Odile had unfortunately went to a party that ended up being quite horrible, it had been one of those few times she hadn’t even wanted to go but she had already given her word, so when she had enough of it, she politely said goodbye to the hosts and fled. She was a bit tired so she figured she would rest for a bit before heading home. She went in the first nice place she found and looked around. “Yes, this place is rather nice.” She said to no one in particular.
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         “Nice for what? A stop, a stay, a body stashing? It’s alright if you want to stop here for a short minute. I wouldn’t be so inclined to stay here, the foot traffic is a bit higher than one might assume. Stashing a body ... I mean there’s a nice spot behind that bench over there but ... you don’t have a body, do you? Aside from the one you’re using.” His foot dangled from the wall above, attention on the blonde. Aramis wore an amused grin, if nothing else, and the demeanor as if he were drunk ( which he was not ). This was how he got around asking the inevitable questions of why are you up there, why are you alone and everything that came with it. It was easier to explain that than the truth, at least. “Unless you’re a body-hopper. In which case I’d be worried for my person and intrigued all at once.”
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“All right, so I’m…not an expert on magic, mechanics, or the brain of my nephew, or…anything, really, but…I’m pretty sure whatever said five year old boy just did to you was completely unintentional, so I’d like to ah…well, do anything I can to make it up to ya.”
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         “It’s not a beak is it?” Eyes crossed to peer downward. Aramis couldn’t imagine that whatever a five year old child did would be too horrid. At the very least he could make a joke of it --- evident in the pursing of his lips as he attempted to peer at them. When he was sure ( and he was to start with ) that it wasn’t hexed to resemble that of a duck he eased. “Its fine. I’m sure whatever it was will pass. Thanks for the warning, though.”
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         “Never ... never dry-fire a weapon.” Irritation laced his voice. Aramis had to stop himself from snatching the pistol from the prospective buyers hands right there. They hadn’t even checked if it was loaded... Some people weren’t meant for weapons.
Every few weeks he’d rent the same space in Fateswallow and come in to sell his wares. Frequent trips to the human realm had him keeping updated stock or picking up untainted ammunition to sell at an inflated price here. When the door to the shop chimed he gently grabbed the pistol from his client and set it down. “No more touching. Stay there.” And to his new guest, “Welcome.”
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❤ for a ship aesthetic of our muses
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“—Spying, no. Waiting for you to come around…perhaps.” “What is it you want, Aramis?”
Make slow, get inside and pull on my seaGet inside and build your castle in me (x)
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A light giggle escaped her lips, as she listened to the strangers words. It was almost ironic using the word “liquid courage” since that was what Adelaide was currently using the bitter wine that swirled in her glass for. She looked down at it seeing her reflection. An elegant white mask with gold filigree dancing across the mask that covered the top half of her face exposing her soft pink lips stared back at her. She turned to look at the stranger. “Interesting deduction. What are you hiding from that requires a drink as strong as yours?” She asked with curiosity. He didn’t seem the type, which is why she was interested in his response. 
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          “I don’t need alcohol to hide. That’s a natural talent of mine. I’m afraid that I drink for the simple joy of it, now. Though if I were inclined to dip into one of those private rooms you can rest assured that I wouldn’t be abashed for that. There’s no sense in being meek about that sort of thing, not anymore.” Aramis snorted at the thought. He, the charmer, needing alcohol to woo a woman --- perhaps in an alternate universe. Even as a youth he seemed to have silky smooth charisma. A natural talent, surely. “But there are so many others here that require something even stronger still just to put themselves out there. Who am I to judge?”
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Adelaide decided to push her boundaries that evening. After discussing with the mysterious blonde earlier, she felt the need to break out of her royal bubble. It was causing her to be arrogant and single minded like her parents, which was the last thing she could ever want. She walked over to where the bar tender was located and asked for another glass of red wine. This was to be her first second drink at any event she had ever attended. She could feel the rush of excitement. As she took the glass she heard a gentleman beside her make a comment about the drinks. Taking a sip she reveled the flavors that layered themselves in her mouth. She smiled softly, “I couldn’t agree more. They are usually a bit more dull in their selections.” She said aloud.
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         1500 years had passed since Aramis broke away from the Carstairs family. In so much time it made sense that he grew and changed, as if he had been many different people over the course of his lifetime. The man who slipped his Flush mask upward to shoot back the entire glass of whiskey now was one who gave off an air of childishness at times, but had all the wizened centuries behind the facade of his flesh. Only his hard blue eyes ever told the truth: he was often bored, and no amount of liquor could cure that ill. While he had never been a weak, or meek boy ... he was certainly a man now, and the world of difference spoke volumes. At his new company he turned one clear eye ( the mask had meshing over the other, and through a pattern he could see her ), and nodded. “I believe it requires certain inhibition for those to use the back rooms after hours. Many will be tempted to regardless, but liquid courage never hurt.”
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         Usually the events, the balls and anything that didn’t have to do with the Lunar New Year were skipped by Aramis for the sake of it being boring. If it weren’t for the option to wear masks, to conceal his face, he would have skipped this one as well. Sure, it was annoying to inhale warm air, and he kept having to pull the mask up a bit to shoot back his drinks, but those who needed to know who he was did ... and the rest was a mystery. So Aramis could enjoy himself, wide grin covered by the Flush, full mask. “I have to say, they outdid themselves with the drinks ...” 
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Masquerade Event
Mask theme: Flush
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Kai’s silver eyes trailed the fae’s measured movements, her gaze dipped to his lips as he came close enough. She felt her heart racing though she had no idea why it would. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t done this before. Perhaps it was, as she suddenly realised, that he was seducing her as much as she was him. Just as she was about to turn her face to his, to close the gap between them, he spoke. And not what she had expected to hear. Colette. Clearly he had misunderstood her advances. Like being splashed with sobering cold water, Kai breathed out “What?” With the thrill of the moment gone Kai had no choice but to pull back. Except that she did have a choice and that was to shut him up. But she was also curious. “I didn’t. What did our Queen have to say to Foxglove?”
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         If magic could be seen in palpable, visible dust it would have been swirling around them. Would have been. His own density was that of a black hole, apparently. For all of his years and the charm he had accrued it seemed that he was still capable of missing cues. When the magic of the moment snapped back to reality, when the current of her tone shifted he felt himself blinking away the stardust that had been in his eyes. Kai was a formidable foe, enough that the lingering hint of the direction their conversation could have gone was caught at the corner of his lips in the smallest of grins. “Nothing that we haven’t all been thinking, or have said to one-another already. Her youthful denial of our particular ... stance in the Court is ever-infuriating. Like it’s a game.”
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A playful smile bloomed.“Darling, I think you were far too drunk to remember.” Flashes of memory flickered in the back of her mind as though they were some distant past. She smirked to herself as she walked to him, near enough she could inhale his scent. “However, you did enjoy my singing.” She could almost hear herself humming the very song that had lulled him in his intoxicated state. Kai had only ever hurt one of their own once but that was a thought she put to rest almost immediately. And since he didn’t want to talk about whatever it was on his mind, she offered “Would you care for a reminder then, Wolf’s Bane?” She was sure that now he would at least be prepared for a siren’s song. 
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         “I might have to lay off the drink for a while.” Eyes were fixated on her person, narrowing in the slightest but not out of suspicion. Somewhere in the back of his mind Aramis was aware that Kai played games, but at present he was more attuned to their position. Where she was close enough to inhale the scent of him he did so, leaning down to shift his nose just close enough to the line of her jaw, careful not to touch. He’d never been one for the sea, but the spray of it was an echo between them and it calmed him, somehow. It was a shame she had to press on the topic of his visit --- it was nothing to serve for the mood. “Colette.” His voice was a snap, one that didn’t suit the moment, heavy with irritation. “Did you run into her at the festival at all? Our Queen did.”
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She coughed and spluttered. Two thousand? “All right, confession time, I’m actually barely into my twenties and just wanted to see if you’d believe me So you’re going to have to excuse my ignorance. But. So. Ehm. Small, question – are you really two thousand years old? As in, almost as old as the New Testament old?”
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         “And what a charming little liar you are.” Aramis offered another of his chuckles at the reaction garnered from the girl. Arms crossed over his chest, behind him the base of his wings gave the slightest of twitches, and he nodded. “One thousand, eight hundred and twenty. Give or take a year, I lost track in my eight hundreds. It was a strange time. I think that’s accurate. There are fae older but they usually lie to make themselves younger. They get skittish.”
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Polly pursed her lips. Right. Flying was a thing. She had come up here just for that. “If that’s the case, then it seems just about as glamorous as falling into a pig pen.”
She paused, not sure how to counter that. “You know – that sounded a lot better in my head. Also, I’m actually four hundred and ninety three this July. Not sure why people keep calling me young lady, honestly.” That was a flat-out lie, and she knew it, but she wanted to see if there was a way she could convince someone else she was important.
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         “Which was the original point, really. And also why I preferred my perch up here.” Aramis laughed softly, a hearty little sound that stayed trapped within his rib cage. It made his chest rise and fall rapidly.
“I mean no offense by it, but most people are children in comparison to myself. I’m nearly two-thousand. But happy upcoming birthday.” It had a lot to do with experiencing the world, he thought. It was always comical to meet Fae that were barely close to one-hundred that believed they had seen the world. They were usually those with the loudest mouths, but in the end they knew so little. He could think of one off the top of his head, but it would make his expression sour. Aramis preferred the light-hearted moment to that.
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