apocalypse-park · 6 years
Georgie “Firkle” Smith App
ABOUT THE MUN: Name: Keith
Age: 17
Pronouns: Masculine
ABOUT THE MUSE: Name: Georgie “Firkle” Smith
Age: 16
Gender: Demi-Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 5’2’’
Faction:  Hades
Brief History: Firkle was ten when the outbreak happened. His parents were never there for him in the first place so he was left to fend for himself. As soon as word spread he rushed to stuff the rations he could into his backpack, bandages, water- things important but not heavy. His defense was his pocket knife and a bat he found in his parents room. He would have looked for something if there hadn’t been the shattering of windows notifying of unwanted guests.
He escaped through his bedroom window, sliding down the roof and to the ground below. Then he ran. He doesn’t recall how long he ran for, but he kept running and never in six years has he looked back. It’s been a struggle, due to little weaponry at first he did a majority of hiding and rationing. When he was killing, it was safer zombies or other survivors. He’s not proud of it, but he’s not regretful either. As he grew older, he was able to scavenge more, take others out easier. It’s how he got his hands on his machetes.
Firkle survives by trusting very few and moving often. His whereabouts currently reside in Hades.
Firkle has inky black hair, cut shorter in the back and his bangs often pushed out his face by a few bobby-pins. His eyes are a deep blue, dark circles around them for lack of sleep and constantly glancing around and surveying everything. His skin is a paler tan from constant roaming in the sun, his body built with lean muscle from the physical activity of it all. His lips thin and pink, with a scar that cuts across the right side.
His clothes are nearly completely black and fitted. Black jeans, black well-grip boots, a white shirt, and a black cropped jacket. His machetes are attached at his sides or in his hands. His pocketknife is tucked away in his boot. He still carries around a small backpack if his important items.
Firkle’s personality has shaped over the six years of being in survival mode. His constantly on the defensive, cold, and detached. He’s also very cunning as well as deceiving, especially to those helplessly begging to be protected. Those are the people who will abandon you first in his book, often he saves them, only to take them out for their resources. Should someone be one of the few he cared for before the outbreak, The Goths, or someone who somehow earned his trust, he is loyal. Deathly so. His colder layer is pulled back to reveal someone protective, admittedly even a little caring.
5 or more Headcanons: - Firkle has adapted to being a very light sleeper. That is if he even sleeps much at all. Often he has nightmares which keep him awake. In a way its a positive, he hates staying somewhere too long. He gets restless. - Firkle got the scar on his lip from his first kill of another survivor. He was twelve and it was a man who taken him in to ‘protect’ him. They scuffle happened when the man was asleep and Firkle plunged a knife into the mans throat. He had woken up and was able to cut Firkle back but choking on blood he still passed away. - Firkle has more scars that litter his body, the worst one is on his leg, a deep cut wound from another scuffle that he had to stitch up himself painfully when he was fourteen. - Firkle does own a journal, its about half way filled with his writings. Often telling of new locations, kills, nightmares, and other details. - One of the few things Firkle still enjoys is when it rains. When its somewhere safer, he likes to watch it pour.
RP Example:
It was dark, murky, Firkle reeked of sweat. He swore he could taste the iron of blood in his mouth as he ran, his lungs burned, aching and begging him to stop as tears welled up in his eyes. He wasn’t gonna survive this. He wasn’t and he knew it when his legs gave out under him. He couldn’t will himself to get up, his body exhausted. He shut his eyes tightly, curling up in a defense position when he felt it, the piercing feeling of teeth into his flesh- blue eyes shot open wide. Tears streaming from them and down his face as Firkle sat up.
He woke in cold sweat, breathing uneven as he reached for his machete and gave a quick look over his current base. Light was shining in, there was no threat. His grip tightened on the handle before slowly he released it and stood up. Firkle knew he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, he packed up his things again, eating a two of the nutrition bars to satisfy the clawing of his stomachs hunger. Grabbing his water bottle he washed it down with two large gulps of the liquid, quenching his thirst. Before he grabbed and put everything back on, peeking out the window to double check for the coast to be clear before he was back on his way out.
He kept his head low, discreet as he tried to keep going. He’d be needing more food soon, even if he knew water would make him last without actual food he’d die from starvation. As he walked, he recalled yesterday, out of the corner of his eye he swore the blood was still on his hands from all those six years of wandering. Dried and layered on his palms even if when he looked, there was nothing there. Shaking his head, Firkle snapped away the thoughts in his head, he had to focus on reality. Remembering the past and especially his nightmare would do him no good in survival.
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apocalypse-park · 6 years
Kyle Broflovski App
Name: Sen Age: 16 Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them Discord:
ABOUT THE MUSE: Name: Kyle Broflovski Age: 21 Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Panromatic Demisexual Height: 5’ 7” Faction: Mako Brief History: (How they’ve survived and where they’ve been during the last 6 years)
When the apocalypse started, Kyle was outraged, to say the least. Kyle’s family was scarce on resources. In a futile attempt of wanting them to survive, he left them. Half a year after the apocalypse had started. In the middle of the night, he snuck away. Stealing a machete and pistol from his home, leaving behind a note to bid them goodbye and his hat to remember him by.
Kyle’s smarts served him well. He found the quickest ways to take out zombies, committing them to memory. He remembers maps and destinations of abandoned towns which he could scavenge and take shelter for the night. All have allowed him to survive this long.
However, after years of running, he makes the bold decision to start a faction: Mako.
Appearance: (At least one paragraph)
Kyle’s bright red hair is now shaven. His signature green trooper hat was left behind with the note to his family. His old hat matched his piercingly bright green eyes. His pale skin littered with freckles is covered by his old, green, polyester ‘South Park Cows’ Basketball jacket. He’s lanky from playing Basketball, is skinny but has enough muscles. He has an orange backpack from Ike, where he keeps scavenged supplies and his weapons.
Personality: (At least one paragraph)
Smart. Both book and street smart. Resorting to smart ways to take out the zombies rather than brute strength. He’s still got a temper, and will start yelling at the person or thing that caused him to lose it. But with nothing to cause an outrage, besides a couple of hard-to-kill zombies, he’s generally quiet. He bases quite a bit of his decisions on emotions though. If someone begs to be shot, he’ll most likely fulfil that wish.
When Mako is formed, he needs to form leadership skills. He’s had doubts and insecurities, but has generally grown into the role of Mako’s leader. Still has a lot to work on though.
5 or more Headcanons: -Due to his lanky limbs, he can still reach into narrow crevices to scavenge for supplies.
-However as a result of his limbs, there’s more room for zombies to grab. Which happens quite a bit.
-Still hates bananas with a burning passion. When the apocalypse started and he had the option of choosing fresh fruits, he was stubborn and refused to take them.
-Diabetic. Diabetes has made it difficult for him to survive sometimes. Especially since most of the food he finds are canned which contain either high levels of sugar or salt. This lead him to scavenge as much insulin as possible from any doctor’s office he finds.
-Has a picture of his family in his backpack he treasures dearly. Once a zombie nearly stepped on it when he dropped it in a battle. That zombie was diced by the time Kyle was done with him.
-Misses his adopted, Canadian brother the most out of all of his family.
-Clings onto his faith as a motivation for him to keep going sometimes.
RP Example: (Two or more paragraphs)
The deathly, eerie silence of the three-storey use-to-be office building was undercut by two things. One, Kyle’s footsteps, which were made heavier by his boots. And two, the occasional scrape of his unsheathed machete against the brick walls of the abandoned building. He’d gone through the second and third storey already, managing to find some ammunition for his revolver and water bottles. Now at the first floor, Kyle’s guard is upped tenfold. Any zombie could have waltzed, limped or stumbles into the building while he was upstairs and would most likely be lurking in here.
Not to his surprise, his ears picks up the sound of a lurking undead. Kyle doesn’t pick up his gun. It would make way too much noise which would echo from this enclosed building. Crouching behind tables and chairs, stealthily making his way towards the sounds of low clicks only an undead would make.
He finds the zombie in the middle of a room, directly in front of a table he could use for cover. The plan was simple in Kyle’s head: get behind the table, shove my machete into its head.
And he did just that. Getting behind the table without the zombie noticing, he rises from the ground, both hands clutching the handle of his machete. The steel machete pierces the skull of the zombie and with a huff, Kyle pulls it back out of his skull.
Now another sound had joined undercutting the deathly silence of the building: the zombie’s body collapsing onto the ground.
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apocalypse-park · 6 years
if i’d like to apply for kyle, for his background do I need to write about him building up mako?
Not unless you want to. You can write about whatever you like.
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apocalypse-park · 6 years
Are there any survivors out there?
Calling all survivors. We’re searching for anyone who is listening to this broadcast to warn them, the zombie threat is getting worse.
Welcome to Apocalypse Park. We are a discord based South Park Zombie AU roleplaying group. We are seeking anyone who is interested in South Park and Zombies! Feel free to check out our masterlist and find out who is available and apply!
Most wanted
Kyle Broflovski Shelly Marsh Heidi Turner Jimmy Valmer Wendy Testaburger Henrietta Biggle Georgie “Firkle” Smith Trent Boyett and many many more
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apocalypse-park · 6 years
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
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apocalypse-park · 6 years
Discord: (will be removed for privacy)
Name:Heidi Turner
Age: (Main 4 are 21 so age accordingly)
Sexuality:bisexual(leaning more towards girls)
Faction: Mako
Brief History: (How they’ve survived and where they’ve been during the last 6 years)
When it all started she was at her house doing homework, after some minutes she noticed the chaos outside. She locked herself inside, too afraid to come out,surviving for three long months rationing the food and water there all this time hopping for one day her parents to just pass by that damn door, hug her tight,weep her tears and tell her it was just a bad dream.But they never did.
Soon the food was over and she had to go out armed with her dad’s pistol and a kitchen knife to the cold and dangerous world out there.Never stopping for too long in a single place,till she found the Mako faction and decided to stop there.  
Appearance: (At least one paragraph)
Over the years she ended up with a more muscular figure,but shorty as always. her brown hair was now short, full of uneven bangs because of all the times she cut it off. She ended up developing the habit of making friendship bracelets to pass the time, meaning her arms and legs are full of them.She has hazel eyes.
Personality: (At least one paragraph)
She spend all these years on her own taking care of herself, meaning she was pretty touch-starved but she doesn’t really know how to interact with other people anymore. Over the years she desenvolved a interest for friendship bracelets, becoming actually really good at it, a repetitive and calming activity to take her mind of everything else for some minutes.
She tells herself everyday that she moved forward and stopped caring about what happened to her parents, that they probably saw an opportunity to leave behind a dead weight and took it. But deep inside she knows she’s lying.
5 or more Headcanons:
-Everytime she pass by a library she steals some of the fiction or adventure books and reads it to sleep
-Sadly for her she had to stop her vegan diet because she had to take the most of any scrap of food she found
-she sometimes make doodles with sharpie in her jeans, arms, weapons
-she’s not shy, but she just doesn’t know how to talk with other people anymore. like do kids these days still say yeet?
-she honestly thinks her parents left her behind, doesn’t even considerating that maybe they’re not even alive anymore
RP Example: (Two or more paragraphs)
The morning sun was shining brightly in the sky, it was warm out there but heidi saw herself running away from another Tank. sweat running across the side of her face, she knew she couldn’t keep running forever and she need to find somewhere to hide soon. Her hazel eyes searching around in panic, when she saw another car coming to her direction, she quickly jumped out of the way,falling on the ground and painfully scrapping he knee, she got up didn't  dare to look behind as she continued to run.
After what seemed like hours she finally managed to get away, hiding inside what was one day a clothing store.She searched around, carefully so she didn’t end up making any noise, her pistol in her hand. when she didn’t find anyone she relaxed and begun to take care of her injuries, looking at the window seeing that bright sun finally setting down and seeing a silver and shiny moon take it’s place.She counted the stars and constellations,her hazel eyes slowly closing.Soon she fell asleep dreaming of the perfect future that once shined as brightly as these stars, but would never become true.
0 notes
apocalypse-park · 6 years
Are there any survivors out there?
Calling all survivors. We’re searching for anyone who is listening to this broadcast to warn them, the zombie threat is getting worse.
Welcome to Apocalypse Park. We are a discord based South Park Zombie AU roleplaying group. We are seeking anyone who is interested in South Park and Zombies! Feel free to check out our masterlist and find out who is available and apply!
Most wanted
Mike “Vamipir” Makowski All the vamp kids Heidi Turner Token Black Jimmy Valmer Pete(red goth) Bebe Stevens Firkle and many many more
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apocalypse-park · 7 years
Name: Mizu
Age: 21
Pronouns: her/she
Discord: ----void----
Name: Tweek Tweak
Age: (Main 4 are 21 so age accordingly)
Gender: 20
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Height: 5'3
Faction:  Denver 
Brief History: (How they’ve survived and where they’ve been during the last 6 years)
Tweek heard about the infection when it first started. He stayed at his house and the coffee shop till they ran out if food. He collected a bag for him and his family and kept on moving. Bring quiet and moving is how he servived this long. 
Appearance: (At least one paragraph)
Tweek is small and thin after all these years on the run, enough strength to run or get rid of some of the regular zombies. His messy hair pulled back in a small bun as he wear a thick jacket to keep him warm and safe from any zombie bite or scratch. He wore a bright red backpack he had since the beginning.
Personality: (At least one paragraph)
Paranoid beyond to no end, he doesn’t trust anyone to save or protect him so he doesn’t rely on anyone. Even if he doesn’t trust anyone he wouldn’t leave someone for dead. If someone was screaming for help for asking him he would try his best to do so if it wouldn’t kill him. He’s mostly queit, not because he doesn’t want to talk but because he was to listen to see if any zombies were close. Even if he’s in a “safe” area he’s always on guard.
5 or more Headcanons:
•Since he’s small he sleeps in small areas where no one can get to.
•He can go four days with out sleeping if he’s out around zombies.
•He has a secret stash of food and medince he tells no one about.
•He uses a axe or bat with regular zombies, saves bullets for the big ones.
•He’s scared to make friends again, He can’t lose anymore people.
RP Example: (Two or more paragraphs)
It’s been a week since he made it to this part of town, not many zombies were around but it looked like it was picked clean. He climbed over the cars and fence, he knew not to make a lot of noise just in cause they were those super zombies around. He like staying the high to see around but zombies could be inside any of the buildings. He started walking down the side walks looking inside a small building, he walked inside picking up a few bandages and canned food, even dog food if he had to. 
That’s when he heard a noise, he froze standing up as he grabbed his axe. It sounded like it came from under him? He walked towards the back opening a small hatch that was in the floor, there was a zombie as he lead it out before bringing the axe down into his skull. He pulled it out beside walking down and seeing the secrets stash of food and bullets. He place the stuff in his bag grabbing the shotgun, this would come in handy for the big guys around.
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apocalypse-park · 7 years
Name: Rui
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Discord: ----void----
Name: Craig Tucker
Age: (Main 4 are 21 so age accordingly) 20
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Height: 5'11
Faction: Denver
Brief History: (How they’ve survived and where they’ve been during the last 6 years) Ever since the Apocalypse had started, Craig Tucker had to learn how to fight. He had to learn how to survive the hell that had been sparked by a selfish man. He needed to protect himself and his sister, despite their daily bouts. He had learned how to use weapons, craft items, and how to steal food and other various supplies from different camps, he learned how to treat his own wounds, and as well as the wounds of others.
Most of all, he had learned how to kill.
It was the most useful skill he had just to protect himself for the past 6 years of living in the hell that he had been experiencing. However, he doesn’t only use his skills to protect himself…
…He also uses it to protect the ones he cared about.
Appearance: (At least one paragraph) Craig has short black hair, with side swept bangs that hang just above his honey colored eyes. He wears a blue chullo hat over his hair, hiding most of it from the view of the others. He also wears a blue hoodie over a Red Racer shirt. His jacket’s sleeves are rolled up until his elbows, exposing a few scars that he had received throughout the years of rough survival. 
He also wears a pair of black jeans and a pair of blue sneakers. He has a gun holster around his left thigh, and a pair of katanas, sheathed just on his back in a crossed manner.
Personality: (At least one paragraph) He is stoic, cynical and blunt. Craig isn’t the type of guy who sugar coats things that need to be heard. He’s level-headed and always manages to keep his cool, despite the situation at hand, enabling him to think clearly, despite the situation. Craig is also known to be logical and strategic; one of the few assets that had helped him survive for 6 years in the midst of the hell that he had been facing.
5 or more Headcanons:
>Craig relies on kicks, more than he relies on punches. He uses the fact that he has long legs in order to kick someone.
>He’s good with swords, which is why he relies on them more than he relies on his guns. He believes that he’s just wasting time to reload when he’s using guns.
>He is a southpaw.
>Craig likes to read comics/manga whenever he has the time.
>He still likes Red Racer, and he still watches it when he can.
>He’s skilled in acrobatics, and uses it as leverage in his fights.
>Craig still has a crush on Tweek.
>Because of the apocalypse, Craig has trust issues. He doesn’t know who will betray who, and is always cautious around someone he barely knows.
>Despite his decent alcohol tolerance, Craig can’t stand the effects of caffeine, which is why he always drinks decaf.
>The reason why Craig has katanas was because he had bought one as a kid, during an expo that had happened in South Park. He stole his second one after finding one from one of the camps that he had raided.
RP Example: (Two or more paragraphs)
The city of Denver.
Craig can’t help but sigh in dismay. He simply cannot believe that what once was a beautiful city, has been reduced into nothing but worn down buildings and broken roads. Ever since he was in high school, he had always dreamed of getting in to Denver.
However, now that this awful tragedy had happened, it seemed like that dream is now far out of his reach.
Another sigh, and he gazed his honey colored eyes to the streets that had once been the pride of Denver.
He was tasked to gather some supplies from one of the stores nearby, in which of course, he agreed to. He can’t help but think about the number of enemies that he has to face as soon as he reached his destination.
No, this was no time to back out.
He unsheathed both of his katanas as soon as he had reached his destination, and as he expected, the place was swarming with zombies.
Without a moment’s hesitation…
He attacked.
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apocalypse-park · 7 years
Are there any survivers out there?
Calling all survivors. We’re searching for anyone who is listening to this broadcast to warn them, the zombie threat is getting worse.
Welcome to Apocalypse Park. We are a discord based South Park Zombie AU roleplaying group. We are seeking anyone who is interested in South Park and Zombies! Feel free to check out our masterlist and find out who is available and apply!
Most wanted
Leopold “Butters” Stotch Craig Tucker Tweek Tweak Token Black Jimmy Valmer Wendy Testaburger Bebe Stevens All the goth kids and many many more
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