Ara Gates's Blog
545 posts
I am Ara Gates,I love my family and friends I like reading books i like cooking and i also like going out with friends.PinterestMy Site
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
We love sending our families we work with to see Dr. Rob and to hear their success stories!
We love sending our families we work with to see Dr. Rob and to hear their success stories!
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Dr. Rob is always so happy when families call to report how well their baby slept after an adjustment, or how their child��s ears are draining efficiently. Chiropractic care is not just for pain relief! Chiropractic care is for the quality of life for young and old alike! #pensacolachiropractor #drrobfamilychiropractic #familychiropractic #welladjusted #PensacolaChiropractor (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
Wishing you a safe and happy Halloween weekend!
Wishing you a safe and happy Halloween weekend!
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
Fascinating I will never tire of reading this or soaking in the information of how amazing our bodies are! Holly
Fascinating… I will never tire of reading this or soaking in the information of how amazing our bodies are! ❤️Holly
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“When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠ For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too. Even if a pregnancy doesn't go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream. Research has shown that if a mother's heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart. The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby. How cool is that? This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant. It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back - so that the baby can develop safely and survive. Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave? Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?” If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there….Well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them. I find this to be so very beautiful. (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
When you know more you can make an informed choice for yourself and your family. We support all choices but want you to be awa...
When you know more you can make an informed choice for yourself and your family. We support all choices but want you to be aware that you do have a choice and why some families choose no eye ointment.
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Do you know why eye ointment (Erythromycin) is given at birth? It is offered because there were babies being born with ophthalmia neonatorum, which is a strain of pink eye caused by ghonnorea and chlamydia. ⁣ Pink eye.... we’re pre-treating every single baby for pink eye. ⁣ If mom doesn't have either of those, the ointment is basically pointless and nonbeneficial with potential of dangerous side effects... ⁣ Most expecting mothers are tested at their first prenatal appointment for either of the aforementioned STDs. ⁣ Did you know they also give it to C-Section babies that NEVER come in contact with their mother’s potential STD? ⁣ ? Risks of erythromycin: eye irritation, CLOGGED TEAR DUCTS, prevents oxygen from getting to baby's eyes, JAUNDICE, chemical conjunctivitis (pink eye), blurred vision that may interfere with bonding (super important in the first moments/hours), contributes to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, has a 20% failure rate, possibility of allergic reaction. ⁣ ? Risks of refusing erythromycin: should mother have an undetected STD then baby has possibility of developing TREATABLE pink eye. ⁣ Giving the ointment routinely contributes to over-prescription of antibiotics. This "just in case" medical routine is a reason why we have so many strains of resistant bacteria. ⁣ Many new moms have been told at the hospital that their child could go blind if they didn’t give their new baby the ointment. #newborn #erythromycin #eyegoop #newborncare #pregnancy #knowledgeispower #knowmoredobetter (This was a credit to someone. A doula I believe. I did a pre post and it looks like it didn’t save. If you know where you saw it let me know so I can give credit ❤️) @blessings birth and beyond LLC (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
So if any of you want to have a dauphin assisted birth please also include Birthing Tree that would make our year!
So if any of you want to have a dauphin assisted birth please also include Birthing Tree that would make our year!
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from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
We love our families who finally get their someday baby!
We love our families who finally get their someday baby!
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Dear someday baby, We have been fighting so long and hard for you. If I’m being completely honest, we are tired, my love. We are tired of the same heartbreak that comes every month that you aren’t here with us. But as long as there is the slightest bit of hope, we won’t give up. We know you are worth every second of this journey. We can not wait for you to say hello with those two pink lines one day. We can not wait for that first ultrasound of your precious heartbeat that’ll most certainly make us cry the second we hear it. We can not wait to give you all the love we’ve been saving up. So when you finally decide it’s your time to arrive, we’ll be ready with arms wide open. Love, your someday mama ? - Photo credit: Our Heart Journey (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
Photos from Birthing Tree LLC's post
Each of these mother’s were a heroine in their own birth story! Congratulations to you both! October is a busy month at Birthing Tree and as usual we are so delighted to serve your families! Caitlin has a sweet baby on the way now! Come on baby!! (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
We support safe co-sleeping! It can lead to more restful sleep for mom and baby!
We support safe co-sleeping! It can lead to more restful sleep for mom and baby!
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from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
Photos from Wise Women Health Care LLC's post
Happy National Midwifery week! Thank you to our current midwives in our area! Margo Dandreano, Kizzie, Kerry Jo Pham, Tina Babinski, Colleen Tullis you ladies are rock stars! Thank you Vicki Taylor-Breheim who served so selflessly so many years! You are loved! A big shout out to The Farm Midwifery Center for the fabulous classes you hold and the power your influence has had over the years! Meeting each of you was a delight! (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 3 years ago
Its October! We hope it brings cooler days and crisp nights! October is Hollys birth month and as usual she is extending her...
It’s October! We hope it brings cooler days and crisp nights! October is Holly’s birth month and as usual she is extending her Birthday Month sale again this year! 10% off placenta services booked in the month of October!
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from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
Dr. Rob has been seeing so many of our moms and babies. This is helpful info and all the more reason to get babe adjusted after ...
Dr. Rob has been seeing so many of our moms and babies. This is helpful info and all the more reason to get babe adjusted after birth! Thank you Dr. Rob for being wonderful with our clients and creating excellent birth outcomes for mom and baby!
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Most people are surprised to find out that the first stress placed on a child’s neck and back is during the birthing process. An estimated 60-90 lbs. of force is used on an infant’s neck during a "normal" delivery. ~Tim Decanio DC DACNB (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
A post from Birthing Tree LLC
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
La Leche League International
LaLeche League has proven thru it’s 65 years that it provides quality information to lactating mothers. Here is an article on breastfeeding through Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses. 110 Horizon Drive, Suite 210 Raleigh, NC 27615, USA Administrative Office: +1-919-459-2167 | +1-800-LALECHE (525-3243) Fax: +1-919-459-2075 | Email: [email protected] (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
When you have to step into discipline mom mode Know that even baby otters give side eye! Hang in there mama youre doing an ...
When you have to step into discipline mom mode… Know that even baby otters give side eye! Hang in there mama you’re doing an amazing job!!!
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from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
Because of the stagnant air in the local mom community we wanted to come to you and say this! Someone is always going to wa...
?Because of the stagnant air in the local mom community we wanted to come to you and say this! ❤️Someone is always going to want to pretend they mom better than you, that they feed their family all organic, that they only breastfed and only attachment parent. They this and that and that’s superior to you but guess what MOMS…. ?We are here to tell you that if you are doing what is BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY! You are Mommin’ the right way! ❤️Shaming mothers in any light is shameful in and of itself! ?With so much going on in the world if your focus is being hateful to others in any light that’s a direct reflection of what’s ugly and needs light in your life! ❤️Lift a mom up today! ?Tag a mom and tell her what a badass job she’s doing at raising our future generation!
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
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just a quick reminder today, at 38+6, my ob office decided to talk about scheduling an induction for no reason other than they “won’t let” me go past 41 weeks. they won’t LET me y’all. which is bullshit. my body, my baby, my choice. if we are healthy, i am not inducing. my family has a long history of postdate babies. we’re a bunch of slow cooking crockpots. i’ll open to a discussion about it if something comes up or we’re at 42 weeks, but i am not LETTING THEM even entertain that idea until then. that is all. back to hibernating ✨? (Feed generated with FetchRSS) from
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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aragatesfl · 4 years ago
Happy world breastfeeding week!! Rock on all you breastfeeding mamas!
Happy world breastfeeding week!! Rock on all you breastfeeding mamas!
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from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog
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