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anutama · 2 years ago
Heal your Heart Chakra if you want to succeed in your relationships
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As the fourth primary chakra, ��Anahata’ or the Heart Chakra is the base for unconditional love, empathy, and forgiveness. When it gets out of balance or is blocked, you are bound to feel unloved, unworthy, uncared for, less forgiving, and fearful. It can further affect your mental state and make you manipulative – not letting you resolve the relationship issues without scuffles. A healthy Heart Chakra, on the other hand, will make you enjoy every bit of life and expose you to the beautiful experiences, especially in relationships. A healthy heart is the base for peace, serenity, and belongingness.
What is the connection between the Heart Chakra and Relationships?
Anahata, your Heart Chakra, is precious. It enables you to receive and give love and accept yourself. You need to take care of it at all cost. Once blocked, the Heart Chakra can actually make you lose yourself and affect your relationship with your lover or the loved ones. Please don’t worry yet! Heart is the most sensitive part of us and it’s bound to feel the heat of our thoughts. Good thing is we can easily align our Chakras if we are aware of certain facts related to them.
Let us take you through the symptoms of a blocked Heart Chakra. It shall then be easier for you to understand the suffering in a better way when you feel dejected and depressed in your relationships:
You can’t let go of the painful past – it keeps popping up in your mind and talks.
You either tend to isolate yourself or feel overly defensive.
You do not just dwell on the past, but hold grudges against those you love.
You feel empty and lonely even when surrounded by the materialistic pleasures of life and most loving people.
You feel jealous and put on the victim show for the most part.
Most importantly, you develop trust issues and protect your possessions like a miser.
Hey! Is it beginning to fret you already? Please do not let it! The Chakra blockages are common because eventually, we are humans, with emotions. Trust me, it’s easier to bring back your Heart Chakra to a balance. However, it’s not effortless. You will need to put in the work if you want to lead a life full of joy and compassion, away from agony and distress.
Some Tips to help you bring back your Heart Chakra into balance
Be Grateful for life and the experiences – take the lessons, forget the hurt.
Get yourself a reality check! Practice Yoga instead of binging on the Yoga Reels on Instagram. Cobra Pose, Dog Pose, Bridge Pose, are a few simple Yoga asanas to try.
Please, and please, do some Neck Exercises every day!
Light a Pink Candle on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, if you can then do it every evening. Set an intention while looking at the candle flame, “I am loved. I am lovable.”
Participate in the Love & Kindness workshops. Look around and you shall find a range of genuine philosophers preaching Chakra balancing tips. Find yourself a spot somewhere.
Affirm for 21 days straight! Take your notebook or a diary and write, “Love comes to me easily and it loves my company” for twenty-one days. Do it, especially when you are at your lowest.
Place an uncut medium size Rose Quartz at home, near you. Or, wear a Rose Quartz bracelet.
Sleep with an Amethyst Crystal under your pillow. It starts working from the 1st night itself. Do not forget to charge your crystals though.
You can diffuse Frankincense Essential Oil in your environment, or get the Frankincense Incense Sticks.
Drink Rose Tea or Chamomile Tea for instant relief.
Spend some time in the garden full of greenery.
Love your own company and learn to spend time with your lonesome.
What, are you still thinking and expecting a magic to happen? Go on. Protect yourself. Only you have the power and leverage to protect your inner peace and vibe with life. As they say, no one is coming to save you. A balanced Anahata will help you bond with your inner child, and maintain a healthy balance between your head and heart. Be green. Feel green.
Stay tuned for more!
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anutama · 2 years ago
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