anzu-eh · 5 days
heyy this will be my first post. It isn't very much sorry but I hope you enjoy it!
wrd count: 1.3k
⚠️ fearplay warning!!!⚠️
Tiny Issue
Chapter 1
Julian took a role as a teacher at a giant school, he didn't know it was a giant school. Now, he was going to struggle with half the stuff he was going to teach, and he was going to have trouble getting the kids to listen to him, since they weren't going to take him seriously. He was a size-shifter, so if he shifted into a giant every few hours for class, he should be fine.
And on break, he could shrink down for the time being and, hopefully, no one would figure out that he was a size-shifter. His first day in the school all went well. Most of the students were on task and respectful. He enjoyed it so far, besides one student. They were so disrespectful and slept during class. He would give him lunch detention, but then he wouldn't have his shrinking time.
A few months went by, and he loved school! Until, one day, a teacher complained he wasn't giving a proper punishment to Kyle, and if he didnt start giving him detention, he'd tell the principal, getting him fired, so he had no choice but to do so. During the middle of class, Kyle had walked in late, and Julian got ready to lecture him. Julian stood up and glared at Kyle “Kyle, you now have detention with me.” he said sternly and Kyle rolled his eyes.
“How come you're giving me it now, but you never did before?” Kyle yelled clearly annoyed “Because I tried to give you chances. You messed that up, and I'm tired of you taking advantage of it. Stay after class.” Kyle groaned and went to his seat to go fall asleep.
~!After class!~
Julian didn't think this should be that bad. The kid practically sleeps all day! He sat at his desk grading papers, until he was sure Kyle was asleep. He peeked, and the boy looked like he was sleeping, so he took his chances. He shrunk, climbing down the chair in case the boy was awake and assumed he went out for a minute. He went under his desk; it was one that didn't show from the other side so he should be good.
After a few minutes of relaxing, Julian heard Kyle rise from his seat. He thought he was just going to leave, but instead, it's like Julian’s life was cursed. Kyle walked to his desk and sat on the spinning chair. He heard clicks, and he froze. He needed to stop him either way, small or not, he shouldnt touch my stuff!
Julian stood up, trembling at the large boots in front of him. He walked forward, and tugged at the boy's pant leg. “Kyle Richardson, I know you're not touching my stuff!!” He yelled, crawling from out of the desk, and grew he pulled him out of his seat, glaring at him as the boy just watched in shock. “Holy shit, were you just an inch tall, or something?!” Kyle yelled, and stared at Julian “I don't know what you mean.” He said sitting down with an evil grin stretched across his lips. “Now go back to your seat, you sound crazy.” Julian said.
The next couple of days, Julian brought coffee to school for energy incase Kyle tried to stalk him to see if Julian was actually small. After those days, he was in the clear again.. At least he thought he was.. A week passed by, and he thought he was clear, until Kyle walked into his room and sat down. “I'll take my detention here, if you don't mind. Julian was so tired he barely got to sleep last night. Having him in here, he could accidentally shrink..
“Uhm Kyle, you know you don't have detention. Why are you here?” He said, glaring at him. This boy was ruining his whole routine. “Oh, but I think I deserve it. I've been very bad lately,” Kyle said, smirking. He wondered what the boy was up to, but shrugged it off “Fine, but be quiet.'' Julian said while pulling out a stack of papers what was he supposed to do?! He had no coffee on him, which was awful.
While he was grading papers, Kyle got up sitting at a desk more in the front. Julian ignored it, and black dots slowly filled his vision, but he shook it away. He groaned, and just as he started falling asleep again, he shrunk right then and there! Kyle quickly got up and looked in the leathery seat “I knew I wasn't crazy!” He yelled and grinned. He started spinning the chair to make him dizzy, and Julian soon passed out.
Julian slowly woke up. It was pretty dark, and he felt around as much as he could. It felt like denim? He groaned, then suddenly all the memories flashed back. He started screaming for someone, and he was pulled out of a pocket. He froze as he was brought up to a pair of two beautiful emerald eyes. He stared back in silence, and realized it was Kyle. “Kyle, put me down this instant!!” He yelled, super tense. Kyle did so, and dropped him on a wooden desk. He hit his head hard, and sat up. He tried growing, but it's like every time he tried, nothing worked. He looked at his neck, and his eyes widened, seeing a collar around his neck.
“What the fuck, Kyle?!” He yelled, terrified, and began to tremble. “What's wrong, Mr. Heart, you're not scared, are you~?” He said calmly, and poked at Julian, who just flinched. “Awe, what happened to the calm and confident Mr. Heart. Actually, can I call you Julian, instead?” Julian stared at him, and backed away before being picked up “I went through your computer.” Julian paused, feeling stupid “Well, what the fuck do you want with me?!”
Kyle began to smile. “Nothing. This is just a punishment for lying.” Julian glared at him. He was getting tired of these jokes “Okay, that's enough, kid. I need to get home. I have a life too, you know!?” He screamed, and squirmed out of his hand, falling in his lap, standing up to climb down his pant leg, but he didn't have time, so he just jumped.
He started running, terrified. He made it under the desk, and hid there. Kyle got to his knees, and peeked under, annoyed, and tried to reach for him.
Julian hissed in pain as his leg began to bleed, he’d just hurt himself jumping from that far of a distance. Running only made it worse, luckily kyle wasn't smart enough to move the desk he backed into a coroner scared for life. Hot tears began to form in his eyes as the pain in his leg only gotten worse when julian wasn't paying attention to anything but his leg he didn't realize kyle had grabbed him until he was already in his fist
Kyle looked pretty mad but didnt do anything, silently putting him in his pocket again he groaned as he was shoved in. Julian’s leg still hurt so he just ignored Kyle and started using his coat to wrap his wound.
Tears poured down his face, he tried not to pay attention to his wound. He started yelling when he was being grabbed from the pocket. He was brought back to kyles cold eyes. They slowly led down to his leg “Ah your hurt.”
he rolled his eyes before throwing him down onto the desk, “maybe if you listened you wouldn't be hurt.” Kyle hissed slamming his hand to the table, letting a small smirk spread. “How about a game,” grinning before grabbing his leg. Kyle dangled Julian in the air before grabbing some pin tacks. Kyle held him upright, using the pin tacks to pin him to his billboard.
kyle sat down and grinned, poking him with the pencil as he squirmed around. “Soon you’ll be fired and forgotten forever, therefore you will be with me.”
Julian froze, hearing those words left him speechless. He continued to struggle, looking back into his kidnappers' emerald eyes knowing he was doomed.
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anzu-eh · 8 days
hii still new to this i jst wanted to introduce myself!
hi my name is anzu but you can call me erin im a 14 year old and i adore g/t content! (sfw).
im a writer and a reader, i love music i sometimes get very lazy or busy so dont expect the best i love music, nails, hair and more im a really chill person and love to talk sometimes.
please feel free to ask me anything!🫶🏻💗
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