antiph · 13 hours
*covered in blood* i will.... *trembling* CHOOSE TO BE KIND... *in pain* i will be... NICE to others... *wanting to kill* i will see good in EVERYONE *yelding a knife* i will NOT be like those who hurt me... *screaming* i will be BETTER than who i was...
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antiph · 16 days
Y'know, ever since I stumbled across Epic: The Musical by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, I've been somewhat surprised by the fact that there's been a boon in fanfiction relating to Greek Mythology—even if only primarily focused on the events of the Odyssey. Considering that I'm long since over my Greek mythology fixation faze from middle school about half my life ago (I've never read the Percy Jackson series, I just liked how wild the mythos was), I'm mostly indifferent to the topic, but I do have ONE gripe with all the stories I've been coming across lately.
There's this popular interpretation that Athena is Zeus's favorite child, but when you actually get down to assessing all available (AKA surviving) historical accounts/myths regarding the paternal fidelity of Zeus, it's pretty obvious that his favorite kid is Apollo. That being said, I'm pretty sold on the notion that Athena is at least the favorite daughter, with Artemis perhaps being a not-so-close second.
Honestly, percentage wise, I'd say Zeus's love for his kids goes 55% Apollo, 30% Athena, 5% to Artemis, and 10% split in varying degrees between EVERYONE else.
Ares has like -2 points if we only look at his portrayal in the Illiad lol. The Athenian account of him in Myths is NOT kind to him, despite the fact that he's undoubtedly the most decent male Olympian (never raped women, a good father, surprisingly merciful to mortals who genuinely slight him if they manage to impress or best him, and he was the protector of the Amazon women). As funny as it is, while Ares might be Zeus's least-favorite kid, I'd imagine that despite the differences between the two, he'd be Athena's favorite brother.
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antiph · 22 days
Girl you ARE the help
Athena, speedrunning Odysseus’ trauma:
Holy shit my dude, you Need Help.
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antiph · 7 months
“Israel is committing genocide.” Yes. They are. But so is the US. The US is 100% complicit in this, and Israel would not have been able to do as much without the help of the US. I’m disgusted to be living in a country that is complicit in the literal MURDER of civilians. Men, women, children, elderly, families. All dead because of Israel AND the US. This needs to STOP.
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antiph · 7 months
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🍉Data sources under the cut🍉
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antiph · 7 months
The funniest part of the Legends ZA announcement is the amount of people who immediately turned to Emmet and went "YOU are going to FRANCE"
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antiph · 7 months
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antiph · 7 months
Final part of the hearing is beginning now
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antiph · 8 months
Good news, fellow artists! Nightshade has finally been released by the UChicago team! If you aren't aware of what Nightshade is, it's a tool that helps poison AI datasets so that the model "sees" something different from what an image actually depicts. It's the same team that released Glaze, which helps protect art against style mimicry (aka those finetuned models that try to rip off a specific artist). As they show in their paper, even a hundred poisoned concepts make a huge difference.
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(Reminder that glazing your art is more important than nighshading it, as they mention in their tweets above, so when you're uploading your art, try to glaze it at the very least.)
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antiph · 9 months
Imagine how much scarier zombie movies would be if the zombies smiled when they saw you because they were excited to finally eat. Imagine walking into a building to go and find shelter, scavenge, whatever, and you shine your flashlight into a room only to find several zombies idling there. Your light catches their eyes and they turn to look at you, their expressions desolate and empty. However, the moment they spot you, their open mouths turn to wide uncontrollable smiles and their eyes disappear into slits. They almost look friendly. Maybe even some of them manage to laugh instead of groan. How would you feel after months and months of losing people you know to smiling hoards? How would you feel after every encounter with a joyful zombie leaves you shaken and tired and fearful? How would you feel after hearing the sounds of laughter mixed in with the sounds of screaming and flesh being torn? After everything, what would your brain's wiring process do to you when you see a friend smile? Would you hate smiling? Would you feel rage? Would your brain devolve back into a time where showing one's teeth always meant a threat? What would you do if the joy of the human race was now only kept by the dead
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antiph · 9 months
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yall better be just as outraged about this as you were about notre dame
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antiph · 9 months
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antiph · 10 months
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antiph · 10 months
My cats have this meow that means "please come with me to fix this" after which they'll lead me to the problem in question, usually a empty (or 'empty') food bowl or a closed door they want open. They look at the 'problem', they look back at me, clear message.
What fascinates me is how this illustrates what they percieve as being in the realm of my 'power.' I control the food, I control the door, sure, but my cats love to sit on the balcony in the sun, and it has happened plenty of times that on a rainy day they come get me, go to the balcony and show me... the rain. "Please fix this" they say. "Please get rid of the wet"
"Silly kitty," I say, "I can't control the rain." I then walk into the shower and turn on the rain.
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antiph · 10 months
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antiph · 10 months
the reason colonisers slaughtered buffalo to near extinction in america is consistent for why israel is bombing, uprooting and burning the olive trees in palestine. over 100 years later and the tactics for control and genocide are the same. tell me again about how america has learnt from it's past and people need to stop talking about it as they fund and support israel by once again making the oppressed out to be ruthless and an evil that needs to be stomped out. "savages" has become "terrorists" because history will repeat itself right in front of our eyes and those people who claim to be disgusted by that history will stand by and watch it happen again with pride.
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antiph · 11 months
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Not just enabling genocide. Outright participating in it despite worldwide protests.
Insanely evil.
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