aobeejohsai · 6 months
A windy day with a moderate temperature will make you feel like you got reborn into a world that really loves you this time
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aobeejohsai · 10 months
still reading frankenstein and i completely forgot that theres a part where victors wrapping up doing devious deeds on a sparsely inhabited island off the shore of england and he loads all his mad scientist shit into a rowboat and pushes off into the water and then fucking falls asleep with no navigational tools and when he wakes up hes like, adrift with no land in sight and hes like ‘FUCK my creation!!!!!’ even though the monster had absolutely nothing to do with getting him lost in the middle of the fucking english channel and he starts lamenting about how hes going to die and his family is never going to see him again and hes going to go to davey jones locker or whatever because hes been without potable water in a rowboat for like 4 hours and then he sees land and hes like ‘oh thank god im saved!!!’ and he gets to shore and is met with an angry mob who thinks he murdered someone and hes like ‘but where is english hospitality?????’ and theyre like ‘this is ireland you dumb slut’ and as theyre marching him to the magistrate hes like ‘i was still thirsty but did not want to show my weakness……’ like could you even imagine
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aobeejohsai · 10 months
"it's so fucking over" yeah dude it's 11pm it's the end of the day it's time for you to go to bed. and tomorrow you'll be so fucking back because you'll be awake. go tuck yourself in dude you'll be ok
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aobeejohsai · 10 months
big pharma will try to sell u $20 cold medicine like spicy ramen doesnt cost like a dollar a pack and orgasms are free
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aobeejohsai · 11 months
people on here are always saying “we NEED a story where the art of storytelling is abandoned” like ugh literary devices are soo annoying like that wouldn’t happen in real life that only happened to further the story (why is there story in my story) why would orpheus turn around when he was explicitly told not to why would icarus fly so close to the sun romeo&juliet catcher in the rye why are they so earnest why pour your heart and soul into anything why bother why cant all art be quippy logical monotony like my marvel movies there’s a void in my heart bc i refused to fill it and the curtains were blue
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aobeejohsai · 11 months
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aobeejohsai · 11 months
I hate when people describe not IMMEDIATELY responding as “ghosting.” Like “they totally ghosted me, and then when they finally texted back three hours later…” stop right there. That is not ghosting. I will teach you the meaning of ghosting
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aobeejohsai · 11 months
When I was in the hospital, they gave me a big bracelet that said ALLERGY, but like. I'm allergic to bees. Were they going to prescribe me bees in there.
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
shout out to bitches that cant tell you shit about their special interest. the interest that has been with me for the majority of my life is squid and despite the numerous documentaries, articles and marine biology books ive read regarding them i honest to god couldnt tell you a thing about them besides "a squid is an animal that is so cutes"
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
Stuffed animals will see a crack between the bed and the wall and go “is anyone gonna fall into that?” And not wait for an answer
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
"my clothes look homemade" "my art isnt good" "im not a good singer" well, do it anyways
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
Blocking only creates uninformed bubbles.
actually blocking creates a fun internet experience where the people u dont like cant bother u
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
i hate that the word “goon” is associated with guys that jerk off to porn all day now. to me “goon” will always mean burly guys with a thick boston/new york/jersey accent that jump out of bed in black tracksuits and beanies , pick up their favorite crowbar , and carpool with the other goons to work to get their ass beat by batman
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
I cannot emphasize this enough as a practical life skill: learn how to say no to authority figures. Learn how to tell them that nothing they can do to you will change your mind. Disappoint your parents. You have to live your own life.
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aobeejohsai · 1 year
Does the “I’m gonna get a good grade in” person know the impact they’ve had. Do they know they did in fact got a good grade in post, something that’s both normal to want and possible to achieve,
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