anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
have you ever been so numb that music doesnt even do anything for you anymore?
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anxiety-train · 4 years
please dont hurt me. im terrified of the thought.
but for me to hurt my body and my own feelings? thats a whole different story.
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
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anxiety-train · 4 years
Me getting a strong craving: eating some of it so that it doesn’t lead to a binge
*feeling incredibly guilty afterwards*
Me getting another craving for something that’s higher in calories:
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anxiety-train · 4 years
Me: *just trying to get out of bed like a normal person in the morning*
My Eyesight:
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anxiety-train · 4 years
Pretending to be happy so I don’t hurt the ones I love is really hard. I’m tired.
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anxiety-train · 4 years
Trigger warning for eating disorders:
All I’m asking is to feel comfortable in my body. I want to walk around without thinking about my thighs rubbing against each other, or the movement of my stomach, or if my arms look fat in this shirt. I want to be able to go out wearing bikinis and shorts in the summer and not feel like I’m gonna puke at the sight of my own body. I’m asking for the most basic acceptance of my own figure, for not hating myself for one second in my life. I don’t wanna kill myself by starving and over exercising, I want to learn how to have self control and how to be healthy.
I just wanna be happy living inside my own body, I don’t know why I won’t allow myself to do it.
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anxiety-train · 4 years
i opened up to my boyfriend about my ed and i said i was chasing an impossible body and it’s going to kill me and he said, “then stop chasing it”. okay babe lemme put you on hold while i cancel my eating disorder like it’s a fucking magazine subscription. i can’t expect him to understand, but that one hurt.
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anxiety-train · 4 years
fav movie tho
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anxiety-train · 4 years
I feel so gross. I want to starve and I want to eat everything, at the same time. I want to work out til I pass out, and I want to sleep for three days in a row.
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