arandori ¡ 3 years
February Day 3 - Shine/Shadow
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Seeing Pyraelia shine wasn’t something that ever got old. It had been a while since she’d had an event to dress up for, Fiorenze knew, and Vixannya’s gallery opening — one that happened to coincide with her little sister’s birthday — seemed a good opportunity. Pyraelia loved art and, personal proclivities aside, didn’t seem to mind paintings of nude figures. Hedonismia seemed more her style than the last one had been.
It was nice to watch her dance with Aerden around the Opulence ballroom’s floor, his deep red suit jacket complimented the soft pink of her dress in a charmingly unplanned way. Every now and again the light would catch the gems in the bracelet he’d gifted her as they whirled around and she couldn’t help but smile a little as her eyes followed them both, proud. Fiorenze wasn’t sure she would’ve been able to keep her composure and glow like that under the same circumstances.
He’d brought another woman as his date, after all.
Arandori, specifically.
She hadn’t been able to keep herself from throwing the other woman a few sharp looks, even though Pyraelia had been clear she wasn’t to meddle in any of it. It was hard not to. In all their years growing up together her little sister hadn’t ever really wanted anyone, and wasn’t it her duty as the eldest to make sure she prospered? She certainly thought so, but Pyra, as always, had a mind of her own.
Fiorenze’s mood certainly hadn’t been helped by the shadow that had loomed over the event for a week or so, and while the night was meant to be a celebration, the bitterness of it had settled in. Vixannya had invited the Red Moon to host at the infamous after party, and with that kind of money on the line Fio knew Xylaes wouldn’t be able to turn down the offer. She could’ve hired him out for equal to what he’d be paid, but that felt dirty in its own way. Whether or not Ms. Ana’diel knew it, it was a slight that Fiorenze was going to remember for a long time.
The decent enough compromise that she and Xylaes had settled on after a tense enough conversation had kept him on her arm through the gallery opening at least — something she had enjoyed immensely — with the promise of a later getaway for just the two of them in the days following the whole thing.
But, in the moment, it still stung much more than she had anticipated.
It was an odd experience, she mused, to be jealous of someone who was so clearly not, but Pyraelia had always been the best of them all — and at the very least, one of them had a wonderful time.
@daily-writing-challenge / @pyraelia / @vixannya / @aerdendios / @arandori / @xylaes
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arandori ¡ 3 years
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February Daily Writing Challenge 2022 Day 1 - Regret
Aerden stood at the back of the room with arms folded protectively across his chest, and face definitely some shade of bright red. At least the majority of the gallery was a little dim, with brighter lights only emphasizing all the portraits hanging on the walls: Portraits of people from all backgrounds and races, depicting what ‘hedonism’ means to them. While many may have assumed the term to have a sexual connotation, the paintings themselves featured a variety of personal pleasures anywhere from food to riches, and hobbies to, of course, sex.
His immediate reaction to seeing his own bare ass up on the wall was regret. This was WAY out of his comfort zone, but he was the one that agreed to it after Vixannya asked him. It could have been a lot more risque like many of the others, but even this was pushing it for him: Completely nude and laying face down atop his surfboard surrounded by tropical waters, fingers trailing through the calm sea with head turned to one side so anyone could easily tell who it was. The painting itself was vibrant and well done, Annya was a master at her craft and could make anyone look amazing. He had nothing to be ashamed of, but self-confidence was something with which he always struggled.
For now, he stood in the back and watched others while his date, Arandori, schmoozed and did her own thing. Uncertain of why he felt the need to witness reactions first hand, maybe he felt the peculiar desire to watch others corroborating what he already knew about himself: He had no business of being up there on her gallery wall. However, that wasn’t the reaction at all that it was receiving out of anyone. People were admiring it, commenting on the dazzling colors, the realistic sparkle of the sea, and, shockingly, on him. On his body, and on how peaceful and handsome he looked. Occasionally they would even recognize him and tell him what a gorgeous piece it was. Sometimes he wasn’t sure if they were referring to the painting itself, or to something else. He just smiled politely and thanked them.
This reaction was not what he anticipated at all and he could feel his face grow even warmer with the unexpected, and occasional lascivious comments. The people close to him often told him he was attractive; he would smile and nod, but thought they were just being nice. After a lifetime of getting bullied for being small and awkward, and looking much, much younger than he actually was, he had a difficult time accepting the fact that he had grown up and into his body.
At one point during his observations, Vixannya had slipped in next to him and whispered that his painting had already sold, but wouldn’t say to whom. That was another thing he had agreed upon, and now his naked ass would be hanging up in some stranger’s home. Weird. Maybe a little creepy? This was probably normal for the upper class and nobility though, right?
Eventually, he wandered away from the room that displayed his portrait with a little grin on his lips. Maybe there was no need for that regret after all.
@daily-writing-challenge @vixannya @arandori​
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arandori ¡ 3 years
Sinful and Sweet Sunday - "Not naming yourself, who is the most sinful person you know and why? Who is the sweetest and why?"
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"NOT Naming myself. How difficult. I am both the most sinful and sweetest person that I know. Most sinful -- I lean toward Arandori. She's got a wild streak to her that's always delightful to hear about and occasionally bail out.
Sweetest.... Probably Keranna, my head of household. She's been by my side since I was a little girl and would do -- has done -- anything asked of her. She loves me very much and has been more a mother to me than my own ever was."
( Thanks anon! @arandori )
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arandori ¡ 3 years
1. what makes them happy? 2. who makes them happy? 3. are there any songs that bring them joy? 4. are they happy often? 5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
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1. what makes them happy?
Quite a few things, really: Attention, her gardens, gifts, devotion, good tea, great orgasms -- she's a hedonist at heart. Adore her, and she will be thrilled.
2. who makes them happy?
There's only a couple people who make her truly happy outside of the more brief, passing thrills -- Pyraelia, Xylaes, and Arandori.
3. are there any songs that bring them joy?
Anything she plays duet on with Pyraelia! They grew up doing recitals and practicing together, Pyra on the piano and Fiorenze on the cello.
4. are they happy often?
Not as much as people might expect -- she keeps a strong façade up. All is bliss in the estate of House Tel'vaiel!
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
Thanks @kharrisdawndancer! @xylaes & @arandori mentioned.
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arandori ¡ 3 years
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October 8 Day 20: Master/Jealousy
“I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish with this interrogation, Fiorenze,” Pyraelia eyed her sister warily.
Fiorenze signed dramatically; Interrogation, what a word. “I merely wanted to make sure there was no bad blood — Arandori’s a friend of mine and I know you and Aerden are—”
“Friends? We’re friends, Fio. Arandori and Annya are also his friends. Is the Court gossip really so dry right now that you’re here trying to hassle me for some that doesn’t exist? Light above,” she shook her head and focused back on her knitting.
“Sometimes it’s healthy to have a little jealousy, darling!”
Pyraelia wrinkled her nose, “Ugh, no it isn’t. I think I’d rather stay happy and unbothered instead, thank you very much.”
@daily-writing-challenge / @aerdendios / @arandori / @vixannya
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arandori ¡ 3 years
Day 22 - Court @daily-writing-challenge​
*Adapted from RP with @aerdendios​ for his Day 22 as well!*
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“So I guess Fio thought that Dori and I were…courting? I wasn’t there for that conversation, but Dori messaged me and asked if I was trying to court her.” Aerden threw a hand up in confusion before plopping it back down onto his lap.
“Courting!” Annya chuckled as she reached for her glass of wine. “Such an archaic term, courting. Are you ‘courting’ her, Aerden?”
“No! I’m not courting or dating anyone! Am I not allowed to invite someone somewhere without it being assumed that we’re dating?” He made a raspberry noise with his lips before reaching for his beer to drown the sound out with a gulp.
“Welcome to high society functions, darling. Assuming and spreading gossip is what we all do best.” She set laced fingers beneath her chin and batted her eyelashes. So guilty of this herself.
He grumbled to himself, slouching back into his chair. “She’s just trying to protect her sister cause she likes me. I like her too, but…y’know.” He shrugged, “I’m not ready, I don’t wanna be in another relationship yet. …She probably saw us, in that third room.” He wrinkled up his nose, they were being discreet - so he thought.
Annya nodded in understanding, reaching over to pat his arm, “You and I have always been honest with each other, and I can only assume you’re the same way with whomever else you give your time to. There’s nothing wrong with having a few friends that you can also have a little extra fun with. Don’t let Fio make you feel bad about that, you’ve done nothing wrong.”
Aerden adjusted his posture with a slight wince, oof. Of course she was right, but it was difficult for him to think that way. He was still relatively new to dating and relationships in general, and had a lot to learn. Honesty was the best policy, that was one lesson he had learned the hard way, and largely not from his own mistakes. Honesty could have saved him a lot of heartache and anger. He knew how it felt to be lied to and led on, he wasn’t going to do that to anyone else. “I know. I just don’t want to make anyone feel used, and I know that’s not the case for you or Dori, but Pyra…” He shakes his head, “She’s a great friend, and that’s all I can give right now.”
“You’ve told her this before though, yes? Why are you second guessing yourself?” A single brow ticked upwards as her eyes drifted down to his left side. He had been wincing an awful lot since his return, but it wasn’t her place to ask.
“I dunno. I guess that conversation with Dori caught me off guard. Sounded like Fio was angry at her for it. Maybe at me too.”
“Don’t worry about it, hun. She was just grouchy because her date won the ho of the night award at the after party.”
@arandori @fio-renze @pyraelia​
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arandori ¡ 3 years
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Daily Writing Challenge 2021 Day 14 - Hollow
Warnings: Some suggestive/sexual content
Aerden and Vixannya had first bonded over their mutual love of comic books. She had approached him a long time ago in Silvermoon City after noticing he had been reading the newest issue of Captain Azeroth. From there, the two formed a friendship many found peculiar. They didn’t exactly have much in common aside from the comic books, but that probably turned into their greatest strength while together. He made her feel youthful and want to be the best version of herself, and she pushed his boundaries and opened him up to new experiences.
This was his first time getting invited to not only her exhibition’s grand opening, but also to one of her infamous after parties. He was nervous at first, he had to admit, after hearing all the stories from her past showings and parties. Bringing someone with him that could help coax him away from the wall seemed like the best bet, so he invited Arandori. It was a mutually beneficial decision, she could schmooze with Annya and others, and perhaps get some top tier business for the Red Moon.
Annya had thankfully hooked him up with a designer friend of hers, allowing the woman free rein on what he would wear since his usual preferences revolved around jeans and t-shirts.  He cleaned up well in his black and silver patterned three-piece suit. It wasn’t some flashy ensemble that would make him stand out, but rather blend in which is what he preferred.
Despite the subject matter, even Aerden had to admit that the exhibition was gorgeous; her use of bright colors splashed against the greyscale was eye-catching. At some point during their exploration, Dori had broken away to chat with Fiorenze and Xylaes while Aerden continued to wander. He stopped near the large centerpiece of the series, staring blankly at the scene from the Maw. It was jarring to see such a familiar sight, knowing that Annya herself had never traveled there. It was almost a little too familiar. The interruption from Tinnaire was welcomed, shaking away that hollow stare for some simple conversation instead. That was better than getting too far into his head.
Sana was there too with Caythaes, the latter of whom he had shared some nice conversation with after the previous Fancy Cakes. This was bound to happen between deployments, both Sana and he shared a lot of the same friends and acquaintances. He didn’t mind it, not anymore at least. Everything that had happened was put in the past where it belonged; it wasn’t healthy nor was it worth it to hold onto that much anger and resentment. So he smiled, gave a friendly wave, and continued on about his own business.
Arandori proved to be an excellent date. She did her mingling and rubbed some elbows, but for the most part didn’t leave him to his own devices for too long. Especially at the after party. Never had he seen so many decadent foods, types of alcohol, and drugs so freely taken out in the open. He eagerly helped himself to the first two, and a little bit of thistle to calm his nerves. At first he was hesitant about leaving the first two ‘safe’ rooms, he was having a good time drinking and dancing the night away. With a little bit of liquid courage and friendly urging, he eventually decided to go further in, just to see, if anything.
The third room he could handle, but the fourth with all the naked, writhing bodies was a fairly quick nope for him. That was too much and not his style, so they took a seat on one of the chaises in the third room near the outer edge to watch the performers. He slowly realized that others around him weren’t just watching; but at least their dirty deeds were slightly more subdued than those in the orgy room. He could feel his cheeks burning red upon that realization and Dori asked if he wanted to leave, but no. He had been drinking, feeling pretty damn great, and was trying to experience more things outside of his comfort zone. Sitting here just watching everything around him was certainly that. 
The unexpected brush of fingers against his inner thigh made him jolt up straight in his seat, causing his date’s hand to retreat. Again, no, this is why they sat here isn’t it? He took her hand and redirected it to where it had just been, sharing with her a half-mischievous, half-bashful grin. Hopefully no one was watching.
@daily-writing-challenge​ @arandori​ @vixannya​ @fio-renze​ @xylaes​ @twosidedsana​ @mekandawn​ @kharrisdawndancer
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arandori ¡ 3 years
DWC2021 Day 2 Wander/Blame
“No worries. See ya soon.”
Dori smiled uneasily as she put her comm down. She was never really privy to what Xylaes’ current situation was, but she knew enough to know it certainly wasn’t great right now. Not that she could blame him for his lack of sharing. Not everyone was an open book.
He’d never boarded at the Moon. Until now. She didn’t go to meet him. Instead, she had her floor manager prep a room and greet him.
That didn’t stop her from watching for him on the security system. At last, he wandered down the hall. She leaned in to glean whatever she could.
With a sigh, she leaned back in her chair. Nothing too out of sorts. She’d have to wait until he was ready to talk to her. Knowing him, that would be a good wait.
@daily-writing-challenge @xylaes
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arandori ¡ 4 years
SS: If she wasn’t only interested in Xy, would Fio have many lovers or would she still focus on only one person
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She’s only interested in Xy romantically. She does have other people she sleeps with, mostly as a function of her being an actual spy for the Triumvirate. She’s not unwilling to sleep with people outside of a “work” context either, Arandori was actually a frequent for-fun partner prior to Fio heading for the Shadowlands. 
Other bedmates don’t get to have her the same way she lets him have her. She doesn’t love them the same way she loves him. She’s very particular about that. 
Thanks @pastelcho! @xylaes & @arandori mentioned. 
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arandori ¡ 4 years
Once, when I was having sex on the beach, I wound up with a sunburn outline of the shape of the man's two hands on my waist.
“Ain’t that the worst!  Musta been a great ride, yeah?”
Thanks anon!  
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arandori ¡ 4 years
Put a secret in my ask box
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arandori ¡ 4 years
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arandori ¡ 4 years
Send in 🎭to find out which of The Four Temperaments my muse is
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Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
Thanks @belillinafireseeker
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arandori ¡ 4 years
Send in 🧠to see my muse’s Enneagram Result
Answered here!
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arandori ¡ 4 years
Send in 🧠to see my muse’s Enneagram Result 
Your main type is Type 9 Your variant stacking is sx/so/sp Your level of health is very high
Your main type is which ever behavior you utilize most and/or prefer. Your variant reflects your scoring profile on all nine types: so = social variant (compliant, friendly), sx = sexual variant (assertive, intense), sp = self-preservation variant (withdrawn, security seeking).
I don’t agree with withdrawn and security seeking. I even took this twice for her and got the same thing both times.  I thought maybe I was really tired after doing it three other times.  lol
Thanks @pastelcho & @saltsparkle
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arandori ¡ 4 years
Character Quiz Meme
Send in a symbol to find out what my muse’s results were and whether I think it’s accurate or not. Send in 🔮 to see my muse’s Meyer-Briggs Result Send in 🧠to see my muse’s Enneagram Result  Send in 🧙 to see my muse’s Hogwarts House Result  Send in ⭐to see my muse’s Homestuck ‘True Sign’ Send in 🎨to see what famous work of art my muse is. Send in 🎉to find out what role my muse plays in a friend group Send in ☯️to see my muse’s psychological archetype Send in 🎭to find out which of The Four Temperaments my muse is Send in 💟to find out what kind of ‘dere’ my muse is Send in ⚔️ to find out what my muse’s moral alignment is. Send in 😈 to find out which Disney Villain my muse is Send in 💖 to find out what my muse’s Love Language scores are
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arandori ¡ 4 years
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Invitation accepted…
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