anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
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♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
Human Alarm Clock
This takes place during the period when England was an adult taking care of the chibi siblings Canada and America, hope you like it. ^-^
England: Canada! Come over here, will you?
Canada scrambled over to him, Kumajirou in tow. Canada was eager to get England’s approval, he had rarely asked for him since America had come to stay with them as well. 
Canada: Y-yes, Mr. England? 
England stared at him for a moment, trying to process what Canada had just said. He was sure that his mouth had moved, but the kid was always so quiet he could never hear what he was saying.
England: Yes, well, I have a few errands to run in the morning. If you’d like to go, I’ll buy you two new toys while we’re out, but you have to be ready by the time I am or I won’t take you with me and you can stay with the nanny instead. Am I understood?
Canada: Yes Mr. England! I’m so sorry for yelling. Oh, thank you so much, I’d love to get new toys, that’s so nice to offer eh, and I’m sure we could take Kumajirou too and he could get-
Canada trailed off to England’s ears, the excited yelling in Canada’s head wasn’t as loud as he thought, outside of it. England again pretended to understand what the child was saying, his mouth was moving a lot though so he must be excited? He took that as a yes, they would like to go.
England: I’ll see you two in the morning then, 7 am sharp.
The next morning.
Canada wakes up at 6 am, eager to get ready as quickly as possible. He wanted that darn toy. After getting dressed, brushing his hair and teeth and helping brush out Kumajirou’s fur with warp speed he was about to go downstairs to breakfast when he noticed America still sleeping.
He thought for a moment about waking him up, Mr. England had defiantly said the “two” of them. It was already 6:45, his bear buddy’s fur had been particularly messy that morning, so he would only have 15 minutes left for breakfast. On the other hand, he didn’t want to be a bad brother. Sure America was loud, and pushy, and took most of England’s attention, and got them both in trouble a lot, and... but he was still Canada’s brother!
Canada stood over America’s sleeping body.
Canada: America wake up, Mr. England is taking us to get toys today.
America snored.
Canada: Maybe I should be a bit louder, eh Kumajirou? 
The bear shook his head
Canada: America! You need to wake up so we can go get toys! We only have 15 minutes to go- he looked at the clock We only have 13 minutes to go so you should wake up now so we can still get breakfast!
America stayed in his deep sleep, not even snoring in response this time.
Kumajirou: Maybe we should go downstairs eh? It’s not our fault that he won’t wake up.
Canada: I can’t do that, I don’t want him to think I’m a bad brother and be mad at me for the rest of the day. He daydreamed a bit about how upset America would be if he came home with Mr. England and a new toy later, “You’re a bad brother” the daydream America cried to him. I have to try harder!
Canada progressed on a series of noise making tactics that I can’t be bothered to write out, but rest assured it included banging on pots and pans, Canada “yelling” and all the other comedic chibi Canada things you can think of.
Canada had tired himself out after all his attempts, none of which had worked. He, exhausted, fell back asleep, falling on top of America as he did.
Canada: Canada shot up, scared by America’s yelling. America, I’m so sorry to wake you, but Mr. England said if we woke up early he would get us toys, but-
America: WAIT RIGHT THERE, YOU SAID TOYS? America ran downstairs, still in his pajama’s, chanting “TOYS, TOYS, TOYS” the whole way down, Canada chased after him, both being stopped at the door by the nanny.
Nanny: Hold on there, boys, Mr. England just left. Come on let’s go have breakfast.
She led America away to the dining room, America excitedly talking about all the food he wanted. Canada stared at the door, stunned, and waited there for Mr. England to come home.
England walked through the door, seeing Canada and Kumajirou on the floor in front of him.
England: Oh! Canada, you slept in so I left without you. I thought you and Kumajirou wanted toys?
Canada: Y-you meant Kumajirou and I? I thought you meant me and America.
England: finally able to hear him because of both their proximity and America being distracted in the other room. Of course I meant you two, I haven’t given you as much attention since America moved in, I thought you’d want something new to play with. Ah well, maybe next time. England walked past him into the playroom with America. 
Kumajirou put his paw on Canada’s shoulder as they continued to stand in front of the door.
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anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
You could say, he’s glad Arthur isn’t his England Professor 😎
Alfred wakes up around one in the morning with no Arthur next to him. It comes as no surprise, though, when he finds Arthur hunched over the desk in his office, reading glasses perched precariously on his nose and a stack of papers at his side.
Even though he’s gotten a lot better with technology overall, Arthur is still the type who likes to have a hardcopy in his hands when he’s reviewing students’ work. Given the rate that he’s scribbling on the sheet of paper, Alfred feels sorry for whoever is getting their assignment ripped apart. He knows from personal experience that Arthur pulls no punches when it comes to that stuff. It makes Alfred glad that he never has to have Arthur as an English professor.
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anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
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I think Scones taste good, but I don’t wanna eat scone that’s made by Arthur lol
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anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
someone: so you like Hetalia huh? name three of their albums
cool guy: Marukaite Chikyuu, Hetalian Jet, Mein Gott!
first guy: damn.
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anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
Early To The Meeting
This is my first fanfiction so be kind please, feel free to give me advice as well, thank you. <3
America and England were waiting in the meeting room for the other countries to show up. England had stressed to America earlier that morning that punctuality was an important trait for a gentleman.
England: America, I saw by the look on your face the morning you walked in early...well, earlier than usual...that you were impressed by my being here first. So it’s time to give you a lesson in being respected not only as a country, but as a gentleman. 
America: “Impressed” is a strong word, dude, I was just amazed you got up so early to feel like you were first in something. I guess now that you’re pushing me to get here first, I can be the best at this too. I am basically the leader for these types of things, anyways. 
England: stares and stammers T-that’s not what I meant America, you know that!
America: laughs Alright, alright! Either way, I held the door for you so I was technically the first one here.
England: muttering to himself Stupid Yank, that’s what I get for trying to instill good manners and etiquette onto such a self-centered- stops and jumps in fright, hearing a voice from behind him
Russia emerges from a curtain just behind the two, but a little closer to England, staring him down
Russia: Actually, it was me who was here first. Does that make me gentleman too England? he continues to stare at England, with the look of childlike chaos that only Russia can achieve, with his tongue slightly sticking out of his smiling mouth
America: Whoa bro, didn’t see you there! My bad! I guess being the first one here doesn’t mean that much after all. America laughed this off in the least offensive way possible, to ensure he didn’t hurt his pride or, more importantly, piss off Russia 
America looks down and realizes that, in fear, England has grabbed his hand under the table and still hadn’t let go. 
America: Hey, Iggy, you do that as a response to fear or-?
England: growing flustered Of course you idiot! You think I just want to hold your hand or something? That’s ridiculous!
America: Well, man, I mean who could blame you? laughing again, he turns back toward the table, waiting for the other countries to show up, and also to hide his blushing face
England waits for America’s laughter to die down, before looking down and noticing, America still hadn’t let go of his hand either.
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anxietyriddledchibi · 4 years
America: [eating spaghetti out of a can]
Canada: “...You do realise that tinned food is just for crackheads and wars?”
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