antler-pog · 2 years
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antler-pog · 3 years
I kept telling myself to finish one of the 10 documents in my draft box, but I just can’t resist a good villain x villain opportunity. This is a response to @some-messed-up-writing-for-you’s Short Prompt #429. You can read their original post HERE! 🙃
Supervillain's office was just as Villain had always imagined it: elegant, organized, and brimming with mortal terror. Even without the intimidating momentos of their greatest schemes in the decor--heroes' bones, ancient weapons, and bloodstained artifacts--the furniture itself gave off an ominous aura. In fact, their desk chair was like a throne, dark, broad and completely dominating the Villain's vision. They couldn't take their eyes off the towering figure tapping their fingers against the knotted end of one armrest, filling the impossibly large seat with an impossibly large body. Not particularly muscular or overweight, just large.
Villain settled the fast pounding of their eager heart with a deep breath. It was about time they got what they deserved. Forced to work with secondhand rejects and mindless, brainless, henchmen. They'd done what was necessary to build their reputation but no more. They were a highly classed villain, and they should be working with a villain in a similar caliber.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet--"
"We're still waiting on someone," Supervillain interrupted. It wasn't only a statement. It was a command. A command for Villain to shut their mouth or have it ripped from their face.
Villain pressed their lips together tightly.
The door squeaked behind them, and they twisted their head around to the slight, neatly-dressed minion who'd met them in the lobby earlier.
"You called for me, darling?" they asked.
"Yes, come in, Righthand. I wanted your input on one of the proposals you went over."
Oh no.
"Of course." Righthand pulled out the chair beside Villain's, but a raised hand from Supervillain stopped them short.
"Don't sit there."
"This is a work setting," Righthand said, folding their hands in front of them. "I don't want to be rude."
"You've been organizing that City Hall scheme for a month, and I've missed you. Don't sit there." Supervillain pronounced the words crisply and without room for argument. Though Villain had the impression it wasn't fear that made Righthand circle around Supervillain's enormous, death-reminding desk, and settle themselves primly in the master criminal's lap.
To all that was evil and unjust in the world, please no!
"I apologize for the unprofessionalism," Righthand said, opening the laptop on the desk, "but why don't we take a look at your proposal?"
Supervillain reclined in their seat and played with the curled ends of Righthand's hair.
"Now, you wanted to discuss a partnership? Not an application?"
What was this? This wasn't what Villain asked for! They weren't some minor villain looking for a job! They were a professional! A ruler looking for an alliance with another ruler! Why were the talking to the second?
"I'm supposed to have this meeting with Supervillain."
Righthand stared at them with an irritating, obviously pretend, confused face. "I'm sorry, but isn't that what we're doing?"
"Only Supervillain. I'm proposing a partnership. I should be talking to the one in charge, not a minion."
Second to Supervillain or not. A righthand was still a righthand. A villain underling, not a villain.
Righthand smiled. "Supervillain may be the one in charge of the entire criminal agency, but scheme design and villain evaluation are my department. Villain applications and alliance proposals go through me first. But if your unhappy with my being here, I can certainly leave the two of you alone for one-on-one business. Though vying for Supervillain's undivided attention gets a little...cutthroat."
That nice, polite smile looked more wolfish than it had a second ago. What were they implying? A threat? A warning? Anything?
"I suppose since you're already here..." Villain said.
"Thank you," Righthand said. "It's always nice to work with an understanding client. Sometimes we get the egoistic types. People who believe themselves above protocol. I don't know about you, but sometimes when people cross the line, I want them put back in place. By any means necessary."
Villain cleared their throat. "You were saying about my proposal...?"
Supervillain leaned over Righthand's shoulder, looping their arm around their waist like a vise, to scroll down the computer screen. Their voice rumbled when they spoke. "Personally, I would have thrown it away after the first line, but Righthand loves a well-formatted document. Luckily, they gave it a thorough read in spite of all its problems because at it's heart, it's not a bad idea."
Villain wasn't sure whether that was insult or compliment, but it was Supervillain, and it wasn't a rejection, so they didn't care. There was only one thing confusing them. "What problems?"
"There were just a few compatibility issues between your corporation and ours," Righthand said. "Namely, your views on employee casualties. Perhaps there was an error in your wording, but it almost seemed as if you viewed henchmen as disposables."
"Great sacrifices are necessary for great achievements." Wasn't that obvious? This Righthand wasn't one of those squeamish, benevolent types, were they? Those sort of criminals were practically half-hero with their fluffy ideals and unwillingness to get the job done. They overcomplicated everything, and that was where they failed.
"Perhaps, but great sacrifices also create great disloyalty and great employee turnover and great recruiting problems."
"Don't talk down to me," Villain said. It snapped out on impulse. They didn't want to insult Supervillain, but a lackey lecturing them on the mechanics of villainy was a greater offense than they were willing to bear.
"I'm simply attempting to negotiate--"
"Can you stop being nice, and just let me kill them?" Supervillain said, stretching their arms far above their head.
Villain stiffened, every muscle locking up as if paralyzed. "What?"
Righthand sighed as if Supervillain had let something out of the bag earlier than they had wanted, but some hungry shone in their eyes. They slid off the criminal's lap and let them rise to their full height.
"You darling, daft, insignificant, little villain," Supervillain said, leaning in closer with every word. "Do you really believe yourself my equal? This was your chance to prove some potential behind all that pretension and pomp, but you can't swallow your prejudice for even a minute, can you?" Their enormous hand grabbed them by the face and pressed fingers hard into their cheeks. "Can you?"
Villain didn't respond, and Supervillain's mouth stretched in a wide smile. A vampire feeding off their fear. When Villain heard the saying 'never meet your heroes' it never occurred to them that it was because their hero might kill them. Villain flicked their eyes toward Righthand in silent supplication. They were the merciful one right? The polite one?
"My- my- my proposal. It wasn't bad. Didn't you say at its heart, it's not bad?"
"We did like your proposal," Righthand said. "Good resources, good team. Your agency as the potential to be a fantastic asset."
Villain nodded dumbly like a toy with its head on a string.
"The only problem was you."
Villain froze.
"It made more sense to dissolve current ownership and merge your agency into our own." They slid a pen and clipboard across the desk. "We just need your signature."
Supervillain snapped Villain’s chin down toward the contract before releasing them.
They were supposed to sign this? A document giving permission to kill them? But it wasn’t like they could refuse. That would only earn them a more brutal death.
Villain’s eyes stung and an ugly sob snuck up their throat. They found themselves crying in the most humiliating way possible. Supervillain. Their idol. Was looking at them while they cried, and they were yawning.
"There, there," Righthand said, procuring a handkerchief and walking around the table to dab at Villain’s eyes with a gentleness that spoke more mockery than any words could. “It's not the end of the world. Well, it’s the end of your world. But you still have a few minutes. Here, have a cookie." They slid a plate of elegant, sugarcoated finger snacks in perfect alignment with the clipboard.
Villain took one despite themself, the crumbs catching in their throat as they continued to bawl and tried to swallow at the same time.
Those eyes, those smiles! They were jackals! The both of them! One was simply more obvious than the other! No wonder Supervillain had them for a Righthand, no wonder they had them for a partner.
“Of course, we could offer you an alternative if you’re not comfortable with these terms.”
Villain’s breath caught hopefully.
“Give up the rights to your agency and join Syndicate like the rest of your employees. I don’t think you qualify for any of our villain positions, but you can still apply for a lower role. Start as a henchman and work your way up how does that sound?"
Villain nodded adamantly, and Righthand folded back the top page on the clipboard, revealing a second contract beneath it.
“I drew up a second contract just in case.” They smiled with predatory sweetness. “Just sign on the dotted line.”
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antler-pog · 3 years
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There are things that we think are in a way because of the form and what defines it is the invisible substance to the human eye. Illustration by Heather Penn on Inprnt.
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antler-pog · 3 years
how to fucking flag pedophiles
so my dudes, how to flag “maps” (minor attracted people aka pedophiles)
1. click “flag this blog”
2. click “this violates tumblr’s community guildlines”
3. click “someone is at risk of harm”
4. click “harm to minors”
5. type “pedophile” in the box
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antler-pog · 3 years
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The Folly Of Man (2015 - 2016)
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antler-pog · 3 years
I’m soooo….. so tired of having to live in a timeline where nfts are a thing. They make absolutely no sense and everyone knows it. Everyday I wake up only to get gaslighted by the internet, why why why
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antler-pog · 3 years
Disability Day of Mourning
March 1st of every year since 2012
Disability day of mourning is to mourn those with disabilities who's caregivers or loved ones killed them because of their disability, known as filicide. It has been mainly pushed by both disability groups Not Dead Yet and ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network).
The perpetrators usually get much lighter sentencing if they're punished at all. This is because the crime is typically looked at by society as sympathetic and as a mercy killing. Sometimes the parent is even painted as the victim in the situation.
Here is a link to ASANs anti filicide toolkit that talks about disability day of mourning and gives tips on how to prevent it.
Here is another link to the memorial of those who have been killed
Our lives have value. Don't cry for our living because they're living, cry for our dead.
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antler-pog · 3 years
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*:・゚✧ Raffle Time ✧・゚:*ヽ (°◇° )ノ Thank you so much for this milestone everyone!! Sorry this took me a bit to put together but good luck!! 
Also they’ll be 2 winners for here on tumblr ‘cause I hit 700 followers here already (´⊙ω⊙`)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ
ps if you’re a minor, I can’t offer u the nsfw option (●・̆⍛・̆●;)
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antler-pog · 3 years
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This post by @fullhalalalchemist​ should contain all of the information needed. Help the US. Stop letting them take away rights.
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antler-pog · 3 years
Reminder that they don't actually give a fuck about the children
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Go to my pinned to see how to fight this
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antler-pog · 3 years
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we have colours palettes
ignore the fact that huxley and lasko aren’t shaded yet lmao
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antler-pog · 3 years
I just wanted to say that I made this blog so that way I can support artists, make friends, and have fun. But it seems that I can't help but still feel guilty for my past. I'm still sorry for what happened.
I always have a hard time deciding whether I want to deactivate this blog or not. I can't seem to feel happy and I feel constant guilt from time to time. When I scrolled down this blog, and I saw that one post where all the MC's where hugging I know that can't happen again.
I don't really have friends in real life, even way before I started this blog. This game helped me slowly heal from my past.
Our family had Covid the last few weeks and my mom almost died from a heart-attack. That made me realize I need to be with my family more.
I will be going on hiatus. But before I come to a decision and deactivate my blog, I love Obey Me and I'm not ever gonna stop playing the game and supporting it. I am not ever going to stop consuming its content and supporting its creators. There are so many content creators out there who have a controversial past and yet people still support them and enjoy their stuff, but I don't think irresponsible people like me need to have a platform here.
Just know that, I love you guys. This fandom and game means the world to me and helped me through a lot in my life. ❤
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antler-pog · 3 years
An Unestimated Hero [Pt 1]
(How do I italicize on tumblr?)
Every day was the same. He woke up, got abused and mistreated by his family, went to his hidden place to get some peace, come home, sleep.
Maybe it was the powers. Maybe he was a liability. Maybe his family hated him because they feared his visions. Maybe they didn't want to have a person in the house who was "irregular". Maybe.
Killian stood away from his family as they talked and ate their dinner. It wasn't common for him to eat with them, he only did when they were feeling extra generous. He was used to this. Wasn't he?
Yes and no. He remembered when his power hadn't been known. His family had treated him normally. He'd been able to sleep in a normal bedroom and not the basement. His siblings had cared.
But now? He was nothing.
"Get me more water!" His mother's sharp voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Killian was quick to obey. He took his mother's water glass and went to fill it up. His brother, Jax, watched with him with a smirk. "Always the little servant, aren't you?" Killian didn't repsond. He knew that retaliation would get him in a lot of trouble, so he remained quiet.
"He's also a freak," his mother said. "A freak of nature." Killian bit his tongue. There wasn't anything that would help him in this situation, so he stayed silent. And yet, he felt that something was off. Usually, besides the family's chatter, guards would come in and out to check on them. They were royals, after all. But tonight, not a single guard had come in.
Then came the sounds that they all feared. There were distant sounds of thousands of arrows being shot and horses and shields clanking with swords.
They were under attack.
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antler-pog · 3 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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antler-pog · 3 years
Another cup
He doesn't know why he bothers to set an alarm when the nightmares work just as well. They're stronger than ever, and each year they start a little sooner. The nightmares, or more accurately‐ visions of the future, have only gotten darker with each year that MC has been held captive.
Barbatos hates the loopy, unfocused stare in MC's eyes and how much he's had to up the dosage, but at least this will be the last year he has to sedate them. The official courting period has passed and now that they are to be engaged, there will be nothing MC can do to stop the procession.
Once the betrothal pendant is closed onto MC's neck, they can be allowed to be 'awake' again. For no matter how strongly they want to leave or rebel, the pendant binds the soul, will, and life to the caster- the master's will is the betrothed's will. MC will always be working for the bettermant of the kingdom, even if begrudgingly, because that is what King Diavolo wants.
There is a bit of mercy, if a bit of a double edged sword. MC's life would be extended a bit as they consume Lord Diavolo's life force, but -hell forbid‐ if anything were to happen to the King, MC would also die immedieatly.
Barbatos goes to MC's chamber and finds them on the floor, running their hand through the streams a sunlight. The fake sun was one of the many gifts that stuffed this room- a hollow apology from the King to help tide over MC's current state. It takes MC all of 5 seconds to be able to focus on his face, half the time it took last week, but they still give him a warm and adoring smile, so there must still be a working amount of honeyed amber in their system. If they were awake, they'd surely have tried to kill him by now.
Barbatos shoves down any discomfort he feels and invites MC for their annual "secret tea party". It's supposed to be his way of celebrating their arrival to the Devildom, but of course MC's never noticed that the date changes every year. MC agreed happily, promising to dress up like they always did- this "secret" tea party was held whenever king Diavolo was away with work so MC used the day to wear colors and styles that the King hated because it resembled the brothers too much. They agree on a time and Barbatos leaves to make his preparations.
He tries to keep a headache at bay by rubbing circles into his temples, but it doesn't help much. "Busy with work." How the King demands that Barbatos drug MC into compliance, but not have the stomach to be around when it happens is beyond him. Borderline delusion is what it is- that desperation Diavolo has to believe that MC would continue to stay with him willingly. Barbatos leaves the little Ds to assemble the cookies and finger snacks, while he focuses on the tea.
It was getting harder and harder to hide the bitter taste of the amber, and he couldn't risk sneaking it into something like ice cream or even wine for MC. So he does his best to mute the flavor with a sweet and aromic tea, already concoting a story about how tiresome these days have been to explain the mediocre drink. When the time comes and the tea is brewed, Barbatos swings back to the main kitchen and picks up the dessert tower from the Little Ds.
MC is already seated when he steps onto the balcony, so he apologizes for being tardy. He sets the tray down and takes a minute to compliment MC on their outfit. They look stunning, but today they seem to radiate a little more life than normal. After greetings are exchanged he takes the lead and tells MC about everything that's been going on at RAD and with the brothers. Hijinx and pranks, punishments as usual. MC asks questions and hangs on to his every word, making sure to ask Barbatos how he's been and about the garden, since "-my room doesn't have a view of the mirage flowers and it's been so long since I've seen the lake. Could we go after tea?" Barbatos just smiles and gently pushes the topic elsewhere. He would miss these rare moments of clarity MC had- the next time their eyes cleared he knew they would hate him for eternity. He talks for another 10 minutes before realizing MC hadn't touched their tea or the snacks.
"Please, help yourself MC. Don't stop on my account, I've even made your favorite." He picks up a cookie he knows they like and hands it them. MC smiles and hums a little tune to themselves before picking up a cookie with scream cheese and offering it to Barbatos.
"And scream cheese is your favorite!" They seemed delighted with themselves for remembering so Barbatos can't help but smile as he takes the cookie from them and lifts it to give a toast.
"To another year of great memories-" they tap their cookies together and each take a bite. Barbatos finishes the small cookie in one bite and lifts his cup, relieved to see MC lift their cup as well.
"Oh I almost forgot to mention, the rose queen is... is..." Barbatos blinks once, twice, a strange feeling settling in his stomach.
"Um- the rose queen is coming to town again and we-," his breathing grows heavy as the world begins to tilt.
"MC-" he reaches out to smack the cookie MC grabbed out of their hand, there must be something wrong with them, but his grip on the table slips and he falls onto the ground. Barbatos stays there, head foggy and with absolutely no energy to move. MC made no effort to help him, nibbling on more snacks as they watched him fail to pick himself up. When Barbatos couldn't struggle anymore, MC stands up, walks to his side, and proceeds to dump the entire cup of tea on his face.
"Is this how you did it? Pretty words and poisoned tea? Keeping me in the loop on everyones' lives so I could pretend I was still a part of it all. I don't know whats worse. That you thought so little of me that you thought you could get away with it- or that it actually worked for a time."
"H-how-" Barbatos's voice came out in a whisper, the effort it took to even focus on MC's words coverd his brow with sweat. When did they wake up? How did they know?
"Losing track of time with the drugs and keeping me locked in the castle was smart. With no sun outside it's easy to let the days blend together. But did you really think I wouldn't notice the way everyone would avoid me at parties or never come to visit? Even when one day turns to two, and then a week in the blink of an eye, you still have a lot of time to think."
"You were my friend. I trusted you- ALL of you. Lucifer can, physically, not talk back. The others were cowards. But you, Barbatos? I thought maybe you could reason with Diavolo. But it turns out you're really just a butler- a servant. A puppet. And your master's will comes before all else."
Barbatos can only let out little grunts of frustration in an attempt to stay awake, even as several feet scurry to the edge of his vision. Several black dots tittered nervously just outside of his reach and he struggles to put a name to them.
"MC, MC! The portal is open, we have to hurry!"
Little D ... number 2?
"Perfect, I'm done here anyways." MC's legs come close and Barbatos's face is jerked upwards, MC's glare filling his entire line of sight. "The pacts have been broken since the demon lords were useless to me in the end. If he tries to hunt me down, you'd better pick a God and pray to it that Diavolo kills me before I make it back to the Devildom." MC slams Barbatos down and picks up the Little Ds before running out of the room. MC's figure disapearing into the shadowy corridor is the last thing Barbatos can see before the potion takes full control, pulling him into a comatose state.
"MC... is free..."
Whether it was relief, fear, or resignation that Barbatos felt, he would never remember. Especially not when he's awoken 5 days later by King Diavolo throwing him clear across the room in a fit of rage.
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antler-pog · 3 years
Wanna punch a Nazi?
Can’t help you there, but you can do something in solidarity with Jewish people.
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antler-pog · 3 years
If the magister ever gets into the houses, i'm getting glocked up, he's getting shot up. On sight, no trial, no bail.
I think it was around two weeks ago when I continued reading Monster Manor??
*SPOILER ALERT - Monster Manor (Ch. 5, 6 & 7) and Once Upon a Time *
Yeah, because I saw that post about a new chapter and noticed there were like 3 chapters I hadn't read yet and then Rainier???
He's so sweet? And adorable? Nice? And I've sworn I'll protect him because he deserves all the love and good things.
And I just noticed (like, some hours ago) there was one of those extra stories, and helping him to redecorate his new cave-room was so sweet.
Like, he seriously deserves a place where he can feel safe and comfortable, so I'm really happy he's got it now.
It's really sad to see he thinks that he's undeserving of nice things due to that magister. I'm ready to fight that man since I got to know of his existence.
Anyway, once again I used most of my stars to get nice things for Rainier because he must have nice things that make him happy.
(Don't worry Felix, I'll collect more these next days.)
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I wish to buy him all the things that may make him feel comfortable and happy 😭😭
Also his sad eyes and pouty lips hurt every time.
That magister better watch out. 😡
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