apenotkillape · 6 years
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/I know I don’t use this blog anymore but I was just thinking about how good Maurice is
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apenotkillape · 6 years
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apenotkillape · 6 years
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 Maurice peered curiously at the human from where he sat on the roof of a garage near the docks. He made a small hoot in surprise when she turned to face him, but neither ran away nor moved towards her.
 She seemed more afraid of him than he was of her, which Maurice found was common. Though he tried to be friendly, not many could understand the way he spoke with his hands, but when this one moved hers in a familiar motion, he gave a small hoot of excitement.
“Friend.” he signed back, swinging down onto the docks a few meters away from her.
“Signing friend.”
@apenotkillape liked for a starter [x]
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When Elisa had come up to the surface to rest for a while, her love had wanted to stay with her but she’d reassured him that she’d be alright and after some hesitation, he’d gone to hunt for them. She was sat close to the water still, not straying too far so that he could always come up to the surface to make sure she was alright. 
A little after he left however, Elisa heard a noise behind her and when she turned towards it, she noticed that there was an animal nearby. It was an ape, an orangutan of some sort. She tensed a little, not sure if he was friendly or would hurt her, but there was something in his eyes that made Elisa think he might be more advanced than other animals she’d encountered. Thankfully, Elisa was near enough to the water that she could always jump to safety if he wasn’t friendly but she wanted to see, at least. Friend, she signed, indicating to herself and she didn’t even know if he would understand what she was saying but she at least hoped he’d understand the feeling behind it, that he’d know she wasn’t here to hurt him.
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apenotkillape · 6 years
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apenotkillape · 6 years
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                       selective / not mutuals only / screamed at by ash / est . 4.8.18
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apenotkillape · 6 years
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He does not know what I lack…
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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/ @pridelanders , @apenotkillape , and @fart-shoes on an  indefinite hiatus
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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A beautiful male Bornean orangutan chilling at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, sometime in June.
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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These guys didn’t get promo images for War. Like with the neglected apes in Dawn, I took matters into my own hands!
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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The film’s promo images for the main apes!
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apenotkillape · 7 years
Free emoticons of Maurice! Please like/reblog is using~
Keep reading
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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Orangutan enjoying the butterflies 
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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Studies of an Orang Utan by Norbertine Bresslern-Roth (1891-1978)
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apenotkillape · 7 years
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/Just an announcement to say I won’t be too active on any of my blogs the next couple weeks, March is assignment season with final exams a few months from that. I’ll post here in there but big lengthy replies are gonna be reduced a lot
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apenotkillape · 7 years
Maurice sat in his dusty cart outside of the circus tent. Lazily he traced patterns in the dirt with a small twig. He could hear the sounds of the show already starting, though he knew it was not his turn for quite some time. 
They always starved him before performances, it made him more ‘productive’. They dressed him like a human and he paraded around doing human activities, such as riding a bicycle, using a phone, or eating dinner with his trainer. It made the audience laugh, that was all that mattered. The situation would’ve been cruel, had it not been all he had known for his entire life.
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A noise made him raise his head, and his fingers gently clasped the iron bars. There were no other apes in the circus: lions, tigers, elephants, bears, and horses, but no other apes. So what was one doing strolling towards his cage?
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apenotkillape · 7 years
Several of the older, wiser chimps stopped at Maurice’s orders, though they looked irritated and uneager to wait for much longer. The younger apes pushed past their elders in their haste to catch the humans, and though Maurice called after them, they would not stop. 
Grunting with frustration, Maurice ordered the older chimps to follow him, and ran back through the tunnel, causing several apes to stop in confusion, not knowing which direction to go. He knew Koba wanted war with the humans, and that such a war would bring about the deaths of many on both sides. The only way to stop it was before it began.
Maurice came into the main clearing in time to see Blue Eyes and Koba touching heads. The chimp was young, so he would look to the bonobo for guideance, and to act as a leader. Rocket and Luca were no where to be seen.
Maurice stood on his back legs and let out another bellowing roar.
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Maurice mustered what energy it took to warn the humans. Ceaser was dead, but he couldn’t stop to think about that, not when the humans and the colony were in such terrible danger.
He beckoned the humans to follow him, with Rocket on hand to guard the rear. The colony would hopefully be too distracted by Koba, who was taking the gun off of Blue Eyes, that they would not follow them. Even after all these years, what Maurice had said to Ceaser so long ago still rang true: Apes Stupid.
The orangutan and the humans were able to shepherd the humans through the tunnel, with the Gorilla Guard being distracted. Maurice stopped at the entrance and grunted at them urgently, gesturing towards the woods.
“Go! Hide!” 
The dark-skinned man and another quickly descended the mossy slopes, but Alexander, who had given Maurice the book, lingered behind. The boy looked into Maurice’s eyes with a mixture of gratitude, fear, and sadness, and the orangutan blinked and hooted lowly at this young friend. He knew this was the last they would see of each other, and it saddened him greatly.
Ellie tugged him away by the arm, and Malcom pushed them on, stopping to look at Maurice and breath a short, “Thanks.”
The ape nodded and rumbled again, but then raised his arms and began pushing the air towards the good man. Go go go!
Once the humans had a fair headstart, Maurice turned around, and saw the first few chimps racing through the Gorilla tunnel. He braced himself, Ceaser may be dead, but he had been his third in command. He must still command some respect: he could stop the madness before it began.
He stood up, and then brought his fists crashing to the ground, letting out the loudest, fiercest noise that had ever been heard from his usually gentle mouth.
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apenotkillape · 7 years
My muse is kept in a cage at the circus. Your muse comes across them before tonight’s performance. Send ‘☀’ for my muse’s reaction to yours stepping towards the cage.
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