anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
Thank you for continuing to speak up about this horrid show that continues to plague our society and our children’s minds after so many years. For even though I am a grown ass adult I still devote most of my time to watching every last episode of this garbage children’s show so I can tell everyone on the internet exactly why it is awful and why they should not like it. It’s not always easy, but people like you help me persevere. Keep spreading the truth!
Adults who watch this Steven Universe just to criticise it for how bad it is are TRULY braver than any US Marine
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU crit no 80
People get so up in arms about cultural appropriation but i haven't seen anyone speak up about how two GAY ALIENS appropriated STRAIGHT HUMAN culture just because they felt like it!!
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU Crit no 42
Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding rings don’t even match!! Does the Crewniverse just not care anymore? They’re obviously making it clear that they don’t actually give a shit about real lesbian representation. REAL lesbians would at least make sure the rings matched.
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
Jasper is a Gillian who tried killing Steven multiple times but.... I don’t WANT her to be a villain??? Crewniverse FIX IT
theres a very simple fix for this which is just that Jasper is a Gemini but clearly the crewniverse are too dense to realise it and wrote themselves into a corner :/
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU is officially canceled because they made a complex female character with deep flaws yet still admirable goals and have consistently shown how even heros can be selfish and hurt the people closest to them and I want my money back. Who do they think they are? Childrens shows should only have heros that are 100% flawless or else our youth will be corrupted. Thanks, Rebecca
this is sad but true :(. The brains of the tiny children who watch this show are too danmng small to comprehend anything but the most vapid and paper-thin characters. Hopefully in the next few eps  we will find out that this was actually April Fools and pearl is just a grade A goofster but considering the show so far my hopes aren’t too high ://
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
Lapis sang a song in Can't Go Back and it was BEAUTIFUL, and this is NOT okay because Lapis is supposed to be DARK ANGSTY character for DARK ANGSTY people like me to project my own feelings onto, not a perfect opera star. Rebecca Sugar has personally sabotaged my coping strategy by giving a character she created the voice of an angel. Have some goddamn respect for the mental health of your fans, Sugar.
Exactly!! I want my dark, angsty characters to sound like SHIT when they sing!! More representation for people who can’t fuckin sing for shit!!
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU Crit 907
The creators of this show seriously dropped a twist that causes us to re-evaluate many of the shows prior events, NECESSITATING an entire rewatch! I don’t have the time, energy or patience to watch this awful television show for children yet again!!
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU Crit 7412
How DARE the crewniverse make a character we knew next-to-nothing about into a flawed, heck, even outright BAD person?? Rebecca you will hear from my Lawyer!
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU Crit no 83
Rose Quartz is a problematic character and I don’t like that 
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU Crit no 32
Pearl “shattering” Pink Diamond with a really big sword is clearly a metaphor for gay sex and I will NOT accept that on my television.
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
In one of the latest episodes of Stephoon Galaxy, garnet clearly addresses ‘Vidalia’ as, ‘Onion Mother’. This reduces her to nothing more than her race and promotes racis in the young impressionable youth! How dare Mrs Sugar allow this! People aren’t just their hairstyles! #wokeupsheeple
Justice for onion-coloured people!! And people with bad hair!!
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
anti-su-pro-logic crit 1. Too lazy to accurately number there criticism. Smh. Lazy millenials these days
Who needs math and numbers and counting and all that liberal nonsense when we have cartoons to criticize??
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anti-su-pro-logic · 6 years
SU crit 550
In the recent episode "Pool Hopping" Garnet becomes dangerously close to reestablishing lolrandom humour. If the kids watching were to catch on then we'd have to live through 2004 all over again and I can't, I just can't...
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anti-su-pro-logic · 7 years
SU crit 929
I cant believe CN thinks its okay to portray women like this
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she looks like she could kill me in one hit, is that the kind of message you want to send to kids?
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anti-su-pro-logic · 7 years
SU crit 3774
In the recap Rose Quartz opens by saying that humans we “don’t understand” should be defended, which is obviously coded language saying we should defend racists, bigots etc.
Extremely Uncool and Not Hip, childrens cartoon :/
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anti-su-pro-logic · 7 years
modern animation has gone so downhill :/ typical lazy millennial work ethic tbh
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this might be the worst su screenshot ive seen yet
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anti-su-pro-logic · 7 years
Su Crit no 24
I hate that Pink Diamond is small compared to the other Diamonds. I want to be vored by all the diamonds but how can I when I’m the same size as Pink Diamond?
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