applecath · 18 hours
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How deep does the hole go?
Art by Penzilla
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applecath · 1 day
“Helen Gorrill, the author of Women Can’t Paint, has studied the prices of 5,000 paintings sold all over the world and found that for every £1 a male artist earns for his work, a woman earns a mere 10p. “It’s the most shocking gender value gap that I’ve come across in any industry at all,” she told me for a BBC Radio 4 documentary, Recalculating Art.
It really is shocking. For some time, women have made up 70% of students in art college, selected on merit, and the art world prides itself on its liberal, progressive values. Yet it presides over the biggest pay gap I can think of.
Gorrill stumbled across another startling finding. While the value of a work by a man rises if he has signed it, the value of a work by a woman falls if she has signed it, as if it has somehow been tainted by her gender. “That’s just absolutely mind-blowing,” she says”
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applecath · 1 day
What I learned from the whole Imane Khalif/Lin Yu-ting kerfuffle is that journalists don’t care about the truth before they start publishing batshit crazy unproven nonsense, governing sports bodies are worse than worthless, conservatives are frothing at the mouth to rip apart any athlete they don’t particularly like, and any possibility of sex testing athletes in the future was completely destroyed (even though athletes who make it to the Olympics already undergo rigorous drug testing on an almost daily basis).
Everyone lost here, except conservatives it seems.
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applecath · 1 day
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i did an english dialect quizz and apparently my most prominent one is AAVE? this is what learning english through social media does to you, kids
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applecath · 1 day
do you guys wanna see my favorite video on the internet yes you do
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applecath · 1 day
most men do not know how to touch a woman as if she is a woman
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applecath · 1 day
“Being female in this world means having been robbed of the potential for human choice by men who love to hate us. One does does not make choices in freedom. Instead, one conforms in body type and behavior and values to become an object of male sexual desire, which requires an abandonment of a wide-ranging capacity for choice...
Men too make choices. When will they choose not to despise us?”
― Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse
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applecath · 2 days
🦌 🐈 🤎
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applecath · 3 days
Once again I'll say I think it's time for women to become radically Anti-Drag. Drag is absolutely outrageous. Even if some drag performers individually are fine- men as a group have done absolutely nothing in the history of the world to earn women's trust to be able to practice this supposed artform where our image, body and identities is their canvas.
It's extremely disrespectful of them to even think female impersonation performances are something they should be able to get away with- much less be entitled to.
They can dress however they want but they need to stop using female pronouns for their characters or adding female body parts. People should see them as the male clown characters they are.
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applecath · 3 days
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Jia Li (Chinese, b.1964), Summer Light, 2015, Watercolor on paper
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applecath · 3 days
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Arrow of Fire, stoked by the salamander's flame. Arrow of Poison, soaked in the viper's venom. Arrow of Lightning, guided by the weasel's guile.
ink and watercolour pencil. I love a beast and I love to make them shapes.
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applecath · 3 days
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applecath · 3 days
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a little story about seeing the past through the present - featuring razorbill, who is the closest living relative of the great auk, a bird that became extinct not so long ago.
- Native to the Arctic and sub-Arctic region and once numbering millions of individuals, Great auks became extinct mid-19th century. The last breeding pair, found incubating an egg, was killed on 3 June 1844, on request from a merchant who wanted specimens, with Jón Brandsson and Sigurður Ísleifsson strangling the adults and Ketill Ketilsson smashing the egg with his boot. The last individual was seen in 1852, leaving no hope that the species might be extant.
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applecath · 4 days
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ow dude you broke my fricking nose and whatnot
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applecath · 4 days
what they dont tell you about adulthood is that it’s startlingly easy to go long periods of time without having any fun at all not even a little bit. btw this causes ur brain to try to kill you with knives and hammers.
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applecath · 4 days
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In Late September by Carl Redin
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applecath · 4 days
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Woman is when clothes and make up
Man is when no like clothes and make up
I mean, are they hearing themselves??
SERIOUSLY this phenomena of social contagion (you cannot tell me it isnt that) should be geniunely studied by psychologists instead of them enabling the idea of transition. That is, if the system didnt profit off of creating a separate class of people to scape goat and create adversity over.
Gender dysphoria is, if anything, a very normal and common response to going through puberty in a society that treats you in a certain way because of something you didn't choose. Yet for some it gets twisted into this idea that they are somehow different for having these feelings. Just read the dysphoria bible for example, I read it back when I was encouraged to question my identity and it all seemed to make sense, I was convinced that I had "gender dysphoria", but looking back, it's all a bunch of manipulatuve bullshit placebo, I bet any teenager who reads it and is already susceptible to the idea would relate to it.
The world has truly gone crazy, we are not even allowed to call it out because we are labeled as biggoted...
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