aquarium-sys · 8 days
our brain when something stressful happens
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
as a system of colour, I just want to set stuff straight about alter race.
alters can have different skin colours to the body, but that does not make them a different race than the body. skin colour is just part of someone's appearance while race has multiple factors to it such as culture.
being a poc is an experience that only someone who is bodily a poc will understand, hence why "alter race" is just impossible.
it's like how an adult alter in a minor bodied system will not have the same mentality as an actual adult since the brain only has the experience of a minor to base that alter off of.
also I know that I've been focusing on poc, but this applies to any race
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
Telling people you’re a system: terrifying
Being called your own name in a conversation with someone who knows you’re a system: pretty nice actually
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
What is Octocon?
The Octocon app is made for DID/OSDD systems to document their alters' information, the system's overall fronting history and also to journal everyday life. You can tie it to their Discord bot with the same name, which is very useful for adding singular alter profiles all tied to one discord account and to add additional information or use other features through commands. I'll focus this review more on the application itself than the Discord bot, since it's what I've been using more in these past few days.
✅️ PROs
The app is a good alternative to Simply Plural, since it's made specifically for DID/OSDD. Though the developer's stance on the validity of people who claim to be under the endogenic umbrella is overall neutral, the app is made for people with traumagenic disorders ;
The app has some useful accessibility features such as the option to activate a dyslexic-friendly text and adjusting the font size ;
The app has an impressive security system with the option to insert a PIN to unlock the app, an option to quick exit the app and a "stealth mode" which upon entering masks the app as a normal and interactable news page ;
You can send friend requests to other systems. Regarding privacy, four levels of security can be set on information fields or general alter visibility (public, friends only, trusted only, private) ;
The app has custom features and a clean design which is slightly customizable too ;
It has linked slightly more reliable resources than Simply Plural ;
❌️ CONs
The app is still in its infancy, so there are not many features yet. The developer is open to suggestions though ;
As of right now, the app is only available on Android and not on IOS ;
If not tied with the Discord bot, many features are a bit difficult or downright impossible to use such as importing alters from Simply Plural to the app ;
Features: 8/10. Key features are present and are customizable, I liked the focus on the user's privacy. The developer needs to add more though.
Design: 7/10. Clean, intuitive and user-friendly, a bit plain.
App support: 9/10. Staff in their discord server is kind and informed, plus very fast to reply. Though joining the server seems to be the only way to contact someone for help directly.
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
Do things for your system offline.
Being a system affects life more than just online. (contrary to endo beliefs) While having some amazing resources online to help organize and track things, there are a million reasons to have your physical life have resources set up as well.
you'll never know if an alter might not even know what a phone is yet, and gods forbid if for some reason a new alter is alone without help. Trust me, we had a new alter try to just up and leave our fiance on a vacation. We have also had alters who definitely needed a picture guide on how to use the system discord lol.
Here are some ideas we do to help ensure our system is safe, but also helps alters feel more grounded and present with themselves!
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Fronting Kandii bracelets, it can really help when you can't use your phone for switches, but also good for systems with significant barriers between alters and memory, so you can see who was here last!
a physical notebook labeled in bold for "if confused/lost read this" and inside keep important information; (what is a system, what the body name is, what your job is, and how to open and use a phone just in case, and also what to do to contact a gatekeeper or what to do if they can't, such as how to call out of work or avoid the family/friends asking what's wrong.)
another notebook might be helpful for alters to have fun decorating an 'about page' but also having your system journal individually as alters is REALLY IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN CASE YOU WANT TO TALK TO A DOCTOR ABOUT GETTING DIAGNOSED. It can really help the doctor see a track of things. We started our first journal in 2017, even outside of doctors, it's good for a physical medium for alters to express in.
these next ones are focused on alters having their own space and grounding in the real world!
having a small box or basket or something like that to keep their favorite or 'personal' items. our system likes having our own individual space and items, and for us it helps not only keep the peace, but also help us ground when we have our own things like clothes, comforts, snacks on hand, personal notebooks, etc.
remember kids, if your system is affecting you irl, when no one is looking then you are not faking! no sys doubting here pookies <3
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
(asking if someone is plural) are they...you know....playing on multiplayer???
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
being immortal and having DID must be crazy. yeah our boy Carlos hasn't fronted in 300 years and just woke up to the sound of Uptown Funk and started screaming
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
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☆  plural shiny buttons !
self indulgent, made them myself credit 4 putting on resource rentrys / blogs / etc f2u, feel free to resize / recolour!
this took me so long to make y'all.. i hope you like them tho!
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aquarium-sys · 9 days
our brain when something stressful happens
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aquarium-sys · 12 days
Saying "get out of my head" when another alter cofronts will continue being the funniest shit ever to happen to DID.
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aquarium-sys · 14 days
Lets create a house where yelling means we’re having fun. When you hear a door slam you know it was accidentally pulled with too much strength, not slammed out of anger. When there is silence, it is Contentment, not another passive aggressive fight. The dog is no longer barking to protect, he simply just wants the cats to play with him. Let’s create a safe, warm environment that makes you feel like you can breathe, not hold your breath. Let’s stomp on the eggshells we use to tip toe on. Together we will make this house into a home. And welcome all with open arms into this kind and loving space.
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aquarium-sys · 16 days
He just like me frfr -🦠
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aquarium-sys · 16 days
why haven’t I seen anyone posting about that giant fucking baby penguin in Melbourne that’s bigger than some of the adults already
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aquarium-sys · 25 days
He just like me frfr
In all seriousness I love the amount of anglerfish themes in this game plus the random lobbies I join are really nice :)))
I love the fish game
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hi fishy fishy
i also posted a crappy timelapse of this on youtube for anyone interested
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aquarium-sys · 25 days
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hey guys!!! we're super duper happy you all like deciever; have some extra doodles for the soul c:
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aquarium-sys · 25 days
I either get super fixated on the system and try to know everything and notice everything (which gets overwhelming), or I completely disregard it, pretend it doesn't exist, and try to go about my days ignoring it and convince myself I'm not a system (imposter syndrome?). There is no in-between and honestly idk why I'm like this. Does this happen to anyone else?
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aquarium-sys · 29 days
Tess Goodwin is SEVERLY overrated its not even funny anymore. Also i love karen knight but trust me you're not special for stanning her.
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