Babes and bikes
125 posts
♒ soul of the 1950s vwhen men vwere men, cars had curvwes and vwomen did too. not safe for vwork. [[Independent RP-blog for Cronus Ampora M!A: -]]
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re8ellious started following you
hello handsome.
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Seahorses | Hippocampus 
(by Calim*)
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Hasselblad 500 c/m | Ilford XP2
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you knowv vwhat ill just go make a nest out of my awvesome human bed.
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nothing makes me more sad than bad tattoos.
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shit does anyone havwe a porrim because i really vwould wvant to ask her a thing but idk vwhere mine is or vwhat her newv trollian is.
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Name:  Gender:   Height: Orientation: Age: Eye Color:  Hair Color:  Smoking?:  Drinking?:  Drugs?:  Job:  Favorite Color:  Favorite Band:  Siblings:  Tattoos?: Favorite Book?:  Perfect Date:  Hobbies: Why should I pick you?: Why do you even want to date me?:
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ok but showver.
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i take evwerything back it vwas all in fact an intentional trip of self discovwery.
i think the problem is it got bigger because i vwas lost. because i kept thinking like a sensible person and not just dreaming myself a route back but rather trying vwell tested things like followving vwater.
vwhich, should it need to be said, is an awvful idea vwhen the vwater doesnt actually lead anyvwhere.
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wingedhope started following you
sorry for the late vwelcome i vwas hugging trees.
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wow u should all follow my alphabet soups advice
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okay so to clear things up should probably be mentioned it all started vwhen i jokingly decided to take cute tumblr hipster girl forest pictures.
actually that probably doesnt clear things up at all.
but yeah point is im awvful vwith trees and shit.
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i think the problem is it got bigger because i vwas lost. because i kept thinking like a sensible person and not just dreaming myself a route back but rather trying vwell tested things like followving vwater.
vwhich, should it need to be said, is an awvful idea vwhen the vwater doesnt actually lead anyvwhere.
i cant fucking believwe i got lost in my owvn dreambubble.
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i cant fucking believwe i got lost in my owvn dreambubble.
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vwell chief, vwhat can i say.
id offer you a smoke to help you relax but im almost out and i still havwent figured out how to send physical items through the internet.
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LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THIS NEAT THING OKAY? Just to preface this, I don’t know if anyone else has posted this, so if you have, I’m sorry! I’m posting for anybody with any anxiety, stress, want to cool down from a rough day, or just need background noise to function! This is a really neat site because you have more than one noise to choose from to listen to. If rain isn’t really your thing, they have crackling fire and breaking waves, and it’s just really relaxing. And you know what’s the coolest part about each noise? You can change the levels. You can slide and switch levels around to have the perfect amount of thunder, or light rain, or crackles in your fire, or foamy sea goodness! Each noise (to my knowledge) has 10 sliders for different sounds within said noise, so you can mix and listen for as long as you need! And if you don’t feel like mixing it yourself, there’s a neat button called “Animate” which allows the noise to evolve and change itself, so it gives it a little flavor. It even has some that are specifically catering to mental health and sound therapy. But really, I encourage everyone to at least try it out, it’s just super neat and it calms me down and serves as a nice low noise in the background if I need it for sleep or working on homework.
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Elvis Presley
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