anyemkkkk · 5 days
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anyemkkkk · 8 days
kerja tadi. bukak youtube sesambil, front page ada keluar minah england cakap melayu (sounds like susan lankaster). binge watch some of her videos including one she makan dekat aunty aini’s kitchen (mak anjou). habis video tu tengok video anju dlm cooking show michael ang. sumpah lawak although mike annoying and honestly toxic but it was fun. and then, tengok other guest pulak which is ceddy and lastly sheera iskandar. lama tak nampak dia. remembered watching her famous role “halimah jongang”. bila dengar lagu eddie hamid tu, i feel so sad. i used to watch that series back then, with my grandma. i miss you nek :( alfatihah untuk limah binti kassim and rashidin binti nawih.
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anyemkkkk · 17 days
at this point im just self sabotaging my life, i need to keep the promises i made to myself.
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anyemkkkk · 22 days
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anyemkkkk · 1 month
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anyemkkkk · 1 month
lowkey wish i went here instead of that. but am grateful regardless, i might have turned out different if i did kekeke.
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anyemkkkk · 1 month
my little sister just got married yesterday. happy for her. wishing her an abundance of joy and a blessed marriage life.
then, there goes a strange feeling. rather anxious.
that im never gonna be next. but its just the thought. the overthinking of the perception. the future/the changes. could i live up to it.
am i gonna be alone for the rest of my life. can i live with it. are people gonna talk. would some ideas come to their mind somehow. maybe its probably already did, but since im still haven't reached that age enough, it wasnt said out that loud im sure.
well, i just hope i can be happy. by myself. after all, you only got yourself xx
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anyemkkkk · 2 months
the urge to deactivate everything
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anyemkkkk · 2 months
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anyemkkkk · 2 months
took me a year plus to finish it tho (cs i've stopped reading as a hobby tbh). i even pre-ordered her book way back before she actually launched it.
my friends hate me for stanning her.
tbh, i just like vivy as a person. she has this wit and humor that i adore. someone that i look up to. and i just love reading whatever she wrote: her blog entries, ig captions, basically if she released poem books i'd definitely buy.
ik people had a lot of different thoughts about her, and i agree at one point she could be alil controversial, born into money and stuff, but, i just couldnt stop liking her. im sorry but yeah :/
p/s: its not even best book (i mean idek what quality of a book is considered best tho), tbh im clearly just ass-licking her T.T
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anyemkkkk · 2 months
i just recovered from my one-hell-week of gastric pain and heartburn. alhamdulillah
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anyemkkkk · 2 months
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anyemkkkk · 3 months
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anyemkkkk · 3 months
i keep coming back to my duit raya allocation this year.
i want to spoil my parents. but not like too much that it can create a comparison.
should i give to my working siblings& in-laws just to show gratitude. or is it cringe
how much actually should i give my technically-financially-stable uncle&aunty??
do i ought to give more to my struggling family, or would that make it too obvious.
must i give my cousins that i barely talk, more too.
or just stick with giving equal amount to the rest in the name of sadaqah
i dont want to give them ideas if i give an unusual amount.
but, i just want to do something nice for once.
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anyemkkkk · 4 months
feeling feverish. runny nose. alil sore throat.
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anyemkkkk · 4 months
missing that time when i watch NERVE in 2017. life was good
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anyemkkkk · 4 months
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