Hi! I'm Emily R. and have a serious love of anything and all things injury involved. From sports to just accidents my love brought me to Athletic Training (AT) as my career path. I've got different resources concerning AT that can help the high schooler trying to figure it out to the college graduate looking for some reassurance!
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So What Does Life as an AT Look Like in 2023?
Well...it's still not the most glamorous, easiest, or paid job; however, some pros are also not discussed. The University of Idaho posted about what athletic training looks like in current times; from pay to a day-in-the-life account to some not-so-glamorous parts, it is a well-rounded article to read to get an idea of what the career is looking like now.
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What About the Physician side?
For those who want to do AT, however, want a more predictable and steady schedule with pay and benefits, the clinical side of things may be your thing! This webpage/ organization is dedicated to residency programs, the most up-to-date clinical information, job listings, documents for professional development, and so much more
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I live in Texas, is There Anywhere I Can Get Info. on Jobs or Seminars?
Two different associations focus on and have Texas as a part of them, where they update information, job listings, seminar dates, host different events, etc... The first one is the Southwest Athletic Trainers' Association which works with Texas and the southern part of Arkansas and then the Texas Athletic Trainers' Association which is specific to just our state.
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Help with the BOC, I Have No Clue What I'm Doing!!
A perfect combination of full help and social media integrated - AT Study Buddy! They have an Instagram account where they post questions with answers and rationales and offer full study options to their library of questions and other services on their website. Best of both words!
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BOC Study Help!! But I'm on the Go All the Time...
BOC Study Podcast is the way to go! They have a podcast, but they also have an Instagram, and let's be real...you got to check Insta whenever you get a break. So why not study and get a break, they post different questions with multiple answers, you pick the answer, and then later, they repost the question with the correct answer and rationale. By the time the test comes around you can have a binder full of different types of questions all while doing your normal routine.
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Graduate Student and BOC is Near, What Do I Need to Know?
Board of Certification for The Athletic Trainer has you covered. They break their website up into what the BOC is and why while having sections for different occupations. ATs, they discuss education, fees, standards, and emergency care. Perfect spot to get important up-to-date information
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Any Examples of Work Not in the School Setting?
Moore Wellness Systems. This company was founded by Brett Moore, and his goal was to show industrial workplaces the benefits of hiring ATs. Did his plan work! They are partnered with a number of companies throughout different states and areas, with openings coming up frequently and great testimonials. This is an example of a sector that has more structure schedule-wise than a school could offer.
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Any Other Podcasts?
Yep! TopDat is brought to you by two Doctors of Athletic Training, Docter Donita Valentine and Brandon Holland Sr. They discuss a variety of AT-related topics and keep it fun while serving up major knowledge. Let's be real medicine of any kind is fun because we get to be know-it-alls...right?
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Other Resources than Articles, My Eyes Burn I Need a Change?
Coming right up! A podcast called the atcorner. It is hosted by a married couple that is both certified ATs. They discuss everything and anything from what mental health does for ATs to how starting their career was. They also have a website for extra content, journals, and much more that correlates with their podcasts.
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ATs Only Work at Schools, and I Don't Want That, but I Love the Career Option...
Get ready...ATs do not just work at your high school or college and never do anything else. ATs are in many different industries, from factories and warehouses to the military to clinics to performing arts and even more. NATA's AT at Your Own Risk created another amazing updated article about the different sectors ATs are in now and how these are growing as awareness of the benefits of having an AT present continues to rise.
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AT is a Stong Contender, but I Want to Know All the Info. the More the Better.
A specific campaign started by NATA called AT at Your Own Risk has an article that gives all the information and more. Something that separates this one from others is this campaign is very recent, and the information is entirely updated! Also, there is a video, pictures, and graphics to ensure a changeup from a long-word article that makes you fall asleep.
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I'm Interested but I'm in High School and Have a Lot of Options; Quick Summary Please?
Alrighty attention peaked and ears perked up, NATA has a great article for prospectives that covers what an AT is, where they can be found working, organizations that are available to join, and so much more. It is concise and easy to read without feeling like you're missing something.
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How Much Money Can I Make? Is the Job Disappearing?
Since COVID, job security, outlook, and pay are even more important. Anyone looking to enter a career wants to know there is longevity in what they plan to do. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is the main point of access for all the numbers, graphs, and maps to minds at peace about the potential of a career. (Sneak Peak! Our career is thriving with outlook and pay on the rise)
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I live in Texas, What Licensing Do I Need?
So, to protect those practicing the medicine and those being treated, the state of Texas has regulations whenever you finish your program; getting and maintaining your license as necessary is key. For everything licensing, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is where you want to look. It never hurts to see how things have changed, attend a meeting, or make a phone call when clarification is needed.
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Wait What About Physical Therapy; Isn't it The Same?
Yeah, definitely not, but nice try! So here's the deal physical therapy and athletic training often get confused and intertwined, so I found the perfect article that breaks down careers, education requirements, the scope of practice, and more. And no, not one is better than the other (it's AT, AT is better).
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So Where Can I Go To School and Be Prepared for the BOC?
Alright so you know you wanna go down this path so far but where the heck do you go? The answer is with the CAATE website. Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education is where you can search by different filters such as state or school name to see if a school you're interested in is in good standing for AT education and that you'll be set!
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Can Anyone be an AT?
Yes! and no. ATs are everywhere but there are certifications in place so not just anyone can say that they are an AT and get jobs and everything (patients and ATs need protection). NATA (National Athletic Training Association) discusses who ATs are, regulations, and why they should be hired.
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