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6 Fruits That Fight Diabetes

Are you a diabetic? Are you worried about foods with a high glycemic index? Don’t worry. We are here to give you the best fruits that you can relish without worrying about your blood sugar levels.
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How To Manage Your Type 1 Diabetes

Believe it or not, diabetes is one of the most common diseases out there. It can strike at any time and it doesn’t rightly matter if you’re living a preventative lifestyle. You can still contract the disease. If you have diabetes, it’s high time you started learning about how to tame the disease. Use these tips to help you out.
The number one thing to keep in mind when you’re diagnosed with Type II Diabetes is that it’s not the end of the world! You will be able to live a long, healthy life with this condition as long as you take the steps necessary to keep it under control.
Green tea is an excellent tool for the Diabetic who is attempting to lose weight. Studies show it helps your heart to stay healthy, and it’s so tasty that you won’t want to add any sweeteners to it. You can also use powdered matcha in cooking, and it’s great with cocoa!
Keep track of your Diabetic supplies and make sure you always have a backup. Obviously, keeping a huge stock of insulin isn’t feasible as it has an expiry date, but lancets and test strips don’t! Keep enough insulin on hand so that you know you’ll use it in time, but you also will never be left without it.
It is important for diabetics to learn to eat a healthy diet and control portion sizes. Eating excessively large portions is a sure way to gain weight. Eating too much, even of foods that are good for you, will result in weight gain and blood sugar problems. Use smaller plates, put your utensils down between bites and eat slower.
In order to be healthy in the midst of having diabetes, it is very important to eat the right kind of food. It is good to switch to food that is high in fiber such as whole grains. These types of foods contain refined carbohydrates that help decrease the risks associated with diabetes.
Be passionate about having Diabetes and become an advocate for the disease. Type II Diabetes is preventable, and it’s costing our government billions of dollars in treatment for people who can’t afford it. You may not be one of those who are tapping the system for your care, but speaking up about what you know to help others avoid the disease will help us be able to use our money for more important things.
A tip to prevent or manage diabetes is to eat high-fiber foods such as whole grains as much as possible. Processed foods, including white bread, have a high glycemic count due to being full of refined carbohydrates and these can increase the diabetes risk. This is because they lead to spikes in the blood sugar levels whereas the more natural the food, the easier it is to be digested.
Although it’s too late to prevent diabetes now, it’s not too late to take the steps necessary to rise above this disease. Learning how to deal with your diabetes is only half of the battle here. The onus is now on you to put a plan together in order to fight this disease.
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Latest Drug Trends Parents Need to Know About
Your teen is at a party. They told you the parents would be home and that it’s just a small get-together. But even a small party can be a toxic pool of peer pressure for a growing teenager. Do you actually know what your teen is doing at that party? Will there be drinking or even drugs? While it’s important to have a trusting relationship with your teenager, it is also important to know when it’s time to step in and take charge of their activities. New drug trends can pop up fast, and before you know it, your teen may be in a dangerous situation at a social event. But you can take action just by staying in-the-know about drug trends and being aware of the warning signs that your teen might be abusing drugs. With the right information, you can better monitor your teen’s activities and behaviors. You don’t want to find out too late.
Here are a few of the drug trends for 2017 you should know about:
Molly: Commonly known as Molly or ecstasy, the official name for this drug is MDMA. It has been steadily gaining popularity since the late 2000s, and it is certainly a drug to watch out for among teenagers. Molly is considered a club drug and is typically used in pill form at raves and other kinds of parties. It is a synthetic psychoactive drug that produces feelings of increased energy, euphoria, emotional warmth toward others and distortions in sensory and time perceptions. Because it is lab-created, Molly is an unpredictable drug that can vary greatly in strength, composition and dosage — you never know what you’re going to get. It can result in a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, blood vessel constriction and sweating, and the inability for the body to regulate temperature. It has also been known to cause panic attacks, psychosis, seizures and extreme dehydration.
Flakka (or Gravel): Flakka, also sometimes called Gravel, is a new and highly dangerous drug trend that has recently been seen emerging in Florida but is spreading to other areas as well. The drug is a combination of crystal meth and bath salts, giving it a gravel-like appearance. It can be eaten, snorted, injected or vaporized in an e-cigarette or similar device and can cause a condition called “excited delirium” that involves hyperstimulation, paranoia and hallucinations that can lead to violent aggression and self-injury. It has been linked to fatalities from suicide and heart attacks, and it can raise body temperatures to dangerous levels, leading to kidney damage and kidney failure.
K2 (or Spice): K2 is a particularly tricky drug to look out for as a parent because it can be obtained legally and is sold in gas stations, head shops and on the Internet. It is a synthetic cannabinoid of herbal mixtures that is chemically similar to THC, the active ingredient found in marijuana. However, the effects of this drug are much more powerful than marijuana and can include anxiety and agitation, nausea and vomiting, high blood pressure, shaking and seizures, hallucinations and paranoia, and violent behavior. Recently, there have been increasing instances of hospitalizations due to overdoses of K2.
Adderall: Adderall (and other stimulant medications like Ritalin and Concerta) is the dangerous drug your teen might be getting right out of a friend’s medicine cabinet. Typically prescribed to people with ADHD, Adderall has recently become a heavily abused drug among young people, especially students. People with prescriptions can easily give or sell it to others, usually those seeking the ability to focus better while studying. The problem? When abused or taken without a prescription, these drugs can be highly addictive. This type of drug suppresses the appetite, increases wakefulness, and increases focus and attention. It can also produce feelings of euphoria and is often abused for recreational purposes as a result.
Fentanyl: This drug is an opioid twice as potent as heroin and has been increasing in popularity across the nation since 2013, causing hundreds of overdoses and deaths. An opioid overdose can stop a person’s breathing, and fentanyl can cause this to happen very rapidly. In some cases, people have been unknowingly taking fentanyl in what they believed to be pure heroin, though a growing number of people are intentionally seeking out the stronger drug. Fentanyl produces a state of euphoria and relaxation.

Any Lab Test Waco partners with the Partnership for Drug Free Kids and their Medicine Abuse Project to help educate parents about the problem of teen drug abuse, as well as share tools to help them talk to their teens. Be sure to talk to your teenager about the dangers of drug abuse and how to get help if something happens. If you think your teen may be abusing drugs, you may want to consider bringing them in for a drug test through our Trust But Verify teen drug testing program. Talk to our experts at Any Lab Test Waco to find the right test for you and your child’s needs.
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Top Five Diseases That Affect Women’s Health
As women race through their days, many don’t stop to focus on their own health and well-being. For this reason, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health has designated as Women’s Health. This marks the 17th time the week has been recognized in an effort to encourage women to take ownership of their health.

While women’s health concerns may change as they age, five of the top health concerns faced by women include:
Heart disease. Heart disease accounts for more than 22 percent of female deaths according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There are multiple contributing factors to heart disease: high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Exercise and other healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk of heart disease.
Cancer. The Susan G. Komen foundation shares that one in eight women who lives to the age of 85 is at risk for breast cancer. Fortunately, with early detection, survival rates can be quite high. To protect themselves, women regularly should be completing self-breast exams, scheduling routine mammograms and seeking testing to see if they have any markers that could signify malignant tumors in any area of the body.
Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases. This is often more recognizable as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and includes both emphysema and chronic bronchitis. While pollutants and chemical toxins may contribute to the development of these diseases, smokers get COPD nearly 12 times as frequently as non-smokers.
Stroke. Strokes are caused by blood clots that prevent blood from reaching the brain. According to Harvard Medical School, high blood pressure is the No. 1 risk factor for developing blood clots. Be sure to have your blood pressure checked regularly, especially if you are a smoker or using oral contraception. In addition, having a healthy lifestyle, which includes not smoking, can help reduce the chance of developing a blood clot.

Alzheimer’s disease. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Age, family history and heredity are the most common risk factors. While there is still much to learn about the disease, scientists are looking at the impact of exercise, diet and brain-engaging activities as potential ways to help keep the disease at bay.
So, ladies, celebrate Women’s Health Week by becoming more informed about the state of your own health, working with a doctor to address any issues and making lifestyle changes that will help you live your healthiest life yet!
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Complete Blood Count

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Are You Getting a Good Night’s Rest?

Regardless of whether you jump at the chance to be nestled into a heap of covers, covered under a pile of cushions, or free from constrictive sheet material, a great night's rest is fundamental to your wellbeing. Truth be told, quality rest is as basic as appropriate eating regimen and exercise. It is a key figure resistant capacity, digestion, memory, and adapting; yet, more than 33% of United States grown-ups don't get enough rest. Lacking Sleep Lacking rest is on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) radar and has been marked a general wellbeing concern. All in all, what constitutes a fruitful night of sleep? The CDC suggests no less than seven hours for every night for grown-ups and considerably more for high schoolers and youngsters. In a 2014 overview, just 65 percent of Americans revealed a sound rest span. Inconceivably, 12 percent announced resting under five hours and 23 percent detailed just six hours for every night.
Rest Quality
While the quantity of hours of rest is imperative to reestablishing and reviving your body, the National Sleep Foundation's new report presents rest quality in an unexpected way. It suggests that you take a stab at these four sleep time achievements: Dozing 85 percent of the time you spend in bed Nodding off in 30 minutes or less Awakening close to once every night Falling back sleeping inside 20 minutes Effects of Too Little Sleep Too little rest adversely impacts both your physical and psychological wellness. Absence of rest can add to an assortment of genuine therapeutic issues, including corpulence, coronary illness, hypertension and diabetes. In the prompt future, it can likewise add to engine vehicle and different mischances since you are not as ready as you would be in the event that you were very much refreshed and may have impeded judgment. Also, long haul restlessness can add to distraction, wretchedness, and uneasiness.

At Any Lab Test Waco, there is a choice to help you figure out whether you are experiencing sleep deprivation. The Sleep Balance Take Home Hormone Kit can help locate the conceivable reasons for exasperates rest. The unit is a straightforward pee test that measures melatonin and cortisol. Melatonin is the hormone that manages when the body ought to be sleeping versus conscious. Cortisol is created because of worry to keep your body on-monitor, however ought to actually decrease around evening time: in the event that it doesn't, your body can experience difficulty quieting itself. As the test helps you better comprehend what is keeping a peaceful sleep, you can work with your specialist to moderate these issues. Converse with our specialists at Any Lab Test Waco to take in more about the test and how to enhance your rest cycle for ideal wellbeing and health.
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Celebrate Every Month with Any Lab Test Waco
ANY LAB TEST NOW Waco empowers you to Take Control of Your Health® with direct access lab testing services. Providing you with affordable, convenient Comprehensive Health Screenings, Health and Wellness Lab Tests, DNA Paternity Testing, Drug Testing, STD Testing, Flu Shots, Vitamin B-12 shots, Allergy Lab Tests, Micronutrient Testing, Hormone Testing, Food Sensitivity Testing, VAP Testing, PSA Testing and thousands more. A simple lab test is the beginning to achieving optimal wellness! Call us to schedule your appointment or stop by and see us today!
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Get Tested During Colon Cancer Awareness Month
Have You Been Tested for Colon Cancer? If Not, Should You Consider It?
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and in spite of this yearly assignment, many individuals still don't think about the threats of colon disease. A growth conclusion is constantly terrifying, however in the event that discovered early, colon malignancy is a standout amongst the most treatable diseases out there. With screening and early discovery, colon growth patients can inhale a murmur of help realizing that they have a 90 percent shot of survival, and that number is expanding each year. Be that as it may, if this is valid, why is colon growth the second-driving reason for tumor passing in those matured 50 and more seasoned?

Early Detection Saves Lives!
Colon tumor is a standout amongst the most treatable growths in the U.S. today, yet it remains the second-driving reason for malignancy demise in U.S. grown-ups matured 50 and more established. This is on the grounds that almost 33% of grown-ups are avoiding their prescribed screenings. These screenings are crucial to your wellbeing, as discovering colon malignancy early will altogether build your possibility of survival and recuperation. Indeed, even grown-ups under 50 years old ought to consider this screening on the off chance that they have a family history of colon growth.
It's essential to focus on your hazard components to evaluate if it's a smart thought to get tried. Chance elements for colon disease include: Being more than 50 years old Having a family history of polyps or colon disease Having an individual history of disease Having a condition that causes aggravation of the colon, for example, Crohn's Disease Smoking cigarettes High fat and low fiber eat less
In the event that you relate to any of the hazard figures above, even simply being more than 50 years old, it's an ideal opportunity to consider your alternatives for colon tumor testing.
Getting Tested at Any Lab Test Waco

Any Lab Test Waco is banding together with Colon Cancer Alliance to help stop colon disease passings for good. Amid Colon Cancer Awareness Month, we encourage those more than 50 years old and those with a family history of colon malignancy to get tried. That is on the grounds that the most ideal approach to beat colon malignancy is to think that its right on time through testing. Testing could spare your life.
To make testing less demanding and more circumspect, Any Lab Test Waco offers the Colorectal Cancer At-Home Screening Test. The test assesses feces tests that are gathered at home and sent into the lab. The lab then figures out whether there is any blood in the stool that may flag colon disease.
Help us beat colon malignancy by assuming responsibility of your wellbeing ! Knowing your hazard components, knowing your family history and chatting with your doctor about the ideal time to be screened is your best, and simplest, device for counteracting colon malignancy.
Contact the specialists at Any Lab Test Waco today to realize what testing choices are ideal for you.
How Might You Help?
Help us raise cash for colon growth examine by hearing our own story and giving to the MICHELLE FIELDS TRIBUTE PAGE. All returns go to the Colon Cancer Alliance.
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What's That Test For?

There are different ways your doctor might check you for STIs, so here's what they could be checking for during each test.
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Encouraging the GLBT Community to Take Control of Their Health!
We as a whole know everybody is stunning in his or her own specific manner; we’re each of the exceptional. Be that as it may, what happens when we become involved with the everyday and neglect to focus on our wellbeing? Shocks happen and not generally the great kind particularly when there are expanded hazard components for different wellbeing concerns. Wellbeing dangers influence everybody. For instance, it has been factually demonstrated that African-Americans are at higher danger of Heart Disease and Latinos are a higher danger of creating Diabetes. In the GLBT Community, the dangers and concerns aren’t as effortlessly decided. Every individual has their own encounters and components that decide their specific wellbeing dangers. These variables may incorporate race, age, geological area, financial status, and way of life among others. Understanding what wellbeing concerns you are at hazard for can help you make the correct strides towards driving a more beneficial way of life to decrease those dangers. So how would you begin? Lab testing can help you recognize your present wellbeing condition. By then the key is truly in PREVENTION. You can build up an arrangement to get solid and guarantee that you are remaining as such. This incorporates getting tried for STD’s. As indicated by the CDC, the GLBT people group represented about portion of the 1.1 million individuals as of now living with HIV in the nation and 61% of those detailing new contaminations every year and in addition 63% of the syphilis and gonorrhea cases in the nation. When you consolidate elements, for example, the measurements and society’s weight, it can be startling. There are concerns in light of your specific hazard considers, the worries of not turning out to be a piece of a measurement and last but rather not slightest, the dread of being judged. You have to discover more about your wellbeing in a situation that backings you and thinks about your prosperity. ANY LAB TEST WACO helps you Take Control of Your Health with circumspect, secret and mysterious STD screens and additionally an assortment of Wellness testing that will get you on your way to a more beneficial, straightforward way of life. What better time to begin Taking Control of Your Health than amid STD Awareness Month? Come in this month and get tried! Keep in mind that Symptom Free Doesn’t Mean Disease Free. For more data on our secret, mysterious STD screens and accessible Wellness testing visit your neighborhood ANY LAB TEST WACO.
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Understand the Impact of Nutrients on Your Body

Understand the Impact of Nutrients on Your Body
Do you know what’s happening in your body when you eat? What you eat and how well your body digests it can have a far-reaching impact on your health and everyday wellbeing, so it’s important to know what’s happening internally. There’s a lot of information that can be revealed when you take time to be tested for nutrient absorption, which is why nutritional testing at Any Lab Test Waco is important.
What is Nutritional Testing?
By analyzing blood chemistry, these tests reveal more than simple digestive trouble. The cellular composition of your blood, including levels of hemoglobin, red and white blood cells and platelet counts, can give you helpful hints about health conditions you might be experiencing. Nutritional testing can also examine levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes in your blood and compare these to normal levels to find any deficiencies. Finally, the density of many of the components of your blood can tell you if your organs are functioning properly and if you’re getting enough fluids.

Nutrition-Related Health Concerns
Nutrition plays an important role in keeping your body balanced and full of energy. When not properly balanced, your body can experience a variety of discomforts and long-term health issues. A few examples include:
Achy, weak or crampy muscles
Low hormone levels
Chronic inflammation
Organ malfunction
Abnormal heart rhythms
Memory loss
Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Unlike nutrients like calcium and potassium, these are only needed in small amounts, yet being deficient in one or more of these nutrients can also be harmful to your body. To gather even more information about your digestive health, try tests like the micronutrient test and the comprehensive male or female panel. These tests will give you a better picture of how well-balanced your diet is. Too little of a certain micronutrient may lead to long-term health issues, such as poor organ function, poor immune function or any number of chronic diseases.
Nutrition is the backbone of your physical health, so it makes sense that you would need to check up on it every once in a while. By getting a nutritional panel at Any Lab Test Waco, you can answer any questions you might have about your nutrition, as well as potentially find solutions to nagging health issues. So walk-in to your local Any Lab Test Waco to see how a Nutritional Panel can help you stay healthy!
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Is Your Cortisol Level Under Control?
Battle or flight. We're certain you've known about it, and that you know it's your body's instinctual response to an upsetting circumstance. In current circumstances, stressors throughout your life aren't generally a consequence of the nearness of physical peril, for example, a mountain bear who needs you to be its next feast. A great many people these days feel these responses when regular day to day existence gets somewhat unpleasant — on the off chance that you have a tight due date at work, on the off chance that you have a major battle with your life partner or in the event that you understand you neglected to pay that bill on time. These circumstances can bring about the same worried sentiments — an expanded heart rate and a burst of vitality, to give some examples — which are broadly brought on by a hormone called adrenaline. In any case, what you may not know is that amid a distressing circumstance, another hormone is at play: cortisol. Cortisol is discharged to help your body manage push, however in the event that your cortisol level is wild, it can accomplish more mischief than great.
Cortisol Cortisol, or hydrocortisone, is a hormone that is discharged into the body in light of stress. It helps your body react to upsetting circumstances by expanding your glucose, improving your mind's utilization of glucose and expanding the accessibility of substances that repair tissues. Furthermore, cortisol smothers body works that would be trivial in a battle or-flight circumstance, for example, your safe framework reaction, stomach related framework and conceptive framework. These reactions are proposed for survival, however what happens when your cortisol levels don't come back to ordinary after the stressor is gone, or on the off chance that you don't have enough cortisol in any case? An excessive amount of cortisol in the body can bring about various risky conditions including: Hyperglycemia Weight pick up and heftiness Diminished bone thickness Bargained invulnerable and irritation reactions Expanded circulatory strain and harm to the heart Cushing Syndrome While it is frequently brought on by incessant anxiety, the overproduction of cortisol can likewise be a consequence of long haul utilization of corticosteroids, a tumor on the pituitary or adrenal organ, or growth. Too little cortisol in the body can be dangerous too, creating: Weight reduction Weariness Low pulse Regurgitating and looseness of the bowels Loss of awareness These can be intense issues, and unsafe to your wellbeing. On the off chance that you are encountering any of the issues recorded above, however don't know why, it's an ideal opportunity to discover what's truly going on. Venture out better wellbeing by testing your cortisol level. Any Lab Test Waco offers a few choices for cortisol testing: The Cortisol Lab Test is a blood test used to quantify the level of cortisol in the blood. The Saliva Cortisol Test can decide your cortisol level by taking a spit test. Contact the specialists at Any Lab Test Waco to realize which test is ideal for you.
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Why Your Thyroid Test is Wrong–And What to Do About It.

Thyroid disease is rampant these days and since the thyroid is affects and is affected by many things, including the food you eat and your adrenal glands, it's important to get informed about this important gland as much as possible.
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How can you tell if your weight could increase your chances of developing health problems.
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