of you, and it only makes his tongue flick against your pussy faster..
you’re whimpering as your poor thighs continued to quiver, and the grip on satoru’s ruffled hair never loosened. in fact, it tightens—and you’re grinding your hips against his face at a much more sloppy speed. “hng- such a nasty girl with a.. hah- even nastier pussy,” satoru murmurs faintly against your weeping slit, your constant moving making his words sound muffled. he’s trying to keep up his haughty persona but it fails immediately the second he feels himself preparing to cum 
you knew it too - because satoru whimpers, watching doe-eyed as you suddenly got up, plopping your dripping cunt right back down against the pearly tip of his cock. “ ‘toru baby, ngh- you should finish inside,” and he’s just so impatient. the swollen head of satoru’s shaft was a claret red and it turned even redder the more you aligned his tip against the opening of your slobbering folds. in response—your pussy spits out cute, wet pop sounds at the unstable movements of you trying to tease him even further. “mngh- fill me up again.”
“w- when you ask like that, ‘m gonna wanna propose to you next,” he pouts, the entire lower half of his body growing limp. he’s so tender - so hot, and it was like your pussy had him on a leash. satoru groans, wrapping a shaky hand around his lanky cock before swallowing thickly. “fuck, f- fuck, better
 hah- take every drop then, princess. take it all like a good- ngh!”
before satoru could even attempt to finish his sentence—he’s cut off by the wet, sticky sounds that are currently occurring between your legs. glancing down with blurred, merely crossed peripherals, he’s slowly leaking from his strawberry-colored frenulum.
satoru’s blushing cockhead unhurriedly disappears its way between the slick of your flaps as he cums - hard.
thin, streaky ropes hotly ooze inside of you as you hover over his shuddering body, hearing his breathing patterns rapidly pick up. “god- aren’t you just a pretty th- fuck!”
satoru gets interrupted once you started to bounce your hips—damn near giving him a heart attack as he’s still cumming deep inside you. it’s runny, gluey ribbons that flood inside of you to where your cute thighs couldn’t help but quake over his legs. “mgh- keep fillin’ me up, ‘toru,” you’d whine, sliding your hands up his bare, glistening chest. wide, shimmery blue eyes stare into your eyes before he’s whining, feeling the sharp power of your pussy raw.
he always thought he was the strongest - but apparently, that wasn’t the case ‘cause your cunt had him entirely beat.
“mhm-” you’d cooingly hum, leaning your body up close and personal, stealing a kiss on his twitching, crimsoned lips. “c’mon, satoru. don’t s- stop cumming inside-” you’d whine, the slapping rough weight of your wobbly hips making his cerulean-pretty eyes roll fully back.
he’s stuffing you full - popping in nothing more than a thick, miry load before he melts at your touch. your hand wraps around his neck before you kiss near his chin, huffing breathlessly against his jaw. “can you be a good boy for me ‘n do that?”
gulping, satoru’s scarred hands grab at the fat globes of your rotating ass before he eagerly nods. “y- yes,” and while he’s still pouring in a fresh, hot batch of cum inside you, satoru whimpers once your lips sharply crash against his. “i’ll be your good boy, h- heh-”
“all of you, eyes on her ‘n only her,” geto throatily grumbles, one hand permanently glued to the left side of your waist.
darkened eyes scan the room to see his followers silently watching - bowing before their feared leader and his precious, favorite pet..
you told geto many months ago that you always had a fantasy of him fucking you in front of his cult, and now - he was more than happy to make your filthy ‘lil wish come true. you were honestly surprised he even remembered. but oh, he did, and he made sure that all eyes were on you, especially his other favorite ‘girl’ he’d like to occasionally mention that was located right between the arc of your legs.
“hng- fuck,” you’d moan, feeling the silky cloth of his cottony robe bristle against your skin. you’re straddling him with your back turned, and your bare cunt’s just slobbering all over his cherry-red tip. everyone was just gawking at you intently, remaining quiet as your sweet carnal sounds echoed through the thin walls of the building.
“wet girl,” he lowly purrs - his tone dripping with lecherous desire. you’re feeling every immense stretch, nearly drooling from the corners of your mouth once you felt the cult leader’s scarred hands lift your teetering hips. “mngh- good girl, show ‘em how loud this pussy can get for me,” and geto’s thumbing a digit down your dripping nub.
inch after inch - you’re nearly choking on your breaths before feeling his free hand wrap around your throat. you’re moaning, leaning back against his chest as your ass noisily slams into his chiseled pelvis. geto groans instantly, tickling the bare of your exposed shoulder with the ends of his trimmed, black strands. “fuuuck- s’ big, sugu-” you’d mewl out, his thick cock eliciting all types of salaciously, harmonious sounds from your mouth and between your thighs.
the grip you had on him made him groan, rubbing a thumb lovingly against the middle part of your throat. in a way - it’s most soothing. geto’s thumb swirls in circles—just like how your hips were moving, ‘round and ‘round until your pussy’s dizzy. his followers continue to stare at the ribald scene in front of them, a few appalled gasps leaving some mouths.
“she’s greedy today, no?” he breathes, turning your chin lightly to face in front of him. the same thumb swiftly swipes over an incoming string of saliva that was preparing to drip down the crack of your lips before he snickers. “mgh- you’re gettin’ even wetter from this, aren’t cha, sweetheart? right in front of my pests, this turns you on, hm?”
“y- yesss,” you’d whimper with a desperate nod, your pathetic words sounding more dragged out as his cock continued to plow into your slick core. while geto sat on his notorious chair, you’re on top—working your rocky hips after each barbaric, wet bounce. he feels you start to pivot, and his shaft meanly pounds a single thrust near your gummy g-spot.
“sugu!” you’d shriek out, the sudden belting note making your dry throat turn even drier. you swallowed, pausing between strained breaths as your ass continued to move. “right there- pleaseplease, right fuckin’ there.”
“dirty fuckin’ mouth you have, girl,” geto snarls, bringing a wet kiss toward the side of your cheek. you’re whimpering, inaudible words cutely forming into pure gibberish before his tip starts to hit your g-spot again. this time though - it’s intentional, and he’s showering your pulsating spot with a bundle of wet smooches.
ruinously, his cock pummels its way through your insides as your thighs slapped against his. you’re so stupid from geto’s dick that you didn’t even care about the little audience in front of you both. not only that - but you forgot that they were even there..
if he kept hitting you there - you were sure you were gonna cum, not just cum but cum hard too.
and so was geto, because even though you weren’t even looking at him, you could almost hear his jaw clenching, every muscle in his mandible tensing. “hah- gettin’ close, are we?” and his voice starting to turn shaky. he overestimated your cunt — mistake one.
you’re putting all of your weight into your buckled knees as your ass threw itself around in a hypnotic circle. you’re sucking in all girthy inches, his fleshy crown trying to desperately live inside of your warm, welcoming pussy. you ferociously nod your head, softened whiny ‘mmmh’ ‘s leaving your lips before he spanks your wet, full entrance. “sorry, pretty girl. ‘m gonna need to hear ya, ‘n i’m not talkin’ about her right now.”
“ ‘m gonna.. gonna cum, suguru- ‘m gonna cummm,” you swallowed, bringing a shaky, clammy hand toward his meaty thigh for leverage. geto’s right with you, his high quickly approaching and he’d poking his tongue inside of his cheek. your hips were just brutal - and the mental image of him finishing inside of you for once had him grunting against your ear. “hah- inside, inside sugu please.”
“ugh- take it then,” he grumbles, both hands grabbing onto your thighs now. you’re rocking against his lap - vigorous slam after slam nearly giving you whiplash before his swollen head’s just attacking your g-spot with even sloppier precise hits. it’s so wet, and you’re panting—feeling his cold, parted lips attack the side of your neck with kisses. “show these insects how much of me you can take inside this pretty, hungry cunt- fuck-”
long, stringy ribbons of cum shoot inside you merely seconds later as your legs cutely collapse on top of him. geto’s robe continued to prick against your skin as you wriggled against his lap, feeling him dump such a hot batch of cum inside of you. stubby, callused fingertips curl around your throat again as you whimper, feeling his free hand spank your pussy.
“atta girl. saved so much for you, s- soooo much,” he stammers, his flushed tip stiffly poking near your clit. he spills out a lot, and your legs quaked as your droopy, half-open eyes focused back toward his followers.
wide-eyed ‘n all - not a single peep came from them, and they continued to bow their heads while some sat on their knees obediently, witnessing their leader with his favorite cum-dump of a pet.
“s- suguuu-” you gasped, your eyes rolling once he smears a thumb down your sopping slit, sticky webs of cum gluing against his plump digit. geto’s cock was so big, but his load spilling inside you was even bigger. your stuffed insides hugged around him tight, and he’s sucking his teeth whilst still overflowing your pussy with more buttery ropes.
 little thing,” geto hums darkly - entirely out of breath. moving a few sticky, black tresses from the temple of his forehead. as you’re still straddling him with your back facing his chest, geto gifts your spewing wet folds with yet another spank, and his hooded eyes glance toward his obedient audience. “quite the show you put on,” and geto steadies your hips with both roughly-textured hands, making you sit upright on his fat cock before purring seductively into your ear.
“heh- but don’t get tired of me now, sweetheart,” you whined, feeling him pat your squelching cunt.
“think this pretty ‘lil cunt could use a bit more training,” and geto’s half-lidded eyes glance toward his followers, bringing a wet kiss toward your cheek. “mwah- this is just the beginning, sweetheart.”
the first time nanami goes in raw - he gets addicted instantly.
one minute he’s showering your tummy with a trail of kisses and the next - he’s got you in a beloved mating press. nanami gets feral, and the moment he’s feeling you slickly trying to barrel all huge nth inches of his cock, that’s it.
“ugh- so warm for me,” he grumbled, staring at your body that’s oh-so stiff. your legs were raised from each side as his shaft’s just stuffed inside of your overflowed pussy. it’s dribbling with gooey, white masses of cum and you felt like you were about to burst any minute.
literally and physically.
nanami slows himself down, biting his lip once he feels the sludgy rawness of your perspiring heat stick against his weighty base.
“mng- fuck, careful now.. if i stay in this position any longer, i.. hah- might just get you pregnant, honey.”
“do ittt,” the risquĂ© words quickly spilled from your lips as your fingernails dragged a path down the center of his back. nanami’s muscles bulged, and he couldn’t help but sloppily rock his way into your core with just a single jerk of his hips.
you wanted it - hell, you wanted him.
you wanted nanami to fill you to the very brim until he’s entirely milked out—until he’s got no more to feed your poor, starving cunt. the more he huskily rambled to you about just loving to see you, his pretty ‘lil housewife with a round, plump tummy, the more you started to whine against the soft, pointed shell of his ear.
“hic- ‘ken, do it. fuck me, fill me up pleaaase,” and he shudders, feeling the pad of your thumb playfully running a straight line down his fading undercut. nanami’s cock was just so thick ‘n fat, and he doesn’t even have to move to feel you already clenching internally.
“ngh- so hot inside, goddd-” nanami stammers, and while he’s pounding into you raw - he’s still partially clothed. his baggy slacks were lazily pulled down, hitting near his ankles with his button-up tickling against your skin.
as he’s fucking you deep, churning your gummy insides flawlessly like how one would churn butter, you lightly give his checkered tie a cute pull. sweating profusely on his forehead, nanami leans in—thinking he’s about to kiss you, but instead - his lips clumsily land against your nose. “mng- oh, sweetheart. you know how to.. hah- ruin me. ‘m gonna fill you up so good, ugh-”
“c’mon, kento,” you’d whimper, giving his tie an even tighter pull. without question—there was no denying that your pussy had him on a leash. a gripping hold that even left him speechless, damn near drooling.
nanami uses two veiny hands to shove your knees toward the center of your breasts. his balls never felt so full - they’re well rounded and swollen, slickly covered with dewdrops of pre-cum and your slick as he continued to pounce back ‘n forth against your body. “haah- hold me, hold me.. hic- sweethe- fuck.”
you cup his face with both hands, tenderly stroking two thumbs down each side of his hollowed sucked-in cheeks. nanami’s eyes were a dirty color of lust, and he was even whimpering at your touch. it’s quiet - but you heard it, and he’s giving your pussy its last final thrusts before he’s reached his racy peak.
he’s cumming hard, and as he sprays a slimy, gloppy load inside of you, his brain short-circuits. your pussy’s got him glitching literally - and nanami growls out a small, ‘ohhh fuckk’ once he starts to hear the mess ooze inside of you rawly.
“ngh- ‘ken,” you moan, feeling your walls involuntarily close up around you. he’s stuffed you full, and nanami’s hips shimmy slightly before his mushroomy tip pushes his dribbling cum even further inside of you - stopping it from leaking out.
he shushes you with his lips, finally—running his tongue against yours as his body’s careful not the crush you. shared, labored moans fall into each other’s mouths and you wrapped your arms around nanami’s torso. “f- fuck, that’s it- good,” you warbled between kisses, your legs still shoved to the front of your chest. nanami’s nearly frozen - yet he’s still pumping you full of sticky, viscous cum that starts to nastily pour between the pried cracks of your legs.
“s.. so messy, you 
 made me a messy husband,” nanami grunts, his voice so shaky that it gradually turns into a whimper. you’re chasing breaths right with him, and as your legs squeezed around his waist, you rubbed your ankle around his back in taunting circles. “ugh- you.. hah- really know how to ruin me, sweetheart.”
“kento-” you pouted, still hearing the wet, squelching sounds of him pumping such thick, sappy amounts of cum inside of you. nanami rubs the band of his wedding ring up and down the bare skin of your tummy, feeling you impatiently writhe underneath him. “don’t- don’t stop, fill me up again.”
nanami dryly chuckles—bringing a tender kiss toward the edge of your lips before delicately pulling his aching flaccid cock out. it’s a dark shade of coral-red from the very tip, and his frenulum felt like it was on fire.
tiny remnants of cum continued to spit out down the veiny sides before he bedaubs the head against your sticky pussy. pop after pop and he grunts, staying silent for a moment to hear the mess you made him create. “heh- my wife’s just never satisfied, hm?”
as he’s still gently thwacking the head of his flushed, wet cock against your slobbering folds, nanami starts to align himself back in. you’re clinging onto his tense shoulders, mewling out pathetic sobs of his name before preparing for that same, fat stretch.
“mngh- open up for me again then- that’s it, gooood- good girl,” nanami whispers hoarsely against your neck, kissing down your jugular. “you’re gonna make me the happiest daddy, sweetheart,” and you moaned, hearing the familiar plap of his shaft sliding its way inside of you once more.
as he’s gradually fucking his slippery, hot cum back inside of you after each raw thrust—nanami pushes one of your knees back up toward your chest before kissing the bridge of your nose.
“ ‘n i’m gonna make you the
 hah- prettiest mommy, all for me.”
✩ ˛˚ . CHOSO KAMO.
“mgh- baby, your pussy’s gonna fuckin’ melt my dick,” choso groans, surprising the left side of your jawline with open-mouthed, sultry kisses.
it’s sticky, and he whines once the tip of his cock’s just crying against your cute pulsating nub. its pulses were almost akin to heartbeats, each thump! more dramatic than the next.
it feels like forever - time steadies, holding still as if it was taunting choso and he moans against your neck.
he hears the wet biiiiig stretch of your pussy once he’s wetly inserting himself inside. you’re holding his shaft hostage practically as your arms wrap around him. “ngh- so f- fuckin’ big, ‘cho,” you’d hum, pressing hot lips to kiss away his quivering chastened pout. “hah- ‘s like with the condom off you’re even bigger.”
“really?” choso paws a handful of your ass, eyelids trying oh-so-hard to not close themselves shut.
he looked so pretty like this - already pronounced cunt-drunk and you weren’t even riding him for that long. ridden, gripping skin pierces against each other all at once and it’s got every one of choso’s senses heightened. “heh- ‘m glad you think so,” he hiccups, growing a bit of a big head.
as he’s fully plugged in with every thick inch, choso brings both hands toward the edges of your ass before you heard a loud smack. it stings for just a millisecond and you let off a gasp before you’re starting to bounce.
“god, you’re so h- hot,” choso draws in various husky breaths, sucking his teeth at the brutal adequate force of both hips leisurely clashing. “mngh- ride my dick, baby. make me feel fuckin’ good. show me.. hah- what those pretty hips are made for-”
“choso, spank me again,” you’d cutely whimper, the speed of your hips instantly picking up. all of your gummed barriers clenched around the entirety of his length and you nip a soft nibble near his chin. “hng- i like it when you act nasty.”
“do you?” choso sheepishly grins - his lopsided smile haltingly morphing into a smirk. he’s still got big, callused hands that grabbed at your rotating ass before he spanks it
the direct smack against your rear makes you moan and that made choso’s dick twitch from the inside. you felt it too, ‘cause your legs ended up nearly giving out at that exact moment.
“f- fuckk, ‘m startin’ to see why you wanted for us to try goin’ raw,” and as the lust-filled thrusts continue to create plop sounds in the background, choso starts to bounce his thigh to make his hits hit even more rigorously inside of you. “feels soooo hah- good. hips gonna k- kill me, oh- shit.”
each time your thighs loudly slap against choso’s, he’s spanking your ass harder. its a brief sting, and he could hear your cute ‘lil breaths picking up the more you moved. he’s thick - stretching you out from the inside after each, sloppy thrust and you’re just whimpering into his neck.
“ ‘cho- chosoooo~” you’d whine, running the sticky tip of your tongue all around the edge of his neck. both clamoring bodies continued to move and sync, and that’s when he’s starting to grab your hips, making you slam your cunt up ‘n down his cock at a much more hastened pace.
you feel him everywhere—tickling your pulsating g-spot with his tip before surprising it with wet kisses. “fuck- fuuuck, ‘m gonna cummm- ‘m gonna fill you.. hah- right up,” and he pauses, bringing raw-bitten lips toward the edge of your chin. “c.. can i, baby?”
“mhm-” you instantly replied, gasping as choso’s scarred, thick hands resumed to guide your ass. he’s helping you bounce on his cock, giving a bit of your jouncing flesh a playful squeeze. your cunt’s just greedy - swallowing every inch while dampening the entirety of his cock with your syrupy slick. “inside ‘cho- you can.. cum inside-”
“ugh- meltin’ me so good, fuckk-” he snarls, burly arm wrapping around your torso. as weak as your thighs were, you continued to swerve ‘n jolt your bestial hips against choso’s lap. he’s covered with sweat too, and he’s feeling his tip preparing to shoot a hot, sticky load right inside of you raw. choso’s fantasized about this exact scenario maybe more than once or twice.
fuck- just being able to stuff you full, feed your sloppy, greedy cunt with his seed - a dream.
a dream that was very much about to cum true..
because barely seconds passed before choso’s shooting blanks - white, velvety blanks that quickly started to pour inside of your pussy. it’s feeling so hot - and his arms remain wrapped around you, making sure every drop slithers inside. you’re gasping, wriggling a bit on his lap as you feel him giving you such a stuffing load. it's so much that you were sure a bit of cum sprayed a slimy path towards your womb.
“hngh-” choso gutturally groans against your neck, not once releasing his grip around your torso. he’s holding you tight while ribbony ropes continued to flood your cunt. his capped tip remains stilled between your salivating folds before he gasps. “mngh- baby, took it so good.” choso rasps, his voice so low it sounded like a mere grumble.
your legs remained wrapped ‘round his waist like a ribbon on a present before you sighed. it’s a content sigh, and as he’s filled you to the very brim with a gooey, thick load, you brought quivering, wet lips up to his. choso’s struggling to breathe let alone blink, and his lips fail to hit against yours. instead, they land near your nose and he moans.
“f- fuck, ‘m still
. hah- cumming-” choso grunts against your lips, and you let off a soft squeak once choso made you turn your body around.
as he’s still sloppily shoved inside of you with globules of milky, white cum dribbling from your cracked inner thighs—choso makes your back face him. through shaky, unsteady breaths of his own, he’s using two broad arms to slowly lift your legs. “c- choso-” you’d whine, leaning back against his bare chest once he’s locking his arms underneath your thighs.
choso grumbles, nipping a few stolen kisses near your nape before huffing out a feral breath. “ngh-c’mon, baby. ‘m not done fillin’ you up just yet,” and you gulped, feeling a big hand of his delicately press down on your tummy.
“big stretch f- for choso, c’mon-” and you moaned, feeling him brush thick fingers against your dripping cunt that’s still overly sensitive. right at his touch, you end up gushing out a sloshing wet sound, and choso snickers against your ear.
“hah- that’s it- let me hear her talk dirty to me, baby,” and he spanks your pussy, earning a cute gasp from you before rubbing eager circles around your folds - getting loud, sloshing responses from your lower lips instead of your top ones. “i’m listening-”
with a loud, abrupt ‘snap’ toji’s condom ended up breaking mid-thrust and he barely even flinches.
“heh, told ya i was a big boy. shit never fits on me, mama,” toji guffaws, his hips stiffening before he holds your hips upright. “mhm. loooook at her jus’ swallowin’ fuckin’ nothin,” toji pulls out, rubbing a cold thumb ‘round your twitching cunt. his digit’s immediately soaked with your lush slick that’s pouring riiiiight down between your sleek folds. “pretty pussy like this deserves more than a rubber, no?”
“toji- forget the rubber .. hah- just fuck me,” you’d moan out a desperate plea, feeling toji’s coarse gaze despite how you weren’t even facing him.
you were on all fours - prettily hunched over, ass up with your face smushed against one of toji’s pillows. you didn’t care anymore - you needed more, and the more he smeared his thumb around your aching clit, the more you started to grow impatient. “mmgh- you can . . fuck me raw, toji.”
“before i do that, first—let’s get that arch back up, lazy girl,” toji spanks your ass, earning a sweet ‘oooh’ from your trembly, spit-glossed lips.
such sass.
“yeaaah, toji’s gotcha. good girl, fuckin’ bend for me,” he continued, staring as you gave him the arch he wanted. you’re whining impatiently, bawling up a fist as you feel his maroon-shaded tip slap slap slap its way against your the outer part of your pussy.
one smack, two smack, three smack..
toji looooves more than anything to tease you before ramming straight into your sopping core. he’s got the hips of a machine, and you’re clinging onto the bed with your mouth dangling open, eyes goofily crossed. “ngh- fuck!” you’d squeal, hearing toji’s raspy groans from behind you. he’s shamelessly balls deep, driving into your core as the crown of his knees bury into the plush mattress. “fuck me, fuck meee toji, f-”
“ah, no talkin’ when she’s the star right now, baby,” toji gives the left cheek of your ass another cruel spank. his cock’s vehemently throbbing inside of you with all kinds of prominent veins running down each thick side.
“fuck- only back talk i wanna hear is from this chatterbox of a fuckin’ cunt,” toji groans, sneaking a hand between your thighs before rubbing circles ‘round ‘n ‘round. you let off an airy gasp, hearing the wet sounds sing away from between your thighs. as toji’s still drilling into you with all types of primal vigor, that’s when he starts to feel the raw feeling.
the feeling of your cunt - its rawness, and how you’re just swallowing him up continuously. toji’s jet-black brows crease into a furrow before you feel his tottering hips turn rickety. “f- fuuck me-” he hisses through clenched, tight teeth—and you could even feel him trying to run away from your sloppy cunt.
your leg wraps around toji’s waist from behind you and you moaned, raising your ass more before the brat in your returns. “mng- don’t run toji, isn’t that what you always tell me, hm?” and toji’s grunting, multiple taut muscles flexing through his dingy white tank. “keep fuckin’ me, hah- right thereeee. keep hittin’ there, ‘m gonna cum, toji. ‘m gonna fuckin’ all on your dick.”
“someone’s feelin’ haah- bratty,” toji grumbles, feelings of euphoria swelling in his chest all at once. it's intense - and the room’s starting to fill up with the scent of straight musk, cheap cologne, and the citrusy aroma of your own. it makes toji pump into you harder, hitting hit rounded tip against that same ‘lil nub that makes you belt out the prettiest wanton moans.
but as he continued to ram his hips hungry hips back ‘n forth into your slippery core, toji’s grunts started to turn into pure melodic whines.
his black brows furrowed in lust with the scarred edges of his lips shifting in a lewd pout. “ugh- fuck me then, slam those fuckin’ pretty hips back against me, girl- shit,” toji growls, his gruff breaths turning labored after each ramming thrust. his cock’s angry, its tip an even more furious red as it lodged in and out of your wet pussy. every time the curve of his dick stretches its way through your insides - you’re left utterly dumbfounded every time.
he’s hearing the cute squelches your folds make in between hits and he’s groaning, reaching a bulky arm to hold onto the headboard. “mmh- give it to me then, baby girl. hngh- take this dick, take it. f- fuck-”
the big stretch of toji’s cock kissing near your convulsing g-spot leaves you cross-eyed. he’s hitting you deep in all the right angles ‘n crevices, and you end up gushing right as he’s finally dumping a frothy, mushy load inside of you. it spits inside of you and you’re whimpering, spraying your slickness on his veiny dick before slumping your face into the pillow.
“f- fuck, oh- fuck,” toji moans, watching as your hips cutely fall forward. your ass was raised in the air and you were whimpering, hearing the sloshing wetness of his cock slowly drag its way out of your pussy. with a wet plap, he stares as his cum flows down the valley of your dripping slit. toji’s gruffly panting, bringing a fat thumb to smear down the cascading mess before putting it toward his lips.
“t- tooooji- again.”
“patience, ‘lil girl-” he grunts, licking the tip of his thumb. toji’s body shudders as he’s still feeling himself succumb to his awaited end—glancing at your sopping, stuffed pussy that’s just wetly soaking the satiny sheets with his cum.
as you tried to suppress an incoming whine, toji let off an ‘ugh’ once you ended up sitting up, flipping him over before lightly pushing him back. with a sheepish sly expression, toji’s sharpened abs curl forward before clenching at the touch of your fingertips running down his chest. “heh- oh? pinning me down, baby? you’ll hafta- f- fuck-”
cutting him off, you straddled his lap—sneaking a hand toward his leaking cock before giving it a few solid pumps. with it now being flaccid, your thumb runs along a prominent vein that strikes down the skin.
humming, that’s when you decided to give toji’s neck one long, hard suuuck. toji slips off an accidental whimper at your touch, the hotness of your lips making his breath in his throat hitch before you start to stroke his cock.
“are you gonna be a good boy ‘n cum again for me, toji?”
“you wish-”
you stop stroking his aching cock mid-thrust and toji ends up pouting. he’s huffing harshly, already missing your touch before his verdant eyes were almost pleading for you to continue. a big hand grabs onto your wrist and he groans, trying desperately to wrap your fingers around his weighty cock.
“alrigh’ fine.. just.. don’t stop touching me baby, please-”
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araveticazx · 3 months ago
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ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀAnd what the hell were we? ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀTell me we weren't just friends
pairings. al haitham x fem/afab! reader x kaveh
warnings. MDNI/READ WITH CAUTION, lowercase intended, not an established relationship but kaveh/al haitham both harbour feelings for you and vice versa, college! au, best friends, reader is a virgin, accidental confession, both al haitham and kaveh focus on you, 18+ themes, explicit content, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving), porn with feelings, foreplay, threesome, p in v, praise, protection kings!! rough/soft kissing, needy kaveh, soft dom! kaveh, dom! al haitham
synopsis. both al haitham and kaveh are fed up with an upset you arriving home at 1 in the morning, eyes red and puffy from crying over your date who turned out to be like the rest of the other guys you've went on a date with, a jerk.
wordcount. 9.3k
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you stood before the mirror, meticulously adjusting the folds of your outfit, every detail carefully curated after hours of contemplation. tonight was yet another date—your fifth one.
however, as you made your final preparations, alhaitham's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade, his tone laced with veiled annoyance.
"where are you going?" he questioned, his gaze scrutinizing your dolled-up appearance.
with a sigh, you turned to face him, meeting his gaze with a mixture of resignation. "i'm going out," you replied, your voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. "another date."
alhaitham's brow furrowed in frustration, a deep sigh escaping his lips. "another date?" he repeated, his annoyance palpable. "you know how these always end up. every man you go out with ends up being a jerk."
beside him, kaveh nodded in silent agreement, his expression mirroring alhaitham's. "it's like you're drawn to the wrong kind of guys," he added, his voice filled with concern.
"i know," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "but i have to keep trying, don't i? i can't give up hope that someday, i'll find the right one sooner or later."
kaveh's expressions softened with understanding, alhaitham on the other hand wouldn't let this slide. his brows furrowed hidden anger as he continued to stare at you.
after a couple of seconds, kaveh stepped forward, enveloping you in a warm embrace. "just promise us one thing," he murmured, his voice gentle yet firm. "promise us that you'll be careful, that you won't let anyone hurt you."
you returned the embrace, feeling the weight of his words resonate deep within your soul. "i promise," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper. "i'll be careful."
alhaitham let out a deep sigh, his eyes screwed shut. "i still don't approve of this but you better keep your promise. just give us a call if anything happens, we'll be waiting."
you nod your head, offering him a tender smile. you make sure that you look perfect before putting on your shoes and waving goodbye to your best friends. they return the wave, wishing you luck.
the door clicks shut, leaving the apartment shrouded in a heavy silence.
"... why did you wish her luck?" alhaitham asked, raising his brow. kaveh groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. "i don't know, i did it by instinct, i think." he replied.
they had been down this road countless times before, watching as each of your dates inevitably ended in disappointment and heartache.
with a heavy sigh, alhaitham sank into the nearest chair, his features etched with a mixture of frustration and concern. "i don't know how much longer we can keep doing this," he muttered, running a hand through his hair in agitation.
kaveh nodded in silent agreement, his gaze fixed on the floor. "i know," he murmured with regret. "but what can we do? we can't just sit back and let her do this to herself."
a heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the soft hum of the city outside. for a moment, alhaitham and kaveh sat in contemplative silence, grappling with the weight of their unspoken feelings for you—their roommate, their best friend.
finally, alhaitham broke the silence, his voice tinged with determination. "we need to do something," he declared, his gaze meeting kaveh's with unwavering resolve. "we can't keep ignoring how we feel about her."
kaveh nodded in agreement, a flicker of determination sparking in his eyes. "you're right," he replied, his voice low and almost airy. "but what can we do?" alhaitham didn't respond, he stared down at his slippers and sat up straight.
"i don't know. we'll just have to wait and see."
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standing in front of the elegant restaurant, bathed in the soft glow of the evening lights, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your chest.
the anticipation of the evening ahead filled you with a sense of eager anticipation as you checked the time on your phone—7:00 PM, right on the dot of your agreed time.
as you wait for your date to arrive, you can't help but admire the appearance of the restaurant, its ornate facade and inviting ambience promising a night of culinary delights along with the loud and enchanting conversation.
yet, as the minutes ticked by and your date failed to make an appearance, a knot of unease began to form in the pit of your stomach.
you glanced at your phone once more, the digital clock mocking you with its unyielding display of time. 7:05 PM. 7:10 PM. still no sign of your date. a sense of disappointment washed over you like a wave crashing against the shore, mingled with slight frustration at being kept waiting.
for a brief moment, doubt crept into your mind—had your date forgotten about your plans? or worse, had they stood you up altogether? amidst the whirlwind of emotions, you couldn't help but cling to a glimmer of hope, a small voice whispering that perhaps there was a reasonable explanation for their lateness.
with a deep breath, you resolved to give him a few more minutes, your nervousness was gnawing at your heart. you stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the evening lights. as the minutes stretched into an eternity, you finally made the decision to go inside the restaurant, with a heavy heart and a sense of resignation weighing heavily on your shoulders.
you made your way to a table for two, the empty chair across from you a stark reminder of your dashed hopes and unfulfilled expectations.
as you settled into your seat, the waiter approached with a warm smile. "good evening, madam," she greeted, her tone gentle and reassuring. "are you ready to order?"
you shook your head in response, a bitter taste lingering on your tongue as you explained the situation. "i'm actually waiting for my date," you admitted, "but it seems they're running late."
the waiter's smile faltered slightly, a pang of sympathy flashing across her features as she nodded in understanding. "i'm sorry to hear that," she murmured, her voice laced with genuine concern. "i hope they show up soon."
the waiter couldn't help but bite down on her lower lip, she had seen this scenario play out countless times before—lovers left waiting, hopes dashed, and dreams shattered. and even so, she couldn't help but hold onto a sliver of hope, praying that your date would arrive.
with a sympathetic smile, the waiter left you to your thoughts, giving you the space and time, you continued sitting there, surrounded by the soft hum of conversation and the tantalizing aroma of delicious food.
as the minutes dragged on and the sympathetic looks from surrounding tables grew more pronounced, you found yourself struggling to maintain your composure under the weight of their silent scrutiny.
the whispers and glances sent in your direction felt like daggers to your already wounded heart, with a heavy sigh, you realized that you couldn't bear to endure another moment of the pitying stares and hushed conversations.
you couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment and regret crashing into you, you really should've listened to them. your eyes remained on the clothed table,
pushing back your chair, you rose from your seat and made your way towards the exit, the eyes of the other diners following your every move with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
as you reached the door, you ignored the prying eyes and hard gazes, you stepped out into the cool night air, the weight of disappointment heavy on your shoulders.
with each step you took away from the restaurant, a sense of relief washed over you, the oppressive atmosphere of the dining room gradually fading into the distance.
alone with your thoughts and emotions, you stopped just a couple of steps from the door—reaching into the pocket of your jacket you pulled out your phone, about to call alhaitham and explain, once again, about how your date went.
just as you were about to press the "call" button your finger was just hanging above the screen, was it really a good idea to call him now? you knew how this would play out.
"i told you so"
"what did i tell you?"
"when will you ever learn your lesson..."
the last thing you wanted to hear was alhaitham scolding you and his "i told you so". letting out a frustrated sigh you click your phone shut and stuff it back into your pocket. you decided to just walk home instead.
it wasn't that dark out, the sky was a mixture of dark blue and a slight tinge of orange hue. you tried your best to distract yourself with what was in your view but that was to no avail. you already knew what was going to happen as soon as you opened the door.
it was a reoccurring thing between you, kaveh and alhaitham. every time you went out on a date they would sigh in disappointment and try to talk you out of it but of course, it never worked.
despite your differences, a bond had quickly formed, forged through late-night conversations, shared meals, and the occasional movie marathon.
as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and months turned into years, your apartment became a sanctuary—a haven where laughter echoed through the halls and memories were woven into the very fabric of the walls.
unbeknownst to each other, alhaitham and kaveh harboured feelings for you, their affections hidden behind smiles and casual banter. and in the quiet moments of the night, as you lay in bed lost in thought, you couldn't help but wonder if perhaps your own feelings mirrored theirs—a thought that both thrilled and terrified you.
as you made your way to your shared apartment you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt right through your chest, your two best friends who you knew cared deeply about you were always trying to help, and yet here you were, walking back home in the darkness after being stood up by your fifth date.
you heaved a great sigh, disappointed in yourself. once i go inside, i'll definitely apologize to them! you said to yourself before finally arriving at your apartment. you mentally prepared yourself and let out a sigh before shoving the key into the keyhole and turning the lock.
you were finally home with... two clearly disappointed and concerned men.
you knew that as soon as you opened the door, a wave of bickering would hit you in the face, not that you really minded most of the time.
the memory of that night still lingers vividly in your mind, more so when your dates leave you staring at the ceiling, wondering where things went wrong. you’re at the akademiya, seated at a study table under the soft, golden light of a desk lamp.
kaveh sits across from you, gesturing animatedly, a frustrated yet passionate artist explaining his latest design concepts. alhaitham sits beside you, quiet but ever-present, nose buried in a book, his occasional interjections laced with sharp wit aimed squarely at kaveh’s more extravagant claims.
"listen," kaveh says, leaning forward, his blonde hair falling slightly into his eyes. "do you know how hard it is to convince some people that aesthetics and functionality can coexist? alhaitham, for example, wouldn't know—"
"they can coexist," alhaitham interrupts, not looking up from his book. "but not when your design priorities lean toward creating monuments to your own ego."
you laugh, the sound drawing both of their gazes to you. kaveh’s annoyed expression softens, while alhaitham finally looks up from his book, his usual unreadable mask slipping just slightly.
"maybe if you stopped bickering for five minutes, i could help you settle this debate," you suggest, playfully bumping alhaitham’s arm. he looks at where your elbow touched his sleeve, then back to your face, the faintest twitch of a smile on his lips.
"unlikely," he says, but his tone lacks its usual sharpness.
kaveh groans. "honestly, how do you even put up with him? the man has the emotional range of a piece of petrified wood."
"better than being a storm of emotions no one asked for," alhaitham counters smoothly, making you laugh again.
the tension between them eases slightly at the sound, though neither of them would admit it. for a brief moment, there’s a silent understanding between the three of you, a shared connection that feels warm and unspoken. it’s a moment you’d later remember with a pang of nostalgia during one of your many failed dates—a reminder of the comfort and ease you find in their presence, even amid their constant bickering.
the night stretches on, and kaveh’s complaints blur into alhaitham’s occasional quips, you catch them both stealing glances at you when they think you’re not looking. kaveh’s gaze is warm, like sunlight filtering through leaves, while alhaitham’s lingers, as if trying to decipher a puzzle he hasn’t yet solved.
it’s a memory that clings to you, even as you sit through yet another disastrous date.
you pushed the side of the door open, being careful and slow with your movements as if that would magically make alhaitham and kaveh not notice you.
the door swung open, revealing the dimly lit interior of your apartment, a wave of apprehension washed over you like a cold, unforgiving tide. and there they were, just as you had feared—alhaitham and kaveh, sitting opposite of each other on the couch, their expressions a curious mix of concern and amusement.
alhaitham, ever the observant one, wore a knowing smirk on his face, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he met your gaze. he didn't need to hear your explanation—he knew exactly what had transpired during your date, and he was more than eager to tease you about it.
suppressing a sigh, you mustered up a weak smile, steeling yourself for the inevitable barrage of questions and teasing remarks that were sure to follow. "hey guys," you greeted, "i'm back."
kaveh nodded his head, his expression more subdued than alhaitham's, yet no less filled with concern. "welcome back," he murmured, his tone gentle. "how'd the date go? judging by the looks of it..."
his voice trailed off as he observed your face, you were clearly upset. "it didn't go well. you didn't call me or kaveh because you knew that we would scold you, right? did you really think that i wouldn't know?"
alhaitham's words were abrupt and caught you off guard. you swallowed the lump in your throat before letting your eyes rest and nod your head hesitantly, you were just going to blurt out everything.
"you're right. i just... look i'm sorry that i never listen to you guys, i know you guys care about me and i never listened to your advice and—"
you were cut off by the sudden sensation of a warm palm cupping your cheek. your eyes peeled open and to your shock alhaitham was right there, right in front of you. his face just inches away from yours.
caught off guard by alhaitham's sudden gesture, you froze in place, your breath catching in your throat as his warm hands cupped your cheeks gently. his touch sent a shiver down your spine, igniting a flutter of butterflies in the pit of your stomach as you met his sharp gaze with wide eyes.
his eyes held a warmth and intensity that sent your heart racing, a faint blush painting his cheeks in a delicate shade of pink. have you ever seen him so flustered before?
words failed you as you searched for something, anything, to say in response to his unexpected display of affection. the air between you crackled with unspoken tension.
there was a pregnant pause, and before you knew it alhaitham's lips parted, his voice a soft murmur that sent shivers down your spine. "i've been wanting to do this for a while," he admitted, his tone laced with longing.
a rush of emotions surged within you—confusion, excitement, love
 lust. you had always harboured a deep affection for alhaitham (and kaveh), a connection that transcended the boundaries of friendship, yet you had never dared to voice your true feelings, fearing that the confession would change your friendship for the worse.
kaveh's sudden intervention shattered the intimacy between you and alhaitham, leaving a palpable tension hanging in the air. as kaveh placed his hand on alhaitham's shoulder, his glare bore into his roommate with intensity.
"i thought we agreed that we would take this slow," kaveh's voice was low and laced with a hint of frustration, "and that i could do the first move?!"
take this slow? kaveh doing the first move? what did he mean by that? were they planning something?
alhaitham remained silent, his focus unwavering as his eyes remained locked on you, his expression unreadable as his gaze roamed your face with a hunger that sent a shiver down your spine.
you could feel the weight of his gaze on you, the intensity of his scrutiny stirring a whirlwind of emotions within you.
in that moment of hesitation, uncertainty gripped you like a vice, squeezing tight around your chest as you struggled to make sense of the tangled web of emotions unravelling before you. a part of you longed to just smash your lips against his.
but another part of you wants to push him away, you knew someone like alhaitham or kaveh wouldn't be interested in you, absolutely no way and chance. maybe alhaitham just had no sense of space? no it couldn't be... alhaitham was always cautious of the space between the both of you.
as the seconds ticked by, the weight of your decision bore down upon you like a heavy burden, you spoke up, breaking the tense silence that hung between you and your roommates. "i... guys?" you began, your voice trembling slightly. "what..."
your voice trailed off as your eyes flickered between alhaitham's and kaveh's, your eyes said more than enough. kaveh sighed, glaring at alhaitham once more before removing his hand from the pearl-grey-haired roommate's shoulder.
kaveh’s glare softened as he turned his gaze back to you, his expression shifting to something almost
 vulnerable. he hesitated, but his eyes held a warmth that sent a flutter through your chest, despite your earlier doubts.
"look," kaveh said, softer now, "i wanted to tell you how i felt for a long time. i was just
 scared, i guess." he let out a small, nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "i didn't want to mess things up. we’ve all been living together for so long, and i thought, if i just took my time, maybe you’d—"
"maybe you’d what?" alhaitham cut in, his voice calm yet firm, though his gaze softened as he glanced between you and kaveh. "kaveh, you were dragging this out. i was tired of waiting for you to make a move." he then looked at you, his gaze piercing, his voice a low murmur. "but you have a say in this too."
both their eyes were on you now, waiting, and you felt a wave of vulnerability crashing over you. part of you was ready to tell them to forget it, to insist it was impossible that two people like them could actually feel anything for you. but that other part—that part that had wanted nothing more than to close the distance between you and alhaitham moments earlier—begged you to take this chance.
heart pounding, you took a shaky breath and decided to lay everything bare. “i thought
 you two were just teasing me all this time. like this was some kind of game.”
kaveh’s face softened as he reached out, his fingers grazing yours, sparking something electric between you. “it was never a game, not for me,” he murmured, voice low and rough with barely contained longing. “i’ve wanted you for so long. every time i held back, every time i watched you with him
 it drove me crazy.” he shot a glance at alhaitham, his jaw clenched, before looking back at you, his eyes intense, burning with something raw.
alhaitham’s gaze was unwavering, filled with a hunger that sent a rush through you. he stepped closer, his fingers brushing your cheek, tilting your face to meet his gaze. “i don’t share easily,” he murmured, his voice a low growl. “but for you
 i’d rather share than let you go.”
the weight of their words crashed into you, heat pooling in your chest, spreading through your veins as you struggled to process the intensity of their confessions. your heart hammered as their gazes bore into you, each one daring you to respond, to give in to the passion simmering between you.
“i don’t want you to walk away,” you breathed, barely able to get the words out, your voice trembling with anticipation. the moment you said it, their expressions shifted—like wolves finally catching sight of their prey.
kaveh let out a shaky exhale, stepping in close, so close you could feel his warm breath against your skin. “so
 you’re really choosing both of us?” his tone was teasing, but the edge of desperation was clear as he reached for your hand, squeezing it, his gaze dark with want. 
alhaitham’s lips quirked into the barest hint of a smirk as he leaned down, his mouth ghosting over yours, sending a shiver down your spine. “good,” he whispered, his voice barely more than a murmur. “because i’ve been waiting far too long for this.” then his lips met yours, not gentle this time but demanding, claiming you with a passion that left you breathless. his hand tangled in your hair, pulling you close, deepening the kiss as if he wanted to drown in you.
the kiss ended, but your head was spinning, your breath shallow as kaveh took his turn. he didn’t hesitate, capturing your lips in a heated, needy kiss, his hands gripping your waist, pressing you against him as he let out a low groan against your mouth. he kissed you like he’d been starved, pouring every bit of pent-up desire and frustration into that kiss, his fingers digging into your skin like he never wanted to let go.
as they pulled back, their gazes seared into you, hot and possessive, leaving you trembling and flushed. alhaitham’s hand found your chin, lifting it to meet his gaze again. “we’re not holding back anymore,” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. “you’re ours now. understand?”
you swallowed, nodding, feeling the intensity of their words settle deep inside you. every inch of you was alive, buzzing with the thrill of finally being theirs.
kaveh’s fingers tightened around your waist as he pulled you closer, pressing his body flush against yours, his mouth moving with a fierce, desperate hunger. each kiss from him was deeper, rougher, as if he couldn’t get enough of you, and couldn’t stand the thought of letting you go for even a second. his hands slid up your sides, feeling, exploring, setting every nerve on fire.
alhaitham’s hand slipped under your chin, turning your face toward him as kaveh’s lips left a trail along your neck. his gaze held a dark intensity, his eyes blazing as he lowered his mouth to yours once more, this time with a slow, tantalizing hunger that made you melt against him.
his kiss was deep and claiming, his hand tangling in your hair, tugging just enough to make you gasp. he broke away just enough to murmur against your lips, his voice low and possessive. “tonight, you’re not leaving either of us.”
they moved as one, guiding you backwards, step by step until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. you barely had a chance to react before kaveh’s hands slid down to your thighs, lifting you effortlessly and lowering you onto the sheets. he climbed over you, his breath heavy and uneven, his eyes fixed on you with a need that made you shiver.
alhaitham was right beside him, his gaze roaming over you, drinking in every inch with a dark, dangerous smirk that sent a thrill through you. his hand slipped to your shoulder, pushing you back onto the bed as he leaned down, his lips brushing against your collarbone, sending waves of heat through you.
“we’ve waited long enough,” he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. his hand drifted over your waist, firm and possessive as if to remind you exactly where you belonged. “and we’re not stopping until we’ve had our fill.”
kaveh’s hands roamed over your sides, his touch both soothing and electrifying, his lips finding yours again in a kiss that left you breathless, completely lost in him. you felt his fingers trace down to your hips, his touch growing bolder, needier, as he let out a low, throaty groan against your mouth. he pulled back, his face inches from yours, his voice husky with desire. “i’m not letting you go, not tonight.”
their hands intertwined as they held you between them, their breaths coming faster, hotter, their gazes locked on you with an intensity that made you feel utterly exposed.
their hands moved in unison, each touch lighting up every nerve as they explored, learning each curve, each reaction that drove you to the edge of your senses. alhaitham’s fingers trailed down your collarbone, pressing firmly as if marking you, his lips following close behind, leaving a scorching path along your skin. he moved with a confidence that left you dizzy, his gaze locked on yours with a look that was both possessive and admiring, making you feel utterly consumed.
kaveh, on the other hand, was all fervent energy, his hands eagerly roaming over you, his touch alternating between gentle caresses and firm grips, as though he couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t believe you were actually there with him. his eyes met yours, softening for a moment, before he leaned in close, his voice a low, heated murmur in your ear. “i wanted this for so long... didn’t think i’d ever get the chance.”
their hands intertwined as they hovered over you, each touch driving you deeper into a haze of desire, their combined warmth pressing in on every side. alhaitham’s hand slid around to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he leaned down, his lips barely grazing yours before capturing them in a slow, searing kiss that stole your breath.
he pulled back only to press a trail of kisses down your jaw, his hand sliding down to meet kaveh’s as they both moved over you, their touches merging, amplifying, until you were lost in them.
the way they worked together, each knowing instinctively how to push you further, was overwhelming, every movement calculated to keep you teetering on the edge. alhaitham’s smirk flickered at the sight of you, utterly undone, and kaveh’s smile softened, his eyes dark with desire and a hint of wonder. 
“you’re ours,” kaveh whispered, his voice thick with emotion, his lips grazing your ear before pressing a kiss there. “no more waiting, no more doubts. just us.”
the words hit you like a tidal wave, their weight sinking into your chest and filling every hollow corner of your heart. you couldn’t help but feel your legs tremble, though whether from the intensity of their presence or the truth of kaveh’s confession, you weren’t sure.
alhaitham, ever the steady one, noticed immediately, his arm wrapping securely around your waist to keep you grounded. his touch was firm yet tender, anchoring you to the moment while kaveh’s words pulled you further into an ocean of emotions.
kaveh’s hand moved to cradle your face, his thumb brushing along your cheek in a gesture so gentle it nearly made you break down. “do you know how long we’ve waited?” he asked softly, his honeyed voice trembling just enough to betray his own vulnerability. “how long have we watched you chase after things you didn’t need because you were too scared to see what was right in front of you?”
the words brought forth a flood of memories, moments you’d tried to bury in the recesses of your mind because they felt too intimate, too confusing. you thought back to that time in the akademiya library when you had worked late into the night, determined to finish your research. kaveh had arrived first, arms laden with snacks and tea, a dramatic sigh escaping him as he plopped into the chair beside you.
“you’ll burn yourself out like this,” he had said, offering you a bite of his food as though it was the most natural thing in the world. his hand had brushed yours when you reached for the tea, lingering just a second too long. 
then alhaitham had joined, quiet as always, slipping a warm blanket around your shoulders with an almost imperceptible sigh. “if you’re going to work yourself to death, at least have the decency not to catch a cold,” he’d said, but his hand had stayed on your shoulder a beat longer, giving it a squeeze that spoke volumes.
at the time, you’d chalked it up to kindness, their unique ways of looking out for you. but now, standing here with both of them, you realized how much of their affection had been buried beneath subtleties you’d chosen to ignore. 
“i can feel you overthinking,” alhaitham’s voice cut through your haze, sharp yet not unkind. he tilted your chin with two fingers, his piercing teal gaze meeting yours. “stop it. you’re here now, with us. that’s all that matters.”
kaveh let out a soft laugh, though it carried an undercurrent of frustration. “you really do make things harder than they need to be, you know that?” he teased, though the tenderness in his expression betrayed his words. “running off on all those pointless dates... what were you even trying to find, huh?”
heat crept up your neck at the mention of your failed attempts at dating. you looked down, only to have kaveh gently nudge your chin upward with a finger. “look at me,” he said, and his voice was so soft, so unbearably full of emotion, that you couldn’t resist. “you didn’t need any of them. you never did. did you think we wouldn’t notice? that we wouldn’t care?”
the vulnerability in his question broke something inside you. “i didn’t think... i didn’t know,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “i thought i was just—someone to bicker with, someone to tease. i didn’t think i meant that much to either of you.”
kaveh’s eyes widened briefly, shock and something deeper flickering across his face. “you didn’t think—” he cut himself off with a disbelieving laugh, though there was no humor in it. “you’re everything to us,” he said, and the rawness in his tone made your chest tighten. “do you have any idea how much you mean to me? to us?”
alhaitham’s hand slid to the back of your neck, grounding you once more. his touch was steady, reassuring. “we’ve waited long enough,” he said, his voice low but firm, his teal gaze unwavering. “you’re ours now. there’s no need to run anymore.”
the truth of his words settled over you like a blanket, warm and inescapable. memories of their quiet devotion played in your mind like a reel. kaveh dragging you out for “fresh air” after a particularly grueling day, his arm slung casually around your shoulders but his concern evident in the way he kept glancing at your face. alhaitham staying up with you during a storm, his usual stoicism giving way to a quiet patience as he read aloud to distract you from the howling winds. they had always been there, waiting, even when you didn’t realize it. 
“you don’t have to keep fighting it,” kaveh murmured, his lips brushing your forehead. “let us take care of you for once.”
“don’t give them a choice,” alhaitham added dryly, though the smirk on his lips was softened by the way his fingers caressed the side of your neck. “we’ve already decided.”
you laughed softly, the sound shaky but genuine. “you two really are impossible,” you muttered, but there was no malice in your words—only affection, deep and unrelenting.
“and yet, you’re still here,” kaveh pointed out with a grin, his hand finding yours and squeezing it. “which means you’re stuck with us. so stop running, and let us love you the way you deserve.”
the tears you hadn’t realized were building finally spilled over, but they weren’t tears of sadness. as kaveh’s lips met yours, warm and insistent, and alhaitham pressed his forehead against yours, grounding you in his steady presence, you felt something shift. the weight of doubt and fear melted away, leaving only the overwhelming truth: you were theirs. entirely, irrevocably theirs. 
kaveh’s lips found yours next, his kiss softer but no less intoxicating, filled with an urgency that made your knees weak. his fingers tangled in your hair as he deepened the kiss, his body pressing into yours while alhaitham’s hands explored your curves, his touch firm and deliberate. “you’ve always been ours,” kaveh whispered against your lips. “you just needed to realize it.”
“and now you will,” alhaitham added, his voice steady but carrying a dangerous edge. his teeth grazed your jawline, sending another shiver through you. “we’ll make sure of it.”
your body melted between them, every nerve alight as they overwhelmed you with their presence. kaveh’s lips moved back to your neck, and his tongue flicked against a sensitive spot that made you gasp. alhaitham smirked at your reaction, his hands finding the curve of your waist and pulling you flush against him. “so sensitive,” he murmured, his voice dripping with satisfaction.
kaveh chuckled, his breath warm against your skin. “let us spoil you,” he said, his tone softening but his grip on you unwavering. “let us show you how it feels to be truly adored.”
your hands clutched at their shirts, grounding yourself as the heat between you all grew unbearable. their touches, their words, the way they worked together—it was dizzying, intoxicating, and everything you hadn’t known you needed. with every kiss, every touch, they erased your doubts, replaced them with a certainty you could no longer deny.
kaveh lingers there, lost in the sensation, nuzzling into the soft heat of your belly as if it were his lifeline. suddenly, he lifted his head up, moving closer to your breasts, you watched him impatiently, and just before you could speak, his tongue traced your sensitive buds, and a shiver ran down your spine.
his hot breath tickled your skin as he slowly dragged his lips over each tiny bud. you let out a soft gasp, my hands coming up to tangle in his hair. "fuck, that feels so good," you moaned, arching into his touch.
“wait, it’s my first time
” your hands place themselves over his shoulders, heat rushed to your cheeks at the lewd scene before you.
kaveh gazes into your eyes, his expression softening with tender affection as he cups your face in his larger hands "i promise to be gentle with you, darling. this is a special moment for us, and i want it to be perfect." his thumbs stroke along your cheekbones as he leans in to place a sweet, lingering kiss on your lips. "just breathe deeply and focus on the pleasure... let me take care of everything else."
he quickly dips his head, the soft hums of pleasure escaped his lips as he trails hot kisses along your sensitive nipples, lapping at the hardened nubs with a flick of his tongue. his hand kneads your breast, fingers sinking into the supple flesh as he pinches and rolls her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
as he takes one nipple into his mouth, suckling greedily as he flicks his tongue rapidly over the bud. he grazes the sensitive skin with his teeth, sending jolts of pleasure-pain straight to your core. his other hand braces against the mattress, supporting his weight as he presses closer, his rigid length grinding against your thigh.
releasing your nipple from his mouth with a wet pop, a string of saliva connected with his lips to the abused bud. he blazes a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your body, nipping and sucking at the smooth skin of your stomach before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your pants. “wait–”
with a tug, he yanks your pants and panties down your legs, baring your glistening folds to his hungry gaze. he takes a moment to admire the sight, his cock throbbing with need. he watches it for a couple of seconds, completely entranced and mesmerised before diving in to feast on your cunt. his tongue delves between your slick lips, lapping up the sweet essence as he holds your hips steady with bruising force.
all the while, alhaitham watches from the side, his palm resting behind your neck as he turns your head towards him, crashing his needy lips onto yours, brows furrowed as he kissed you impatiently.
kaveh moans softly at the sight of your perfect tits, the way your body shivered and trembled with each lick. his mouth waters at the scent of your arousal permeating the air. without hesitation, he buries his face deeper in your pussy. he licks a broad stripe up your slit, swirling around your clit before plunging his tongue deep inside your tight hole.
muffled gurgles emanate from his throat as he worships your cunt, slurping on your juices greedily. his eyes are transfixed on the mesmerizing dance of your engorged clit peeking out from beneath its hood, begging for attention. he obeys, flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves mercilessly with the tip of his tongue, making sure to catch every drop of your ambrosia.
his hands roam higher to fondle your breasts at the sounds of your praise and moans. "ohhh f-fuuuckkk! yes, just like that!" your shameless moans fill the room as he feasts on your sopping cunt. you writhe against the mattress, grinding your dripping core against his eager mouth. "don't stop, mmmnnn!" you cry out wantonly, throwing your head back in ecstasy. your hand's fist in his hair, holding him tight against you.
your thighs quake around his ears as his tongue works you over, stoking the fires burning in your loins higher and higher. "oh god, yessss!! right fucking there! ahn
!" the intense waves crash over you, threatening to drown you whole. he doesn't let up though, fucking your convulsing channel with long, hard laps of his tongue as your cunt clamps down around him, milking him for everything he has.
before you've even begun coming down, he surges forward and crashes his mouth to yours in a passionate, sloppy kiss. his whiskered cheek slides along yours as his musky scent invades your senses – equal parts salty-sweet from his kiss – bringing back up essence and uniquely man. the mingling scents and flavours of both of you mingle into one delicious medley you'd burn for.
still kissing you fiercely, he rolls your sensitive nubs. he pulls back from the kiss and you can clearly see how he smirks up at you with a wicked glint in his eyes, still savouring your shared flavour on his tongue. you gasp as he pulls back, his saliva mixing with your juices as he gazes hungrily down at your flushed face.
he glances down at your dishevelled appearance, noting the pearly essence dripping down your chin and neck. slowly, teasingly, he traces a finger through your sticky mess, collecting your release before bringing it to his lips. you whimper as he swirls his tongue around the digit, cleaning off the intimate proof of your mutual satisfaction.
without warning, he grips your hips and spins you around, pushing you face-first against the dirtied sheets. your legs wobble slightly from the aftershocks still rippling through you, but he holds you steady with one large hand resting between your shoulder blades.
his hard, heavy cock springs free from its confines, thick and veiny, already drooling with pre-cum. the head smears against your soaked entrance as he kicks your feet further apart. he groans, grinding the leaking tip along your slippery entrance. he teases the tip along your wet slit, coating himself in your slick arousal.
slowly, oh so slowly, he sinks into your welcoming heat, groaning low in his chest as your velvety walls stretch and accommodate his impressive girth. "fuck
” he begins with a shallow thrust, letting you feel every ridge and vein dragging against your fluttering walls, drawing a loud and erotic moan from you. 
once he bottoms out, he pauses, giving you a moment to adjust. then he starts to move again, withdrawing almost completely before sliding back in with a lewd squelch. he sets a deliberate pace, taking you slow and deep, relishing the way your cunt squeezes around his length. each thrust rocks you forward, his heavy balls slapping obscenely against your sensitive clit.
you’re pinned firmly against the bed as he fucks you, his hips pumping at a steady, torturous pace. the wet glide of your slick walls hugging his aching cock sends shivers racing up his spine.
"mmmph, unghh
 you’re so tight—" kaveh groans quietly against your shoulder, hot breath puffing against your overheated skin. his hands skim lower to grip your full, rounded ass cheeks possessively, rolling the globes in his palm and kneading the flesh. he drives into you harder then, forcing the breath from your lungs with each powerful snap of his hips.
he slams into you harder and faster, his hips pistoning erratically as he chases his pleasure. the sound of skin slapping against skin echoes loudly in the bathroom, interspersed with your shameless moans.
"uunf! nngghh
!" he moans and whimpers are broken, lost in the feral rut. he bites down on your shoulder, leaving a vivid mark on your flawless skin as he continues to pound into you like a man possessed.
sweat beads on his brow and he grips your hips so hard bruises form, grinding you down onto his shaft as he rails you relentlessly. “f–fuck! cum for me
!” he demands breathlessly after hearing your moans grow erratic as he nears his peak.
suddenly, his entire body goes taut as a bowstring. with a guttural groan, he slams into you one last time and explodes, flooding your spasming walls with jet after jet. he pulls out of you abruptly, leaving you feeling empty and wanting. before you can protest, he flips you over onto your back and settles his weight on top of you, pinning your wrists above your head.
he’s breathless, his chest heaving up and down almost in sync with yours, his eyes trailed around your clit, drinking in the sight of your naked body splayed out.
at that moment, alhaitham places his hand over kaveh’s chest, successfully moving the tired man out of his way, kaveh whines but slumps down beside you, lazily groping your breasts.
alhaitham hooks his hands under your thighs and pushes them back towards your chest, folding you nearly in half and exposing your dripping cunt to his hungry gaze before trailing a single finger through your slick folds and circling your swollen clit. at his touch you whined, legs quivering.
“fuck me,” you breathed, adding a small whine to it. he releases your wrists and grips your hips once again, the tip of his girthy cock nudging insistently at your entrance. with one swift thrust, he sheathes himself fully inside you, stretching you deliciously around his pulsing length. he lets you adjust for only a moment before setting a ruthless pace, pounding into you with animalistic abandon. the sounds of the obscene slaps of flesh and your increasingly high-pitched moans made it all the more lewd.
the new angle allows him to hit that spot deep inside you with each punishing stroke, sending you into complete bliss. at his command, his powerful hips stutter before finding a new, unhurried rhythm. he continues thrusting slowly yet forcefully, working his massive cock deeper into your clinging heat. “nghhhh..."
the renewed slowness allows him to fully explore the intimate clutch of your pussy as it grips his throbbing length. each languorous slide has his shaft nestling against the fluttering ridges and bumps that line your most sensitive canal. he swivels his hips sinuously, grinding his swollen tip against the hidden spongy spot deep within you with every withdrawal and penetration.
a fresh rush of tingling warmth starts building at the base of his spine as he picks up steam once more, the sensations growing more intense by degrees. your eyes practically roll behind your eyes at the euphoric feeling, your moans bounced along with every thrust of his long cock. “fuccckkk, more.. please..!”
he continues his unhurried, sensual rhythm as the last vestiges of your shared climax fade, your bodies still intimately entwined. his shaft pulses lazily inside you, twitching in time with each roll of his hips. slowly, the intensity ebbs, replaced by languid aftershocks wracking your frames.
you both shared your breaths, sweat, juices and cum all mixed together everywhere, on both your skin and the bed, he leans down your face, pressing feather-light kisses along your sweat-dampened collarbone. “you like that?” he groans into your ear as he grips your hips tightly, his claws digging into your soft flesh as he pounds into you relentlessly.
the wet slapping sounds of skin on skin fill the room, punctuated by his guttural grunts and your high-pitched moans."fuck yes, take it all
" he snarls, his voice dripping with lust and dominance."your tight little cunt was made for my cock, wasn't it? tell me how much you love being used like the cum dump you are" alhaitham’s pace becomes even more frenzied, his thrusts growing erratic as he chases his release.
he reaches around to roughly grope your breasts, ignoring the whines and complaints from kaveh, pinching and twisting your nipples as he continues to pound into you. "gonna fill you up...breed this hungry pussy...mark you as mine," he growls, his words becoming more disjointed as pleasure overwhelms him.
with a forceful thrust, he buries himself to the hilt inside you. Leaning in close, his hot breath fans across your ear as he begins to move, setting a punishing pace. his voice is low and husky as he whispers, "you feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock, such a tight little pussy, gripping me like you never want to let go. you're mine to use, to fuck, to fill. i'm going to ruin you for anyone else." his hips snap against yours relentlessly, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing through the room. he continues his filthy litany in your ear, punctuating each thrust with a growled word. "take. it. all."
your cries of pleasure echo through the room, the thrusts were too aggressive, too harsh, too much. but you liked it. kaveh slides in behind you, nestling his thick shaft between your ass cheeks. he grinds against you teasingly while alhaitham continues to relentlessly pound your pussy from the front. kaveh’s hands roam over your body, pinching your nipples and trailing down to circle your clit.
"such a greedy little girl," he growls in your ear. "two cocks and you still want more? let's see how much you can really take."With that, he lines himself up with your puckered rear entrance and slowly pushes inside, stretching you deliciously as he fills you completely. you're now stuffed full of cock from both ends, caught between two muscular bodies using you for their pleasure. the sensations are overwhelming as they begin to move in tandem, fucking you relentlessly.
alhaitham’s relentless pounding from the front shows no signs of letting up, his powerful thrusts driving you wild with pleasure. meanwhile, kaveh behind you moves at a much more languid pace, savoring every inch of your stretched hole as he lazily pushes in and out. "Mmm, so a warm velvet glove around my cock," he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear as he nibbles on your lobe.
your moans grow louder and more wanton as these contrasting sensations overwhelm your senses. you can feel alhaitham shaft throbbing inside you, hitting all the right spots with each forceful stroke. behind him, kaveh’s slow drag provokes electric tingles that make you clench reflexively around both cocks. "ohhh fuck yes! just like that!" you cry out desperately. The dual penetration is too much to bear for long.
“‘s—s too much!” tears welled up in your eyes at both the pleasure and pain of both their cocks in you, you were getting overstimulated, it hurt so good. “s—slow down! ah
!” alhaitham’s thrusts slow slightly at your desperate plea, but he still manages to hit all the right spots inside you. he leans down to capture a tear rolling down your cheek with his tongue, savoring the salty taste. "shh, it's okay baby...i know i'm being rough. but you're so fucking perfect like this," he murmurs against your skin as he continues to move within you at a slightly more measured pace.
kaveh behind slows his movements as well, allowing you a moment of respite before picking up again in time with alhaitham’s renewed rhythm. the sensations are almost too much to bear now—the deep stretch and drag from behind contrasting beautifully with the relentless pounding in front. " good..." you whimper, overwhelmed by pleasure and emotion.
as your climax hits, your inner walls clench and ripple around both alhaitham and kaveh still-throbbing shaft. the sensation pushes them over the edge as well. " fuck yes! cumming so deep inside you...!" with a guttural groan, he buries himself to the hilt and unloads, his hot seed flooding your spasming pussy in long spurts. kaveh soon  follows suit moments later, grinding against your ass as he fills you with his own release. his warm cum coats your insides along with alhaitham’s, creating an intimate mix of their essences within you.
alhaitham carefully eases out of your still quivering heat, watching transfixed as his release slowly leaks out to trickle between your thighs. he scoops up some of the creamy fluid and brings it to his lips, humming appreciatively at the taste.
“ah.. alhaitham give me—give me a moment—” you breathed, trying to catch your breath after the intense session. “but i need to clean up your mess, look how dirty you are” he chuckled. He can clearly see how your eyes widen at your words, a wolfish grin spreading across his face. he takes in your thoroughly debauched appearance with hungry, satisfied eyes before nodding.
slowly, he lowers himself off you onto his hands and knees behind you as he reaches beneath you to run two large fingers through the mess of slickness leaking from your freshly-fucked hole. lapping his fingers clean with kittenish swipes of his tongue, he gives your sensitive bud one final teasing flick that has you bucking back into the bed. crawling onto the mattress with cat-like grace, he positions the swollen head of his shaft at your fluttering opening.
alhaitham grins mischievously as he teases your slick entrance with the tip of his cock, spreading your juices around in a tantalizing display. his eyes gleam with dark hunger as he watches you squirm beneath him. "mmm, look at cum leaking out of your greedy hole already. you can't get enough, can you?" he chuckles lowly and slowly pushes forward, sinking into you once more.
“i—i don’t think i can take another round
” you breathed, face flushed with sweat slicken strands of hair stuck on your forehead.
“this is just the beginning," he purrs, resuming his sensual rhythm as he claims you again. alhaitham’s hips undulate against yours in a slow dance of pleasure, each deliberate thrust sending ripples through your connected bodies. "i’m going to fuck this pussy all night long until it's raw and sore from my cock."
kaveh stretches out beside you on the bed, a lazy smile playing on his lips as he watches alhaitham work your pussy over once more. he reaches out to lazily stroke your sweat-dampened skin, tracing patterns along your curves. "you two enjoy each other so much," he muses, his voice low and content. "i think i'll just lie here and watch...for now." He settles in comfortably, propping himself up on one elbow to continue admiring the erotic display before him.
alhaitham seems perfectly happy with this arrangement, continuing his slow but thorough fucking of your willing body. His thrusts grow slightly more urgent as he feels kaveh’s gaze upon them, driving him to make the most of their moment together.
his eyes flash with a predatory gleam as he hears your soft whimpers, his cock twitching within you in anticipation. "mmm, i’ve craved this moment for so long," he growls, his voice low and husky with desire.
"you don’t know how long i’ve been wanting to be in this pussy...every inch of that luscious body. and i'm going to take my time savoring each delicious moment." he leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue delving deep into your mouth as he continues to move inside you at a slow, deliberate pace.
“i'll fuck you until dawn breaks," he promises against your lips, "and even then maybe not be done exploring every sweet spot on this perfect pussy." his hands roam over your curves possessively as he speaks, mapping the terrain of your skin like an explorer claiming new lands.
“all night long
a few weeks later, the sun shone through the curtains of your cozy shared apartment, its golden rays highlighting the organized chaos within. a half-finished bookshelf project leaned against the wall (kaveh’s idea, naturally), while alhaitham’s books were scattered across the coffee table in a way that made your neat-freak self twitch. it was a scene of domestic tranquility, punctuated by the occasional bickering that had somehow become oddly endearing.
kaveh was in the kitchen, attempting to cook breakfast—a noble endeavor that would inevitably end with alhaitham stepping in to prevent the fire alarm from going off. you sat cross-legged on the couch, watching the spectacle unfold with a mug of tea in your hands.
“this doesn’t need your interference, alhaitham!” kaveh snapped, waving a spatula threateningly as alhaitham leaned against the counter, arms crossed, his expression as unimpressed as ever.
“i’m merely ensuring we don’t end up eating charcoal,” alhaitham replied coolly, reaching over to adjust the stove’s temperature.
“can you two not start world war three before i’ve had breakfast?” you asked, trying to suppress your laughter.
they both turned to you at the same time, as if suddenly realizing you were watching them with that fond look you couldn’t quite hide.
“we’re not fighting,” kaveh said quickly, though his defensive tone was softened by his sheepish grin.
“it’s just a discussion,” alhaitham added, though the faintest twitch of a smile betrayed him.
you set your mug down and walked over, slipping yourself between them. “whether it’s fighting or discussing, i’m calling a truce. we’re all having breakfast together, and no one’s allowed to sabotage it.”
kaveh gave you a mock salute, while alhaitham raised an eyebrow but gave a slight nod of agreement.
later, the three of you sat around the dining table, sharing a surprisingly decent meal that kaveh had insisted on plating himself.
“this is nice,” you said, glancing between them with a contented smile.
alhaitham looked at you from over his book, which he’d brought to the table despite kaveh’s protests. “i suppose it is.”
“you suppose?” kaveh scoffed, though there was no real heat in his voice.
you laughed, leaning back in your chair as a warm sense of belonging settled over you. it wasn’t perfect—there were still arguments, quirks, and a lot to figure out—but it was yours.
and as kaveh started another impassioned rant about alhaitham’s lack of appreciation for the “art” of cooking, you realized you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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note: wowie this is the first time i've written quite a long smutty fanfic ever, what an experience.
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls if im missing anyone please tell me because i have an inkling feeling i missed a few..
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!!
another note: if you found any spelling/grammar mistakes PLEASE tell me (i don't want to be embarrassed)
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araveticazx · 3 months ago
𝐬đČđ§đšđ©đŹđąđŹ: when being assigned a joint research project with a very attractive haravatat student proves to be more distracting than you ever anticipated
𝐜𝐹𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: akademiya!student alhaitham x akademiya!student reader, afab!reader, established relationship (early stages), secret relationship, sex in the desert, flirting, playful banter, casual nudity, no preparation, rough fucking, multiple positions, creampie, not proofread. obv they are adults. 2.1k wc MDNI. 18+ ONLY. | masterlist
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ËšÊšâ™ĄÉžËš
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The heat had already taken hold of you this morning.
Even before you opened your eyes, the desert sun had crept into the makeshift tent, meandered across your skin, and clung to the bedding beneath you. Outside, you could hear the wind humming in a lulling rhythm but the air inside was still heavy—scented faintly of canvas, sand, and Alhaitham.
Officially, this trip was sanctioned by the Akademiya to catalog ruins and decipher inscriptions long buried in the dunes. Your joint project culminated in months of preparation but between your academic pursuits, you and Alhaitham fell into the trap of proximity, lured by the temptation of wandering eyes and coy smiles exchanged over the rim of coffee cups. 
Long nights spent under oil lamps became less about studying and more about the rush it gave you when your knees brushed beneath low tables. It was nearly impossible to concentrate on reading when Alhaitham sat so close that his scent clouded you entirely. 
Wandering eyes turned to coy smiles turned to lingering touches turned to
Such distractions would be frowned upon by the Akademiya, yes, but how could you resist when Alhaitham treated you like you were the most fascinating discovery he had ever encountered? You both agreed on discretion to save yourself from the mortification of other scholars and seniors. They didn’t need to know about his sweet confession and the many other things you both got up to when nothing but the stars could witness you. 
So unofficially—this trip was the perfect excuse to stay tangled together despite the sweltering heat. 
You blinked against the wedge of sunlight, rolling over to a very bare Alhaitham sprawled beside you, one arm tucked lazily behind his head, the other resting just centimetres from your waist. 
“Morning,” his voice was thick with sleep but when your eyes met, you saw that his expression was immensely not.
“What’s got you so focused?” you said groggily, propping yourself on your elbow as you faced him. “Already thinking about all the hard work waiting for us today?”
Your clothes were still discarded from the night before, sitting in a crumpled heap near the corner of your bedroll. Perhaps the events of last night were why he was looking at you with that slanted smile. 
“Do you always think about work the moment you open your eyes?” he replied, tracing small circles on you. 
“Someone has to keep us on task,” you shot back, raising a brow.
“I didn’t realise I was sharing a tent with a Matra.”
Of the 20 languages he knew, the same mouth rendered him incapable of completing this project in a timely manner—what should have been done two days ago was instead spent with his tongue on your skin. 
Not that you had many complaints.
“Mm,” he added. “And here I thought mornings were for recharging, not nagging.” 
“For someone who implores efficiency in all things,” you said, poking his nose, “You spend a suspicious amount of time lying around. Observing me isn’t going to help your thesis.”
“Observing you is a worthwhile distraction actually,” his hand began to slip onto the bare curve of your hip, “In fact, I think you’re my most compelling subject.”
“I would pay you sacks of mora to include that in your report,” you retorted, clicking your tongue with false annoyance, but you were too focused on something else to actually care.
“I’ll pass,” he tipped his chin at you, “Instead of mora, another thorough exploration should suffice.”
“You’re avoiding work.”
“I prefer to think of it as redefining priorities.”
“Oh? And what’s at the top of that list now, Mr. Alhaitham?” You felt wrapped in warmth but you weren’t sure if it was from the desert or his fingers settling between your thighs.
“Must you know?” He pressed his body against you, “It seems to me you don’t think we can afford to delay.”
Suddenly, the tent felt smaller, and something familiar coiled low in your belly. You let out a soft sigh, shifting closer to him, “Enough.” 
The word felt hollow, even to your own ears.
He not only decided he wanted a repeat of last night (and the night before) but also the right to brag about passing with flying colours even when he was buried inside you during the most crucial part of the research. 
It became a cycle—he apologised for keeping you distracted and you forgave him by moaning his name. 
Never one to be so sexually inclined but now he understood why men sculpted monuments to their obsessions, why poets spilled ink in worship of carnal desires. Lust was not a sin because it was tempted, but because it was consumed. However, the way Alhaitham consumed you was completely intentional. 
You were no different from his books. He spread you open, studied you, and read every inch of you all the same.  
“I personally think we have plenty of time,” he leaned forward, slowly grazing his lips across your neck before kissing your pulse point. “Trust me.”
And trust him you did.
The world outside was quickly forgotten after he turned you on your back. Your words died in your throat as he hovered above you, capturing you in a careful kiss that tasted of salt and skin. 
There was plenty of time in the way his fingers coveted pleasure out of you. 
There was plenty of time in the way he mapped your jaw, your neck, and your collarbone with love bites. Like you were something so desirable to him.
Beads of sweat rolled down your temple as the tip of his cock shallowly pressed your entrance. Your mouth fell open—the friction was maddening, and every inch of you clung to him. Even when his lips ghosted the swell of your chest, he was lucky your skin was there to swallow his quiet grunts each time his hips moved against your tight hole. 
“Patience,” he said when you instinctively arched your back, though his own breathing was uneven. Already, his hair was tousled and damp from the heat of your bodies mingling and you felt his length throbbing on your thigh. He was so hard, you couldn’t help but wonder if the one who actually needed patience was him. 
You couldn’t hold back a giggle. “Speak for yourself,” you said, swiveling your hip upwards. A groan left his lips so quickly you saw a blush spread across his cheeks. “You’re barely holding it together.”
He grumbled in response. “You find joy in others’ misery.”
“Not at all.”
Although, your teasing wasn’t for naught. Alhaitham wasn’t exactly famous for bedding women so seeing you stripped of everything that made you prim and proper left him craving you that much more. “You should take it as a compliment that I—”
“So I’m the problem?” you laughed under him to mask the flutter in your stomach. 
“Precisely.” You were glad he remained obstinate even when he so lewdly towered over you. “You’re in such a hurry this morning. If you want to be reckless, I won’t be blamed for the consequences.”
Then a strategic purse of lips followed suit, “I thought you enjoyed my patience.”
Patience. That damned word again.
Screw patience. Whatever consequence he was referring to was burning away any semblance of patience you might have had left. Thus far, he had taken his time with you but he had only taken his time with you. If he could be more crude, you wanted to see it—feel it. 
“Alhaitham,” his entire name rolled off your tongue. Quick and demanding. Your tone only fueled the fire in his seafoam eyes. “Stop talking.”
The end of your words dissolved into a gasp as he thrust into you, hard and sudden, stretching you with a fervor you hadn’t felt before. 
His muscles flexed while you dragged your nails down his spine, closing your legs around him for even an ounce of stability. The rhythm he set was already so relentless that his hands gripped your thighs, pulling them higher around his waist to drive himself deeper, and the change in angle made all sound catch in your throat.
“Haitham—!” a cry rippled from how hips were snapping against yours with a pace that was anything but patient. He had accepted your unspoken challenge so quickly, that nothing would have prepared you. 
Your head swam.
The wet, sloppy slaps of skin meeting skin filled the tent, blending in with your jagged moans and his lower grunts. No part of his brain wasn’t thinking about how soaked you already were, how you welcomed him so easily before he slipped—no—pushed it in. 
His hair clung to his forehead, every movement felt tight and addictive. When he leaned down, his lips brushed the shell of your ear, “Is this fast enough for you?”
You could only whimper in response, feeling your toes curl as his hoarse voice and your own pleasure consumed you. 
He shifted, pulling you onto your side and hooking your leg over his shoulder. The new position sent another shockwave through you, and your priceless whines filled the small space as he drove into you over and over again.
The heat of the tent seemed endless, but so did the hunger between you. Alhaitham’s pace never truly slowed—each time your whines softened, each time you thought the storm of his touch subsided, he just tossed you into a new position, kindling the fire all over again. 
“I want to hear you,” he growled while his chest was flushed against your back. Reaching to lift your leg so his heavy cock could invade you deeper, you tried to muffle your moans into the bedding. But he grabbed your chin, tilting you to look at him, “Head up.” He half-chuckled, “You were so mouthy before. What happened to that?” 
Before you could answer—or think—he shifted again, this time unsteadily pulling you onto his lap. Your knees dug into the bedding but at that point, holding yourself upright proved difficult. His hands gripped your waist, guiding you to ride him as his mouth leisurely latched onto the peak of your breast. The combination left you shuddering, clinging to his shoulders as his fingers pressed bruises into your hips. 
“Did you know,” he slurred against your skin, “that you’re terrible and incredible?” His praise made your cheeks burn but terrible? Terrible was the way he fucking you so hard you could barely roll your hips. 
“Y-You might want to refresh yourself,” you chewed your bottom lip from yet another hard thrust, “On the meaning of ‘terrible.’” You could feel the remnants of your previous orgasms dripping down on him, “Because that’s you.”
Time blurred. You lost count of the positions, of the way he had you on all fours only to have you back in his arms moments later, of how many times you greedily begged for more. Every touch was electric; if only you could clutch him closer. The noises were shameless and the scent of filthy sex and sweat was nothing shy of erotic. 
When he pinned you beneath him again, you felt him stiffen. Every inch that sunk into you felt more desperate and even the way he called your name sounded huskier. You could have sworn the tent walls were ruffling in sync from his losing control. 
Your lips parted in a silent scream and with a final throb around his cock and a deep drawn-out groan in your ear, he released inside you for the first time. Your body drew out his pleasure as his forehead pressed against your shoulder. His laboured breathing told you everything about the ecstasy he was experiencing, like his body and brain were struggling to stay connected. Finally, he pulled out, trembling and sensitive, and collapsed beside you who was still panting. 
Ultimately you got what you wanted: unfiltered crude sex with your insufferably hot research partner. Your pulse ran wild.
A hazy silence settled, broken only by his stroking your hand to check if you were okay. Part of him wondered if he went a bit too far which you wordlessly answered by rubbing him back. He held you, and like last night (and the night before), you lay glistening and tangled together in the aftermath. 
It was a perfect system, a hopeless, delirious cycle.
“Well,” he said as he returned to tracing circles on you, “I think that concludes this morning’s exploration.”
You rolled your eyes, still dizzy and breathless, “Do you think the Akademiya will accept that as your final thesis?”
His lips quirked into a rare, little grin. “Hard to say. Who knows which of the sages might secretly be perverts?” 
“Alhaitham,” you groaned, swatting weakly at his chest. 
But then his arms tightened around you. And you didn’t mind. You didn’t protest. You believed you might have even loved being clad in nothing, lying in a cramped, too-warm tent that reeked in the musk of what transpired.
There was, as he said, plenty of time to finish the project. And if this was part of the process, you weren’t in any hurry.
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© 2024 grimmweepers — do not repost, copy, translate, modify my work on any platform
a/n: idk if i love or hate this but it’s so hot where i am rn and the only thing i can do to distract myself from perishing from the heat is to pretend i’m here!!!
dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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