arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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در حقيقت آدمها هيچكس را ندارند. اين را آدم روزهاي جمعه از جاي خالي آنهايي كه بايد باشند و نيستند مى فهمد. Photo by Arash
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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‏از دختر خلخالی خورده نگیرید که چرا از پدر جنایتکارش دفاع کرد. اون پدرش رو خودش انتخاب نکرد ولی شما خودتون جنایتکار ،دزد و فاسد رو انتخاب کردید! #Iran
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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I start today, but this is a struggle that has been going on for years, to recognize the dignity of people who are forced for many different reasons to leave their countries and seek refuge in another country. Today I join this struggle by writing something simple. There is no need for paper to write on as I will start my struggle today by writing on the clothes I have on my back. I start my fight against discrimination, injustice, xenofobia, and and of course against lawlessness. There are many things I could say on these subjects, but there is not enough space on my clothes to expose all of the injustices and lawlessness in the world today. So I have to write it very short and simple: 1951 Refugee Convention. This treaty was written and ratified by 145 State parties. It defines the term ‘refugee,’ outlines the rights of the displaced, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them. We need to rexamine what are the rights of the displaced and what are the obligations of the state. Why are our rights not being protected as guaranteed by law? I am not alone in wanting the laws to be implemented and complied with, and this includes the laws that guarantee fundamental human rights and rights of refugees. We can build our world according to our wishes, we can start by building alliances with those who believe in our common humanity and equality. We will nonviolently struggle with a small writing on our clothes. It is not much effort or cost, but the words written were written over half a century ago to protect the lives of hundreds of thousands fleeing persecution. We start this effort to remind the world of the lives that still need protecting. We believe in the power of the people, and we have hope that nonviolent resistance and building of alliances can overcome the powers of the lawless governments that fail to protect us. I, Arash Hampay, am a refugee, whose life was in danger under the dictatorial regime of Iran. I have asked for shelter in another country and am simply asking for the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees to be implemented so that my rights and the rights of all other refugees are respected. Being a refugee does strip us of our humanity. We also have the right to be treated fairly, with dignity, and equality. My goal is to break down the walls and government policies that treat refugees like we are less than human, and create false divisions between people. 1951RefugeeConvention campaign starts today, and asks for all people of conscience to make an alliance, demanding that States follow their own laws and protect the rights of all refugees. #1951refugeeconvention
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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Solidarity after victory اعلام همبستگی مردم بعد از پیروزی ام بر پلیس و دولت یونان😉✌ #solidarity
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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انگلیسی/ فارسی Victory and Freedom, Victory and Freedom cannot be achieved without the will and persistence of the people. Together we created a small campaign for freedom and justice. Our campaign was victorious. Our solidarity helped to release two vulnerable refugees who had sought refuge from the Greek State and the UN, but were ultimately denied this refuge and were instead incarcerated and tortured. The people of Greece and Europe demonstrated their will and persistence throughout this campaign. They shouted at the states, the police authorities and the UN: declaring that the people of Europe welcome those from outside the EU. They said that they want the borders to be open. Their shouts were loud and clear. Do not assume that this victory lies only with the freedom of the three prisoners. This victory is of the European people and the people from all over this Earth. The heart of this victory is the people overcoming the state. I congratulate the released refugees for having such good people around them who never left them alone for a single moment. I congratulate the people for having such great spririt and such strong will. The hunger strike ended today. We were victorious. The struggle will always continue as long as injustice remains. Prisons still exist in our world and so do borders, which continue to separate people from each other. Let us not give up the world for evil. Let us fill this day with joy. We have ended the hunger strike VICTORIOUS after 41 days. "پیروزی و آزادی" حاصل نمیشود مگر با خواست و اراده مردم. ما یک تمرین کوچک آزادی خواهی و عدالت خواهی در کنار هم داشتیم و دراین تمرین پیروز شدیم. ما باهمبستگی با یکدیگر توانستیم چندانسان آسیب دیده ای که به دولت یونان و سازمان ملل پناه آورده بودند ولی آنها این پناهنده ها را شکنجه و زندانی کرده بودند را آزاد کنیم . مردم یونان و اروپا دراین تمرین خواست و اراده خودشان را نشان دادند و باصدای بلند و گیرا به دولت ها و پلیس و به سازمان ملل گفتند که مردم اروپا پذیرای مردمان دیگر سرزمین ها هستند و خواهان باز شدن تمام مرزها هستنداشتباه نکنید این پیروزی فقط برای آزادی سه شخص نیست پیروزی #همبستگی مردم اروپا و دیگر سرزمینهاست "پیروزی مردم بر دولت هاست" تبریک میگم به پناهنده های آزاد شده برای داشتن چنین مردمی عزیزی که لحظه ای تنهایشان نگذاشتند و تبریک به مردم عزیز برای داشتن چنین روح بزرگ و اراده قوی . امروز اعتصاب غذا با پیروزی به سرانجام رسید ولی مبارزه همچنان پابرجاست چرا که بی عدالتی همچنان پابرجاست چرا که در جهانمان همچنان زندانها وجود دارند و مرزها همچنان سد راه یکی شدن هاست. مبارزه و همبستگی همچنان پابرجاست برای ادامه پیروزی ها و شادی ها. بیا تا جهان را به بد نسپریم. روزمان پراز شادی #refugeesgr #refugee #mytilini #deport #hungerstrike #moria #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #unhcr #humanity #humansrightsGreece #liberty #Solidarity #people #Victory Photo by Hooman Saedpanah and Kini Von Teesdale
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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The refugees have been released. The people have won this battle against the government and the police. Our strike has ended.
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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انگلیسی/فارسی Forty days, I have gone through forty days of hunger and I still have not reached a number of days that grants freedom and justice. I still do not know such a number that grants justice. I do not know when I am going to reach that number, but I won’t stop, I will continue as always. I will not sit down from this struggle for a nice breath of rest. I have thousands of years of rest after my death. Yet I do not have enough time for freedom and justice. I will use this short time and I will go further, towards freedom, towards justice, and towards light. I will not stand for a single moment. I am so thirsty for freedom and justice that I have not thought about resting at all. I desire freedom, I thirst freedom, I thirst. چهل روز عدد چهل رو هم رد کردم و هنوز به عدد آزادی و عدالت نرسیدم نمیدانم عدد عدالت کدام هست و کی به این عدد خواهم رسید ولی نخواهم ایستاد و ادامه خواهم داد نخواهم نشست استراحتی در کار نخواهد بود ، بعد از مرگ هزاران سال زمان خواهم داشت برای استراحت ولی برای یافتن عدد آزادی و عدالت زمان کمی دارم پس زمان را از دست نخواهم داد خواهم رفت پیش میروم پیش به سوی آزادی به سوی برابری و عدالت به سوی روشنایی و لحظه ای درنگ نخواهم کرد راستش عطش ازادی و عدالت در من انقدرزیاد هست که اصلا به استراحت فکرنمیکنم من شهوت ازادی دارم عطش دارم عطش..‌ #refugeesgr #refugee #mytilini #deport #hungerstrike #moria #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #Greece #liberty
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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The number was small but it was enough. Enough to calm our hearts. Enough to protect us from the cold winter of hatred. Enough to defend us against the ignorant and uncompassionate heart of the EU and the UN. Enough to give us new hope. Yesterday was a good day for Europe and Greece. Yesterday a crowd of Europeans and Greeks gathered to shame Europe. They gathered to show their solidarity with the people who have come here to seek refuge, the people who have been tortured and incarcerated by European states as opposed to being given the refuge they need. These people were there to show that the deeds of European States do not fall in line with the beliefs of the people of Europe. They told us that we can always rely on the refuge of the people. They stood with us to protest against Greece and the EU. I do not have the words to honour these angles. I do not know how to explain to them how difficult it was for me not to cry, to hold back my tears of joy when they were shouting demands for the freedom of refugees. I did not want to cry as I did not want the police to see my tears, they would only assume that I was crying due to tiredness and weakness. Yesterday was the day when some human-rights defending angels, the struggling angels of solidarity, showed their solidarity with us refugees by demonstrating outside the front gate of Moria Concentration Camp. They stood with refugees against the police. They demanded the freedom of refugees. They demanded to open the borders. They shouted out to say that we are all humans, we are all equal, and that we are all one. They said that borders and state boundaries have not been made by the people. They said that the people will always embrace refugees, suffering and vulnerable refugees, and their arms will always be open. They demanded the end of this fascist oppression. They demanded the abolishment of refugee captivity, to end deportation, to end these anti-refugee deals you have drawn up, and to end your refugee-related business. They demanded to stop deportations. They were shouting out these demands. I wanted to shed tears of joy. I wanted to shout with them. They put a visible mark of shame on the hateful face of the police and the fascist state. I, #ArashHampay, am a refugee. I kiss your kind hands, all you compassionate people. I humbly bow my head to you in honour of your strong will, your love, and your love for humanity. To the police, the state, and the UN, you vile executioners did not listen to us, you remained ingnorant and indifferent to our screams of pain and to our dance with death. You remain like this because you have already stamped us with the barcode that labels us as refugees and non-citizens. Are you going to oppose your own people, your own citizens, and your superiors? Are you going to ignore the demands of your own people and citizens who have called for the liberation of refugees? Remove the walls and fences that you have built to seperate people from each other. Free the innocent incarcerated refugees. If you do not submit to the demands of the people, one day you will bitterly regret your actions. We are the people! We are here. We are still upholding our vow. I am going to remain on hunger strike until the day of the freedom for Kozhin and Behrooz. We will continue our struggle until the borders are open and the walls are torn down. We will not compromise our demands. Freedom, Justice and Safety are our basic rights. #refugeesgr #refugee #mytilini #deport #hungerstrike #moria #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #unhcr Photo by Suma Hussien ❤
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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Protest in #Moria in #solidarity with Behroz Arash and Kozhin Hossain! #No borders, #no nations Stop #deportations! #StopDetention https://t.co/qOWHxl7XVr
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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Protest in #Moria in #solidarity with Behroz Arash and Kozhin Hossain! #No borders, #no nations Stop #deportations! #StopDetention
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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I do not believe it. I do not believe that people have been listening properly to what we have said, what we have written, what we have screamed. I should blame the way we have been putting our suffering into words, the way we have been writing them, that we could not make people understand why we were hunger striking, why we were dancing with death. Could we not manage to tell properly about the pain, the injustice, the fascist treatment, the torture, the humiliation and all the other things which were done by the UN, the Greek Government and Police? Was it why they did not take what we said in consideration in order to come and rescue us? How can they live with the knowledge that the woman and the child burned in the fire, burned to death, women and men died in the cold of the winter, that the people had to face so much humiliation for getting one piece of bread, that the refugees were put in prison and tortured instead of being given a safe and warm refuge, witnessing so many other human rights violations without achiveing any reaction from the people? Tell me dear people, what was it you did not understand in our story? Were we terrible storytellers? Where we bad at screaming? Why did you not understand that they stamp humanity under their boots, that countless amounts of people who are suffering, are waiting for your solidarity and support? I express this simply dear people! We are captives here. It is why they treat us worse than captives. نه باور نمیکنم، باور نمیکنم مردم صدای ما رو به خوبی شنیده باشند باورنمیکنم هرچه که گفتیم و نوشتیم و فریاد زدیم رو مردم خوب فهمیده باشند، حتما ایراد از نحوه گفتن و نوشتن ماست که نتونستیم خوب بفهمانیم حتی با اعتصاب غذا و رقص مرگمان. مگر میشود که ما درد ها و بی عدالتی و رفتارهای فاشیستی و شکنجه ها و تحقیر ها و همه آنچه که در اینجا توسط سازمان ملل و دولت و پلیس یونان اتفاق میوفته رو خوب ترسیم کرده باشیم و مردم این سازمان و دولت رو زیرورو نکنند و نجاتمان ندهند؟! مگر میشود که بدانند اینجا کودک و زن در آتش سوختند و مردند و مردان و زنان در سرما مردند و مردم برای گرفتن یک لقمه نان چه تحقیرها که نشدند و پناهنده ها به جای آغوش امن زندان و شکنجه نصیبشان شد و صدها آزارو نقض حقوق بشریت دیگر، و مردم واکنش نشان ندهند؟! مردم عزیز لطفا بگویید کجای داستانمان رو خوب متوجه نشدید کجای داستانمان را نتوانستیم خوب ترسیم کنیم خوب داد بزنیم که شماهنوز متوجه نشدید تا چه حد اینجا انسانیت و بشریت رو به نابودی ست و تاچه حد بی شمار انسانهای آسیب دیده که به شما با هزاران امید پناه آوردند باچشمانی خسته منتظر یاری تان هستند... مردم عزیز ساده میگویم که اینجا با ما مانند گروگان مانند برده و یا بدتر از آن رفتار میکنند. #moria #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #Greece #refugeesgr #refugee #mytilini #deport #hungerstrike
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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In solidarity With Refugee prisoners on hunger strike #FreedomStrikeLesvos ❤✌ #refugeesgr #freeHoseynkozhin #freeareshbahruz #moria #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #Hungerstrike #unhcr #humanity
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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arashhampay-blog · 7 years
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فارسی/انگلیسی #BahroozArash and #KozhinHussein ended their hunger strike two days ago. We told them that we will continue to stand alongside them, amplify their voices, and do everything in our power to ensure they are released. We understand why they broke the strike after 35 days of being ignored by the authorities, when they were facing imminent death. After 35 days on strike #BahroozArash and #KozhinHussein are extremely weak and urgently need to be released and hospitalized. Their continued detention puts their lives at risk, even if they have broken their strike. The Greek government and the Greek police lacked the humanity and the compassion to be affected by their hunger strike until it was too late. Your death was not going to leave a single mark on their fascistic conscience. Your hunger strike was not going to make the so-called humanitarians in the United Nations care about your suffering. We are really #CAPTIVES here and not #Refugees. In their treatment of refugees, the UN, the Greek government and the Greek police have torn up and discarded the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Refugee Convention in their treatment of refugees. #KozhinHussein and #BahroozArash finally understood that they are not refugees but prisoners. But the story continues. Our solidarity with imprisoned refugees will never disappear. We still demand justice. We still stand against the Greek government and UN. We still demand human rights and the release of falsely imprisoned refugees. It is the 36th day of my hunger strike, and activists, volunteers and dear friends have stood with me from the very first day. As I have said before I am going to continue the strike until Kozhin and Bahrooz, who have been incarcerated without committing any crime, are released. We were not allowed to visit them the last two days and they were not given their cellphones until 11PM last night, when we finally received this information. I, my friends who stand beside me each day Sappho Square in the middle of Mytilini and our dear comrades from all over the world still want to amplify the voices of the suffering refugees until they are released. The Greek government and police, the UN and the EU have to end their inhuman maltreatment of innocent people. They have to end their human rights violations. They have to surrender to the will of the people, submit to the rule of justice, and adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. States and organisations who claim to represent the people have to submit to the people’s will. I believe and hope that we shall soon reach freedom and victory. #آرش_بهروز و #کوژین_حسین دو روز پیش به #اعتصاب_غذای خود پایان دادند! از چندروز پیش من به همراه چندین فعال یونانی و ولنتیرها پیامهایی برای آرش و کوژین فرستادیم و از آنها درخواست کردیم به اعتصاب غذای خود پایان بدهند و به آنها قول دادیم که بعد از پایان اعتصاب غذای آنها ما همگی همچنان صدایشان خواهیم بود و درکنارشان خواهیم ماند و با تمام وجود سعی در آزاد کردنشان خواهیم کرد، به آنها گفتیم که دولت و پلیس یونان روحیات بشردوستانه ندارد که با اعتصاب غذا و حتی مرگ شما تلنگری بر روحیات فاشیستی شان زده شود! گفتیم که با اعتصاب غذایتان امید به جلب توجه ازطرف سازمان دروغین ملل نمیتوانید داشته باشید، با صحبت های طولانی به آنها فهماندیم که ما در اینجا #گروگان هستیم نه پناهنده چون هیچکدام از حقوق انسانی و پناهنده گی درباره پناهنده ها توسط سازمان ملل و دولت و پلیس یونان اجرا نمیشود و البته خودشان هم دراین مدت بیشتر احساس گروگان بودن میکردن تا پناهنده گی! بله خداروسپاس با گفتگوهای طولانی دوستان و دیدارهای روزانه من و یانا و کنی عزیز بالاخره آرش و کوژین عزیز اعتصابشون رو شکستند ولی داستان همچنان ادامه دارد، همبستگی ما با پناهنده های زندانی شده همچنان ادامه دارد عدالت خواهی مان همچنان ادامه دارد و رودر روی دولت و پلیس یونان و سازمان ملل ایستادنمان و گرفتن حق انسانهای آسیب دیده همچنان ادامه دارد. امروز روز سی و ششم اعتص��ب غذای من هست و همانطور که قبلا هم گفته بودم من به این اعتصاب و اعتراضم ادامه خواهم داد تاروزی که این دو جوان آسیب دیده و بی گناه رو آزاد کنند دوستان فعال و ولنتیرها و مردم عزیزی هم که از لحظه اول این اعتراض درکنارم بودند همچنان در همبستگی با پناهنده های زندانی به این اعتراض ادامه خواهند داد. در ضمن به دلیل اینکه در دو روز گذشته نه اجازه ویزیت با آرش و حسین رو داشتم و نه آنها توانسته بودند بامن تماسی بگیرند به همین دلیل دیشب موفق به ارسال پیام شدند که به ما اطلاع بدهند از پایان اعتصاب غذایشان. حالا من و دوستانم در میدان شهر #میتیلینی و مردم عزیز درسراسر دنیا همچنان بر سر عهدمان هستیم عهدی که برای رساندن صدای پناهنده های آسیب دیده تا روز آزاد شدنشان بسته بودیم. دولت و پلیس یونان و سازمان ملل و اتحادیه اروپا باید که به رفتارهای ضدانسانی و نقض حقوق بشر پایان ببخشند و باید که تسلیم اراده مردم مبنی بر اجرای عدالت و پایبندی به مفاد منشور حقوق بشر شوند. دوول و سازمانهایی که خود برآمده از اراده ی مردم هستند محکوم به تعظیم بر اراده و خواست مردم هستند و من باور دارم که ازادی و پیروزی از آن ما خواهد بود به زودی. #refugeesgr #refugee #mytilini #deport #hungerstrike #moria #prison #Police #freedom #Europe #unhcr
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