apatheticchocobar · 2 months
solo date ideas
bookstore Bahrisons Booksellers Galleria Kunzum - DLF Mega Mall
library couldn't find anything nice in gurgaon :(
Different language libraries in south delhi https://www.reddit.com/r/delhi/comments/13ovdmb/libraries_in_delhi/
swimming Fitso Gallant
misfits (book club)
walking (eventually running)
exercise in room
cooking new recipes Jamie Oliver
guitar (buy and learn online)
malls Ambience Mega Mall
reading books
skincare, haircare
movie in theater
learn french
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apatheticchocobar · 2 months
almost a month already
...since job started
its nice i guess, i already know some people at work, only trainings going on for now
but i don't have any friends here, i don't think there has been even one weekend when i haven't cried about the loneliness
i don't have anyone to do anything with, i don't want to come off as desperate but my co workers are just that... coworkers
i resolve to try to do things on my own till i find someone, i will not become a sad person who does nothing on weekends just binge watch, eat junk food and masturbate
why can't i make friends easily, why am i so awkward :(
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apatheticchocobar · 4 months
i don't wish to sound ungrateful, i'm very glad to have a job, to be given this opportunity but i don't want to live in gurgaon
it's just not for me, the safety issues, pollution, extreme temperatures...
i'll try to apply for more jobs and write my experience here, as mom said i have nothing to lose
first i need to make the dreaded resume
to be updated...
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apatheticchocobar · 4 months
recently i have just stopped trying
to get something better, to learn something new, to do something even if i'm not good, even if i won't get anything out of it
this feeling that i don't deserve anything and i should be happy to have got what i did
that there are many people better and more deserving
i don't want to be like this
i'll try to get what i want, i'm capable, i'm deserving, if others can do it then i can do it too
be it a job, or any other opportunity
with this post i'll start trying
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apatheticchocobar · 4 months
last 5 insti days
i don't think i have ever been more stressed than i was in those days. just a reflection on what all happened and how i feel about it now 6th night starting with the attempt. we went to valfie, was so sentimental, cried a bit. went to a club after that, so many elec people. on the way there, we decided the degree is over now, no one was in the mood to go back to work on that last shit assignment. for the first time, i danced freely, well maybe not completely, but i actually had fun dancing in a crowded loud place. i felt so free. and also sad that it's ending, everything would be different now. came back, and was drinking aamras in the gymkhana, soaking it all in, when we got the call. it sounded unbelievable, i didn't know what to say or do, none of us did. we started running like crazy, in the middle of the road. somehow made it to energy, searched there frantically. went back to our hostel, tried everything
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apatheticchocobar · 4 months
(last) summer to do list
arrange room get rid of useless clothes/other stuff write yearbook messages check if any mastercard work remaining look for pg in gurgaon learn to drive scooter and car loose weight gmat prep go through all saved reels organise spotify finish writing the 5 days post
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
is this it
10 days to go and idk what i feel like. definitely sad, also this feeling that i didn't make the best use of the resources i got. didn't do anything exceptional. didn't make a lot of friends. well going in i was worried if i will make any friends at all so at least i did a bit better than that but still. i've always wanted to do something big and idk if i'll ever be able to do that
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
short term plans
what i can do now
to be updated
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
some things i want to learn
dance guitar singing swimming gym driving french ice skating skateboarding makeup investing in stocks reading books skincare ADHD management badminton tennis kathak (complete degree)
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
big dreams
i have these big dreams, one day i'll be a ceo, i'll travel the world, i'll write a book, i'll fall in love with someone while on an adventurous trip, i'll go to harvard...
realistically, they seem really far away. as of now, i have an okayish job in gurgaon and a very average transcript, graduating in 15 days.
i don't know what the future holds, but i really hope i get to do atleast some of this, that i get to take risks and try new things
i don't want to be 27, with a dead end job i hate, and getting arranged married to someone
or even if this happens, it's by my choice, not just because of circumstances
i don't want to be left with thoughts of "what if.." i had done something, but it's too late now
at 22, maybe i'm naive but i never want to stop being curious, open to new things, and enjoying life to the fullest
maybe i should start planning for the short term, what can i do in my job now so that these new doors open up
20 years from now you'd give anything to be this age again, have this time, and be this healthy
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
to be bought list
my year of rest and relaxation
the bell jar
exciting times
razors edge
before the coffee gets cold
we learn nothing
girl, woman, other
rich dad poor dad
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
the end of an era
i clearly remember going to my first offline class in insti, 302 (controls)
we were all wearing masks, took a picture in the end in the LH
was so wowed by how pretty the classrooms were, had sent the picture to mom and she was so proud and emotional
and now, it's the end. had my last class ever today. i don't know what i'm feeling. the graduating feeling has still not fully set in. but i do feel a little sad.
god knows how i'll be feeling on 10th may
We're only gettin' older, baby And I've been thinkin' about it lately Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes?
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apatheticchocobar · 5 months
The Wedding Guest
Wes Anderson movies
Madgaon Express
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Monkey Man
The Newsroom
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apatheticchocobar · 6 months
i wanna go to auroville again, live there, attend random workshops, volunteer, eat at cute cafes
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apatheticchocobar · 6 months
things i'll pay for when i have a job
flow club
netlix/prime etc
youtube premium
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apatheticchocobar · 7 months
why did i say that
so on sunday we went out to dinner, all the graph people. there one of the girls was wearing a dress which had a deep cut neckline. she was wearing a bra underneath to cover that up.
i, as a joke, told her that she should just wear it directly and we both laughed about it
but then, for some reason, i went on about how bizarre it is that such dresses with such deep necks exist and who even wears such clothes
this other girl then said, yeah they do exist and people do wear them
and it hit me then, girls can wear whatever they want to, i have always believed that, why was i saying these judgy aunty things?? or in instagram terms, why was i "hating like a man"
is it my own insecurities showing up? that i won't ever have the confidence to wear something like this?
this is not the kind of person i want to be :(
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apatheticchocobar · 8 months
long time no see
hmm its been a while, new year, welcome 2024!
but same old me :/
this week: haven't done an assignment, its 2 days since deadline already ordering food atleast once everyday weighed just now, 65.8 kg :(( (have gained 1 kg instead of losing)
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