PREVIOUSLY TOMMYISTHEMAINPROTAGOFTHESMP I've now ventured into different smps Pls help wait also got into the slimecicle cinematic universe idk if it counts as an smp I've gotten into different minecraft universes inbox is open if you need to ask something
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Cleo and Martyn meet up for the first time on Misadventures SMP! Feat: Special Guest Pearl
Martyn: --down we go. Nice. (a ding from him leaving his house, and then the sound of his cubito being punched) Cleo: Boo! Martyn: You're not that scary! (Cleo begins laughing) I wasn't--terrified at all! I promise, no I wasn't, shut up! (Cleo laughs harder) You're stupid. Cleo: I am, I am stupid. Martyn: Look, come in here. Come in there. (Cleo walks in his door) Right, now you're trapped forever. (laughs) Now whose silly. (he goes back into his home, to let Cleo out) Cleo: I mean, it's always you, but--(through laughter) it's a valid question. Martyn: (laughing) True. That is very true, yeah. Come on in--in fact, let me, let me give me permission here, so you can open doors and whatnot. Uhh-- Cleo: Thank you! Ooh. Martyn: Bam! Welcome to the Rosecourt Villa. Cleo: This is the prettiest house I've seen so far. Martyn: Thank you very much, I-I worked really hard on this. Cleo: It's very nice, I'm-I'm impressed. Martyn: When I first--I went on a one week crash course before this SMP, like, trying to learn how to do interior decor and exterior, um...and this has been my efforts so far. Cleo: That's really c--I like it, I like it a lot. That's really impressive. Martyn: When I-when I first got this room, it was literally just--white walls, corner--y'know, pillars--and then these trapdoors. Uhm. But everything else here is me. Even the roof as well--the roof actually did go all the way up to the, um--y'know, hollow, it was just air, going up to the-to the gray wool? Cleo: Oh, sweet-- Martyn: So I put this-- Cleo: And this is storage-- Martyn: This roof made it, like, a lot more cozy, downstairs, so. I was very proud of it. Cleo: You did really well, I'm really impressed. Martyn: (smiling, looking pleased with himself) Yeeee. Cleo: It does look great! Martyn: There we are. How we getting on so far? Cleo: Uh, I...have just hit level two. Martyn: Noice. Cleo: I--I-I killed a bunch of slimes-- Martyn: Oh, you've done the dungeon-- Cleo: --and I found two levers--Yeah. Martyn: Ooh, which lever did you find? Or levers, even. Cleo: I found,, I can't remember--I found the lever when you first come in, the first lever--(the sound of a fishing rod reeling something) And the on--(Cleo gets partially dragged out of Martyn's house) Martyn: Who's that? Is someone yoinking you? (looks outside, sees Pearl and begins laughing, Pearl laughing as well) Pearl: (to Cleo) I'm stealing you! (Pearl laughs) Cleo: You don't need to steal me Pearl, I'll come with you willingly! Martyn: Oh, look at you, top to toe in diamonds. Pearl: Yeah--
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Lets gooo squiddo art part idk
The the the jwojrks3kekm
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Tr!Ros' purple bird (Timmy) died from eating raisin cookies.............
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I've seen a lot of people say that when Clown gets back on the server he will make Ros worse and I think that is true! But not because he's going to manipulate her, but because the only thing keeping Ros from being a menace is a lack of confidence and knowledge.
There have been so many times where she has planned to do something murderous or mischievous but backed out of it because she got nervous. Clown has repeatedly been a very reassuring presence to Ros and generally goes along with whatever she wants to do. I don't think he has ever pressured her into doing anything, only supported her in doing it. When she wanted to kill Badboyhalo he provided her OP gear and walked her through exactly how to do it but also told her she could back out if she wanted to when she was hesitating. Ros did feel like she was letting Clown down and feels a pressure to prove herself to him but I don't think that's ever been reinforced by Clown.
Ros expresses a desire for violence even when Clown isn't around, she just has a lot of self doubt and talks herself out of it. Ros also cares a lot about what others think of her. She worries that violence brings her 'goodness' into question but I feel that has become less of an obstacle as of late. People have been very cruel to her and I think she's more willing to snap back now.
TLDR: Clown didn't plant any seeds of murder or anything in Ros, she's always had them. I don't think he's manipulating her or corrupting her, he is simply providing support and reassurance. The support and reassurance are coincidentally for murder so she will in fact be getting worse but by her own desire.
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found the changelog…

boy… they got your ass (probably cut off how he got smithing too, given this patch went through on the 16th and that’s the date of his last stream, where he said he was NG2 Lv 100 💀)

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you all dont know tragic yaoi like i do.
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Pangi reassuring Pili that Clown won’t be online because he has a girlfriend. Code word for saying ‘he has a life’
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