I'm a Sexy Potato
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 6 years ago
I wish to add a third dog to our family!
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 9 years ago
Top 10 Reasons Why Being a Library Page Can Be the Absolute Worst
1 The after holiday book return madness. Things will be slow around the start of the holiday but after Christmas or New Year’s everyone returns their books and your sorting aisle explodes
2. Summer reading program... Do I even have to explain this one?
3. Heavy book carts. If you’re small like me pushing a cart full of book and trying to control it is difficult
4. When patrons get mad when you can’t find a book they say is in. Sorry buddy but I don’t have spidey book senses. If I can’t find it, it’s probably not here anymore.
5. Books are distracting. You may think this is a good thing and it can be. You get to see all the new books that are coming in, but it can halt the putting away of said books. 
6. Shelf reading. The wonderful task of making sure all the books on the shelf are in order. A.K.A your eyes will cross and you’ll be seeing numbers in your sleep
7. Patrons with generic book topics. “I want a book on zombies.” Okay....mind telling me kind of book? Mystery? Sci-fi? Graphic novel?
8. People being obnoxious in the stacks. You are in a library sir. Put your cell phone on silent and take the call outside. 
9. Shifting. Every now and then the library needs to make space for new books or collections. Shifting the existing books is a long and laborious task. 
10. Fluff and tuck. There is a technically term for this but its basically when you pull all the books to the front of the shelf and straighten them up. It makes them look all neat and orderly. The task you do when there is literally nothing else to do on your shift. 
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 9 years ago
Maybe, Just maybe… I’m the faller. Every family has someone who falls, who doesn’t make the grade, who stumbles… whose life trips up. Maybe I’m our faller.
KitKat in About Time (via lenab26)
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 9 years ago
My boobs are big enough to push a full cart of books
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 9 years ago
I’ve been working in a library for years and I still have to sing the Alphabet Song in my head.
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 9 years ago
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anxioustinkerbell-blog · 9 years ago
And I used to spend hours just reading and reading, book after book. These days, if I find the time I used to have to do that, I’m completely incapable of doing anything except laying there and thinking.
i miss the excitement, 9:43 p.m.
(via rainythoughtsonasunnyday)
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