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The Patent Practitioner
Although I’m in law school studying patent law, I’ve always had an interest in defective product cases. The consumer and manufacturer have an unspoken and legal sense of trust between each other. In a weird sense, many people have long-term relationships with their favorite brands/products.
For instance, if Oreos are your favorite brand of cookies, you trust that brand, whether you realize it or not. Since birth, many people eat, use, and support the same brands. Some people even use the same brands from the cradle to the grave. I could say something witty or poetic about our product obsessive society, but I’m no English major. Anyway, no matter who you are, you trust at least one manufacturer to supply you with the goods and or services you need. The sheer idea of spending your hard-earned cash on a product that not only doesn’t work as advertised, but also injures you, is infuriating. Whether you buy a video game or a new car, the feeling of being ripped off is not a good one. I’ve read about countless cases where children were injured because of defective products. If that wasn’t bad enough, the amount of effort that insurance companies put into avoiding blame is disturbing. One day I was sharing my interest in defective product cases with my professor and he suggested that I blog about the information I find.
While I’m not an expert by any means, I can help inform various people about defective product cases. I honestly hope this blog can help people realize their rights as consumers whenever they purchase a product. I’m also hoping that the content on this site will encourage people to open up and share their experiences.
It’s bad enough that advertising companies oversell their products, but it’s even worse when the product you purchase injures you or your loved ones. So treat this blog as an outpost for all your defective product case information and stories!
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Wrongful Death Across the US
Five years ago, I lost my older sister to a drunk driver.
We were coming home from celebrating her 30th birthday when we were t-boned by a drunk driver. Our car was hit on the passenger side and flipped over into a nearby ditch. First-responders had to use the jaws of life to rescue me but my sister wasn’t so lucky. Meanwhile, the drunk driver walked away from the crash without a scratch.
The hardest thing, aside from losing my sister, was telling her nephew that his aunt wasn’t going to be able to take him to the amusement park for his birthday this year…or any year. Naturally, we pursued legal action against the drunk driver.
The case was clear as day, but the drunk driver’s insurance company attempted to argue against our family receiving compensation for our emotional suffering. Eventually, we were able to win our wrongful death claim, but winning didn’t help me cope with losing my sister. I started to attend therapy sessions that helped me deal with my PTSD.
It was one fateful day that my therapist suggested that I reach out to others with my story. From there, I begin researching wrongful death cases and had the idea of creating a blog that would share stories such as mine. Not only would I share wrongful death stories, but I’d also share information related to wrongful death cases.
These cases would range from car accidents to defective product cases. This site is a means for outreach and coping for countless other individuals that have lost their loved ones because of someone’s reckless actions.
While we would like to think all companies and individuals have remorse for their actions, many are only concerned with avoiding legal discipline and paying out compensation for the damages they’ve caused.
My name is Ken Kepanis and I’ve created this site in hopes that the information and resources provided will help you with your wrongful death case.
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Ram Canon’s Workers Comp Resource Site
My name’s Tucker Canon, but most people call me Ram. I couldn’t tell you where I got that name from honestly, although I’d like to think it’s because of my brash attitude. I’ve never been one to back down from a fight, and when I lost my pinky toe (my favorite one) during a work-related accident, I felt devastated. The pain was immense as I laid on the factory floor, waiting for help.
I wasn’t even sure what fell on me at the time; I just knew it was the result of a wire snapping. We complained to our boss for weeks about how unsafe having heavy equipment strung above by a flimsy wire was, but it took me losing a toe for our company to make any changes.
Now I’m not one to wallow and blame my woes on others, but after giving years of my life to this company, how could I just let them take my safety for granted? That day, I realized how little my company cared for me. I was just a cog in the machine, replaceable at a moment’s notice.
Being that I thrive on conflict, it’s obvious what I did next. I sued my company for everything they’re worth and won a lofty settlement. My boss thought he could appeal to me by bringing up our history, but I knew better than that. I knew he was attempting to protect his pockets and thought I was stupid enough to go for his reverse psychology.
Anyway, the legal process was shockingly a simple procedure for me. I had a worker’s comp lawyer who walked me through everything I needed to know. My attorney told me how pitiful the settlement offered by the company was, and I told him that I wanted to bleed them dry.
There was no way I was letting them get away with causing my family and me so much pain. I can’t even walk anywhere without feeling a tremendous amount of pain with each step. Running laps around town was a favorite stress reliever of mine, and after my accident, I couldn’t even do that.
I was depressed for a while and formed addictions various medications. If it wasn’t for my family, I don’t know if I would have crawled out of that pit. It wasn’t until my wife gave me the idea to create this site that I felt like I could make a difference.
Now, I help various people who’ve been in similar work accidents. My goal is that anyone who visits this site can relate to other users while gaining valuable information that will help their worker’s comp cases.
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Hello, my name is Jenny Guishode. My inspiration for this blog is my little brother. See, recently, my brother unjustly received a twenty-year prison sentence. His rights were viciously stomped on because of his lack of legal knowledge at the time.
I’ve had my doubts about the specifics surrounding his case for many years. After contacting a legal expert, and detailing his case, the legal expert told me that he was unjustly sentenced.
When the legal expert told me how a few simple actions would have brought my brother home, I began to cry uncontrollably. Twenty-years of my baby brother’s life is lost because of a simple lack of information. It’s not my place to share his story, but I will do whatever I can to help anyone in a similar situation. My brother was twenty at the time of his sentencing.
He was robbed of his youth because of a few mistakes that cost him. Many young people do not understand their legal rights as Americans. Sometimes, the youth of America lose their freedom because of a lack of legal knowledge. Even when there isn’t technically any legal corruption facing them, the youth of America, are at risk of making legal mistakes that will cost them dearly.
Families such as mine, are devastated whenever this happens. For this reason, I’ve created this blog to share vital legal information with not only the youth, but anyone else who’s curious about their legal situation. I welcome information and experiences from all walks of life.
This blog is also meant an outlet for various cases where someone’s legal rights are violated. You don’t need to be a lawyer or legal expert to understand basic legal terminology. My goal with this blog is to deliver legal information to people who need it. If the content on this site can help one person in their situation, then I feel that my brother isn’t suffering in vain.
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My name is Pepper Pen Mein, and I lost my mother to medical malpractice. She was carelessly given the wrong medicine for a back surgery she’d undergone months prior and eventually experienced heart complications because of the prescription given to her by her pharmacist and prescribed to her by her doctor.
At her age, it was a miracle that she was able to survive the original back surgery itself. To lose her life because of an easily avoidable error is shameful to her legacy. She raised four children by herself after her husband, my father, perished during the Vietnam war.
Our family didn’t always have it easy, but thanks to her constant love and support, each of us got a fair chance at the American dream. A firefighter, therapist, and soldiers were born from her love and commitment. Our family consistently gave back to our community, and it’s a shame that our mother didn’t receive the medical professionalism that she deserved.
Of course, we won our medical malpractice claim because of the substantial evidence against the other party. However, just because we won a victory in the name of our mother, doesn’t and won’t stop future instances of medical malpractice. The sad truth is that medical negligence is almost impossible to get rid of unless you remove the human element.
While I’m sure that robots will soon take over our world and the Skynet A.I. from the Terminator films will finally become self-aware, this remains a faraway possibility even with our current technological advancements. For now, we’re always at the mercy of other humans, and as I’ve witnessed first-hand, humans can kind of suck at their jobs.
While I’m saddened to no longer talk to my mother, I think she’d want us to move on and return to our usual happy selves. She had a beautiful life with experiences that many could only ever dream. So why are you reading my back story, you ask?
Well, after some time thinking about how I can help the world through my experiences, I decided to create a community focused on medical malpractice. Sure, we share tips and tricks about handling a medical malpractice claim, but we also use this site as a place for remembrance.
Every painful and joyful step of the process of losing your loved one to medical malpractice is welcome here. In the same manner that I described the life and times of my mother, please do the same for your loved ones. Welcome to Ppmcommunity.com.
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Ohio Workplace Accident Blawg
You won’t believe how many co-workers I’ve seen lose their foot in my lifetime. And, when I say lose their foot, I mean that they literally had their foot amputated because of the damage it had received on the job. My twenty-five-year career as a construction worker has given me the displeasure of witnessing many disturbing accidents such as these.
Whether people realize it, construction is a very dangerous job that requires nerves of steel. Those construction workers that you see on your way to work each morning are brave individuals. One false move and they could fall off that three-story building and break their neck, bones, or die from the sheer impact of the fall.
We’d all like to think that there are safety measures in place to prevent tragedies from happening, but sometimes the construction companies that employ the workers, ignore safety regulations or they simply aren’t enough. Thankfully, I have been lucky enough to not suffer a major accident during my long career as a construction worker. However, my friends and co-workers weren’t always so lucky.
For instance, my friend Jamie fell off a ladder that had seen better days. Jamie broke his arm and dislocated his shoulder. Naturally, the workers compensation insurance of the construction company tried to cheat Jamie out of compensation. When we threatened to go on strike against the company, they eventually came to their senses and did right by Jamie. However, what if Jamie didn’t have us for back-up?
His family would have suffered because of the greed of the insurance company. Ted, Bill, Jenny, and countless others have had similar work-related injuries. Some were done right by the company, while others were ignored. One day, I started researching workers compensation laws and realized that this information could help countless other families.
That’s when I started this blog and started sharing information surrounding workers comp. Anyone is welcome to submit any stories or information related to workers compensation. You can even share your personal experiences dealing with your work injuries. Hopefully, this collaborative effort will help provide resources to injured workers, so they can obtain their fair share and better recover from their injuries, whether it be financially or physically, or both.
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Manny Lamb's Llama Blawg
Manny Lamb’s Llama Blog
My name is Manny Lamb and I’ve worked in a zoo for nearly ten years now. Thanks to the legendary Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter), I’ve had a fascination with the animal kingdom for as long as I can remember. From panthers to cobras, I’ve never been able to get over the mysticism that surrounds the animal kingdom.
They’re creatures that respect their homes and the natural cycle of life itself. I often get asked why my favorite animal is a Llama, but the answer to that question lies within the Disney film, The Emperor’s New Groove. If we’re being honest here, that’s probably their best work of art.
However, as much as I love animals, irresponsible pet owners put lives of everyone, including their pet, at risk. Too many bad scenarios can occur if the owner isn’t being responsible. Working at a zoo for so long has taught me that while animals may seem docile and submissive sometimes, they’re still prone to their instincts.
No matter how well-behaved a dog may seem, anything can set them off. I’ve read countless horror stories where small children were mauled by large dogs. In each situation, the dog was either not on a leash or the owner was simply unable to control their dog. Learning more and more about these stories made me interested in the legal procedures that follow each situation.
Eventually, I studied a variety of premise law animal attack cases. Soon, I became obsessed with the subject matter. Once I told my co-workers about my recent discoveries, they suggested that I start my very own blog. And so, maaalamalama.com was born, out of my obsessive personality.
While this site is still growing, the goal is to have this site become a bastion of information for premise law and animal attack cases. I also encourage users to share any experiences or insights they may have regarding the subject matter. And yes. . .a series of events caused me to misspell the name of the website, but we’re not going to talk about that, okay?
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You never know which moments in your life will have the most significant impact on you until they happen. It was Christmas 2010 when my life took a drastic turn that I never thought could happen.
At age 28, I felt like the pieces of the puzzle called life were finally starting to make sense. Finally, had an excellent, stable job and a family to call my own. With so much going right for me, I decided to visit my parents that year around Christmas Eve. I was cutting it close, but nothing was stopping me from seeing my parents that year.
Unfortunately, I didn’t count on a drunk driver rear-ending me that night. The force of the impact sent my head crashing into the steering wheel, blood streaming from my head as I attempted to crawl away from my car. To this day, I only remember bits and pieces of the accident, and everything seems to run together the more I think about it.
Every now and then, I have trouble remembering critical events, not only from that night, but also other important moments throughout my life. My high school graduation? Yup, completely forgot it. Prom night, my first car, even the entirety of my band career — is lost to time, at least for me anyway.
Meanwhile, the drunk idiot who hit me walked away from our encounter with little to no scratches on him. There are other side effects (that I don’t care to discuss) that have impacted my lifestyle.
Perhaps the most prominent side effect of my head trauma, though, is the intense pain I endure from headaches. I literally see red, and my vision goes in and out during my episodes. Despite years of treatment, I’m unable to control my headaches.
Luckily, I was able to win compensation for my damages, but I thought about others who weren’t as fortunate and I began to think about ways I could help others obtain justice. My brother always said I had a knack for motivating others, so here we are.
This site is an informational resource platform for everyone to share their experiences with head injuries along with vital information about head trauma. Many people don’t realize how vulnerable their noggin is to the elements. Nearly any blunt instrument is liable to cause immense pain to your brain, and one must understand how this can impact them.
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All germs deserve nothing less than termination! There is nothing more disgusting than people who carelessly interact with the world without proper sanitization. Many diseases and illnesses have sprung from individuals who refuse to wash their hands or properly prepare their food. Do you realize how many lives ignorant hygienic practices claim every year?
And no, this doesn’t just occur in third-world countries with little to no resources for proper sanitation. All over the world, people are letting germs infect their bodies and spread sickness. With so many medical and technological advances today, how are we as a society allowing our immune systems to suffer from corruption by illnesses that have existed for centuries?
Everywhere I look, from the tiniest babies to fully-grown adults, all I see are disgusting habits. I spare infants and children from too harsh a judgment because their brains are still forming, but adults get no sympathy from me. All I can do is sigh and shake my head whenever I witness such hygienic atrocities.
Sometimes, I feel like I can visualize thousands upon thousands of germs covering every surface. While I’m 99.9% sure that I have godlike hygiene and sanitization habits, I can’t just hoard this knowledge for myself. It’s only right I share everything I know with my fellow humans.
I know I reach the masses by handing out my pamphlets and fliers at the park, but something tells me it’s not enough. I was feeling hopeless about my quest until I was watching my favorite movie, The Terminator, one night. In that movie, Arnold didn’t wait around to get the job done; he went back-in-time with one purpose: No matter who or what got in his way, he remained determined to terminate his target.
Now, while I’m no technologically advanced robot sent from the future to destroy mankind, I am a man with access to the internet and comprehensive knowledge of the dangers of germs. And so, I have made this site as a means to discuss ways to destroy our germs in any way possible. I welcome all knowledge and discussion centering on keeping our bodies safe from unhygienic practices.
Also, there’s room for discussion on the terminator franchise of films. Bonus points for anyone who wants to create fan art of a T-800 taking various humanoid forms germs or bacteria! Even more bonus points if someone can create a Germinator logo that uses the Terminator art style!!
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Davis Thomas
Welcome my fellow twenty-somethings! My name is Davis Thomas and I’ve always had an otherworldly ability to give awesome advice on a variety of subjects. From relationship advice to how to probably bake a soufflé, I’ve got you covered on nearly everything. While I cast a huge social net, I figure I could reach more people through this wonderful website.
Although I must admit, actually picking a theme for my website was probably the most difficult task of this operation. Did I want to create a gaming blog? What about a complication site that posts nothing but memes and random internet humor that’s played out by the time it’s uploaded to our site? The decisions were overwhelming!
Finally, my longtime friend, Jenny, said, ��Hey you should start a legal blog!” At first, I dismissed the idea, because who wants to work on their school work in their spare time? But then, I slowly realized how many of my friends were being taken advantage of by their jobs. While they understood basic legal terminology, none of them had a site that could help breakdown their rights.
For instance, my friend Brad broke his foot while working on a construction job that had faulty ladders. When he told me this story, I was immediately furious on his behalf and told him that he needed to file a personal injury claim. Brad laughed and said, “Dude, that was years ago now.” Brad recovered from his injuries, but not without losing some feeling in his foot.
Maybe, if Brad had a site dedicated to explaining the law to twenty-somethings, he’d have known that he could have filed a personal injury claim. For this reason, I’ve decided to create this blog and share as much legal information as I can with my fellow twenty-somethings. Of course, an odd story or two never hurts, but I’m here to help my fellow Millenials!
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Hi, I’m Willo, and lately, I’ve become interested in genealogy. I’m so intrigued by how our family trees connect us to people from generations past. We may have a weird quirk about us or a specific hobby that we never understood and then we dig deep into our ancestry and find out that a third cousin carried that same trait. Our family can tell us so much about ourselves.
With this website, I want to trace the ancestry of people I know, both close friends and distant relatives. I’m excited to see what stories I’ll unveil in my discoveries. I hope I can help others with their identities the way I’ve used my research to help myself.
Already, I’ve discovered that my friend’s great great great grandmother came to the United States from Ireland. My other friend had a great grandfather who was a cowboy out West. I’ve found out that my distant cousin was a carpenter and my maternal grandmother was a tax lawyer in Michigan. When I find these things, I’m excited to learn more about the relevant region, time period, and occupation.
What You’ll Find on My Page
As you search through my site, you’ll see that I offer more content than just stories. Because I’ve become so invested in the field of genealogy, I wanted to provide some information on family trees, ancestry, and how to trace your lineage as well. Think of my page as a comprehensive guide for you on genealogy and the amazing results that can come from it.
These stories are meant to be inspiring and moving. Hopefully, they’ll be entertaining as well. While most of my findings tell tales of ordinary people coming from ordinary backgrounds, it’s the connections that outlast time which make them so meaningful.
Why Genealogy Is Important
Many people go their entire lives without searching for their ancestors or questioning their background. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I was the same way for a long time; however, making your ancestry a part of your identity can provide an extra dimension to your being. When people ask where you’re from and what made you the person you are, you’ll have another story.
While it’s great to be able to say, “I was born here and my parents do this,” think how amazing it would be to say, “and my ancestors almost died sailing across the Atlantic to get to America. Once they were here, my great great grandfather was a soldier and town leader who fought for justice and gave my family the life we now have.” These are the stories that live on for a lifetime.
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The Cop Shop Direct
In the San Diego Police Department’s Western Division, detective Sean Reynolds and officers Harry Patella and Ashley Fields stay busy chasing crime and solving cases throughout each unique neighborhood in the city.One day, they may be down in Ocean Beach helping the Coast Guard search for a surfer who disappeared off the rocky coast. The next day, they could be downtown handling a heated brawl between homeless citizens or drunken club hoppers. In Pacific Beach, they may deal with drug crimes and assault, while Mission Valley is prone to shoplifting.There’s never a calm day in the bustling city of San Diego and when three distinct personalities are thrown into intense situations on a daily basis and forced to work together, the days only become more interesting.
Detective Sean Reynolds
Detective Reynolds is the leader of the pack and comes in each day to inform officers Patella and Fields on what cases they need to solve and what crimes are happening in the area. He acts like a tough guy 90 percent of the time, but underneath his hard shell, he’s a softy and has an especially weak spot for officer Fields. He knows there’s no room for a personal life in the world of law enforcement, but every now and then, his heart comes before his head.
Officer Harry Patella
Officer Patella brings comic relief to the group. He’s the brawn of the operation and makes a great teammate to officer Fields who provides the brains; however, he often falls short when it comes to basic common sense. If it weren’t for officer Fields being by his side and detective Reynolds constantly harping on him, officer Patella would be a lost cause.
Officer Ashley Fields
Recently divorced, officer Fields hasn’t been the most pleasant one to be around as of late. While she’s amazing at her job and a fierce officer out in the field, her personal life has been taking a major toll on her work performance.Her now ex-husband is a criminal defense lawyer and he somehow managed to win primary custody of their two kids. He just moved to Texas and took the kids with him, so she won’t get to see them anytime soon. She’s oblivious to the fact that detective Reynolds likes her because, while she’s started dating again, she can’t help but date men who remind her of her ex-husband.Together, these three characters work hard to make San Diego a better place but, in the process, their lives become intertwined not only with one another but with everyone they meet along the way. The Cop Shop Direct is dramedy unlike any other.
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The Book on Malpractice
Medical malpractice is one of the worst ways to suffer from personal injury. We trust medical professionals with our lives, and when accidents happen under their watch, the consequences can be life-altering. We’ve written “The Book on Malpractice” to explain the ins and outs of this complex legal process.With this website, we’ve finally made our information accessible for free. Here, you’ll be able to find the medical malpractice laws for all fifty states, as well as a variety of information regarding steps to seeking rightful compensation.
The Basic Claim Requirements
In order to file a medical malpractice claim, you’ll need to have a doctor-patient relationship in place. If you can prove that you hired the doctor to perform a procedure on you, that’s a start. After proving this relationship was established, you’ll need to show that there was negligence involved in the medical procedure that was responsible for your injury.Proving negligence will be the key to winning your lawsuit, and it can be difficult in medical malpractice lawsuits because doctors are protected in their professions. Being unhappy with the results of your procedure is different than your doctor being incompetent or causing you harm on purpose.After proving negligence, you’ll need to prove that your injury led to specific damages. Even if the doctor was negligent, you won’t receive compensation unless you suffered significant injuries from the negligence such as physical pain, mental anguish, emotional distress, loss of earning ability, or additional medical bills.
Common Types of Malpractice
There are many types of medical malpractice which can include mistakes in surgical procedures or lack of communication regarding prescription side effects. Some of the most common types of medical malpractice include the following:
Failure to diagnose
Improper treatment
Failure to warn a patient of known risks
Surgical mishap
Throughout this website, we’ll go into further detail on the different types of medical malpractice, including specific stories where malpractice has occurred. These examples can help you identify which type of malpractice you may be experiencing so that you’ll be prepared when entering the legal process.
Seeking Legal Representation
You can use our index to look up the medical malpractice laws in your state. Once you know what to expect, you’ll be ready to hire an attorney. We’ll also do our best to provide qualified medical malpractice law firms in your area to make your journey towards justice easier.Medical malpractice is terrifying and the injuries you’ve suffered can be serious, but staying well-informed on the laws and hiring the proper attorney can ensure that you’re fully-compensated for your damages. Browse our website for more information.
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If you’ve been injured in an accident and you believe someone else’s negligence played a role, it’s important to hold the liable party responsible by filing a personal injury lawsuit. You may be hesitant to pursue a claim if you aren’t familiar with the legal process or you don’t have the information you need to move forward. The purpose of our site is to inform injured victims on how to obtain a settlement check promptly, so that they can begin picking up the pieces of their life.
What to Do when You’ve Been Injured in an Accident
The first thing you should do when you get injured in an accident is seek medical attention as soon as possible. Once you’ve begun recovering both mentally and physically, you can hire an experienced attorney and begin filing your lawsuit. You’ll need to gather all relevant records related to your case so that you have sufficient evidence to prove negligence against the liable party.
Proving Negligence in Your Lawsuit
There are numerous parties that can be held liable in an accident. For example, if you were injured in a car accident, the colliding driver may be held liable or the car manufacturer may be responsible for the wreck. It’s also likely that a government entity is at fault for the wreck depending on how the crash occurred. If you were injured in a work-related accident, your employer may be held responsible. If you were injured when you fell on someone else’s property, the property owner can be at fault.
Whatever the case may be, it’ll be essential to prove that negligence occurred and that this negligence resulted in your injuries. Police reports, medical records, witness testimonies, video footage, and photographs are commonly used to support a case and make a claim.
Damages You May Be Able to Recover
Once you can successfully name a defendant in your case, your attorney can help you obtain the maximum settlement by ensuring all of your damages are examined and included in your claim value. Medical expenses, property damages, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress are some of the damages that may be included.
At Settlement Check Promptly, we’ll address common questions and concerns regarding the legal process and personal injury litigation as a whole. Our goal is to help injured victims maximize their settlements and feel confident in pursuing their claims no matter how complex or unique their situations may be. From car accidents to medical malpractice and everything in between, you can rest assured that we’ll cover it here.
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Renew for Freedom
Know your rights. We have your back.
Renew for Freedom
Both federal and state laws are constantly changing. Because we live in a democracy, every few years, the American people have the power to vote on a number of different policies and regulations in order to invoke change in the judicial system. However, if you don’t pay close attention to politics, it can be hard to know when laws, policies, or processes change over time.
We’ve created this comprehensive platform so that citizens can receive all of the necessary information about renewed and reformed laws. Whether you’re looking to file a lawsuit of your own or you simply want to be more informed before the next election, we’ll ensure everything is made clear. We believe that understanding the law is the only way to truly be free in this country.
How Policy Renewal and Reform Works
Every four years, we re-elect a president, and this president brings new ideas for policies and laws. Many U.S. citizens think that the presidential election is the only election that matters in the country, but this is the farthest thing from the truth. With the Checks and Balances system in place, the President can’t make any decisions without support from the Senate and the House.
We elect members to the Senate and the House of Representatives every two years, and these elections are equally as important as the Presidential election, because these are the members of Congress who can significantly change policies and laws. If more people vote in these elections, we will see more change nationwide.
State elections are also important in renewing and reforming laws, because the same judicial process happens, but on a smaller scale. Civil laws are different in each state, and they can be changed more easily, because the population voting on them is reduced. If you have a strong opinion on a certain issue in your home state, speak up. You have the ability to make a difference.
Knowledge is Freedom
Miles Davis was a Jazz musician who once said, “Knowledge is freedom. Ignorance is slavery.” The same applies with the law. The purpose of “Renew for Freedom” is to educate the public on any and all changes or renewals in the legal system so that we can keep ourselves aware.
We hope this site will guide you in whatever your legal endeavors may be; we hope it’ll bring you more knowledge and, as a result, more freedom.
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Race to the Top—Law Blog
Five years ago, my life was much different than it is now. Back then, I spent the majority of my time training—either in the water, on a bike, or running on my own two feet. I was one of the top triathlete competitors in the Southwestern United States and in May 2014, I was competing for one of my biggest races yet.
What made this race so much harder than any before was not only the added distance, but also the rugged terrain. I was determined to finish the race in record time that summer but little did I know at the time, I would never get to compete.
It was an early Sunday morning about two weeks before the race was supposed to take place when everything changed. I had been biking along one of the mountain roads in my hometown of Boulder, Colorado and at around 4 am, a car came speeding down behind me.
I had been in the bike lane with my bicycle lights flashing, but this car was going way too fast to notice or avoid me. The driver hit me head-on and I flew off my bicycle and flipped over the car. I ended up in a coma for three months.
The Aftermath
The doctors said if I wouldn’t have been wearing a helmet, I’d be dead, but even with the helmet, I was in pretty bad shape. The driver hit me going 45 miles per hour when the speed limit on that windy road was 15 miles per hour. I broke over ten bones in my body, suffered serious internal bleeding, partially severed my spine, and my brain suffered some swelling which was why I had been in a coma for so long.
Five years later, I have healed surprisingly well, but it wasn’t an easy journey at all. I spent over a year in physical therapy trying to heal my bones and my spine. Because of my spine, I’m unable to be the athlete I once was and that’s the hardest thing I struggle with.
How Personal Injury Law Helped Me
After my accident, I needed the help of a personal injury lawyer to hold the driver accountable for the injuries I experienced. I thought it was pretty clear that the driver was negligent because they had been going well over the speed limit when they hit me, but the driver hired a ruthless defense attorney who tried to say that I was somehow in the wrong place at the wrong time!
I couldn’t be more thankful for how my lawyer assisted me during this time, as I was in the process of healing and needed the settlement to help cover my expenses. Ultimately, I received the compensation I deserved thanks to him and to this day, I stay in touch with my lawyer and consider him a close friend.
I became very interested in personal injury litigation during my case and I want to use this blog as a way to inform other injured victims about the legal process. I think if I had been more informed along the way, I could’ve handled my case with more confidence. Hopefully, as you read about various laws and personal injury related topics here, you can apply them directly to your situation.
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Prudential Ronan Realty
Most people would tell you that real estate isn’t that bad. You can make a lot of money selling houses if you know how to network, be sales-driven, manage your own hours, and work as an independent contractor. I’ve made a decent living as a realtor for over ten years now, but it’s not my true passion.
I made this blog so I could finally be honest with myself about what I’m truly interested in. I knew all throughout college that I wanted to be a lawyer. I was pre-law, took all of the right classes, and I was on a path to success. Unfortunately, my life didn’t go as planned. I got my wife pregnant in my senior year of college and there was no time or money for law school. I needed a career that was going to provide for my growing family fast and real estate was an excellent option for that.
I don’t regret the family I now have. Two boys, one girl, and a lovely wife—still going strong. I’m grateful that real estate has allowed me to support my family for all of these years, but not a day goes by that I don’t think about law school and the career I wish I would’ve had the opportunity to create.
What Excites Me About Law
There’s something about the law that has always lit a fire inside me. Not only do I enjoy learning about each state’s specific laws and regulations, but I also love the idea of arguing a case and helping a client get the outcome they desire.
Whether it’s an injured victim who deserves a settlement for their accident or a charged defendant who needs a second chance, I’ve always wanted to be the one in the courtroom convincing the judge and the jury to side in my client’s favor. I never had the time to think about what type of law I would’ve practiced, but with this blog, I want to learn about everything. If I can’t become a lawyer, I may as well channel my frustration into a hobby.
I plan to study personal injuries of all sorts including car accidents, medical malpractice, premises liability, and beyond. I also want to dive into criminal defense and learn about drug crimes, DUIs, abuse, and robberies. There’s so much to learn and explore, and I plan to fill my brain with as much as I can.
Learn with Me
This may only be a hobby for me, but the information I provide here could be helpful to you if you’re a pre-law student still on the path to fulfilling your dreams. I’m glad that I’m giving myself this place where I can speak about my passions but my advice to you is to chase those passions for as long as possible. Never stop learning and working towards your goals. If you can live a life without regret, you’ve reached ultimate success.
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