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Hello~ This is a NSFW side blog feel free to send in request's and any nsfw questions 18+ only please
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aphnsfw · 4 years ago
I have followed this blog for YEARS and I've never asked anything beacuse I was embarrassed, but I just turned 18 so fuck my shyness. Pass me some sweet nsfw RoChu with China being the dom.
- Russia fucking growls it scared the shit out of China the first time the gutteral noises from the man however it didn't take China long to tame the man
- China is rough beyond rough cruel sometimes but Russia melts from it a little bit of blood isn't anything to bat an eye at
- Teasing it extremely popular edging and the use of fingers never quite letting Russia get what he wants
- China's not fond of costumes he finds it cheap he much more prefers the sight of Russia bound and splayed out shamelessly in front of him
- every reaction China gets adds a point to his pride and you better bet it doesn't stop outside of the bedroom
- China is the god damned king of aftercare with medicinal knowledge and a kind gentle heart from being a father figure he knows exactly how to care for Ivan after all is over even if Ivan claims it's fine China always feels a little guilty
- the aftercare god both ways for Ivan its physical but for China it's mental Ivan knows their rough nights get China feeling guilty but the reassuring kiss to the forehead always eases the feeling
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aphnsfw · 4 years ago
I neeed to know more about England/Prussia
- Every sex based interaction is a battle for power they're both switches but not easy to submit
- Top tier aftercare this men know what they're doing and how I do it
- they have a wide arrange of toys sometimes they're both the bottom
- mutual masturbation is very popular they know their own boddies
- while they both love being degraded when praise rears its head they melt
- they refuse to say it but they definitely make love sex is fun but making love is just so much more intimate however rare
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aphnsfw · 4 years ago
Got any submissive Turkey headcannons?
- he's a brat and doesn't take nos very well
- earns himself a lot of spankings
- very breathy moans as he tries to hide his enjoyment
- the pure joy he tries to hide when praised
- power bottom if given the chance that man could ride allll night 😉
- melts during aftercare and let me tell you aftercare is a must or else
- secretly loves dressing up for his partner as long as it doesn't include clamps not too fond of those
- very vanilla boy but doesn't mind delving into some dirtier subjects
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aphnsfw · 4 years ago
Can you write some NSFW headcanons about Thailand? If you still do requests that is
She is 100 percent the cutest little sub to exist
Absolute rope bunny very fond of mild bondage and a nice spanking
Very vocal she can't keep in a moan if her life depended on it
Don't get too excited though only those who she truly loves and trusts get to see that side of her
A little sketch of the cutie
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aphnsfw · 4 years ago
Hey there it's been a hot minute I'm kinda back I think lol answering some old requests
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
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gayest Alfred I’ve drawn by now ([∂]ω[∂]) ( btw I’m happy to receive your requests, will be working on them soon=v<)
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
Can we have more cat Canada with maybe master matt?
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
yoooo ok am I the only one who lOves Turkey? i just feel like he'd be the type of guy who would go crazy over recieving oral like he just fUckign really enjoys it and like turns into a beasttt when his s/o gives it to him ���👌👌. idk tho. thoughts?
Oooh yes yes yes yes
He’s the type of guy who just cannot control himself when he’s receiving oral. There’s so much pleasure going through him since his dick is much more sensitive than average that he can’t sit still during to save his fucking life. His hands will grab and pull and claw at whatever is around to have some type of stability but the second his s/o deepthroats him or fondles his sack he’s done. A good (or bad depending on you) about him is that he has insane stamina so once he cums, don’t be surprised if he asks for you to go down on him again. His voice gets all whimpery and teary eyed due to getting over his orgasm and he’s most likely going to ask you to give him some more stimulation. Idk if you’ve noticed but he’s super into overstimulation and forced orgasms but yeah expect for him to ask you to tickle his pickle a lot
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
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👅 👅 👅
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
Headcanons for mute 2p! Prussia, please? This Boi is lovable.
* Since he relies a lot on his hands, obviously, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s at least above average when it comes to fingering his partner and twisting his fingers to reach at their sweet spots
* His moans are soft, a little raspy and often times sounds more like whines than anything. If you ever tease him about this the tips of his ears go red along with basically all his face and chest
* He absolutely loves to give his partner oral
* That being said, he doesn’t like being on the receiving end of oral simply because how much control he looses over himself. His body writhes, squirming, head tossing side to side, and he can’t use his hands to communicate very well as he’s most likely clawing at his hair or whatever he can get his hands on
* Favorite lazy pastime; edging
* Loves to give his partner kisses. He adores seeing them smile and will often just kiss wherever he feels they need it
* Not that sexual but he will occasionally trace letters over their skin, spelling out emotions that he’s currently feeling and will let out something like a giggle if they guess what he was going for
* During sex he will force himself to have self control so he can sign to his partner properly but that never ends up working. The added focus makers him even more attentive to all the pleasure he’s receiving and makes him cum
* Also!!!! He’s so fucking cute when he cums??? His face is all flustered, his eyes half lidded though still lovingly looking at you, lightly bruised lips from biting them and kissing you hard, and his finger tracing ‘I love you’ over and over again on your thighs
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
did i hear knots ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Cuz let me tell you, Ivan knotting deep in Alfred's ass is some good shit. His thick cock buried in that plush ass and his knot swelling right in his hole, making Alfred whine and feel fuller. And the cuddling that ensues bcuz of the knot is lovely. It doesn't even have to be furry, it could be like some A/B/O type shit. It's all good shit ;3 (im a freak i know lol)
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
Do you ship RVP? If you do, can we see some of them?
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Man RVP has been my shit since I first got into hetalia
Have a prince Matthew with his dashing bodyguard about to DO IT
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
I totally think you could make a super cute au thing with Tentacle Matt and human Matthew!!
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Fluff fluff fluff fluff FLUFF FLUFF-
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
Antonio giving Lovino a spanking please!
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+aftercare ;v;
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
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hey who remembers the really gay cut out boob dress episode
i do
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
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“Who’s a good boy?”
The blond head nudged against his outstretched hand, a whimper begging for him to run his fingers through the fair locks. Feliciano smiled softly, indulging his pet by ruffling the blond hair. His gentle smile turned to a somewhat sadistic grin as a soft moan was heard. Wanting to hear more noises, the Italian pulled on Ludwig’s hair, giggling with delight as a loud moan escaped from the German’s lips. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you? All nice and hard for me already, what a cutie!”
Keep reading
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aphnsfw · 7 years ago
Can we get some body headcanons for my hubby Alfred?
- he’s the type of guy that has stone hard abs when he flexes but a lil bit of chub when he’s relaxed
- he’s sensitive around his stomach area, so tummy kisses get him hard
- he likes to show off his strength in bed by flipping people over, which can sometimes cause accidents
- his neck is also super sensitive so he’s a loud bitch when you kiss and bite it
- strong arms perfect for holding his partner
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