things that i couldnt say
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
yup can’t believe how good my sixth sense is.
去你们两个 狗男女!
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
It’s already July
Can’t believe I saw you being tagged in Yuwen’s IGS having a meal which includes that girl and my heart sank........
FOR WHAT...???!!! Crazy pls.
Let’s move on and not waste anymore time, heart space and mind space on someone unworthy like you.
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
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n e w b e g i n n i n g s -
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
How to survive a break-up
Reminder to read this to feel better :)
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
some nights, I’m just dying to text you. Just to say “hey” just see what you’ll reply or if you’ll even reply.
tonight’s one of those nights.
actually, even if you do reply.... it doesn’t change anything does it? you’d still be the same guy whom I can no longer trust...
Ok, not gonna text then.
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
A letter to you one month on
Hey J***
How have you been. It’s been a month since we last saw each other and bidded goodbye.
Are you happy now? Are you finally happy now? Lifted from IU’s recent song.
Have you moved back to your place? What have you been doing filling up the space that I left?
If any, that’s it. Have you started talking to other girls? I hope you’ll never find anyone of them as interesting (at the start) as me haha because I know I’m uniquely me. Anw like how many of my friends said, it’s your loss, you never know how fun life with me can be and you are not deserving of me. Yep totally agree with them. Don’t see a future with someone like you. But just can’t help to be curious how you’ve been coping with the break up and with CB.
It’s a pity that all my friends now see you as a jerk. Guess this just mean that we will never be meant to be again ba... haha.
Hope you’ll be happy but you’ll never be as happy as you would have been if you were with me. HAHA.
Cheers to better days ahead for myself, I can do this!!!
Jiayou :)
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
These dreams remind me of how unworthy you are. Painful but real, thank you next.
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
One month on... 150520
It’s been a month since the circuit break up, 2 weeks since you sent me that string of damn annoying text.
Finally feel like I’ve accepted that we’ll just have to move on with our separate lives but can’t help to still miss you. Or rather just the happy times that we had tgt.
Because the thoughts of how rude and disrespectful you were towards the end just irks and disgusts me so much that I really hate that side of you.
Take it day by day. I’ll get better from here.
Meantime just take the time to heal and get over the fatigue.
Do what I love and be happy :) I can do this right!
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
还可以呼吸 心跳也还规律 只除了寂寞它还不肯马上就平息
相恋和失恋 如果说都需要练习 一次学会两种 也算好事情
谢谢你教会我 爱需要两颗心 
谢谢你示范了 什么人该放弃
谢谢你提醒我 痛会唤醒勇气 
谢谢你曾让我这样的 爱过你
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
Omgggggg had a whole night of dream of you and woke up with mixed feelings. A mix of “I miss you” and “I hate you” hahahah. Sigh.
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
finally finished reading Hergarty on Advertising: Turning Intelligence into Magic :)
Glad that I finished it though it took almost a year to do so :) thanks for accompanying me when I first started out in my switch into Advertising :)
Here’s to more magical days ahead in this journey!
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
having some ice cold beer at night and thinking about how it’s your number 1 favourite drink
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
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best thing this week :)
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
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coffee runs make life better :)
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
tonight’s closing thoughts - I can’t believe 你是这样的人
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apinkpolkadot · 5 years ago
little notes for when you’re sad:
you have always gotten back up from rock bottom on your own, it just took some time. bad times won’t last forever.
some days are unexpectedly better than others for no particular reason - the future is not completely bleak, there will be beautiful days sprinkled in no matter what you’re going through
it takes time to mend your heart, love yourself and grow into the person you hope to become. it’s ok to have hiccups along the way, it means you’re doing your best.
it’s possible to create a comforting & meaningful life for yourself with what you have at the moment. you may not see it, but sometimes we can be so busy comparing ourselves and wishing we had more things, but forgetting what we do have.
the future is bright, and holds wonderful things for you, though you may doubt it. the universe may surprise you, so don’t lose hope.
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